Video of Missile Hitting the Pentagon?


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Aug 31, 2011 - 07:52pm PT

Read some of this and you'll get glimpse .....

It's 12,400-plus words and 39 pages long. Can't read it now. Can I trade you a future glimpse for a current hint?


Topic Author's Reply - Aug 31, 2011 - 07:56pm PT

You let too much of your emotions control your thoughts.

Instead of wasting your time here go do some work if really interested in this subject matter.

Spend a few years on it.

Not like most who read Popular mechanics and then are experts.

Go read the entire 911 commission report and the NIST drool.

Aug 31, 2011 - 08:04pm PT

If, gawd forbid, something goes wrong on your moon flight, can I have the $38,000,000 (USD) the Import/Export Bank of Nigeria owes you?

Good luck!


Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Aug 31, 2011 - 08:06pm PT

You let too much of your emotions control your thoughts.

Instead of wasting your time here go do some work if really interested in this subject matter.

Werner, normally I would concur on the research part before talking sh#t. But before the research, the mind runs through certain obvious parts of these attacks.

It appears obvious to me that Angry Arabs attacked the WTC. To me, that is pretty clear based on what I've read after the fact.

So, after that happend, why would the ? fire a cruise missile into the lead US military agency HQ, the Pentagon? It makes no sense for some US agency to do this.

Are you implying some other agent did this? Like, the same Angry Arabs?

Please answer why you'd think the US did this, who you suspect otherwise, and why people lept from the WTC as it burned.

The lack of answers to these question is very telling from the CT mob here.

Gym climber
Aug 31, 2011 - 08:15pm PT
Gene, that was a bitchen animation!

I say we morph that with the video in the OP and we'll have a winner!

Has someone theorized why the gov't would fire a cruise missile into it's military headquarters?

I'm no expert in these things, but from what the internet fortune tellers tell me...

The area of the Pentagon that was hit housed the accounting files. They were just getting ready to look into $2B that went missing (and here my memory fades a bit), from a project that Rummsfield was heading (or some such).

On Sept. 12, 2001, they completely forgot about the investigation into the $2B.

Now that might seem link chump-change to you or me, but to those guys, it's their lunch money.

A different question to ask: Why would the plane not hit the much easier side of the Pentagon (the one that was perfectly in line with the plane's approach) instead of making that wild-assed turning approach that Rox does such a good job of describing?

Silly of me to ask, I know cloe will have a spot-on answer up her sleeve. Here, how about this:

"The Pentagon is really hard to see when you're flying. But the new construction zone made a really easily identifiable target. You see, it had fresh paint."

Just kidding cloe. I love ya, and you know it.

Topic Author's Reply - Aug 31, 2011 - 08:17pm PT

On top of this page I gave the link to

Read it and quit asking questions.

Read it

Read it.

But none of you can because you're too fuking lazy ......

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Aug 31, 2011 - 08:20pm PT
Werner, who the f*#k is rschop from the DemocraticUnderground'? Why Should I take him seriously? I'll read it....hold on.

EDIT: I started reading it. It's Bullshit!!!!!

Gym climber
Aug 31, 2011 - 08:25pm PT
Bluey, why the hell should I read a report that was put together by a bunch of puppet stooges?

Stop the presses! I've just started reading the 9-11 Commission Report, and if I said it was bullsh#t, that'd be a lie because at least bullshit is worth something!
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Aug 31, 2011 - 08:30pm PT
My mistake. shouldn't have brought up the people standing in the opening.

I really want to know about the thermite residue. Did anyone disprove that?

Aug 31, 2011 - 08:30pm PT

Yes, I see a boeing. There is a tail sticking up in that photo.

That shot is from a conspiracy website, btw, not some illuminati run prop outfit.

But wtf do I know? I'm sure the dentist put a chip in my fillings, along with the flouride to brainwash me.

Topic Author's Reply - Aug 31, 2011 - 08:37pm PT
Bluey -- "Why Should I take him seriously?"

All the information this guys gives was right from the official 911 commission report.

The same guys you so believe and now say it's bullsh'it.

Like I said. It's right out from the 911 commission report itself.

But you're so smart you call your own understanding of 911 bullsh'it.

You've been owned .....

Aug 31, 2011 - 08:40pm PT
Much has been made that whatever hit the Pentagon took out the main DOD accounting offices. A $1.2 trillion shortfall has been suggested as a motive. I would suggest that (1) blaming the Clinton administration, which left 8 months prior to 9/11 &/or (2) cooking the books, would have been a much cleaner and more expedient way to solve this issue rather than blow up the freaking place. Book cooking was very popular back then. Enron. WorldCom, etc.

Was the attack on the Pentagon part and parcel of getting the US into an oil grabbing war, or just a convenient addendum to cover missing $$$?

{As if the DOD doesn’t have secure off-site storage of everything.}

Gym climber
Aug 31, 2011 - 08:41pm PT

Good one Werner!
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Aug 31, 2011 - 08:48pm PT
Would yall look at this video and tell me what you see in the first 20 seconds?

Scroll to the bottom. It is titled. 9/11.. remembering the jumpers.

Freeze it on the 19th second. What is going on in that frame? You only need to look at the first 20 seconds. The rest is pretty hard to watch.

Gym climber
Aug 31, 2011 - 08:51pm PT
{As if the DOD doesn’t have secure off-site storage of everything.}

Well you know, they did have all those video cameras on the side that was plowed into, and they said those didn't capture anything, so I wouldn't be so sure about off-site storage for their accounting files.

And yeah, $1.2T, now even to me that would mean something.

So why the crazy approach? Just showing off?
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Aug 31, 2011 - 08:57pm PT
I think I figured it out. Its a crazy angle and the north tower, which was hit first, is lined up with the south tower making it look like one building. If you scroll up you can see pictures that help understand that.

But it sure looks like the building is on fire and then something hits it. Weirdness.

Gym climber
Aug 31, 2011 - 09:01pm PT
John, I had to watch that a few times, a lot happens in the 19th second.

But yes, it certainly looks weird when the plane hits the building. If you freeze it just right, [it appears] there are no wings. And when it enters the building, there are no outlines of the wings in the building.

I once found this wild video that claimed all sorts of graphic manipulation was done to make it look like planes hit the buildings. I don't give those ideas much credence.

However, part of the video showed all the different news networks, here and abroad, with anchors talking live about what was going on. The weird thing is they all had the same back drop, even through they were obviously standing in different locations. The implication was that all news networks were using a feed that was given to them. Hard to explain, and I've not been able to find the video again.
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Aug 31, 2011 - 09:02pm PT
What was weirder to me was that it looks like one building, and that the building is already on fire when it is hit.

If you full screen it and scroll back and forth between 19 and 22 seconds and can see that it is two buildings. It weirded me out there for a minute.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Aug 31, 2011 - 09:43pm PT
You guys will not take a stab at my posed questions?

And yet you continue the side-dilemmas....

Gym climber
Aug 31, 2011 - 09:43pm PT

He came back,
This time for me.
On the 110th floor I was so close to God
I could almost grab his beard.
Never before has heaven been this close to hell.
I can feel its fire on the floors below
Raising ash and paper and smoke
Thick as Satan's laughter.
At the window, shattered,
I look for salvation and he tempts me,
Dares me to jump,
Whispering a psalm in my ear
He spits as he speaks:
"He will bid his angels watch over you.
With their hands they will support you."
I mumble "Amen,"
Close my eyes and sense the rush of air.
I cannot breathe until I finally feel
Those hands of angels
Hard as cement against my face.

by Doug Seubert

Yeah, that video was, um, indescribable. Brings it right home.

I remember watching a documentary on The Photo, and what it took to print it.

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