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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 13, 2014 - 09:52am PT
At the karajoke assembly last night there was a gentleman named like the dude on the nickel postcard below.
This young man's a UCM student.
He knows what it is that he would love to do is to teach in a high cchool.
He's majoring in ge-OG-ra-fee (oh-ca-TEA-yo) and wants nothing more than a monthly/mostly good paycheck to pursue his dream of being a high school geography teacher.

I believe he'll be a geography teacher, but don't believe it will be in a high school. Few offer the course any longer, for it is taught at JC level--I aced it but I needed a study partner, (read grade whore rival who took you to school each day in his Datsun performance vehicle) as a science course, and I know a geo teacher from Merced College who taught several sections of the same course daily for years and year. Mrs. GPS was a Girl Scoutist, a rugged individualisette, who trucked ALL THE WAY into AFg in '93, then came to Merced to teach mice like me.

Go Mo Graphy.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 13, 2014 - 01:50pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]Pretty nice.

Have a good cry.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 13, 2014 - 02:05pm PT
Take zBrown. Take Throwpie.

They're lookin' like Twin Falls, sentimental bastions...

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Not to be too crude or appear juvenile, it's not cool and I won't go there.

But my next-door neighbor on Olive used a term for my older brother's Johnnie Mathis albums. He called it "humpin' music."

Enjoy the video and the tune and the skinny-dip.

And please, if you are out on the hills north of town walking with yer lady, showin' her how to use that new bobcat call, and you come to the tank, and it's not too brownish-green, and ya strip down, and so on,

Use that propeller tactic in the pond...'nuf said.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 13, 2014 - 10:13pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Hey there all,
Cyril sez this is for BooDawg and his tribe of rainbows in Parimosa.

[Click to View YouTube Video]Captain NorScully,
you are required to grab some dough and head fo Singapo,

ZZooop-zzooopping all the way. Aloha!!

A little street in El Portal...

Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Feb 14, 2014 - 12:57pm PT
Sometimes I feel like just another mouseketeer in the Army of Merced.

Man are my ears ringin' and eyes stingin'. Power Trio joins Jimi.

Going down to Fennario I heard of this guy who has sued both Dennis Rodman and Larry Flynt. Actually met the fellow.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 14, 2014 - 02:00pm PT
I wondered about Dire Wolves in a funny-ass dream I had a while back.

I woke and did started a new topical thread:
Dreaming in Sepia Tones (Way OT).

I think.

Is it dark and bloody?

We may be playing twenty questions soon.

I had this golden image of Denio's.

C'est la vie, c'est the old folks' home for me with memory loss enhanced by CRS.

[Click to View YouTube Video]I loved the commercial I had to watch to get to watch this video. Sacrifice it up, Mouse. Otay, if you say, Mr. Boss.

Let's go to the old folks home...the one in Oakhurst TM was gonna found for the LSEDFS (this was Long Ago, I think, but the memory loss...woe, woe, woe.)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, mule!!!!--Tom Jones, Wales and Las Vegas

[Click to View YouTube Video]

How to have vast amounts of fun with Drive-L.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 14, 2014 - 02:54pm PT
A mouse and a camera in the early pearly of the fateful valentine's day of 2014.
Base of the East Face of the Merced Theater, aka the Silver Screen Wall.
Lake Municipal Parking is free, and so is the sunsight.
"It's Chinatown, Jake."
Well, at least this place has decent chow mein and a cheapish business lunch. Around the corner and down Martin Luther King, Jr., BoulderYard from the Merced Theater tower.
A good meal with the wife or GF:
Where we take our darlings for dinner tonight means something,
namely memories and a good meal and maybe a movie worth seeing.
This used to be the Lemon Grass, a mediocre joint,
but my gut tells me that Gangbock is a capital place to dine.
Again, a short walk to the movies.
Taken from the same place, in Cinemouscope and, technically, colorized, but look at the super-spectacular, Oscar-worthy results.
"Four STARS, TWO thumbs up!!!!"--SickSkill & zBert
It is time.


Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Feb 14, 2014 - 10:37pm PT
getcher hands offa me (shoes by Locker)

"I told ya home boyz"

[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2014 - 01:21pm PT
The finger of fate touches us all. Can't touch that.

Lembert D. knows.
So I showed him the new shoes I got for a flamenco dancer we all know. Size eights.I took him down the street and he ended up buying a little something for his sister, a charm for her cable bracelet.
He got a great bargain, I think. At least he felt not so lonely.
The water cracks, he said, are from his tears, not the rain.BELIEVE IT OR NOT!
Can't wear these. Too small for my feet. I wobble even if I'm sober. Pickled fate.
Lemme help, said Lembert. I took his hand and he lifted me up. He's one of my best friends now.
I have a shot of him, he doesn't know I took it.
More naked city stories, the view from the Moussolini Balcony, coming soon to this theater.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2014 - 01:41pm PT
As Asturias goes, so goes all Espana.[Click to View YouTube Video]So I've heard.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2014 - 01:51pm PT
Magenta warning. Heavy commentary on grid-bolting. For shame, ya drill-crazy pathetic ego on legs.

Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Feb 15, 2014 - 03:38pm PT
They were a hardy lot, these boyz.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2014 - 03:52pm PT
Nice, Monsieur zBrujo, he said archly.

I preferred Tom Swift, but Mike was the one who got to receive those as yearly presents from Nana & Grandad. I settled for what came, like matchbooks for my collection.

What else would you expect me to collect? I'm a Flame. I'm a pyromaniac.

I burned out the front seat of their car. I set ants afire in their nest. I was a Cub/Boy/Explorer Scout, an altar boy, the winner of the 8th Grade "Religion Prize," a leather-covered daily missal. I was a bad little kid on the side, all the same.

Nana taught me to cheat at pinochle and to accessorize like I mean it.Real Roper 4th class, none of that pussy rope sh#t. And no chalk bag, neither.

Where can one rent a pink rope, seventy meters, and biners, on the way to Yosemite Valley?

At Mouse's Middle Earth Climbing and Hiking and Fauxto Shoppe, that's where.

Bienvenidows to the Ditch, Gianfranco and friend.

Aloha, even.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2014 - 04:06pm PT
I believe we just had a request, of sorts, from a well-known phan of phish.

I was delighted to know that they love light humor in the ocean;
even in the depths of the deepest trench are dreams and dancing.

Psilocyborg, phone home, pink emergency telephone in the lobby.

The best shot of the moon I will ever have taken is yet to come.

I give you Tom Evans' really nice try at shooting the moon.
Boomer could give you lessons, mix the drinks, and sing you a Danny Boy you'd never forget, if only...

[Click to View YouTube Video]I whish to thank you, sir.

Ultimo jams are card to hum by.He told me that generally Luke's not there. He's in Whereitsatistan this month, by way of Illandya and Nuevo Espana del norte.

He wanted to look at my yeti helmet, but I told him no, that it was charmed. If it were to be touched by a non-climber, I would never come to Nirvana.

I would rather listen to the STones, than Nirvana, any day. Any color of day.

After all, the dreams and dancing are free, wherever heaven is at the moment, there it is. It's a dream state, see? Big Picture, visions abound, golden kazoos are all around. Magic,, WasserBergen.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2014 - 04:40pm PT
I've never landed on the moon, myself.

I'll check with Bossy over there.

She knows pasture grass from homogenitalia, but she's never been to Paris.

She fum Soufamerica.

Which part?

Souf Texas.

Another question: How many words are in the Bible? (As long as we have Micher on the brain, but there will always be Alaska.)

According to
Number of OT Words (Hebrew) = 306,375
Number of NT Words (Greek) = 138,020 (cf. New Testament Statistics )
Total Number of Words = 444,395. Note that 444,395 = 666.6 x 666.659,
almost the perfect square of 666.6.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2014 - 05:56pm PT
THAT is funny, funny, funny, funny, funny, and you know what else?

There is nothing else.

Good luck being "here" when you are gamboling, MoosterRoosterGooster.

That lucky mutt has money to gamble?

I was sitting in the place at the bar. The elk dribbled in my Angry Orchard and I quivered with rage as I drew a bow and arrow and then he did it again and I just said screw this and walked home. STill angry.

Rsin is the new guy here. He emailed me. He's otay, just banned for life.

Let the chips fall!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where, you ast.

At the Firefall Wall Paint STore.

Watch the paint dry in spectacular settings with now our best hay there chairs.

Graffiti privilege cards!!!!!!!!

Picture postal cards!!!!!!!!!

Autographied old souls from Lobber's Locker City--robbings haan to pay roll and warn harding of the dangers of sitting too close to werner.

This is a pratie, this is a dicksow, this is just foolin' around, Wyatt.

Did you know that WARsaw is impacted with poles on hermits and it's reached epicdemic probation?
The same seeems to be happening here, but I am not positive.

I am not afraid, I'm afraid I'm constant, though, and know I'm a regular guy.--John of leCar

Some foreigners have to advertise here, they ran out of space in the County Times. Continuum. They hired me to cannext their minglish, since I yam norwegian and a mild and hazy sky.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2014 - 06:12pm PT
LeapForMilk was here, Wasson.

hey there, jose, my name is chuckson. i'm from oslow.


go slower

well, now i'm a north sea fan, but this is weird, like you've done a sea change

i balm the whine

yes, that's waht i wahted to say, rrugently, that some1 spillee some whine

oh, no

yes, frazier crane would have a fit

he looked good in those pink stilletos from michael antonis yesterday before the band took effect

yes, yes he did

perhaps he spilled this whine

you bet your like, groucho[Click to View YouTube Video]

Life suchs when it is suck fun with herniated back and chicken shack. uh, but. chilkend butts, long ones, black ones especial, lee.

ignore mE.
not here now

if any sinner were cast at the feet of the redeemer, say, like rSin, Ii know not not what would happen

it's not 4 me to judge his actions

i can report on them

he's an urgent need to be kind and helpful to undergods

let's leave him under the guise of heroes and tiptoe because gossip is a sin, we KNOW THAT MUCH

Urgency, so he butts in and slams things around the way rock stars and their bitches party, MeesterHardy.

Fine guy, when you bother talking to him and he cottons to you.

This IS the voice of experience, bradcoasting in depth journalism of the air.
[Click to View YouTube Video]Bitches. Can't live with them.

The short, sucky life of the artist formerly know as JJ, rSin, and as a humble climber who wants privileged people to f*#k off and die.

I see no problem, for it's his thing, not mine, his way, not my way.

Prisoner of my own, knowing the danger zone.

But I won't do THAT!

[Click to View YouTube Video]

"Danger Zones Rolling STones
Jimmy Jones Beatle Bones
Yer all Guyans die!!!!!!!!!!"
-rSin's last words, there will be no "Resting In Peace" and no revolution the week after next

cuz why mouse

cuz I LIKED him too much

the Rev has not been cancelled, just the revolution
the graffiti privilege for sure
and TV privileges are definitely restricted and changed to daytime IV only

This is all for love of Dillis Millis, the consummate mimic, the stridey bastion.

I miss him.

I will miss rSin but not so much, not nearly so much.

Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Feb 15, 2014 - 07:17pm PT
Well those shoes are Michele's favorite color (he said admiringly).

Did the OTC (Olympic Training Center ) - Otay Regional Park loop today (he said circumspectly) and the Flame was still burning (he said brightly).

It was rather dry (he said aridly).

Damn, that car's on fire (he said heatedly).


Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Feb 15, 2014 - 09:08pm PT
Got mashed potatoes, ain't got no T-Bone (he said hungrily).

Say what?

Ain't got no T-Bone (he said repeatedly).

[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2014 - 11:07pm PT
STILL-WAITING. (patiently)
NOT-RAINING. (pissily)
Women's eight. Sober or not. (sidways & infinitely)

Something's up. (phishily)
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