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Trad climber
The Dark Side
Sep 3, 2018 - 07:13pm PT
My Russian trolls have succumbed to fatigue
so they sent me in the stir it up

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 3, 2018 - 08:28pm PT
How were the Needles?
the Fet

Sep 3, 2018 - 11:01pm PT
it might be so damaging the even hard line Republicans would turn against him.

It would be a purely political calculation. If the evidence is bad enough that the republican base turns against trump then the senate republicans will impeach to save their jobs in the next election. If the evidence is there but the base doesn’t turn the senate won’t impeach even if they know he’s guilty.

What’s been surprising and sad to me is that I thought the majority of the Republican base were reasonable and wanted honesty and justice. I thought only the far right would put up with racism, sexism, and constant lies and abuses of justice, but it seems many in their base will put up with all of that as long as their agenda is being advanced. Really disappointing. So I doubt Trump will be impeached because they choose to believe his lies rather than believe in truth and justice.

Sep 4, 2018 - 07:51am PT

It would be a purely political calculation. If the evidence is bad enough that the republican base turns against trump then the senate republicans will impeach to save their jobs in the next election. If the evidence is there but the base doesn’t turn the senate won’t impeach even if they know he’s guilty.

What’s been surprising and sad to me is that I thought the majority of the Republican base were reasonable and wanted honesty and justice. I thought only the far right would put up with racism, sexism, and constant lies and abuses of justice, but it seems many in their base will put up with all of that as long as their agenda is being advanced. Really disappointing. So I doubt Trump will be impeached because they choose to believe his lies rather than believe in truth and justice.

I would take it a step further and say that a significant number of republicans support authoritarianism. They might give lip service to democratic principles, but they prefer strongmen. That has been eye opening for me.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 4, 2018 - 09:13am PT
tut...thanks for the link...trump is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and take the republican party with him...disturbing and sad for the rest of America and maybe not so much for the half-wits that support him...

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Sep 4, 2018 - 09:56am PT

On Monday, Nike announced that that former San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick would be the new face of its long-running “Just Do It” campaign. By Monday afternoon, Trump supporters began destroying their own clothes.

Trumpists spent the evening cutting up their own socks, rending their own shirts, setting fire to their own shoes and, of course, making videos of the whole thing so that they could show how they owned the liberals. By destroying their own stuff. That they already paid for. This follows in the proud tradition of Trumpists blowing up Yeti coolers when they thought Yeti had stopped being adequately supportive of the NRA. Because there’s nothing that shows righteous anger like … destroying inanimate objects that you own. It’s like taking your ball and going home. Then blowing up the ball.

...Trump has from the beginning attempted to appropriate a protest designed to highlight racial injustice and used it to increase racial injustice by inflaming racial hatred. This is not a new thing. It’s precisely the kind of action taken during the Civil Rights movement by politicians who pointed to black protests as a clear sign that they needed to be even more abusive to blacks.

Not surprisingly, Fox News has been running with this story almost 24/7 since the Nike announcement. There is now nothing more important than who is in a shoe company commercial, and nothing more beautiful than people taking a pair of scissors to their socks.

But at least for the moment, the images of Trumpists smugly snickering over their own shoe-bonfires is enormously amusing.

Sep 4, 2018 - 10:01am PT
Bob Woodward’s new book will stir the pot. Among many gems is this:

The book vividly recounts the ongoing debate between Trump and his lawyers about whether the president would sit for an interview with Mueller. On March 5, Dowd and Trump attorney Jay Sekulow met in Mueller’s office with the special counsel and his deputy, James Quarles, where Dowd and Sekulow reenacted Trump’s January practice session.

Dowd then explained to Mueller and Quarles why he was trying to keep the president from testifying: “I’m not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot. And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, ‘I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?’ ”

“John, I understand,” Mueller replied, according to Woodward.

Later that month, Dowd told Trump: “Don’t testify. It’s either that or an orange jumpsuit.”

But Trump, concerned about the optics of a president refusing to testify and convinced that he could handle Mueller’s questions, had by then decided otherwise.

“I’ll be a real good witness,” Trump told Dowd, according to Woodward.

“You are not a good witness,” Dowd replied. “Mr. President, I’m afraid I just can’t help you.”

The next morning, Dowd resigned.
August West

Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Sep 4, 2018 - 10:17am PT
I would take it a step further and say that a significant number of republicans support authoritarianism. They might give lip service to democratic principles, but they prefer strongmen. That has been eye opening for me.

I read an interesting article a while back. The researchers came to the conclusion that around 20~30% of any given population has a strong preference for law-and-order strongmen even at the expense of democracy and social justice. This percentage was similar across a lot of groups despite the culture/society. Now whether a strongman was actually popular came down to "swing" supporters and that had a lot to do with society: stability, crime/violence, economics, nationalism, etc...

Republicans were trending this direction before Trump, and economic insecurity helps ramp it up, but Trump has done a lot of damage to our institutions and norms that normally fight back against this and help protect democracy and social justice.

And another random example of a blow to political norms, Republican candidates for national office are far more comfortable using racial slurs against opponents then they were just a few, short years ago.

some eastside hovel
Sep 4, 2018 - 10:39am PT
Trump disciples are a sad lot. It's more like a cult than a political party.

The Wastelands
Sep 4, 2018 - 11:26am PT
Voters elected President Donald Trump to lead the nation, but Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear: Trump in the White House,” describes the White House as “an administrative coup d’etat” and a “nervous breakdown” of the executive branch.

According to an excerpt from the book published in the Washington Post on Tuesday, administration staffers often have to engage in stealthy behavior to prevent Trump from being impulsive and to minimize disasters that could hurt the president and the country. In some cases, senior aides would reportedly pluck official papers from Trump’s desk before he could sign them.

White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly frequently lost his temper, telling colleagues he thought the president was “unhinged,” according to Woodward.

In one meeting, Kelly reportedly said Trump was “an idiot,” and it was “pointless to try to convince him of anything.”

“He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown. I don’t even know why any of us are still here.

Woodward's new book will be out Sept 11, google for excerpts

from out where the anecdotes roam
Sep 4, 2018 - 12:35pm PT
sure made the case that the corporate fix is in, and has captured the roberts court already:

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 4, 2018 - 01:04pm PT
Tidbits from Woodward's book.
"He's an idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails. We're in crazytown," Kelly is quoted as saying at a staff meeting in his office. "I don't even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I've ever had."

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 4, 2018 - 01:12pm PT
and more...
Defense Secretary James Mattis describes Trump as having the understanding of "a fifth or sixth grader." And Trump's former personal lawyer John Dowd describes the President as "a f*#king liar," telling Trump he would end up in an "orange jump suit" if he testified to special counsel Robert Mueller.
The number of people willing to come on these threads in support of Trump is down to just a few.

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Sep 4, 2018 - 01:43pm PT
More from Bob Woodward's new book on the madman in the White House.

Pulitzer Prize winning writer Bob Woodward's 448-page book, "Fear: Trump in the White House," provides an unprecedented inside-the-room look through the eyes of the President's inner circle. From the Oval Office to the Situation Room to the White House residence, Woodward uses confidential background interviews to illustrate how some of the President's top advisers view him as a danger to national security and have sought to circumvent the commander in chief.

Many of the feuds and daily clashes have been well documented, but the picture painted by Trump's confidants, senior staff and Cabinet officials reveal that many of them see an even more alarming situation — worse than previously known or understood. Woodward offers a devastating portrait of a dysfunctional Trump White House, detailing how senior aides — both current and former Trump administration officials — grew exasperated with the President and increasingly worried about his erratic behavior, ignorance and penchant for lying.

Chief of staff John Kelly describes Trump as an "idiot" and "unhinged," Woodward reports. Defense Secretary James Mattis describes Trump as having the understanding of "a fifth or sixth grader." And Trump's former personal lawyer John Dowd describes the President as "a f*#king liar," telling Trump he would end up in an "orange jump suit" if he testified to special counsel Robert Mueller.

Woodward also quotes an unnamed White House official who gave an even more dire assessment of the meeting: "It seems clear that many of the president's senior advisers, especially those in the national security realm, are extremely concerned with his erratic nature, his relative ignorance, his inability to learn, as well as what they consider his dangerous views."

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 4, 2018 - 03:40pm PT
Here is more proof that a medieval border wall is not going to stop illegal entry from Mexico into the United States.

A Cancun resident stowed away within a tourist's airline luggage, and was discovered by the Foster City woman only after returned home and opened her suitcase. She said she found the young, undocumented male hiding in her underwear.

The juvenile was immediately turned over to authorities, who are detaining him at a government facility for those like himself.

Ice climber
Sep 4, 2018 - 06:20pm PT

CRIME 09/04/2018 05:37 pm ET
Stolen Ruby Red Slippers From ‘Wizard Of Oz’ Found By FBI After 13 Years

Sometimes it takes a while

“We are still working to ensure that we have identified all parties involved in both the initial theft and the more recent extortion attempt for their return,” Dudley said. “This is very much an active investigation.”

Did someone Just say shades of Bill Cosby?

Sep 4, 2018 - 06:32pm PT
It’s hilarious how trump called sessions a “dumb southerner” considering that his base largely comes from the south.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 4, 2018 - 09:30pm PT
Good call Mighty...

Trad climber
Sep 5, 2018 - 07:05am PT
Twits of Twitter show their smarts

Who is she? What’s up with the white power sign? @MSNBC

I backed up my recording to confirm and she totally did this. 1:20 pm eastern. What in the hell...

Kavanaugh’s former law clerk Zina Bash is flashing a white power sign behind him during his Senate confirmation hearing. They literally want to bring white supremacy to the Supreme Court. What a national outrage and a disgrace to the rule of law.

What fresh hell is this!!!???
Kavanaugh’s assistant Zina Bash giving the white power sign right behind him during the hearing? This alone should be disqualify!!!

— Amy Siskind (@Amy_Siskind) September 4, 2018

They'd fit right in on The Taco.

Sep 5, 2018 - 07:22am PT
Lot of class the Demoncrats are showing at the Kavanaugh hearings. That is the only way they know how to deal with things so I guess it shouldn't surprise

Why are trump’s senate cronies hiding documents? That is the only way republicans know how to deal with things so I guess it shouldn't surprise
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