Yep...ANOTHER mass shooting.


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Social climber
the Wastelands
Dec 15, 2012 - 12:55pm PT
Huckabee says the reason for this violence is because god has been removed from many aspects of life.

I thought god was always around, all knowing, all seeing.

What's up with that, Huck?
Lynne Leichtfuss

Sport climber
moving thru
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:03pm PT
Read a few more posts this morning and couldn't read anymore. Sitting at my desk with tears.

Do only a handful here get it? We don't need bitter words, accusations and name calling right now. We need to hurt with the people hurting. We need, as Lilabiene put it, to be drops that add up to a body of healing.

For God sakes do something positive......lynne

Trad climber
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:11pm PT
Locker, I've got these guns, I know the difference. And this kid had tried to purchase a .223 from a store, they wouldn't give it to him that day because of the waiting period, etc. The law worked there. Then he went and committed a crime by killing someone to get their guns in order to commit another crime. The laws were already in place to refuse him a gun, and it worked. How would you have changed that law which did what you say it should do? You wouldn't. Your post didn't apply to reality in this case. It applies to theory where you live maybe, but not in this state.

What Huckabee is saying is that they don't allow prayer in schools, removed 10 commandments and other things from other schools for whatever reasons, he is playing off that old controversy.


Trad climber
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:15pm PT

Assult weapons by a liberal classification would mean that the Remingon 870 dressed in black or camo would be restricted vs. a Remington 870 with a wood stock.

I don't know why you can't see that is what Ron is getting at - maybe you don't know much about guns?

I'm neither, I live in a country that doesn't divide people by pro or anti into blue and red groups. But I lived in yours for 10 years and can see how both side close their eyes to problems to stay on their side's pre-determined agendas.

Dec 15, 2012 - 01:16pm PT
Of course we know what Ron is trying to do, confuse.

Sometimes adults have to draw black lines in grey areas.

Assault weapons lists have been created, both state and federal. There will always be apparent contradictions around the edges. Should we throw them out because perfection is not possible?

Trad climber
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:18pm PT
One look at Remington's website and you would no longer be confused.

Liberals would say the first one is OK and would restrict the second. In Canada, they restricted the magazine for Reuger 10/22's because it looks like a banana. So we buy from Butler Creek because they weren't smart enough to realize there are knock offs.

If you have politicians and citizens as smart as that in your country too, you will not solve anything!

Trad climber
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:26pm PT
Bruce, our culture for the past 50 years has been so fundamentally different in hundreds of ways that even if we could carry the 2 classes of guns that the US can, we wouldn't have the problems they have today.

Trad climber
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:32pm PT
Wow jghedge, I didn't think that there were actually Americans with that train of thought yet. OK then!
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:41pm PT
Hey both Rons, sorry to confuse you both. I wasn't sure. My sincere apologies. Sometimes, on the internet, when we are not communicating face to face, things get misconstrued.

Jennie is having a bad hair day, so to speak. Okay, she is really confabulating. The public health nurse and her doctors are not too worried. I am the one freaking out. But then, I am her carer, and partner. I do worry.

So when an issue like the shootings come up, I feel queasy, to the point where I called the Samaritans, just to talk with somebody about the issue. The woman I spoke with said that actually both in the UK and Ireland, people have called in about the Sandy Hook shootings. It is a disturbing event.

Unfortunately, I have no answers. People who want guns will get them. An armed teacher? To stop the head case? I doubt it.

We know that it is not just about the US, but it seems that most of the shooting incidents are in the US. And it is not the fact that God and religion are not taught in schools, like a couple of politicians say.

There is a break down some where. I don't know where. And those 20 dead children will never know.
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:44pm PT
I might be simplistic to blame one thing here.

While the efficiency of the tools count, and the side effects of psych meds could be a factor, I still think the rampant gun violence depicted in Movies and TV condition us to view using guns as flexing our power.

and I see that motivating these mass killers. They are showing us how powerful they are.



from a few pages back

Now handguns have become a phalic symbol for every physically and mentally challenged American male....pack one under the front seat of your monster truck and all those nagging self doubts will disappear.. .Handguns are now idolized along as is the violence that goes with them...They have become toys and status symbols for the macho and rarely used in self-defense..

The Granite State.
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:47pm PT
Would solve the problem. Talking about which of your penis-substitutes has a wood stock, or whatever, is idiotic.

A lot of folks where I live hunt. It's a part of our culture.

I'm all for tighter regulations, but an outright ban will never happen. How are we going to get our deer? Elk? Antelope? Fowl?

Dec 15, 2012 - 01:55pm PT
(Please let's not go into the "but we need it to take on the military" argument - what a joke.)

The data is pretty clear as regards opposing an organized military force. IED's and suicide bombs are much more effective.

I know the suicide bomb lacks the feeling of invulnerability making guns, at least superficially, attractive. A thoughtful person need only look at the trauma experienced by our returning veterans to disabuse one of that trivial belief.

Guns give one a sense of being able to project great power over a distance large enough to allow one to feel untouchable. Very seductive. But the reality is quite different. I understand the first rule for a sniper is always to change position. There's a reason.

Trad climber
The rock doesn't care what I think
Dec 15, 2012 - 01:58pm PT
Dirge without Music

Edna St. Vincent Millay

I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the hard ground.
So it is, and so it will be, for so it has been, time out of mind:
Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely. Crowned
With lilies and with laurel they go; but I am not resigned.
Lovers and thinkers, into the earth with you.
Be one with the dull, the indiscriminate dust.
A fragment of what you felt, of what you knew,
A formula, a phrase remains, --- but the best is lost.

The answers quick & keen, the honest look, the laughter, the love,
They are gone. They have gone to feed the roses. Elegant and curled
Is the blossom. Fragrant is the blossom. I know. But I do not approve.
More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world.

Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Dec 15, 2012 - 02:16pm PT
We just don't get it. We've totally turned from God, we can't pray in public, we strip all evidence of God from our culture, and then we say, we can be better than this. No we can't, this is us without God.

I beg to disagree, this is us operating under the delusion of way too much god. And speaking of god - where was he? And THAT was his plan for those children? Please keep your god delusions to yourself.
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Dec 15, 2012 - 02:17pm PT
Cragman wrote: We just don't get it. We've totally turned from God,(bullshit) we can't pray in public, (Bullshit) we strip all evidence of God from our culture,(bullshit) and then we say, we can be better than this. No we can't, this is us without God. (and Bullshit again)

Ok..Mike Huckabee!!

For christ sakes man...what type of perverted god do you believe in??

Wade Icey

Trad climber
Dec 15, 2012 - 02:26pm PT
We just don't get it. We've totally turned from God, we can't pray in public, we strip all evidence of God from our culture, and then we say, we can be better than this. No we can't, this is us without God.

This is why we shouldn't allow prayer in schools

who are WE?

YOU speak for yourself Crag. no one else.

Edit:Think we just got trolled from the SuperPulpit.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Dec 15, 2012 - 02:32pm PT
Well stated, Ron Anderson

Wade Icey

Trad climber
Dec 15, 2012 - 02:37pm PT
Well stated, Norton.

Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Dec 15, 2012 - 02:52pm PT
I have three beautiful children, a beautiful wife that has share the last 38 years together with me, I have a beautiful dog and get to hike in the beautiful hills with her around my house.

I don't live in hell.

Social climber
So Cal
Dec 15, 2012 - 02:53pm PT
An other interpretation of this would be that drugs were used as an alternative to commitment with tragic consequence.

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