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Social climber
Ventura, CA
Aug 27, 2015 - 11:04am PT
Thanks for the great tour of the show Marty! You rock!
Aug 27, 2015 - 11:45am PT
That is a lot of work posting all that, you are in your own little swagtopia. I will have to save the rest for a sick day. Whew! Thanks for posting
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Aug 27, 2015 - 12:15pm PT
I see myself at the comp...too funny...
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 18, 2015 - 06:56am PT
Its time again for the USA Climbing ABS comp! Actually a few things have changed for fall 2015 and with USA Climbing there is no more ABS (American Bouldering Series) and SCS (Sport Climbing Series). The names have been changed to the USA Climbing Bouldering competition and USA Climbing Sport and Speed competition. The USA Climbing logo has also been changed which is reflected on the award ribbons. The award ribbons are only First through Sixth place, dropping the 7th place ribbon. We just hosted a local USA Climbing Bouldering competition at the Phoenix Rock Gym which had 87 competitors. It is amazing to watch these youth kids sending all of the boulder problems up to V10 ratings.
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 23, 2015 - 08:24am PT
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 23, 2015 - 08:27am PT
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 3, 2015 - 03:49pm PT
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 3, 2015 - 04:07pm PT
Time again for the Flagstaff Roof Rally at Priest Draw, presented by the Beta Bouldering Gym AZ. Totally awesome comp! 6 hours of climbing on super cool limestone roof boulders, perfect weather. Awards for ages and open - local and non local. Raffle, beer, award ceremony and pancake breakfast the following morning. Great fun and big THANKS to Beta Bouldering Gym for hosting the event!
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 31, 2015 - 11:01am PT
Ashley from AZ on the Rocks climbing gym in Scottsdale donated her old stock of USA Climbing ribbons to the Karabin Museum. Totally awesome!!! I have stacks of these ribbons already but I will gladly take more and more of them so don't throw them away, donate them to the museum! There are a few gems in this lot for sure! THANKS Ashley! I also seek the old JCCA ribbons if anybody has any.
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 31, 2015 - 01:19pm PT
This is an older style SCS medal from the Regionals competition.
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - May 19, 2016 - 10:40pm PT
Wow I haven't been on this thread for a while!
First order of business is thanking Maxim for the awesome 9.5 x 70m Yellow Jacket rope. I won the drawing for the rope at the summer 2015 OR show.
-And a huge HUG too!
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - May 19, 2016 - 10:42pm PT
From the chalky depths behind the walls of the Phoenix Rock Gym (aka employee storage), I retrieved the Climbing Dynamics climbing hold molds and brought them home to the museum. The Climbing Dynamics company was created by artist Chris Raypole around 1990. Chris shaped the holds, made the molds, sold the holds, and then also built climbing walls and structures in various places in the USA. The top rope areas and bouldering areas at the Phoenix Rock Gym were painted by Chris, and Chris also built the upstairs bouldering area. One of my first climbing competitions that I got last place in was on a Raypole built wall at Club Fit gym in north Phoenix. Chris is a AZ local legend who has sent 5.13s and took first place at many bouldering competitions. Today Chris still dabbles in the arts creating incredible ceramic masterpieces.
Chris started another company named Broken Wheel, which was a creation of hand carved magnets. I have the display stand instructions available but the display holder and magnets are in the display case at the rock gym.
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - May 19, 2016 - 11:21pm PT
Price comparison on chalk balls, REI store shelf........
Friction Labs is $10.00 more than the others because Friction Labs is a "Magic chalk ball."
Gym climber
Small Town with a Big Back Yard
May 19, 2016 - 11:29pm PT
Just wanted to repost the OP, since it has gotten kinda lost in the process.
Amazing journey, Marty.
Since 2001 I have been experiencing spiritual awakening and now it has escalated to the highest level. I knew this was within me since I was a young child but nobody would believe me and most, even priests, thought I was delusional. I knew of things that the church does not tell people or maybe the church slightly misunderstood what Jesus was trying to teach us. I escaped all of my doubters by running to Arizona's vast desert, getting away from the church, and smoked a lot of pot to rid myself of the spirits. I lived my life in partial confusion but at the same time have met many thousands of the most incredible people you can meet. These people are a big hearted family of rock climbers.
In 2001 I was going through a divorce where I was crushed having two babies and the family being torn apart. I visited a doctor who gave me an experimental drug to ease my pain. I only asked for sleeping pills but this was what I was given instead. Over a two week period this drug caused heart spikes where my heart would stop, and moments later would start again. The drug was called Remeron. At first nobody believed me but eventually many experienced me passing out and they saw that I was not lying. The doctor still insisted that I continue taking the drug even though my Xwife was on the phone yelling at his office explaining that I was right then having a heart attack on the floor. I insisted seeing the doctor again and on my visit I had another heart spike in his office. When I woke I was in the hospital hooked up to monitors and other machines. I could see in my doctors eyes that he was very scared at not listening to what many had tried to tell him. I like my doctor and knew that this would eventually all be returned to normal. During one of the heart spikes I found myself in a dark tunnel with a very bright light in the distance. A figure appeared in the tunnel and I had a short conversation with this man? I am certain it was not Jesus but was a spirit. This spirit comically explained that it was not my time to be where I was.
Two years later, while I was on an in town boy scout climbing trip, I was approached by an amazing spiritual healer named Glenn. I like showing kids the magic I felt in climbing when I first started climbing, so at times I volunteer for free to teach kids on the weekends. Some of my friends saw the magic in what I was doing and joined me on my teaching, while other of my friends could not take a day off of their climbing weekend to help out without pay. Glenn excitedly told me that I was contacted and to prove it he told me the exact same words the figure in the tunnel told me. I am still blown away today from this awakening.
Of course I put the walls up in my mind again and was back to blocking my thoughts with the weed. In 2009 one day after the Outdoor Retailers Show in Salt Lake City, I had a climbing accident on a one move nothing boulder problem which somehow flipped me upside down landing me into a leaf pile. I had pads, three spotters, it was only 6' tall and visually nothing to get hurt on if the climber fell. This boulder problem is in the beautiful Little Cottonwood Canyon named Double Dyno. I somehow shattered my right leg femur bone in seven places. My two friends that I was with were leaving on a plane the next day which left me alone knowing nobody I saw. I live in Arizona. While I was in the Utah hospital I knew everything was going to be okay. I had a feeling that I was being cared for by higher forces than just the doctors, but it was a scary experience since the nurses were in a school environment of teaching and the faces that took care of me changed every day.
On the 5th hospital day I had a surprise visitor - Brian from SLC. I still tear up today reflecting on that moment as I first saw his face as he walked into the hospital room to surprise me. He of course had a prototype Chouinard/Frost Climaxe in his hands so I teared up even more in jealousy. Thank you Brian for being a great person! During my time in the hospital I was once again taken by the spirits on a journey of understanding. I was shown things that I cannot explain but I was granted an amazing feeling of peace. When I got back to Arizona many friends were there insisting they take care of me. I was truly Loved and I thank all of you over and over,…..and again!
The spiritual visions were still happening to me at my house and I called upon Glenn to help me understand what was going on. I have not seen Glenn in three years and he was at my front door step early the next morning. I wish there could be a Glenn in everybody's life then this world would only be about kindness and Love. My parents were present witnessing his amazing ability and my parents commented that it was a nice trick or something that he knew what he knew and said things aloud that he could not have known. This kinda scared my parents but at the same time Glenn came to me to give Marty his message, and not a message for my parents to understand. Kinda like the Oracle in the Matrix movies.
I went through my painful physical therapists smack down process which got me back onto my feet and walking again. Vincent you are brutal, but I Love what you have done for me. After a year I was back to climbing but kept having small accidents which kept me off of the rock. I am lead course setter at the Phoenix Rock Gym. I fell back into the same Marty pattern and put the minds walls back up and was back to the weed. Suddenly my leg was not responding, I was once again walking with a cane and went into a second surgery on January of 2011 to remove the hardware. My leg felt Soooooo much better after I had the Femur bone hardware removed. I slowly started working out again and then took a strange fall in the gym twisting my knee just right preventing me from climbing even again. Finally after healing, in June I went bouldering at the Draw in Flagstaff and during the warm up climbs on the simple walk down I slipped landing my right hand into a very healthy Agave plant.
I could not believe it! 21 spikes were shoved into and sticking out of my hand and a few totally through the knuckles of the two middle fingers. I had help from my friend Neo/Nick pulling out many of the spikes that we could see while the blood was flowing. Neo thank you for being strong with the situation and reacting to my injury as fast as you did. I am still upset that we had the video cameras right there and neither of us filmed the injury. We saw Zak Farmer the next day working at the Flagstaff gym and I tried to gross him out the best I could. My purple two middle fingers had puffed up twice the size they usually are. Amazingly I still have two spikes in my middle finger which I need to get surgery on to get them out.
I finally was able to get back to work and was excited to be climbing again, but this days work was reorganizing the back storage room with my super strong friend Joe Czerwinski. We finished up the work and Joe left leaving me to do the final tasks and then I was going to climb. Yeah! While shutting the roll-out back receiving door at the gym somehow my middle finger got trapped between the door panels. This was quite a shocking experience since there is no room between those panels when the door is shut for a middle finger to be stuck between them. I was by myself and had to roll the door back up to open the gap to get my finger out. Once again I was being told to focus on my mission, not my distraction.
Just after the Agave accident I was experiencing an intense spiritual awakening where my bed every night was soaked over and over. I was not sick but there was so much water in my shirt that I could ring it out. And I changed the shirt three times a night! I listened to the message and my need for the weed was taken away. No I did not just quit, I was so cleansed that I feel like I have never smoked any in my life. So teenage years to the mid 40s and now the code has been broken. I reflect on why I was even doing it in the first place for all of those years. It makes no sense.
This spiritual sensation is so great that I feel like I am floating now. Two weeks of the sweats and then I walked with God for four days. I understand so much now and everything in life makes sense. The formula to life is so easy no wonder kids act the way they do!!! While I am awake or asleep I feel that I am in two places at once. No I do not see Matrix atoms, but I can see the genuineness in everybody when they are not even talking. Surprisingly when people are talking to me having conversations at the rock gym, I only am picking up the words that have weight to them. I mention to my friends that I did not hear what you just said and could you please repeat it. If everybody would just talk out of their heart, everybody else would hear their message. There is so much unnecessary surface gibberish that people use between each other, no wonder the world is falling apart.
I met Chris Sharma when he was 14 years old. I was the media representative for ESPN and many other media companies that were present at the 21 Phoenix Bouldering Contests/Boulder Blasts. I never knew at that time that Chris was going to become the biggest inspirational figure in climbing to most climbers around the world. I set up interviews between the climbing superstars and the TV/ magazine representatives. Over the many years through familiarity Chris and I became passing friends. My greatest moment in my climbing life was while at one of the Phoenix Bouldering Contests, Chris came up to me near the end of the competition and said that he wanted to be my personal spotter for the last hour. Chris had already completed the 8 hardest problems at the competition with one hour to spare. I was very honored to have Chris following me around and carrying my pad. I was so honored that I stopped competing, and had every passing competitor stop to take a photo of them with Chris. Everybody has pictures of themselves hugging Chris with the biggest smiles I have ever seen in life.
I own many of Americas most priceless pieces of historical climbing gear and would trade all of it away just for the feeling I still feel from that moment in time. Chris now is so swamped with people wanting to see him climb that we have chased him out of the USA. I feel you Chris. My greatest moment was hugging him and I could care less what he climbs. Everybody else pushes the challenge "let's see if he could flash my route" and if he failed he would only be laughed at on these new Facebook's, My Spaces and U-tubes.
When climbing superstars come to my house, I do not take them to the local crag. We go out to the water park or paintball arena and to a fun lunch. Why do you think that your small local crag will interest these superstars when they are already climbing in the most fantastic places in the world? And then they are always pushed to climb the hardest routes at the local crag. People, a hug and a lunch will go further with these amazing talented climbers and they will remember you for life. If you want to challenge them, then you are just another wolf in the field. Chris also has a camp that he teaches youth kids the magic of climbing.
I started collecting climbing gear 20+ years ago. My greatest collecting inspiration is a man named Stephane Pennequin who lives in Corsica France. Stephane has the passion and started collecting climbing gear a few years before I did. Him and I had a beautiful relationship where we have never met each other, but we shared an amazing common passion for gear. Computers were just starting to come around, but Stephane and I only wrote hand written letters to each other occasionally surprising each other with an amazing gift we would receive in the mail. This bond between him and I was, and still is, very magical. The problem that developed is the creation of Ebay. Before Ebay, Stephane and Marty's only outlet for gear was through the climbing manufacturers, and through visiting the hero climbers of yesterday working to preserve gear we have never knew existed.
Over time we stopped writing each other, became distant in our lives, and became greedy on major pieces of gear that showed up on Ebay. There are many other collectors out there today that jump in on this Ebay dream and really bring up the cost on trying to save/preserve this gear for a museum.
I was dubbed the chosen one in the USA by many manufacturers that saw my passion for preserving climbing gear. On some Christmas's, 30+ boxes of gear would just show up at my house unannounced as a surprise. Some of these boxes had traveled from the other side of the world and contained full sets of cams, nuts, prototypes, old gear, hair from an Elephant that fell off of the trail on the way to Everest base camp, you name it! My wife stopped giving me gifts at Christmas because she felt she could not give anything greater that what she saw. In reality if she just gave me her Love, it would have outdone my entire collection, but she searched for a trinket instead to represent her Love. At that time in life the pressure of her job, two babies at home, her parents not accepting that Marty was not working and was a home husband, lead to divorce. Please do not get me wrong, My Xwife and I stayed good friends because of the kids we have together. My two kids are the greatest thing in my life. They are beautiful and I Love them! I Love them more than anything!!!
Until this walk with God I was still on Ebay riding the greed train that I had to win every trinket I did not have. I drained my bank account to nothing to obtain what? I denied my kids a new $30.00 video game exclaiming that "WE HAVE NO MONEY" and two days later I won a nothing piton that I didn't even know existed for $70.00. My collection is so huge that when I placed the newly acquired piton into my collection, it disappeared like a single blade of grass added to a one acre lawn. I have nothing now but a big pile of WHAT that is in a backpack so huge that now it is breaking my back. My cabinets are empty of food and I am denied working because of the constant accidents that keep happening. God said to just believe and all will be granted to you. From the miracles that I have seen over the past few years I do believe this is going to be true, but it is very hard to stand there with your hands outward in belief as I am feeding my family again with packs of Ramen soup.
There are many collectors out there that have this passion for collecting climbing gear and we are all falling into this Ebay trap. We are constantly outbidding each other on pieces of gear that someday will all be on display in the same place anyways. Many of these huge collectors are getting old and do not know what to do with their collection when we move on. There are so many climbers in this world that would Love to visit/travel to some Smithsonian Museum which houses the most amazing pieces of climbing history that we need to preserve. If every climber just donated 5 dollars to this building, this building would exist but instead 5 dollars is too much to ask because of this greed thing us humans enjoy wrapping ourselves around.
It blows my mind that Ken Yeager has started this museum building called the Yosemite Museum, but everybody just donates their gear and no money to him. He has to work a full time job and then try to get all of these museum artifacts together that everybody is so excited to see. Why has nobody sent him enough money to keep him concentrating on just the museum alone? The museum could be a whole Disneyland style climbing park near some real crag and rock gym with outdoor moving kayak river rides, hiking garden path and bike trails all hooked together in one. But no, my 5 hard earned dollars is for a 6 pack of beer instead, or a $100 bag of weed that will be gone in a week.
You people with money out there why do you not create this dream? Because it does not give you return of money? Many climbers are constantly attacking each other on these forms for WHAT? You all share the same passion but the egos seem to drive the common sense where in the end, none of the hatred words even mattered. I Love Chris Sharma for what he has given me in life, a hug in a photo with him. Not that he just climbed another amazing route.
I understand my mission clearly now and that I was not to become the big museum, I was entrusted by thousands as a storage unit until this museum was created. I am the "collector" chosen one yes, but to only make sure these precious items go to the correct place for all to Love and enjoy.
I need to get back to work so I do not lose my house in foreclosure. I need somewhere for my kids to live. Ken, I will be visiting you soon. I have many fantastic Yosemite museum pieces for you to share to everybody. This is better than having them just sit in a storage shed collecting dust for years.
Please climbers….just think about the dream.
Love Marty Karabin
1301 E. Weldon Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85014
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - May 21, 2016 - 10:21pm PT
MisterE - Thanks! post 299 June 14, 2014 on this thread has the update and a more detailed version of the opening post story above.
July 2009 is when I broke my leg and had the spiritual visions and spirits speaking in the hospital. Since that time I have met a lot of incredible people and witness miracles like…every day. I have grown since 2009 from not needing to know God, to now God being everything in my life. Every new day I wake up excited to see what God has prepared for me and I walk through it without worry. I am not writing this to convince people to believe in God, I’m just saying that this spiritual stuff is incredibly powerful and if you give it a chance and respect it, I mean put your personal heart into it, you will witness some amazing things that your entire being will want more and more of.
My 2016 new years resolution is to walk with God for the whole year. I demanded it! The first order of business was to postpone the annual April Thrash & Dangle Fest competition to 2017, a competition which I directed for 9 years. Then I put up a wall size poster board on my living room wall to study Creation. Creation in Religion, Spiritual, Alien, all of it. I wrote down everything I believed to be correct in my mind and then researched the information. The result was after 6 years of researching books to find truth my mind still created its own “protected” story. Like an idiot it simplified deep philosophy and taught upon it. I was like the professor of the class taking his own finals test, and failing it. I erased the poster board over and over as I researched my truths(?) to correct my theories and philosophies. I laugh at the pile of eraser stubble that is still growing on the floor carpet below. I am not sure if I will ever complete my Creation study, but it did open up a doorway in my mind and gave me a Key to finding peace within the massive spiritual library named “Finding Purpose.”
I am telling you this secret because once I applied it, I slipped into a place of peace. This peace is a new feeling to me and is the most incredible peace I have felt in my life. I have experienced Anointing, and being within a high level of Grace, and being directed by the Holy Spirit, Hypnotherapy euphoria, one with nature, etc, but this peace is different. All through my life I felt like I was on a mission and the mission had to be completed no matter how exhausting it was. An invisible itch that is saying “get on your feet and do it!” but never giving the answer to the question….”Do what?”
My big search for truth started July 2009 because of visions/voices and since I was raised in the Bible, I went back to the Roman Catholic church for a few years. So now I know the Roman Catholic God and I can stand on a Roman Catholic foundation and talk to others about God. Look at me I know God! But I felt that the reverent and silent RC church masses was teaching me very little of the Bible, compared to the fun television Christian churches where the minister is pacing and screaming Bible truth as the congregation is jumping up and down in the pews in wild praise. Eventually over time many other religions now serve as my foundation, as I switch around my beliefs from day to day. I am now Jewish, now Hindu, now Shaman and now Buddhist. This whole process is so I can gain more information and prove to myself through another that I know God. I am not talking to another on how I personally know God, just showing another where the information that I believe came from and if there is an argument, I have the proof to back my statements. As somebody attacks my words I can feel the aggression within myself because I am not advanced Divine text educated and stumble on my answers. I feel stupid trying to make sense out of all of this spiritual stuff because there is so much info to know and so many rules associated within.
Once I have become exhausted believing and not believing, then believing again then not believing, I find myself humbled standing on all of the Divine Texts, just to show others how educated I am and how I know that there is a God. But yet I still stumble on this foundation no matter how educated I am. Late January as I sat perplexed staring at my erased recent Creation theory, my spirit voice came through and told me that I can switch my foundation to God. To just God. God without the paper trail. God without the rules. From here God gives the answers when my foundation is attacked. So for six years I was working to join the correct religion to be recognized by God, so I could be invited to be with God when I die. So this whole time I was not necessarily being with God, I was being with the religious institutions.
To place God as my foundation I had to personally KNOW there is a God 100 percent! I don’t walk around wondering if there is a God, I have no doubt. Suddenly I am not being pushed to find “purpose” anymore! I really feel peace! Since my OP story, now All of my bills are paid, I am in great health, I was able to refinance my house so I now own my house, I love me, love my job, oldest son James graduates this week from high school as honor student, life is great! But at the same time refrigerator died, water heater died, somebody stole my identity and stole my taxes, truck is leaking fluids, and the summer AZ heat is back again. My personal quest to find God has infected many of my friends to seek greater depth in everything they do. These days my cousin Tracie has got me addicted to the Matt Kahn YouTube segments. WOW stuff, Love it!!!
I am totally psyched to have a museum in the future. My vision is to have a building large enough to house my museum and others like the Yosemite Museum, Dr, Gary Storrick, Stephane Pennequin, etc etc. The smithsonian museum of climbing and outdoor goods! Attach the museum onto a 5 million dollar rock gym with a competition wall, climbing store, bike rental shop, slack lines and picnic tables within a lazy river, etc. I have the museum gear but I still need somebody else to create the other buildings and climbing stuff. Presently I have $174 to contribute! God insists on me to continue with the museum dream and the rest will just happen!
Karabin Climbing Museum!
hands are open, always accepting donations
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
May 22, 2016 - 07:37am PT
Stay with it, Marty!
Still hear from Glenn?
Gold Canyon, AZ
May 22, 2016 - 09:13am PT
Friction Labs is $10.00 more than the others because Friction Labs is a "Magic chalk ball."
It doesn't sound so bad if you consider that the fair market value of "magic" is only $10.
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - May 22, 2016 - 03:39pm PT
DMT - Thanks!
Bluering - Glenn and I email chatted one month ago. He is in Canada and will be traveling back to Arizona in the fall. I am very excited to see my old friend again! I have been working on a Marty paper guide to “Relationship Stress” and Glenn allowed me to use a segment of his book within my guide. I have not been in a relationship for a while but for some reason God has been sending me constant info on the subject, so I have been capturing the info and concepts in notes and now I have enough to create the guide. Yes I agree with what you are thinking….I could be out climbing some incredible route but instead God has me working to increase the Love level on this planet. Good times!
Curt - You make a great point! Magic can go further than the cash which was needed to capture the Magic!
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - May 22, 2016 - 03:41pm PT
karabin museum
Trad climber
phoenix, az
Topic Author's Reply - May 22, 2016 - 03:54pm PT
SuperTopo on the Web