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Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Jan 14, 2014 - 09:32pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

This sadness that I carry inside
Not even wine calms me
I am suffering and I don't find a remedy
To cure what I carry in my soul
Your memory has me in chains
You tricked me and wounded me
Because you mocked me to my face
While I was sincere with you
Its your fault, only your fault.

Oh yeah. Thank you mouse I coudn't have done it without you.

Gets me to wondering, whether you could have done it without me.


Bonus Tardes mein freund.

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Hold onto your balls & breathe deeply
[Click to View YouTube Video]

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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 15, 2014 - 04:56pm PT
say there how-dee!

neebee - neebee

r thots andy's prayers 4 u & ur daddy

i had a dream in norwegian

so i thot it best told about in that lower-case jive

a flock of topo sheep on a ridge-top came down to watch me sleep

i think u may have angelic friends i know i do

i'm wearing a hoody from mexico u gave me via a mock mouse
i wore that old crocheted muffler around my neck this a.m. too
taking this, thinking thots while taking shots

about toes, not fingers

we have commonalities here like my rambling thots are out of synch

i have used the sox well to keep my tootsees rolling along

they serve to use up the extra space

inside the old pair of mock moccs my sis gave me a size too large

they fit fine now and tho the sox are short it's no biggie :0)

it makes me feel like busting a moby


there is a little calloused spot on top of my RIGHT foot

where it's sore from rubbing a leather knot in the LEFT mock mocc

and it wouldn't be the thing to cut a rug and so

i am on good bread a week old no mold

water, lots, and coffee, some

no more beer the weekend's done i had my fun

now i am depressed but fast getting over it

my problems are truly of the FW variety in comparison

such a messed-up mouse moping round the house

sold the car and have no bike because of vandals
i miss the car i won't lie

but things come and things go
like rain like friends like faux

unlike a father, unique to u

one life, one death

we are one family and u are r sister

we r a flock of birds of different stripes
but of the same feather in our core
and we r all heading in the same direction

i'm not gunna say it

for now my wish for neebee
my wish for meebee
my wish for thee rest of thee be

my little secret

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 15, 2014 - 05:16pm PT
I don't like to brag on myself, but on my friends, yep!~
One of my closest friends, whom I have not climbed, which is too bad, but it's my fate.But I have not met neebee in person which is not unusual today,
but odd in comparison to a few decades ago.

This is the incomparable Unconsolababble Buttress.
I'm just trying to console a friend.

It's part of what this thread is about and it's one of my favorite parts.

It's like Rong told me, "If yur inconsolababble, blame it on Nutjob."

Is it Un or is it In?

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 15, 2014 - 09:59pm PT
All in a weird but good day's work.

Sunrise, moonrise.

Three old boys makin' the rounds lookin' for their packages from the USPS
that aren't there
or have been sent back but were there
but really who cares?

Our combined age was 68 + 65 + 74 = 207,
and we should have known better than to waste our time
but a good time got had
in spite of the monolithic bureaucracy that is strangling
package delivery!

Smokey, my nearest neighbor now the two apartments on either side are empty is 74,
and came to my door, mid mid-morning snore, he was not shore,
but could I please give him a ride to get a package?

I explainded him that Vernon Wizard's now the driver of Miss Dawn's new daisy,
I'm goin' to do an errand in that regard with him to the insurance agency,
so I askeded Vern and we got out,
on the road again, listenin' to Waylon,
not on the road--been there--
and chased shadows
but I'm gettin' my insurance pro-rated
so I'm happy.

I also got to visit John's on floor five
next to the fire escape
of sunrise
and moonrise

He is seriously Merced, seriously airborne, and serious period.

We'll be takin' some rides on the bus to Yosemite.

Seriously or not, we are planning to do so.

Stay tuned.

Stay mooned.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 15, 2014 - 10:07pm PT
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 15, 2014 - 10:34pm PT
That lacks weird. John is seriously so.
He's gotta be another wizard.
But can he do 5.6? He could probably outdistance me with not a bead of sweat.
Seriously fit.
He could be my new neighbor, if I can get the empty apartment
that is across from him, No. 513, I believe.

I do not take credit for these video images.
Only for taking them from the screen at John's who purchased the DVD, Samsara, from which these come.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 15, 2014 - 11:13pm PT
Ruth knew how to accomodate to change.
John's mom's blind now, but she's probably seen enough, like a lot of us.
But I want to see more of what there is, Seymour.
The view might be better from the fifth floor, but should I go there?

STay tuned in, drop yer drawers, and watch out.

Aight! Good night.

I must commend TimidToprope on gettin' out there lately like nobody!

Got that photo near Oroville stuck in my head.

Choss my luck, but it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp piece of wire.

It's all about imagination here in Middle Earth. Facts are nice, interesting things, too, but really, now...
When I took this photo this morning of John's aprattment window,
who could 'ave imagined that this evening I would end up in his "aquarium?"
Tolkien, if he were still around. Same for Zappa.
David Byrne would understand.
I'm not Freakin' Out, here, I don't think,
but I thought I might have seen Suze GreenCheese tonight, too. Meh...
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 16, 2014 - 12:15am PT
One Rong is worth more than any Mr. Right, if ya get in a fight.

Or on a climb on a crag. He's an old crag hammer, if ya ask me.[Click to View YouTube Video]Ron Anderson's flame burns bright here and will until
his critics still are bitching and moaning
that he's in his grave and who does he think he is, taking away their prey?

Lay down, Sally-O.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 16, 2014 - 12:43am PT


Planada, still nada.

The wait is over, Ween fans!

[Click to View YouTube Video]

A faux-ther (NOT!) quote from the Wiki Wonderland, located someplace around know, M.E.R./Miccle Earth/C.E.D.

"During the later years of his life, Fahey painted a series of abstract paintings. Many of these were exhibited from July 10 – September 12, 2010, at The East Village, New York, presented by John Andrew and Audio Visual Arts (AVA).[14] The exhibit featured 55 paintings, ranging in size from 6.75" by 9" to 22" by 29". The "sale sheet" for the exhibit listed prices from $750 for smaller works to $3,000 for the large paintings. The paintings were either framed or unframed.[15]
Audio Visual Arts describes Fahey's paintings as follows: "Pulling inspiration from the ‘French Primitive’, untutored painters, Fahey often referred to his music as ‘American Primitive’. The same alluring, raw, roots, mysterious, power, grit, obscure, industrial, ambient, epic, and tranquilizing aesthetics that one finds in Fahey’s music and his writings are equally present in his paintings. The 90’s proved to be a decade of regeneration for Fahey. Though he struggled with certain health problems, he was brimming with experimentation. Collaborating with noise artists and improvisational performers of the alternative movement, Fahey began to channel a new outlet for experimentation which included his return to painting; a bent he abandoned when he took up the guitar. Fahey’s works are evocative of action painters and abstract expressionists. He painted on found poster board and discarded spiral notebook paper. His painting studio floated from motel bed to motel bed and eventually ended up on the bed of his rental home in Salem, OR; occasionally painting with anti-freeze in the garage. He worked with tempera, acrylic, spray paint, and magic marker."[16]"

The exactc quote.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 16, 2014 - 01:32am PT
Oh, where, oh where is the love?Flame on, Ron!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 16, 2014 - 01:59am PT
Flame on, MooseDrool!

MooseDrool acts dumb.

He belongs here, too.

[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 16, 2014 - 02:18am PT
Miejsce, które powinno być w mojej powieści, nic tak Novello Nadszedł sacrum.
[Click to View YouTube Video]A mouse with a nervous tic

needs a sidekick

or two or as many as can fit

in his pinhead.


My mouse paws are clammy
But I won't use no chalk
Talk to mammy--double whammy
Walk the talk--climb the climb
Leave the nasty white behind

Just trust your belayer.


sinuses get finer than frog hair, Moosie.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 16, 2014 - 02:57am PT

In that spirit, this is for Fletcher, in lieu of the promised package.

It will come, no need to build anything, dude.

Sorry if I built up your hopes for that lamp, but there's lots of this going around.

I know you're not worried. Thanks.



Aren't you forgetting someone?

bill cosby? morgan freeman? george burns?

Geeze, Mouse...

i'd never have guessed HIM!


son, daddy-o.


locker's line--try cowabunga


and a faux interview with Tennessee led to this gem:

"The cat on the tin roof was really just havin' a nap on a neighbor lady's swamp cooler, I'll swear. Her name was Momma Daddy and she weighed forty pounds. The cat, not the neighbor lady."

and Keith Richards commented once to me about a model on the telly,

"She is on the telly. She is paid to look beautiful. I do it for nothing."

Moosie, Fletcher, Ron, neebee, TimidTR and nita, yer really cool.

thanks for putting up with me, "the acquired taste"
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 16, 2014 - 03:31am PT
Rhymes with mummy.I'm not forgetting Marlow aka Carlow

the oh so slow and low man from Oslo

Norway, that is.[Click to View YouTube Video]

they made me a frogman on the demo team[Click to View YouTube Video]Hey, Tony! The bota belong to you?


Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Jan 16, 2014 - 07:02pm PT
I read the last series and have arrived here at the end before a new one arrived.

I never win any of these contests.

I was thinking of a series of dreams
Where nothing comes up to the top
Everything stays down where it’s wounded
And comes to a permanent stop
Wasn’t thinking of anything specific
Like in a dream, when someone wakes up and screams
Nothing too very scientific
Just thinking of a series of dreams


Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Jan 16, 2014 - 07:04pm PT
What's this thread coming to when you have to reply to your own reply?

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Mr. Jones and me staring at the video
when I look at the television, I want to see me staring
right back at me
We all want to be big stars, but we don't know why
and we don't know how
But when everybody loves me, I'm going to be just
about as happy as I can be
Mr. Jones and me, we're gonna be big stars...

Someone asks "Anyone seen Renaldo & Clara" recently?

I gotta think, Why? Are they missing?


Social climber
Jan 16, 2014 - 09:57pm PT
hey there say, just stepped in to say, hey there...

thank you mouse for the flames message :) ...

hope you get the new room? or are you still wavering?

oh NO! did you get a bike stolen from you???
perhaps you will get another car?
do NOT get caught by 'the flying hawk-owl of despair, as you
said, things come-and-go, perhaps, a car may just well be
appearing again, keep praying, :)
you did your friends a good turn... and turns can turn more good, as well...

love the bird pics, too...

wow, did not know zbrown heard of 'los huracanes del norte'

night all... god bless...

Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical adventure
Jan 17, 2014 - 12:06am PT
goodnight neebs, have good dreams.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 17, 2014 - 02:39am PT
'I never win any of these contests.'

I won't play Born to Lose, because I'm a Loser Baby, myself, time to time.

And besides, I'm positively posting, now, too.

Not exclusively, just sort of absolutely not doing negative posts.

A battery of dreams, eh? Are they paralleling mine? I don't know what that would entail, frankly, but there are parallels between CV and Merced, QED.

Are there dream warps? If so, like in galactic hitchhiking there are time warps and worm holes, are there shape-changers, dimension blenders, zones of enlightenment and zones of terror? Where are they capable of taking us?

Why do we always seem to come back to white, not black?Or hot pink?

Not the bike, just the spindle to the rear wheel hub. Screws right out, but they can't steel the wheel cuz of the chain. Walking is the Flames' thing, anyhoo.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 17, 2014 - 10:10am PT

Outside the musical context, the Spanish word flamenco can mean "flamingo"-–referring to the bird, but originally meaning "flame-coloured"–-but also "Flemish," as in referral to the Ned Flanders.

I knew a Mike Fleming years ago. I have a picture somewhere which I love showing him and my Big Bother Mike standing in the rain over a dampfire trying to stay cool while sipping coffee.

To flemish a rope, that's something all good sailors do. I'm not a good sailor. I think it means to flake out, but I'm lying, it means to pretty it all up if it's rope spaghetti. Ask Tony or Bobby.

I have a thing I gotta go do.

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