Prop. 8 Supporters--YOU SUCK!!!


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Trad climber
So. Cal.
Nov 9, 2008 - 05:38pm PT
How many Obama supporters voted yes on 8 ?

Had to be a bunch, seeing how he beat McCain by about 2 - 1 in the California popular vote.
sirloin of leisure

Gym climber
Nov 9, 2008 - 06:09pm PT
sounds delightfull,last time I went climbing, here at the local place,I started on a rugged yet beautiful face,and grabbed handfulls of decomposeing rock,sandblasting my way to the summit,of some disapointing turd shaped rock...
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Nov 9, 2008 - 06:13pm PT
"seriously, why would supporters of gay marriage, not also support a bisexual being married to two people at the same time? is bisexual less of a sexual preference than the other? "

Guess what, as a "government leave our personal lives alone" kinda guy, I don't even care if somebody is married or civil unioned to multiple people as long as it's not a tax, benefit, or immigration scam.

Freedom means freedom to be some way that the majority isn't particularly comfortable with.


sirloin of leisure

Gym climber
Nov 9, 2008 - 06:15pm PT
I went climbing with a gay guy once...he seemed nice
Captain...or Skully

Social climber
Upper Bench
Nov 9, 2008 - 06:23pm PT
Well, sure he did.....he's watching your butt!

Nov 9, 2008 - 06:36pm PT
Bookworm - Exactly what about my statements are selfish? I am not gay, so by allowing gay marriage it does not benefit my (nor does it harm me). I am simply in favor of allowing two people who love each other, regardless of gender, to be married. How is that selfish? How has the increase in divorces affected you? I don't even understand how it really affects society? Are you, or whatever you consider to be society, somehow diminished or harmed every time someone gets divorced? Personally, my world does not come crumbling down when someone gets divorced. As far as civil unions, I think that would be acceptable if the gave the couples all of the same legal rights that married couples have (in which case why not just call it a marriage).
jack splat

Nov 9, 2008 - 06:48pm PT
Hey FLASHLIGHT - this picture is from the link you posted. You're a photographer - what does it say?

This is what I think it says:

I don't want my son to turn gay.
sirloin of leisure

Gym climber
Nov 9, 2008 - 06:50pm PT
I vote for jack
jack splat

Nov 9, 2008 - 07:00pm PT
When I was about as old as this boy in this picture:

My mom rented out one of our spare bedrooms to a very nice man named Arthur. She explained that he was gay and what that meant. I remember thinking that it was ok for men to want to be with other men, and that I had a choice.

This might surprise some people, but a few years later, I decided I liked girls!

Who would have thought that?

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Nov 9, 2008 - 07:28pm PT
"This might surprise some people, but a few years later, I decided I liked girls! "

Wow, really? That gives you way more credibility! Dude, I'm switching my vote on 8. How could I have been such a bigot?

Thanks, man.
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Nov 9, 2008 - 07:42pm PT
I always say, everybody who thinks they could go gay if society only were nice to gays and allowed gay marriage raise your hand!

Otherwise STFU about the non-choice we're really talking about.



Social climber
Falls Church, VA
Nov 9, 2008 - 08:32pm PT
wilcox, i say you're selfish because you keep repeating that the issue doesn't affect YOU

how has divorce affected society? first, i suppose you think a 50% divorce rate is a good, marriage used to mean something; whether a public contract or a vow before god, marriage was a promise of commitment "for better or worse"; by entering a marriage, you were holding yourself accountable not just for your happiness but for somebody else's; now, that accountability, that personal responsibility is gone...people can walk away from a marriage easier than they can cancel a cell phone contract...not sure how it has affected society? take off your blinders and look around...seen any kids emotionally traumatized by divorce? noticed any pattern of children of divorces having more divorces themselves? know of any women whose husbands walked out on them and their children? noticed an increase in the number of people who "live together" and read any of the studies that show such convenient relationships are usually detrimental to the women, financially as well as emotionally? noticed an increase in the number of single women with children? think their lives might be a little easier with a man who believes in keeping promises? noticed an increase in the number of women who walk on their families?

but, none of this affects YOU so let people do whatever makes them happy
Jim E

Nov 9, 2008 - 08:51pm PT
Seems like the heteros aren't doing much to protect marriage.

Divorce Rate - U.S.A.
Divorce rate in America has shot up to unexpectedly high level. The rising trend in US divorce rates has caused concern in political, social and religious circles of the country.

According to the current divorce rate statistics, 50% of the marriages end in divorce. National center for Health’s divorce rate statistics foresaw a downward trend in US divorce rates i.e. up to 43%. But in 2002, census bureau revised the predicted divorce rate in America back to 50%. However, some recent divorce rate statistic shows the predicted US divorce rates as approximately 40%.

According to divorce rate statistics of 2003, divorce rate in America fell by 5.6%. This might seem to be a big decrease in divorce rates in US as per divorce rate statistics. But this drop is mainly because of the decrease in collective divorce rate of American states of Washington, North Carolina, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Iowa, Colorado, Rhode Island, Minnesota and Nevada.
Statistics of Divorce Rate in America
Statistics of divorce rate in America show that in the years 2002-2003 US divorce rate dropped by 30.04% in Nevada.

An increase in the US divorce rates in the state of Delaware showed a significant rise. Here, divorce rate statistics show an increase of 64.72%.

Divorce rate statistics show that couples without children have a higher divorce rate in America. US divorce rates in couples who have children is slightly lower.

The children of divorced parents are prone to divorcing 4 times more than the children of couples who are not divorced.
Divorce Rate Statistics of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Marriages
Various studies on US Divorce rate show significant differences when a comparison is made in 1st, 2nd and 3rd marriage, divorce rate in America.

* Divorce rate in America after first marriage is from 41% to 50%.
* US divorce rate after second marriage is from 60% to 67%
* After 3 marriages the US divorce rate is from 73% to 74%
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Nov 9, 2008 - 09:12pm PT
Folks are just hanging on to the imagined past out of fear.

Anybody want to stand up and outlaw interracial marraige? Come on, fess up! Bet there was a huge righteous debate about it at the time.

Anybody want to go by the strict religious standard of No Divorce Ever for any reason that some preachers like Brother Camping (nationwide figure) teach?

Who wants their parents to choose their wife for them? It still happens worldwide and was a big part of most every country until modern times.

Try to turn back the clock all you like, If you turn it back to far, you'll find yourself back with polygamy and concubines like the bible heros had.

Gay Marriage was never an issue before. People had to have kids whether they were gay or not. Part of "social Security" No need for marriage. Times have changed. Folks with inside knowledge of more conservative, religion following societies, (you know, the religions you don't like) can tell you that strict religious rules just make hypocrites acting underground.




Sport climber
Venice, Ca
Nov 9, 2008 - 10:27pm PT
Who here is going to swear that they arrived at their sexual orientation by choice, as opposed to instinct?


Trad climber
My Inner Nut
Nov 9, 2008 - 10:38pm PT
It's the same old crap. people can't figure out why their marriages are not working out, so instead of seeking the answer within, they strike out toward that which they do not choose to take the time to understand. It fills the gap of their own shortcomings.

Lashing out and blaming others is SO much easier.

Yawn. Next?

Topic Author's Reply - Nov 10, 2008 - 02:27am PT
They still suck.

Social climber
Leuven, Belgium
Nov 10, 2008 - 03:14am PT
"Who here is going to swear that they arrived at their sexual orientation by choice, as opposed to instinct?"

Let's all just obey what are instincts are telling us, cuz that is always what's right...

Trad climber
Nov 10, 2008 - 04:31am PT
The only reason that my fiance and I have avoided getting married is because of a fear that gays would get married and then ruin it. Now that the Arizona Constitution forbids them we might now feel safe enough to venture into marriage.

Topic Author's Reply - Nov 10, 2008 - 08:55am PT
"Let's all just obey what are instincts are telling us, cuz that is always what's right... "

There's nothing wrong with homosexuality.
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