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Trad climber
Mar 28, 2018 - 06:29pm PT
So Werner - do you think Assange was doing "right" all along, and is now being maligned, as being called out as a Russian Operative?
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Mar 28, 2018 - 06:34pm PT
Totally corrupt people posing as saviors. Oldest con there is.
Mar 28, 2018 - 06:35pm PT
Russian Operative
Lol ....... everything is Russian now.
No not Russian.
Better go and dive deeper as you are only swimming in the shallow end of the pool .....
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 28, 2018 - 07:02pm PT
One more to be filed under You Can't Make This Stuff Up.
Assange has had nothing to do at the embassy, except not irritate and alienate his hosts. The Ecuadoran government seemed truly sympathetic, offering him asylum, citizenship and even negotiated on his behalf with the UK.
But, now they want him gone. His personal hygiene is so atrocious, it's offending the entire embassy.
Vete ahorita y rapdio, perro sucio.
Ecuadoran Embassy Workers Say Assange Must Go: His Body Odor Is Intolerable And Is Disrupting Embassy Business
Trump is still playing the guy in high school who was cool because his father bought him a Corvette. He was born on third base, but told everybody he hit a stand-up triple his first time at bat. Needy, self-conscious kids with low self-esteem looked up to the Corvette Kid, wishing they were just like him. When the Corvette Kid teased and bullied and beat up the geeks, his fans (he had no friends) cheered and goaded him on, thankful that they weren't being tormented themselves. His fans would do anything to gain acceptance into the Corvette Kid's inner sanctum of Ultimate Coolness. The Corvette Kid's only concept of the world was a sociopathic perversion of Newton's Third Law: "I raise myself up when I push someone else down."
Trump didn't attend high school. His father sent him off to the New York Military Academy, which doubled as a juvenile hall for rich kids (John Gotti's son was sent there, too). Trump didn't drive a Corvette. His father gave him a purple Cadillac with a back seat, befitting a yearbook's "Ladies' Man".
The Wastelands
Mar 28, 2018 - 07:15pm PT
what an imposter, so anxious for others to think he is so smart
yet when called out and challenged has absolutely nothing to back up his brilliance
80% of his "tweets" are personal insults because he lacks the intelligence and knows it
go away, disappear, everyone is on to and sick of his act
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Mar 28, 2018 - 07:27pm PT
They should remand him to the custody of the Swedish Bikini Team.
They’ll kick his punk ass.
Trad climber
Mar 28, 2018 - 07:50pm PT
I wrote "shower" as an indicator of discomfort. Most people who are used to regularly having one feel the lack of one pretty soon after whatever period of time between them they are used to had passed.
If they want him out, and are restricting him in ways, that is another way, was all I meant.
Mar 28, 2018 - 09:33pm PT
DMT -- "And I think it was real."
The American way .... just plain guess.
No wonder this country is so st00pid ......
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Mar 28, 2018 - 09:58pm PT
Duck dynasty has spoken...All stoopids bow...
Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Mar 28, 2018 - 11:03pm PT
Well duck, tell us what to do. Same old same old. I could write the duck with my brain closed; at least give us new material.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 28, 2018 - 11:08pm PT
Gym climber
Mar 29, 2018 - 09:48am PT
just unleash the forces of capitalism and let the markets work their magic!
So that is what that was called 12 years ago when a guy flipping burgers in San Diego could buy a house sight unseen in Baton Rouge, LA.
Capitalism unleashed, has a nice ring to it.
OK if I remember right, the crappy loans were based on government subsidies and programs that encouraged poor people to buy houses (which may or may not be a laudable goal, depending on the program . . .)
In a real free market, you'd never have had all the crazy loans. Sometimes our hybrid system of a sort of phony capitalism brings out the worst, the old privatized gains and socialized losses.
What we really need is good old fashioned unrestrained laissez faire capitalism, but fat chance of that happening with the brain washed millennials taking over soon . . .
state of being
Mar 29, 2018 - 10:04am PT
^^More like free market loan officers abusing government programs with 'enhanced' applications.^^
Subsidized low income defaults had little to do with causing the great recession.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Mar 29, 2018 - 10:09am PT
OK if I remember right
You may have remembered hearing that, I have heard that before, it is absolute nonsense
government subsidies and programs that encouraged poor people to buy houses
but that is the talking point of people in denial. Please identify a subsidy to poor people that led to the crash. If true then the government would have taken a bath, like when the FDIC failed. Private lenders (huge banks) took the hit. The government only took a hit after the fact when they bailed the banks out. Greedy banks were screaming for consumer loans in order to issue more paper they could sell, greedy real estate types obliged them.
Trad climber
Mar 29, 2018 - 10:13am PT
OK if I remember right, the crappy loans were based on government subsidies and programs that encouraged poor people to buy houses (which may or may not be a laudable goal, depending on the program . . .)
I'm pretty sure the crappy loans took advantage of loopholes in programs that encouraged people to buy houses, but weren't "based" on that. What they were based on was the ability to bundle the bad loans in among others so it wasn't completely obvious the buyer was buying shite. And when the buyers began to see that they were buying sh#t, they still knew they could simply sell the sh#t and make money off the transaction. And a merry go round of selling sh#t bundles ensued, and eventually....the crash.
Aw well, somewhere the other day I saw a quote about "only fools believing Utopia was possible" or some such. Believe it or not, until that moment I actually thought "If only people weren't greedy/dishonest/manipulative, etc...." That's wishful, and stooopid, thinking,was the insight I finally accepted. There will ALWAYS be people who will take advantage of others. Always. It may be a sickness of mind that makes a person look around and say "screw 'em, I'm getting mine, and theirs," but it's a sickness there is no cure for. NO amount of "enough for all" will stop it, no risk of punishment will either.
But I will still hold on to the belief that one doesn't need to sink to that level to survive, as is what happens when all hope is lost. I still have hope.
And, also the awareness that there are levels, and though I wouldn't sell sh#t packaged loans, I am not pure as the driven snow either. The "wrong" that I do is hard enough to see and say "I won't do that any longer."
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Mar 29, 2018 - 10:16am PT
people in denial
Are you on crack? Who do you think bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Santa Claus?
What are the VA Loan, FHA Federal Home Loan, and the USDA Rural Loan Programs if not
government subsidized?
Trad climber
Mar 29, 2018 - 10:41am PT
Oh yes, it's those greedy poor people again.....always trying to find ways to milk the system.
Will they never learn that the system is designed for only the wealthy to milk?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Mar 29, 2018 - 10:52am PT
FNMA and FHLMC paid back the government, AIG also to some extent.
Most of the private money lost when Bear Sterns went under was never recovered. Their stock dropped from $93 and Chase almost bought it for $2, a class action bought it to $10, a bloodbath nonetheless. Plenty of private money lost.
The Federal programs had underwriting requirements that were ignored or skirted by unscrupulous PRIVATE parties
There was a massive influx of money from Europe that ballooned the market, they needed loans to eat the money up. Zero to do with government programs that existed for decades without a problem, and continue to exist.
Gym climber
Mar 29, 2018 - 11:00am PT
What they were based on was the ability to bundle the bad loans in among others so it wasn't completely obvious the buyer was buying shite. And when the buyers began to see that they were buying sh#t, they still knew they could simply sell the sh#t and make money off the transaction. And a merry go round of selling sh#t bundles ensued, and eventually....the crash.
This is one part of the story that never really made sense. Why didn't the buyers of the "shit packaged loans" do diligence so that they paid a fair price for them, if they were to buy them at all? That is basically what institutional investors do, or at least what they're supposed to do.
I don't expect you to be able to answer that; it's just kind of a mystery.
Anyway, this is a digression. The important point is that even though Obama came in after the 2008 meltdown, he generally had a pessimistic and gloomy demeanor and it was really tough to get the economy revved up while he was around.
Trump is basically a phony of course, but he's a promoter and salesman and I think that is maybe what we need now (speaking just for the economy)
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Mar 29, 2018 - 11:17am PT
I don't expect you to be able to answer that; it's just kind of a mystery.
It is simple, irrational exuberance
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