Video of Missile Hitting the Pentagon?


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Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 30, 2011 - 09:50pm PT
No matter how hard you try you can not erase the evidence that is found in the dust of 9-11-2001. It's empirical. It physical. It's there.

Thermite/Thermate/Super nano-thermite

Dr. Steven Jones explains it simply:

Evidence of Nano Thermite Explosives on 9/11

I'll try to find the pdf link to the original published paper.


Social climber
Berkeley, CA
Aug 30, 2011 - 09:51pm PT
You mean, the paint? Yea, they found some trace evidence of paint.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 30, 2011 - 09:55pm PT

You have a degree in geology don't you?

Do you disrespect analytical science identifying elements, and elemental wt.% ratios to determine the chemical compounds using the electron micro-probe whether in EDS or WDS mode?


Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

The Research article:

“Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe” by Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley and Bradley R. Larsen

Social climber
Berkeley, CA
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:04pm PT
There is no evidence of anything other than normal, boring paint at the WTC. Yea, a couple of idiots posted crap papers... which (many, many other) scientists have refuted with overwhelming evidence and arguments. Weak sauce. A whole bunch of idiots have confusing blogs, full of this kind of crap.

So no, I don't respect crap science and crap papers. And yes, there are a few idiots calling themselves scientists, just like there are idiots in any profession.

But round and round we go... one thing gets refuted, you change the subject to another.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:16pm PT
Pure ignorance.

It's all I can say.

The 9-11 OCT is time and time again shown to be invalid and you keep holding on. Perhaps you're scared of the truth?

Yes I know. We all do. Truth I know is sometimes painful. Hope you can cope and handle it. Hope your not the last one on Earth to wake-up.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:29pm PT

Hardly. The truth of the conspiracy is older (perhaps millions to billions of years), deeper, and more surreal than you can imagine.

9-11-2001 is just a symptom of more to come.

Read The Bible. Read The Book of Enoch.

I know the system is corrupt and rotten. It will get worse. But I will be able to look my kids in the eye and say I protested. I fought. I tried to do what I could do and make things right and hold off evil for as long as possible.

I will be able I hope to stand before GOD one day and say I fought for his truth and justice, and kept the great commandments, no matter the personal cost.

It's all I can do. It's all any of us can do.

Love GOD with all your heart. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Treat others as you would want to be treated (TGR). Stand against injustice. Stand up for the truth.

(Get some climbing and adventure in when you can. Lol)

Midvale School for the Gifted
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:36pm PT

Aug 30, 2011 - 10:37pm PT
I know the truth.


Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:47pm PT

I'm sure its all fairy tales to you, but haven't you heard about the fall of Lucifer and how 33% of the Angels decided to break rank and go with him?

That is indeed the birth of The Great Conspiracy. All other conspiracies derive from there.

That didn't happen just yesterday. The heavenly hosts witnessed the creation of the Universe (The Big Bang). Lucifer's fall happened long before man ever showed up on the scene, millions to billions of years prior.

If it is just fairy tales to you, at least know your fairy tales so you can converse.

Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:54pm PT
Glenn, if you're so convinced of the truth of your ideas, why don't you post them under your own name?

Midvale School for the Gifted
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:55pm PT

Gym climber
Aug 31, 2011 - 01:41am PT
Well Riley, the Wikipedia link you posted about 9-11 conspiracy theory is about as fair and balanced as a Fox Op/Ed, not once do you see the arguments from a 9-11 Truther movement, but you do see plenty of references to the Popular Mechanics article, which has been thoroughly debunked.

No matter how hard you try, you will not convince me that a 757 hit the Pentagon. Nor will you convince this guy:

American Intelligence General, General Stubblebine Says 911 was a fraud

Nor will you convince me that office fires brought down WTC Bld 7.

You folks can model it any way you want, but why not test the dust for explosives? Like these folks did:

And yes Riley, I know you watched this last clip before. You even said you saw it in two different places. However, you paid so little attention, that you thought is was about a building that had been hit by a plane.

Anyway, you believe the "facts" that you want to. I will believe what my eyes and intuition tell me. Modern steel buildings don't fall down from office fires and you can't squeeze a 757 though a 16" hole.

Test the dust from the WTC, release the video from the Pentagon. That would settle it, wouldn't it?

So, please back to the nice pictures of fire falls. Now that is cool!
(Although somewhat non-PC ;-)
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Aug 31, 2011 - 02:14am PT
Video of Hittile Missing the Pentagon?

Trad climber
San Diego
Aug 31, 2011 - 02:28am PT
Coz, I've offered at climb with Klimmer in the past but he always turns down the offer. He should at least make an appearance at the Woodson reunion each year. From the climbing pictures he has posted, it looks as though he hasn't tied in sice 1980.

Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Aug 31, 2011 - 03:49am PT
The absolute best thing about the whole "cruise missile" conspiracy is that it easily identifies idiots.

Similar to the moon landing is a hoax believers and the "we wired the trade centers with 50'000 miles of det cord and thousands of pounds of explosives but nobody noticed then flew a jumbo jet into it to cover the fact while not disturbing the det cord or explosives" believers.

The only benefit of the doubt i can give the folks who beleive the 9-11 related BS is that Bush-co really are evil, liars and incredibly secretive.. That can confuse folks for at least 2 minutes into considering the possibility that they actually were active participants in 9-11.

Sadly their other main characteristic , incompetence makes this ridiculous.. not to mention many other instantly obvious reasons there was no cruise missile.

Anyone who believes this crap is a high order IDIOT. Blinded by a well placed mistrust into actually disregarding any semblance of reasoning.

However they are in good company.

We are ALL idiots occasionally. Perhaps not High order idiots but idiots nonetheless.

I love most idiots. Most are really nice people. They hopefully will stick to being nice people and not try to do anything that might actually affect my well-being such as voting, designing anything i might use, Doing complicated tasks such as manufacturing certain items i might use or having any authority over me whatsoever.

Love all of you.. life is good, people are interesting.


Gym climber
Aug 31, 2011 - 01:12pm PT
Riley, thanks for the couple of posts.

I guess it's a misstatement of mine to say I'd never be convinced. If a couple of independent companies tested the soil of the WTC and found there to be nothing suspicious there, and if the videos of the Pentagon were released that showed exactly what happened there, I'd be convinced.

But a lot of time has passed, and with all the new technology in place, it would be difficult to tell if any of the video was doctored. Much like the video in this original post--it looks very convincing.

That crusty old general, why give him any credit? Well, he happens to be one of the world's experts on analyzing photographic evidence. And he, like me, can't believe that a 757 made the damage that we see in the pictures of the Pentagon. I don't believe planes vaporize upon impact (the story given for the wings and rear tail piece), and still punch clean holes through six 18" reinforced concrete walls. The high-grade, heat resistant steel in the engines disappear without leaving a mark, yet somehow there's enough mass in the light fuselage to keep going after hitting not one, two, three, four, or even five thick cement walls... oh forget it.

Remember, anybody who goes against the grain on this thing is sticking their necks out professionally. It's just not an easy thing to do to put your coins down on the "9-11 Truth" movement side of the table, you are instantly labeled a kook and your professional career is at stake.

Riley (and cleo too), I appreciate your diligence on looking at all this stuff. And I respect your conclusions. (And, I'm sorry for the remark I made about the WTC B7 and planes, it was cheap and it didn't help to further the debate.) There's a lot of very suspicious activity surrounding the events on this thing, and these are all ignored by the 9-11 commission. Simply, the truth was silenced by that committee.

I'll be the first to admit, Tom Clancy and Ian Fleming together couldn't create a believable story about how this could have been pulled off via an inside job. But, if you believe what's being put forth by the Official Story, then you are ignoring the testimony of many very reputable people.

Topic Author's Reply - Aug 31, 2011 - 01:21pm PT
You guys should read rschop's Journal.

You'll be amazed by the stuff he's gleaned from the 911 commission and official govt. documents themselves.

Cheney's also scared right now he's going to be tried for war crimes ......

Aug 31, 2011 - 04:13pm PT


Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Aug 31, 2011 - 04:36pm PT
Again, my father and two brothers with about a 100 years of commercial flying for United / Fedex between them each claim it was entirely possible.

Mountain climber
So. California
Aug 31, 2011 - 05:27pm PT
Sadly, you would have to be feeble - minded to believe this conspiracy nonsense.
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