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Trad climber
my fellow militia members
I think it's safe to say that if you are trying to have a reasonable debate with someone who uses this in a sentence you are wasting your time.
These statements would be red flags, too:
My fellow inmates
My fellow wizards
My fellow unicorns
My fellow fence-posts
Social climber
An Oil Field
It is a case of self-brainwashing.
Sorta like that guy with the sunglasses and flight jacket who appears on all of the UFO programs. He believes everything, or acts like it, and pliable minds find comfort believing in it. Some folks are total UFO and alien crazy.
These guys believe that the Federal Government has no standing in law. They believe that states are sovereign (utterly), and only the county sheriff can enforce the law.
Some of them believe that Obama has had FEMA building mass concentration camps. He is going to round up all of the trouble makers and then put them in the camps. Then the Illuminati or the Global Elite will take over and there will be a one world government....the New World Order.
Just read the Georgia Guidestones like that NWO2 guy who used to post here does.
I can't see it for the life of me. How do these people get sooooo twisted up in conspiracy theories and outright bald lies?
Do you believe in any of this, Ron? What caused you to suddenly join a militia? What are your beliefs?
Social climber
Well at least one thing about the militia: you know you will be well protected.
As for Bin Laden he won: His target was the US Financial system.
Social climber
An Oil Field
Fine. I didn't know how old Burn's Brigade was. I couldn't find anything on Google about it.
So WHY did you join or co-found a militia?
Are you one of these sovereign citizen types or what?
Trad climber
Couldn't find anything on the 'Burns Brigade' that he 'co-founded'? Because there are exactly 2 'members' and this 'Brigade' is some fantasy that exists in his own mind and on the pages of ST. Angry old men playing make-believe...it's fuc kin SAD.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Anger seems to be the fuel for the militia fire.
Isn't that like saying the sun rises in the east? I think an objective analyst
would say a lot of the anger is justified. But the same analyst would take
issue with the venting of it and the 'solutions' proposed.
Social climber
An Oil Field
DMT, surely anger is a motivation for many, but I would like to hear Ron's personal take on why he felt that he needed to join a militia.
I've watched a ton of militia/Patriot videos on youtube, and there are many different "sects" within the militia movement. Some are racists and some are not, for example.
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Ron wrote: My militia formed shortly after 9-11-2001. For many reasons that wont be discussed here. But our name is after one Mr Dan Burns, who entered WW11 as a sixteen yr old who was in the bataan death march at 18, survived and escaped a Japanese prison , returned to his unit to finish out the war, came home and began a family and very successful career without so much as one whine about PTSD.
And what do you have in common with Dan Burns...nothing. Loser!
Trad climber
Members of our militia
Again, a red flag. Might as well be:
Members of our ward
Members of our shaved-head society
Members of our parakeet nest
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Gary, Al Qaeda also attacked the world trade center towers. Thats a symbol of power, but it was full of innocent people. It was not a military target.
Yes, killing innocent people sucks, we can all agree on that, whether done by Al Qaeda, the United States government, or Ron's militia heroes.
Correct. And he failed. Despite BushCo's best efforts to help him.
It was almost like W was taking orders from Bin Laden.
Trad climber
I don't get the DMT luuvvv for Ron
I'm sure you've got your reasons but don't you think he can speak for himself here?
Quit coddling the old coot his mouth is big enough for both feet
John M
came home and began a family and very successful career without so much as one whine about PTSD.
I'm so tired of people saying that people are whining when they talk about an issue like PTSD. In WW2 it was called shell shock. It was recognized as serious, though not very well understood. If you are implying that since this guy went through all of these things and functioned well, that everyone should be able to, then you clearly do not understand PTSD. It affects everyone differently.
craig morris
Trad climber
I think fear is the flame that burns in there belly. anger hides it.
did you see those idiots walking around with assault rifles.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Bin Laden won.
But the war-lovers just can't say it, just like they will never be able to say that we lost Viet Nam....and we did.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
You have to understand that Rong hates veterans. He agrees with Romney, that they are that 47% that are just a drain on REAL Americans, who work hard.
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Rong wrote: Yur talking out yur ass bobDUH... Go concentrate on FOCUS of your bird pics pleeeze.
From the mind of a six year who wants to play war.
Trad climber
formerly known as hillrat
feel the love, man!
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
I don't get the DMT luuvvv for Ron
That's 'cause Ron's an OK guy. His logic is a little wacky sometimes, though.
Trad climber
Bay Area
opening fire on the officers, and draped their bodies with cloth showing a Revolutionary War-era flag. Investigators have also found paraphernalia associated with white supremacists. (Las Vegas Review Journal)
What part of the links between neo-Nazis, white supremacists and the "militias" don't some people get??
NO, not every "militia" creep/creepette is neo-Nazi AND white supremacist AND re-Revolutionary but there's a big streak in most of them.
I am disgusted and saddened by these three murders, I say good riddance to the morons who killed each other.
But I am NOT surprised.
When Commies were the BoogeyMen, those who believed in Communism (no, not Socialism) were called fellow travelers.
There are plenty of "militia" fellow travelers and wannabes around.
Why do I insist on putting "militia" in quotes? because these idiotic self-delusional rabble are nothing like a real militia.
Militia specifically means (even in the modern sense) a group of armed and TRAINED citizens who owe allegiance to and are available to be called out by the government when needed. This is what it meant in 1789 in the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.
It does not mean an armed rabble taking up causes against the government.
That is properly called Rebellion
Captain John Parker who led the Colonists at Lexington: Parker's Lexington company were not minutemen, as sometimes stated, but from the main body of Massachusetts Militia.[ The Massachusetts Militia specifically owed allegiance to the Colony of Massachusetts.
They were not a rabble of malcontents.
Look it up in your Wikipedia for a full definition with all the nuances.
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