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Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
May 22, 2014 - 06:12pm PT
I look forward to the moment when a few of these "patriots" are arrested and charged with being a full on dickhead.
Edit: Locker's new full time job is surfing around and accusing people of doing what he's doing all the time.....
Only really addressing this to Ron Anderson, since (I think he said that) he was there at the Bundy standoff. My question Ron, and I'm not being denigrating here, but want you to consider this: when you were at the Bundy thing, what would have happened had these 2 dickheads been there in support but had opened fire at the worst time when the BLM had positioned and massed the most storm troopers? Anytime you show up at an armed confrontation with multiple parties, there is the potential for this to occur. Glad it didn't, but did you consider it might while you were there? If these guys had the brains to have shown up at that event, the world might be a vastly different place.
"Two Las Vegas police officers were killed Sunday in what appears to be a politically motivated ambush in a pizza restaurant that spilled over to a nearby Wal-Mart, where the two shooters committed suicide after killing a woman in the store. Details are sketchy, but Metropolitan Police Department sources close to the investigation say the shooters shouted that “this is the start of a revolution” before opening fire on the officers, and draped their bodies with cloth showing a Revolutionary War-era flag. Investigators have also found paraphernalia associated with white supremacists."
John Duffield
Mountain climber
New York
So this Bundy is a white spupremicist?
If the price of 5 Taliban was too high for one of our servicepeople, is the price of 2 police officers too high for 2 white supremicists?
I was unhappy when Reid was re-elected but given he's there, I hope he gets the Justice Department in there to rip the top offa this nest.
Uhh, no, please try and follow along John.
John Duffield
Mountain climber
New York
I've read, a lot of that Western land was claimed, by deserters and draft evaders that arrived during the Civil War. Really something. People dying on the fields defending the country and these people have the gall to defend their land claims.
Thanks for the reply man. Ron A said: "No couch i did not say i was there. I wasnt. Your what ifs are just that. What if one of the BLM officers would have opened up? All i can tell you is that the people there were dead serious."
I misunderstood. I think that the man and woman who killed the 2 officers in the story I linked above were dead serious as well. An event like the Bundy confrontation sucks folks like that in much like a Cinnabon store sucks in fat people. It would be something to be very careful about I would think. In group situations, the lowest common denominator/squeaky wheel often sets the agenda. In light of this article to show up in an armed conflict with folks you have just met seems like a very rash thing to do, where luck or the toss of the dice determines the outcome.
Trad climber
Would you say they had a pleeethora?
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
All i can tell you is that the people there were dead serious.
Well, there are a lot of seriously dead people in Las Vegas this morning.
At least Al Qaeda struck against military and economic interests, these idiots start their revolution at Walmart? Can't say as I'm impressed by the strategic thinking of your fellow militia men, Ron.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
WTF Gary?? Do you remember 911? Or how about every innocent life taken in suicide bombings at malls around the world? Your now saying al-fukking quayDUH is better than a militia that never fired a shot?
WTF, yourself, Ron. At least Al Qaeda went after the powers that be, Wall Street and the Pentagon. These two morans struck against their fellow hillbillies at the Walmart.
As for a miltia that never fired a shot, you might be mistaken about that, don't you think?
John M
Please reread Couchmasters post Ron..
I misunderstood. I think that the man and woman who killed the 2 officers in the story I linked above were dead serious as well. An event like the Bundy confrontation sucks folks like that in much like a Cinnabon store sucks in fat people. It would be something to be very careful about I would think. In group situations, the lowest common denominator/squeaky wheel often sets the agenda. In light of this article to show up in an armed conflict with folks you have just met seems like a very rash thing to do, where luck or the toss of the dice determines the outcome.
I understand that you were not there, and as you pointed out, the BLM officers could have started it too. But either way.. it came really close to ending up with a whole lot of people dead. Which is why lots of us call it crazy to show up like that.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
And are you now JUSTIFYING al-fukking quay-DUH attacking our "powers that be" ????
Not JUSTIFYING anything, Ron. Just POINTING OUT that Al Qaeda attacked the Pentagon, not some f*#king Walmart. Al Qaeda struck against power. Your miltia buddies in Las Vegas attacked the powerless.
Do you see the difference?
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Gary wrote: Do you see the difference?
Ron lives in a bizarre little world. Him and bands of wanna-be-warriors had their five minutes of attention.
John M
Ron. Just POINTING OUT that Al Qaeda attacked the Pentagon, not some f*#king Walmart.
Gary, Al Qaeda also attacked the world trade center towers. Thats a symbol of power, but it was full of innocent people. It was not a military target.
John M
Ron.. isn't that the same logic you used with Bergdahl's father saying "praise Allah". You equated that as meaning he was somehow a radical muslim.
John Duffield
Mountain climber
New York
However you slice it, the gummint has to take this as a warning. If they sit on their asses and there's another big body count from these people, they'll have the blood on their heads.
So it should get interesting.
John M
So every moderate muslim shouldn't say "praise Allah" as that would mean that they are somehow supporting the radical muslims…
Come on Ron.. you are going nuts on this.
Social climber
An Oil Field
Better watch it, Ron. You might end up in a FEMA camp.
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