Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Mountain climber
Jul 11, 2018 - 05:20pm PT
Russia has done little but retreat for the past 30 years...

anyone who feels threatened by their support of the people of crimea and that little bit of the Donbass region

is threaten by a minor constraint of American ambition to take as much away from the people there as possible

the exercise of policys that are diametrically opposite of what we told those people for decades we would do IF ONLY they gave up their empire...

It pains me to say this, but I mostly agree with xCon. We (the US and western Europe) had a real opportunity, starting in the early 1990s, to play nice with the new Russian Federation. But instead we encouraged former Soviet satellites to station our missiles, join NATO, and member up with the EU. Clinton, GWB, and Obama all had a hand in making Russia feel marginalized and threatened. Hell, Obama sent an entire armored brigade to Poland during his last week in office! And now we wonder why the Russian people support a f@#$%! up goon like Putin?

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 11, 2018 - 06:11pm PT
Clinton, GWB, and Obama all had a hand in making Russia feel marginalized

Oh, poor Charlie. Everyone here is so full of hate.
 Manson Family member, outside a Los Angeles courthouse, c. 1969

Oh, poor Vladimir. Everyone is so full of hate.

Russia is marginalized because its dictator, Vladimir Putin, has a long and broad history of human rights abuses, including assassinating journalists and political opponents. He remains in power with fraudulent elections and by terrorizing his people. He runs the country with the assistance of a handful of oligarchs that control the economy, and who must show absolute loyalty to Putin, or else they are imprisoned or killed.

Putin's criminal activity is not restricted to his own country. He interfered, considerably, in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. He has interfered in other elections, including England's disastrous Brexit decision.

Putin's latest outrage was murdering a British citizen, on British soil, with an internationally-banned nerve gas agent. At this time, there is no known motive, other than to send a message to the West that Vladimir Putin is a dangerous and wild animal who must not be underestimated.



Yes. Most undocumented workers came here legally, and then simply over-stayed their visas.

A border wall, at this point, would only serve to keep undocumented immigrants in. There is a net emigration in the other direction for Mexicans.

Trump's medieval fortification border wall is only intended to be an abstract symbol that the braying masses focus on as Trump shouts absurd lies at them.

The reality of any such wall is irrelevant. Trump fraudulently tells people at his rallies that the construction of the border wall is underway, and they cheer and wave their MAGA pennants. Trump puffs up, swivels his head, raises his shoulders and arms, and smirks victoriously.

Trump doesn't need to begin building the wall, let alone complete it. The reality that his supporters recognize is anything that Trump says. They are incapable of perceiving and assimilating sensory input that conflicts with Trump's lies.

Pretty soon, Trump might put photoshopped border scenes up on a JumboTron screen, and tell his audience that the wall has been completed, and that Mexican rapists are slaughtering themselves by throwing their bodies against wall as hard as they can, trying to break it down.


Boulder climber
Jul 11, 2018 - 06:17pm PT

Big Wall climber
Santee, CA

Jul 11, 2018 - 06:04pm PT


I live 28 miles from the Mexico border in cal and I know people who have been involved in trafficking.
Otherwise, affectionately known in these parts as Santucky.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 11, 2018 - 06:39pm PT
I built 70+ houses in Mission Viejo ,so what.

This is a problem built by her Trump and only him.

You have problems with people you scapegoat in SC,we have some over here as well,people that help feed us.

And,our economy.

Boulder climber
Jul 11, 2018 - 06:47pm PT
Wilbeer- economic forcast calls for another recession within the next two years. The severity and length will probably be exasperated by these crazy trade wars.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 11, 2018 - 06:52pm PT
The last one hurt,let’s have some hope that everything will be fine.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 11, 2018 - 07:02pm PT
Trump says that Germany is "captive to Russia" because of a natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. Trump is using the pipeline as the basis for his attacks on German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the NATO summit.

What a prick.

Trump calling Germany captive to Russia is like the pot calling the surgical tray black.

Trump's wife Ivana was born and raised in Communist Czechoslovakia.

Trump's wife Melania was born and raised in Communist Yugoslavia.

Trump became Mrs. Vladimir Putin in 2013 after a urolagnic ceremony at a Moscow hotel.


The Wastelands
Jul 11, 2018 - 07:24pm PT
let us review

*ATG foolishly, and wrongfully stated:

No. It's real U.S. policy for years now

Norton nicely asked

Is that so? do tell us more....

name it, show the US government program not only separating children from parents for extended periods, for years now. and in addition as you say, sending the children to Michigan


*AGT then, under pressure to deflect after being called out as LIAR then deflects -

And, I'm not going to waste my time providing links to people with TDS

*and another in a long line of poorly educated, alternative fact worshippers, bites the dust

Your cover has been exposed, ATV, the road to recovery starts by admitting you are a liar

Ice climber
Jul 11, 2018 - 07:44pm PT
I live in close proximity to The Toothpicks House, still don't lock the door, but I would never talk to a moron.

And if anyone would like to sleep with their doors open for the next year I would consider discussing border security with them.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 11, 2018 - 08:04pm PT
I haven't locked a front door in years, unless I am going out of town for more than a few hours. This town is full of spanish-speaking people, many of them undocumented immigrants. I have nothing to fear from them, at all.

They invite me to their quinceanera parties. I fix their cars for free. They give me homemade tamales. I steer them through the DMV process. They ask me about Trump. I tell them he is El Pinchoto Grosero Muy Mas Malo.

The people I am scared of are the all-American, MAGA-hatted, ghost-white tweakers who've been up for a week, sucking acetone-based chemicals out of a broken light bulb. They look just like the people at Trump's pep rallies.

Here is a metaphor for Trump's svengalic power over his supporters:

[Click to View YouTube Video]


Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jul 11, 2018 - 09:14pm PT
My blessings on those that never lock their doors.

I lock my car doors when I leave it, & my home doors at night.

And I have my firearms ready, inside my house.

I do share these values with my fellow paranoids on ST.


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jul 11, 2018 - 09:33pm PT
ATG....Don't use Trump's name in vane...

Ice climber
Jul 11, 2018 - 09:41pm PT
Say hey Fritz

We learned quickly in SF that it was bettter to take all your "stuff" out de car and leave it unlocked, saves you a lot of money on broken windows.

That said, depending upon which model you drive, it's now oftentimes the car, not the stuff

I have a "locater" in Mine

Have never had to use it in twenty years

Still, horse theives should be hung


There's one playing out the rope as we read


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jul 11, 2018 - 09:46pm PT
ATG...My fave , the putinator...

Ice climber
Jul 11, 2018 - 09:59pm PT
Ya ever met somebody who works there?

They're not all this pretty

Housing conditions for maquiladora workers are anything but desirable. Most maquiladora workers are extremely poor, single mothers, or immigrants from other parts of Latin America who cannot afford housing on their maquila salary. The colonias where most of these workers live are located near the Maquiladoras where they work. Housing for these workers tends to be shacks built by them on land that is unclaimed, making for unpredictable living conditions and vulnerability to sudden expulsion. The shacks where most workers live tend to be made from leftover maquiladora materials, and are surrounded by mud, contaminated rivers, and highly polluted/ toxic air.
Mighty Hiker

Outside the Asylum
Jul 11, 2018 - 10:10pm PT
Many of you, and pretty much all in the current USA administration, should read some of Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan's works, such as "The Influence of Sea Power on History".

He is still considered a leading geo-strategist.

In global terms, Eurasia is the "World Island". Whoever controls the World Island controls the world. Hence (belated) opposition to Nazi Germany, and steadfast opposition to the Soviet Union after 1948, when it rejected participation in the Marshall Plan and took over Czechoslovakia. The USA can't afford to allow any one power - Russia, or now the greater threat of China with its "One Road" imperial initiative - to dominate Eurasia. It's that simple. NATO was originally defensive in origin, for a much weakened Europe, but as Dingus says has morphed into a tool of US imperial ambition, to help prevent anyone else from controlling Eurasia.

The US had about 50% of world GDP in 1945. It's down to about 25%, and steadily declining. A trade war against opponents who clearly have their eye on the main chance ain't going to fix that.

Much the same as the Middle East - the goal of the US there, whatever the fantasies of the religious right, is to ensure that no one power (Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia) dominates that region. Divide and rule.

Meanwhile halfwit Trump and his abettors are attacking the world economy, attacking NATO and his country's most steadfast allies, and sucking up to Putin. Who is no doubt looking forward to playing Trump for the fool that he is, although he's smart enough to throw Trumpie some trinkets.

Ice climber
Jul 11, 2018 - 10:23pm PT
Weird stuff Brennan

Apparently drugs are legal to some extent in Canada

Watch out for that Jimson Weed

Makes you think things that not even a parakeet can understand


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 11, 2018 - 11:15pm PT

I can appreciate that the U.S. companies needed some incentives (low wages, lax oversight) to risk operating in Mexico. The maquiladora program was not a perfect solution, but did provide some benefit to Mexico. It was not only for the benefit of American companies. It could have been structured more in favor of Mexico and the workers.

The White House Press Office is insane.

Trump's behavior at a NATO breakfast meeting caused his staff, such as John Kelly, to wince, grimace, turn away, and appear to be embarrassed by Trump's boorish performance.

In a statement to The Post, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, "[Kelly] was displeased because he was expecting a full breakfast and there were only pastries and cheese."

Sanders is insane. The plates were clean and empty. No food had been served at the time of Kelly's now-famous reaction to Trump's diatribe against Germany. One NATO official had not even taken their folded napkin off their plate.

Trump is a diplomat in the manner that Dr. Evil as a criminal mastermind.

[Click to View YouTube Video]
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Jul 12, 2018 - 08:02am PT

Trad climber
Jul 12, 2018 - 08:35am PT
LOL Wade.

That's hysterical.
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