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Social climber
Feb 21, 2011 - 02:44am PT
hey there john... wow, thanks for the share... i wish i could take bird pics... but i dont have enough pixels per zoom... etc...
the cameras, as now i have two, from two different friends, BOTH do have a screw for some kind of telephoto lense, but so far, none from older days, has been found to buy for it....
someday, though, something will open for me and i will get mmy try at birds, too... :)
thanks for the share, once again...
john hansen
Feb 22, 2011 - 12:39am PT
That would be a Turkey Vulture...
Trad climber
Save your a_s, reach for the brass...
Feb 22, 2011 - 01:40am PT
John Hansen - I'm not a skilled 'stalker', but I do get out a bunch and that seems to work for me. Also, I shoot almost entirely hand held, so I'm more portable and quicker on my feet than the tripod gang, so I can squeeze off more shots per hour than some folks. That said, I do have to shoot at least 1/200 or so to keep things clear for the most part, 1/800 is even better if I have the light... I shoot a lot with a 400mm on a Canon 7D, which is an ASPC sensor, hence the crop factor is 1.6, so the 400 is really a 640mm on that body, so that helps. Regarding the autofocus issues with birds hiding in branches, I have a couple of tips that perhaps you are already using:
1) If your camera lets you pick your autofocus point(s), choose a single center or upper center point and get that puppy on the eye of your bird subject. This method gives me the best tracking, keeps the all important eye in focus and gives reasonable composition for quick on the go shooting.
2) If your camera has detailed function settings, you may have an option under the auto focus menu that speeds or slows the autofocus reaction to new objects introduced into the composition field. For example, if you have focus locked onto the head of a bird and he moves a bit such that a branch is now near his chest, this custom adjustment can delay or speed the camera's tendency to focus on that new object - with it set to less sensitive/slower, hopefully the bird stays focused longer...
Have fun out there!
Jerry Dodrill
Sebastopol, CA
Feb 28, 2011 - 02:03am PT
Just an Egret, but I was having fun with a 400mm 2.8 and 1.7 tele on my D3 this afternoon.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
the Bandurria Austral aka Black-faced Ibis
Trad climber
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Snowy Egret Jerry?
Beautiful photos everyone.
I don't think any bird is mundane - Turkey Vulture or not. Imagine the carnage we'd be living in without Turkey Vultures. I once went to a place where TVs who'd been injured spent the rest of their lives. They are lively curious little stinkers. They had me laughing the entire time.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
juvenile Black-chested Buzzard Eagle...can you imagine those claws
gripping the back of your neck?
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Saw this really weird crow in Argentina.
Somebody said they like tango music.
the museum
Trad climber
Rapid City
During our recent snowy and cold weather, our resident Gray Partridge went into some kind of hibernation and buried himself in the snow for about 7 days. Yesterday - it cleared up a bit - and he came out and found a patch of grass and had some grub...
It's cold again today and he buried himself - again!
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Nice observations and story!
"Dood, Mom is gonna be sooo pissed! That shirt was clean when we left!"
Trad climber
Seattle, wa
Ok here are a few more from my collection.
Trad climber
Santa Cruz/New Zealand/South Pacific
From a recent excursion to the Rob Roy Glacier in Mt Aspiring National Park, South Island NZ.
Trad climber
Save your a_s, reach for the brass...
Excellent recent additions by several Tacos! Keep 'em coming. I'll post up a few from a SoCal trip soon...
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Did you measure the wingspan? Probably a Great Horned judgeing by the
apparent wingspan.
Here's a couple more from Patagonia.
The Yal Austral aka Black-throated Finch. This is the missus.
This is Missus Carpintero Negro Gigante aka Magellanic Woodpecker.
I was getting frantic after three weeks of seeing their endeavors
everywhere I went without seeing them. On our last day about 1/2 mile
from trail's end there was a whole family merrily pecking away mere feet
from the trail!
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
A-friggin'-mazing stuff! Awesome thread that just keeps giving.
Jerry Dodrill
Sebastopol, CA
Man Reilly, you've got some nice ones.
Here are some nervous ducks...
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