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Aug 31, 2018 - 08:16pm PT
“Deep State”

Pure nut job talk.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Aug 31, 2018 - 08:20pm PT
just when did this assault on the constitution begin ward?

When Rush Limbaugh told him to be outraged, a virtual Pavlovs dog.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 31, 2018 - 08:27pm PT
The " deep state " boogy.....
Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Aug 31, 2018 - 08:27pm PT
No uranium was sold to Russians.

Better get the deep state progressives on this one.

They spent 4 years on that one.

Let's face it-- your side of the political aisle these days are a bunch of God-awful rats. And just about as transparent as a herd of donkeys.

You have no idea how deranged and fake you appear before the bulk of the American people.
The Left is increasingly looking like a herd of incompetent power -hungry jackasses who live in a bubble.

Trust me on this.

state of being
Aug 31, 2018 - 08:34pm PT
Still no uranium sold to Russians, Trotter.

You might be confusing investing in a US company vs shipping Uranium to Russia.

If you focus, you might understand the difference.
Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Aug 31, 2018 - 08:40pm PT

Woo, nice word . Are you one of those lefist intellectuals so much smarter than ordinary Americans?

Are you the deep state sent to investigate supertopo?

state of being
Aug 31, 2018 - 08:41pm PT
Glad you understand the difference now, Ward.

Keep up the good progress.
Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Aug 31, 2018 - 09:07pm PT
Hey Ward, how is the Mueller investigation an attack on our Constitution?
Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Aug 31, 2018 - 09:08pm PT
Wait a minute:

without the tiniest bit of evidence.

This is staring to sound more and more and more like ... "RUSSIAN COLLUSION"

Hey Ward, how is the Mueller investigation an attack on our Constitution?

Well for one thing it's an inside attempt by unelected people to overturn the results of a legitimate election.

And don't try to pretend it is anything else than that. Don't even bother. Even if you're a lawyer or politician.

You'll start looking and sounding more and more like a bubble- dwelling swamp creature.

What does he see?

Collusion I say!

Evidence to start the investigation?

None is needed says CNN!

Aug 31, 2018 - 09:20pm PT

It would be one thing if the fringes of the Republican Party believed that stuff, but the problem is that party leadership (including the Racist in Chief that Ward supports) encourages this crap. The Republican Party has gotta go.
Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Aug 31, 2018 - 09:27pm PT
Republican Party has gotta go.

But, but you tried that and lost the House, Senate, and then the Presidency and the Supreme Court.


Looks like you'll have to start all over again.

This time with porn hookers, dirty lawyers, and the odd bozo who took some money from Ukranians. Or was it Russians?

Boy, this is a long way from progressive socialism and its purity.

Maybe this is why socialism always fails.

I say we investigate Hillary and Obama. Only fair!

We don't even need evidence for such an investigation. Evidence is passé. Like the truth in mainstream media, or Constitutional behavior from the deep state.

Wonder what we'd find in that investigation?

Any takers?

Any guesses?


Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 31, 2018 - 10:17pm PT
Ward, have you told your doctor this? Don't...
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Aug 31, 2018 - 10:44pm PT
I say we investigate Hillary and Obama. Only fair!

how long did the Benghazi investigation last? What did that produce? no investigations of Obama because he is squeaky clean, a record Republicans can only dream about. Obama was a leader, Trump lacks ANY leadership qualities. Making money is not a leadership quality.

McCarthy admitted Benghazi was intended to be a political move. Darrell Issa was all in and it cost him his seat in Congress, his district, CA49th, will probably flip, due in large part to his chickenshit investigations. Yes the chickens are coming home to roost.
john hansen

Aug 31, 2018 - 11:26pm PT
Even though I live in Hawaii,I want to get a Fresno phone book and call everyone with a Latino name and urge them to get out and vote. Nunez should and can be defeated.

Same with Mclintock,,

It comes down to one district at a time.

This election is really important this time and all of us must make a stand against hate and division and racism and all that Trump stands for.

We must win the House to keep checks and balances in place.

These are unprecedented times.
Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Sep 1, 2018 - 09:51am PT
Well for one thing it's an inside attempt by unelected people to overturn the results of a legitimate election.
Nothing "inside" about it. It's one arm of the executive branch researching the integrity of another? You're saying you don't want to know if the POTUS colluded with our enemies in an effort to secure his election? We know he invited a hostile foreign power to try to hack the emails his opponent, so why is this a stretch?

Basically, if you still support Trump at this juncture, you've chosen a wanna be dictator over your country.

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Sep 1, 2018 - 11:25am PT
It's interesting to me to see the Associated Press weekly list of Trump's lies.

I can't respect anyone who "Lies like a Trump!"

AP Fact Check: Trump's week of fiction: trade, Google, polls
The trade comments came in a week of outright fiction in which Trump also kept asserting that Mexico will pay for his long-promised wall along the southwest border despite Mexico's statements to the contrary; falsely accused Google of shunning his State of the Union address while promoting Barack Obama's; and cited high poll ratings for himself that don't appear to exist.

A sampling of the claims and the reality behind them:

TRUMP: "This is one of the largest trade deals ever made. Maybe the largest trade deal ever made." — phone call Monday with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
THE FACTS: Not even close. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, negotiated by the Obama administration, included the three NAFTA partners — United States, Canada and Mexico — plus Japan and eight other Pacific Rim countries. Trump withdrew the United States from the pact in his third day in office.

Even the TPP shrinks in comparison to Uruguay Round of trade negotiations. Concluded in 1994, the round created the World Trade Organization and was signed by 123 countries. The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston found the following year that the WTO's initial membership accounted for more than 90 percent of global economic output.

TRUMP: "We made the deal with Mexico. And I think it's a very — deal. We're starting negotiations with Canada, pretty much immediately ... It's going to be a — it's a smaller segment, as you know. Mexico is a very large trading partner." — phone call Monday with Peña Nieto.
THE FACTS: Trump appears to be suggesting that Mexico is a bigger U.S. trading partner than Canada. That's not the case. America's two-way trade — exports plus imports — came to $680 billion with Canada last year. That's compared with $622 billion with Mexico.

TRUMP: "I smile at Senators and others talking about how good free trade is for the U.S. What they don't say is that we lose Jobs and over 800 Billion Dollars a year on really dumb Trade Deals ... and these same countries Tariff us to death." — tweet Tuesday.

THE FACTS: The $800 billion is a reference to America's trade deficit last year. But Trump exaggerates the size of the gap between what the U.S. sells and what it buys from the rest of the world. The trade deficit in goods and services came to $552 billion in 2017. The United States ran an $807 billion deficit in goods such as cars and machinery. But Trump ignored America's $255 billion surplus in services such as education and finance.

Mainstream economists also take issue with Trump's assertion that trade deficits amount to a loss for the United States. The money didn't just vanish. In exchange for what they spent on imports, Americans got the benefit of owning everything from made-in-China iPhones to French wine.


TRUMP: "The wall will be paid for very easily by Mexico. It will ultimately be paid for by Mexico." — remarks Tuesday.

THE FACTS: Not according to Mexico. Immediately after Trump's remarks, Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray tweeted to stress, once again, that his country won't foot the bill for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Videgaray wrote that his country has been "absolutely clear" that Mexico "will NEVER pay for a wall."


TRUMP: "What's going on at @CNN is happening, to different degrees, at other networks - with @NBCNews being the worst ... When Lester Holt got caught fudging my tape on Russia, they were hurt badly!" — tweet Thursday.
THE FACTS: There is no evidence of the NBC interview having been "fudged" or doctored in any way, and the White House didn't respond to requests regarding what Trump was referring to. NBC declined to comment.
In the interview, Trump referred in part to "this Russia thing" as a consideration in his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating possible obstruction of justice in the Russia probe.

It's possible Trump is frustrated that other comments from the same interview may have received less attention.

Minutes after he acknowledged that "this Russia thing" was on his mind when he fired Comey, Trump also acknowledged that he knew the decision to terminate him might actually prolong the investigation. In fact it did, with Mueller investigating the firing for potential obstruction of justice.
His lawyers and other supporters have contended that that sentiment is actually helpful for the president, suggesting he couldn't have been trying to obstruct the investigation by doing something that he knew would actually draw it out longer.


TRUMP: "Report just out: 'China hacked Hillary Clinton's private Email Server.'" — tweet Tuesday.

TRUMP: "Hillary Clinton's Emails, many of which are Classified Information, got hacked by China. Next move better be by the FBI & DOJ or, after all of their other missteps (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, FISA, Dirty Dossier etc.), their credibility will be forever gone!" — tweet Wednesday.

THE FACTS: Trump's own law enforcement agencies dispute that.
Trump appears to be citing a story by the right-leaning Daily Caller publication, which reported that a Chinese-owned company in the Washington, D.C., area hacked Clinton's email server.
But FBI and Justice Department officials have said publicly that there was no evidence Clinton's server was hacked by a foreign power.
A June report from the Justice Department's inspector general on the FBI's handling of the Clinton investigation said FBI specialists did not find evidence that the server had been hacked, with one forensics agent saying he felt "fairly confident that there wasn't an intrusion."
An FBI official said Wednesday after the Daily Caller story and Trump's tweet that the "FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised."


TRUMP: "Over 90% approval rating for your all time favorite (I hope) President within the Republican Party and 52% overall. This despite all of the made up stories by the Fake News Media trying endlessly to make me look as bad and evil as possible. Look at the real villains please!" — tweet Sunday.

THE FACTS: He's wrong in regard to polls citing his overall job ratings.
The Associated Press couldn't find any evidence of a recent poll that put Trump's approval at 52 percent, and the White House and his re-election campaign didn't respond to requests for specifics.
Polls are a snapshot of public opinion at the moment they are taken. Job approval can — and has in recent history — vary during a president's term.
Since his inauguration, however, Trump's job approval has been remarkably consistent, in the high 30s and low 40s, in polls from various media organizations and other pollsters.

The latest AP-NORC poll, taken this month, finds Trump's approval among American adults at 38 percent. Some other recent polls measure his approval in the low- to mid-40s.
On his level of support among Republicans, Trump is correct that they broadly approve of his work as president. In the same AP-NORC poll that found 38 percent of adults approving of the president, 76 percent of Republicans and those who lean toward the GOP said they approved of Trump. Some polls have put that level of support as high as 90 percent.


Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Sep 1, 2018 - 04:26pm PT
Ward says:
Trust me on this.

Here's a fun one, 'What the F*#k Just Happened Today':



Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 1, 2018 - 04:31pm PT
Russia Aims to Help GOP in Midterms -- And Warns It Would be 'Suicidal' for Republicans to Oppose Trump
Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Russian media reports that sanctions proposed by Trump will never be enforced and were just for show before the elections

The Kremlin is rooting for Republicans to keep their congressional majorities, according to a Russian media analyst -- and its state TV hosts are confident they'll win.

President Donald Trump hasn't done much to counter foreign efforts to influence the midterm elections, and has even suggested the Kremlin will work to benefit Democrats, but Russia's state TV paints a different picture, wrote journalist Julia Davis for The Daily Beast.

“Global empires like the United States are destroyed from within," said filmmaker Karen Shakhnazarov on Russia's "60 Minutes." "The U.S. is deteriorating. They won’t find other fighters like (Sen. John) McCain. There won’t be any others like him. This process is irreversible.”

Russia hopes to help Trump by promoting his economic successes and create joint business opportunities, and by cultivating relationships with Republican elected officials -- some of whom have traveled this summer to Moscow.

"Naturally, Trump’s team — if they aren’t suicidal — will find arguments in support of the president," said Konstantin Zatulin, a leading figure in Putin’s United Russia party. "Those who don’t, won’t be on his team — or maybe they won’t be in Congress."

Olga Skabeeva, host of "60 Minutes," and Russian government officials have openly bragged about using active measures to promote their agenda through U.S. politics -- which they believe will further compromise Trump.

"Help him, direct him, support him -- and then you'll say he isn't ours," Skabeeva said.

Russian media reports that sanctions proposed by Trump will never be enforced and were just for show before the elections, and they say the president and his Russian counterpart quietly agreed in Helsinki to establish a business council to "unite" U.S. and Russian business interests.

“We can seriously benefit from these deals, there’s potential profit at stake," said Dmitry Abzalov, director of the Center for Strategic Communications in Moscow. "We shouldn’t let Trump down right now, our main goal right now is to help him with correct arguments. He will follow through with an internal agenda and economy.”

The Kremlin's overarching goal is to see the U.S. give up its role as the world's dominant superpower and retreat to domestic affairs and global commerce, according to Davis.

“With Americans, it’s all very clear,” said Russian state TV host Evgeny Popov. “In Iowa or someplace in Montana, they’re more concerned with the price of corn or beef than Crimea.”

However, Russia plans to pursue an even more aggressive foreign policy.

"Turns out, the first President of Russia was threatening [Bill] Clinton that the Communists will come back, take the Crimea and Alaska," said Skabeeva, the "60 Minutes" host. "We already took the Crimea, albeit without the Communists. Now it's Alaska's turn."

Ice climber
Sep 1, 2018 - 05:42pm PT
Just a little plug for my forthcoming book and reinforcement for the fact that MEXICO REALLY REALLY REALLY NEEDS TO BUILD THAT MOTHERFUKKKKING WALL

(learned that little all caps trick from the TRUMPSTER himself)


Ice climber
Sep 1, 2018 - 06:27pm PT
Even little bitch Don "Puto" Trump agrees

“We need the wall,” Trump said in a video about Tibbetts’ death that he posted to Twitter. “We need our immigration laws changed.”
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