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State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:38pm PT
Just conversing with Republicans makes me want to puke

Where is the compassion, the National Pride
The support for the weakest link, so we can all be strong

We shouldn't be increasing our percentage of poor, yet thats what the Republicans want, and then they blame them for being poor, and not having a job

Truly pathetic

dr. F,

i voted for Obama. i am not dem or republican. i voted for him because he was the best candidate. while i am not sorry to vote for him i am disapointed.

but this is not a dem vs repub issue. where is self sacrifice? in terms of working hard to earn money? should those of us who work our a$$es off just give it to those who sit on their butts all day?

The Granite State.
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:42pm PT
FACT, there are too many people who abuse our social services.

What do we do to put this abuse in check?

Social services are important and we need these in our nation. Abuse is inexcusable.
the Fet

Oct 11, 2011 - 05:42pm PT
I'd guess about 5% of the people who are suffering are lazy/unmotivated, the other 95% would jump at the chance of a decent paying job. But it's easier to pretend it's all just lazy people so you don't feel guilty.

The Granite State.
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:50pm PT
I guess I'll reiterate.

I encounter people who abuse the welfare system on a regular basis.
I agree with the welfare system.

However, reform to this system from qualifications to administration could result in a lower tax bill for all of us.

I'm with you guys, don't get me wrong, but if the winds of change are blowing, let's direct them properly.

The repercussions would only affect those who are playing the system.

State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:51pm PT
You are not giving it away, that is total BS

You are paying taxes, and your taxes could be spent on $40 billion subsides to big oil, Walmart, crony capitailism and rebuilding Iraq

Or making sure Americans that DON"T HAVE a Job don't starve
and providing jobs that rebulid infrastructure and what not

Its not your money, its the Government's Money, and the issue is how it gets spent

hey, dont preach to me about wars, i didnt want any of them.

State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:53pm PT
Jobs are created by only one factor


No demand, no jobs,

No one would just create a job for no reason

We have to create demand by spending more
Yet the Republicans want to cut spending

So more Jobs will be lost due to Republican Policies

hey, i actually agree with you here.

what are all the poor defense contractors going to do when we cut defense?


Dr. F, i actually agree with a lot of what you are saying....i am one of those poor "centrist" voters who feel like we need a new Party in politics....something better than the current "dumb and dumber" that we have...

The Granite State.
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:55pm PT
Maybe you're not picking up what I'm throwing down, Wes.

State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:55pm PT
do you strap them to the board before cutting them or just hope they dont flop around?
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:58pm PT
I have seen various studies that say that about 50 percent of people on welfare will return to welfare at some point. Other studies put it at as low as 10 percent. I don't know which is true. But what this does tell me is that as few as 50 percent, and possibly many more, do get off of welfare and stay off of it.

During recessions, the numbers always go up because their just isn't work and unemployment benefits run out. I know many people like this. My brother in law was out of work for 3 years. He is a mid level marketing manager with a lot of skills, and he has worked for many of the biggest companies, but he is also 58 now, and few people are hiring mid level managers with lots of skills. Instead, they are hiring younger people with fewer skills because his age worries them, even though he is healthy.

He has been down to the final two job applicants 12 times in the last 3 years and each time he was turned down for the job for someone younger. He is over qualified and too old.

During one job interview, the president of the company really liked him and they flew him across the country to interview him. The president showed him one of their products and gave him 10 minutes to look at how they were marketing it and then asked him what he would do to fix the problems they had with it. After he gave them his fix, the president turned to the VPs that were present and said that they had just spent more on a marketing analysis then it would cost to hire my brother inlaw for one year, yet he came up with the same basic solutions to their problem in 10 minutes.

My brother inlaw lost that job to a guy 20 years younger with way less experience, even though my brother inlaw was willing to accept the lower wages.

I can say that he finally got a job 3 months ago. But damn was it a long time in finding a job.

State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:01pm PT
i am a HS dropout. got my GED, then BS Engineering. MS Engineering.

not adviseable, but it is doable. some of us screwed up then figured out when we screwed up and tried to fix things. so far its worked.

my first hand experience tells me if you cannot pass the GED you ought to be sterilized to prevent offspring.


State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:06pm PT
The Military Industrial Complex is a tough issue
Of course we need to cut military spending
and that means jobs

Maybe we can start a new High Tech Green Jobs using them
and they can build stuff for the good of the Nation, rather than for death
But thats socialism, and we can't have socialism

i am all for a little socialism, personally. so long as it makes sense. i recently had brunch in the Timberline Lodge at Mt. Hood. Really cool lodge built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 30's. i could go for some things that at least when our children are paying off the national debt our kids can point to something and say we are paying for that..,.unfortunately, most of our politicians are so short sighted they only keep track of the next votes

State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:08pm PT
thats some sick sh#t your thinking hawkeye,

got anything to add concerning kikes or spicks while your at it?

war, that was tongue in cheek for saying that if you are not smart enough to pass a GED, you really have some challenges in life that government is not ever going to be able to fix.

State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:15pm PT
aint a test you ever pointed to wasnt a racist attack on the poor

why all this fuss about erecting social barriers to biological functions?

i am not understanding you war...this morning at the gas station i was getting coffee and there was a crew of mexican farm laborers with only one of them who could speak english getting coffee. i salute them. they were going to work to do a job that some white people feel to speshul to do....
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:24pm PT
We are in tough times,

And yet you post this..

They are out there protesting the miserable lives they've built for themselves. HS dropouts, Humanities majors, losers, let them rot in the street.

Why are we in tough times?

I know.. you want to blame people for being greedy, yet you say greed is good. You want to deregulate and free the economy, yet without sound regulation and firm oversight, a free economy will go from boom to bust.
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:28pm PT
Welfare fraud ain't got squat on banker fraud, insurance companies, or the war machine.

You can say that again!
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:39pm PT
I addressed them. You just weren't paying attention.

State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:39pm PT
Welfare fraud ain't got squat on banker fraud, insurance companies, or the war machine.

insurance companies are the worst.
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:40pm PT
I would say that they are all about equal in their corruption.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 11, 2011 - 06:46pm PT
not possible
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Oct 11, 2011 - 07:07pm PT
Occupy Wall Street, insofar as it had a genesis, was started by Adbusters magazine, which is based in Vancouver. They're going to begin an Occupy Wall Street event in Vancouver on October 15th, if they can ever get organized - the tea party's corporate funders do help with that part. Anyway, Wall Street in Vancouver is actually a residential and (partly) commercial/industrial area, well away from financial centres downtown, which are more or less on Howe Street. So will it be occupy Wall Street, on Howe Street?
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