Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Social climber
Lida Junction
Jul 9, 2018 - 06:47pm PT
So get thee gone, the fascist, intolerable far left extremists Democrats, to the dust bin of history where ye belong and take your KKK and your borderless utopia with you. I

You need to visit a dictionary.

Boulder climber
Jul 9, 2018 - 06:55pm PT
Homan, throttle back just a smidge my love, I can't bear to lose you again.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 9, 2018 - 07:09pm PT
We could call him names right here on the net,but ,why.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 9, 2018 - 07:12pm PT
You do need to visit a dictionary.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 9, 2018 - 07:18pm PT
Crisis actors, believe them. Lol

Gym climber
Jul 9, 2018 - 07:22pm PT
Let's take quick break from the Trump bashing (much of which is deserved) to congratulate the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to SCOTUS.

He has impeccable credential (Yale undergrad and law school, clerked for recently retired Justice Kennedy, among others), is a textualist and a strict constructionist, and will do much to restore the lustre of SCOTUS which suffered so many years under activist judges who tried to impose their will on the American people, untethered from any reasonable interpretation of the Constitution.

This is a great day for the Constitution.

(I'm a little worried about reproductive rights, which I strongly support, but we can't support or oppose a judge just because he or she may decide a case that has implications we don't like--we have to respect the process and the proper role of the judiciary, which is quite limited. Just call the balls and strikes as Chief Justice Roberts says--none of this legislating from the bench business.)

Oh and Ginsburg and Sotomeyer (and to a lesser extent Kagan and Breyer) are just going to have so suck some lemons for a good, long while :)

Trad climber
Jul 9, 2018 - 07:54pm PT
Looks like Trump's making America great again, one judge at a time. 😁😁😁

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 9, 2018 - 08:02pm PT
I would like to say ,Good for you,but,It will not be.

Yee Haw.

Social climber
Wilds of New Mexico
Jul 9, 2018 - 08:08pm PT
My problem with Kavanaugh is his opinions on executive power. Though that is also my problem with Congress since 9/11- way too much deference to the executive branch. Otherwise known as lack of spine. In any case he seems quite qualified. I'm sure I will disagree with most of his opinions!

Jul 9, 2018 - 08:41pm PT
Woohoo, another hardcore right winger.

Mountain climber
Jul 9, 2018 - 08:51pm PT
This Querencia Phase thing seems to be lasting a really really long time. Maybe it never was? Anyhow, wake me when it's over. Say around 2021?

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 9, 2018 - 09:06pm PT
The Querencia phase is over.

Did he show his tax returns?

Certainly that will exonerate him.

Social climber
Wilds of New Mexico
Jul 9, 2018 - 09:28pm PT
I'm sure this nominee will make his way onto the court and maybe Trump will even get to appoint another justice, though at some point people will tire of a nutcase right wing court. In my opinion McConnell's move on Garland will come back to haunt the country. It was a wrong that will be at some point "righted", either through court packing or judicial impeachment. His was the the first step towards a banana republic judiciary.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 9, 2018 - 09:29pm PT
An extended querencia phase is not the same thing as a querencia phase that has ended.

The Mueller investigation is, admittedly, taking longer than expected. But, it continues to produce results, and it continues to move forward.

Notice that the New York Attorney General's office took almost two years to bring forth a civil lawsuit to eliminate and redress Trump's fraudulent charitable company, The Trump Foundation. That case was much simpler, because it mainly required examining readily-available bank and tax records.

Mueller's investigation is much more complex. He is being very thorough and careful. He is only going to get one shot at taking down the monster. If he only injures it, and it survives, it will be a catastrophe for Western Civilization.

Trump is currently riding a lull in the storm to his highest approval ratings yet (about 40%, lower than any other recent president).

Trump is basking in the eye of the hurricane, putting on his bathing suit and heading to the beach, because the sun came out and the wind stopped.

The forthcoming Category 5 litigation will soon be upon him.

women will just have to go to underground doctors that will spring up overnight

I used to work in the medical device industry. If I have to, I will produce and sell the necessary DIY equipment on eBay. Most of the components, like endoscope cameras, are readily available, and coming down in price all the time.
Mighty Hiker

Outside the Asylum
Jul 9, 2018 - 09:39pm PT
Mueller is doing a very professional job. Thorough, balanced, beyond criticism. The classic investigator/prosecutor. Not jumping to conclusions, not blabbing to the news media, running a tight ship. Which will make the eventual results all the more telling.

It seems probable that Mueller will recommend that Trump be charged with various income tax, collusion and other crimes, and leave it to the courts to decide if he can be charged while in office, and if so for what. I'd guess that they'll eventually find that he can be charged and tried while in office for crimes committed before he took office - via regular indictment, in the courts. For crimes committed after he took office, via impeachment.

Machiavelli: "If you strike at a king, you must kill him." You only get one chance to charge and try someone.

Mountain climber
Jul 9, 2018 - 11:11pm PT
It was a wrong that will be at some point "righted", either through court packing . . .

Now that would be the start of some real troubles.

Trad climber
Jul 10, 2018 - 06:22am PT
This Querencia Phase thing seems to be lasting a really really long time. Maybe it never was? Anyhow, wake me when it's over. Say around 2021?

Or even 2025.

This thread's title cracks me up on a regular basis. Querencia Phase... Trump's last stand... his end is near.

Meanwhile, he's just cruising along... doing his thing, with little blowback or resistance.

Social climber
Lida Junction
Jul 10, 2018 - 08:58am PT
of course he would

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 10, 2018 - 12:26pm PT
Meanwhile, he's just cruising along... doing his thing, with little blowback or resistance.

Alternative facts are not facts. They are falsehoods.
 Chuck "He's A Sleepy Son of a Bitch" Todd

A major point of blowback and resistance is that Tesla is following Harley-Davidson's lead, and moving manufacturing operations overseas.

In response to Trump's Art of the Deal trade war, China placed a 40% tariff on electric cars made in America. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Tesla will build its next car factory in China, not in the United States.

And, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that China will enforce its immigration laws to stop American whitebacks from crossing the border, invading the country, and taking Tesla jobs away from Chinese citizens.


Tesla began planning the Shanghai factory about a year ago, 6 months into the Trump Presidency, which continued it's bellicose campaign rhetoric about trade protectionism.

Tesla's decision to build it's new factory in China, instead of in America, was prescient and shrewd. The 40% Chinese tariff on electric cars was enacted only a few weeks ago. Tesla got a head start by recognizing that Trump is an unhinged madman, and the best strategy is to move operations outside his sphere of interference.

China's steep tariffs on electric cars is intended to give Chinese companies an advantage in the developing industry. Tesla's move out of the United States will ensure that America falls behind, and China moves ahead.


Trump's attorneys are now saying that Trump will sit down for an interview with Robert Mueller, but only if the following two conditions are met:

1 - Mueller must present evidence that Trump has committed a crime

2 - Trump's testimony must be necessary in order for the investigation to be completed.

1 - This is a childish ploy to coerce prosecutors into showing their hand to Trump. Mueller is correctly investigating what, if any, crimes were committed. He has no obligation to reveal evidence to a potential suspect, and he has many reasons to specifically not reveal any evidence.

Trump's demand ostensibly will give him all the cards. If evidence is lacking, Trump does not have to testify. If evidence is presented, Trump can invoke the Fifth Amendment, and does not have to testify. Either way, Trump does not have to testify. Very clever.

2 - If Trump's testimony is necessary for the conclusion of the investigation, but Trump does not testify (see above), then the investigation can never be concluded. Therefore, Trump will insist that the investigation be shut down, right now, because there is no point in its continuing forever, with no possible conclusion. Very clever.

Mueller is also very clever. He can subpoena Trump, the same way Nixon and Clinton were successfully subpoenaed. Mueller doesn't have to enter into an agreement that hinders his investigation.

And, it isn't necessary for Mueller to interview Trump. A prosecutor can obtain a conviction without interviewing a suspect.

Jul 10, 2018 - 02:14pm PT
Minority rules in this country’s

And the minority will fight relentlessly and tirelessly to keep their power.

Remember that next time “bridges” are discussed.
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