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Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 12:40pm PT
Social climber
May 14, 2014 - 12:42pm PT
I bet this thread goes above #5265 today. If this thread was the DOW, I'd be putting all my money into it for the time being. Sizzling baby!
Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
May 14, 2014 - 12:49pm PT
Philo, Reagan and Bush were white. Obama is not. The ferocity of Obama Derangement Syndrome is rooted in racism, as Cliven Bundy demonstrated.
Social climber
May 14, 2014 - 12:53pm PT
Oh well.....so much for reverse psychology.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 12:56pm PT
No Ron we didn't miss your too little, too late post above what we missed was your outrage of the much worse abuses of the white guys when they were POTUS.
You are a hypocrite suffering from misdirected outrage.
But it's OK 'cause your armed.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 12:59pm PT
Don't forget the free "Water the Tree of Liberty" T shirts with every purchase of an assault rifle or high capacity magazine. You are pedaling death and sedition. Oh and have a phukd day ya pissant traitor.
.Neversummer that is a really disturbing video.
Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
May 14, 2014 - 01:02pm PT
Ron, you must recognize that we are a nation of laws. Bundy thinks he's above the law - hell, he doesn't recognize the federal government.
You have the right to vote however you want. But when you start supporting armed revolution because you don't like the laws you demonstrate that you have gone off the deep end. That's gun counter nonsense and somehow I think you must know it.
Trad climber
Can't get here from there
May 14, 2014 - 01:17pm PT
while those in washington run free and easy over committing crimes like eric holder and lois lerner being in contempt of congress
So both have been convicted of these crimes already?
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 01:26pm PT
So both have been convicted of these crimes already?
They have in Rong's mind. Remember he is the self imposed Judge, Jury and Executioner.
He has the body count already, notches on his gun butt to prove it
Social climber
Joshua Tree
May 14, 2014 - 01:29pm PT
No, they haven't been convicted, nor will they be.
Because under the Republican's favorite doctrine, the "Unitary Executive" (used extensively by the Bush/Cheney junta to justify everything under the sun), Congress cannot compel the executive branch to perform actions. And the US Attorneys are Exec branch.
The backing for that comes from Federalist 49 IIRC. In any case, not going to happen. Congress can hold all the little showboat contemp hearings it wants, and the end effect will be Holder giving them the double middle fingers...as they, especially alleged car thief and posturing clown Darrell Issa, deserve.
Trad climber
Can't get here from there
May 14, 2014 - 01:31pm PT
philo, he has all that law inforcement savy that backs up all the doubletalk accusations about our government.
Trad climber
Santa Cruz Mountains and Monterey Bay
May 14, 2014 - 01:38pm PT
Call the Cops at Your Peril by Paul Craig Roberts
“Live free or die” is the motto of the state of New Hampshire. I hope the residents are prepared to die, because living free is not what they do. NH is merely a cog within the Amerikan Stasi State, but I am referring to what goes on within NH itself, not the police state existence imposed by Washington. On May 5 attorney William Baer was arrested at a school board meeting at which he went over a 2-minute speaking rule while trying to get some explanation from the Gilford, NH, school board for assigning sexually explicit reading material to his 14-year old daughter’s English class. The evasiveness of the school board angered Mr. Baer, and he spoke out again in support of another parents protests, and was promptly arrested by a goon thug cop.
The school board chairman, Sue Allen, who has no legislative power nevertheless managed to create a law backed by police violence. After all if Bush and Obama can create laws by edict, why not a school board chairman? Under Allen’s edict, if a parent violates the 2-minute rule that Allen imposed, she has the parent arrested. The goon thug cop wasn’t embarrassed to arrest a parent for making a legitimate complaint during the public comment period of a school board meeting.
Remember, we “freedom and democracy” Americans have free speech and protest rights. Actually, don’t remember that, because you no longer have any such rights. These rights are dangerous. They enable terrorists and extremists such as those dangerous people who don’t believe The Government.
This is Amerika today. Mr Baer offered no resistance, but nevertheless was lucky that the goon thug cop did not taser him, pepper spray him, and call for a backup SWAT team to beat him senseless or even murder him.
Last month wedding guests at at the San Luis Hotel in Galveston, Texas, were set upon without reason by 34 crazed goon thug cops. The guests, including the father of the bride and the bride’s brother were brutally beaten and maced along with many guests including 13 who were arrested for asking, “what is going on?” The brother was so badly injured by the goon thugs that he had to be rushed via helicopter to a hospital. The mayhem resulted from an off-duty goon thug witnessing a guest walk outside with an alcoholic beverage, thus violating the city’s “open container” law. Instead of advising the guest of the open container law and recommending that he step back inside, the goon thug called the cops who arrived on the scene in mass and enjoyed themselves by beating up the wedding party.
No charges have been filed against the goon thugs for gratuitously beating up wedding guests. The right of cops to beat and murder the citizens who pay their salaries is now a perk of the job. It is necessary in order to keep us safe from criminals and terrorists, descriptions that are ever expanding.
Don’t expect courts to put any restraint on police and prosecutors. Dave Lindorff and Molly Knefel have given accurate accounts of the frame-up of Cecily McMillan by a corrupt prosecutor and a corrupt goon thug. McMillan was convicted on the false charge of assaulting a police office when the goon thug seized her breasts from behind. The judge, Ronald Zwiebel, enabled the conviction by preventing the defense from showing the evidence. The gullible and very stupid jurors made certain that injustice was perpetrated. Now a young woman who was sexually assaulted faces a seven-year prison sentence for “assaulting” a goon thug. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38424.htm
This is Stasi Amerika today. And it gets worse. In Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, Eileen Battisti, a 53-year old widow, had her $280,000 home seized by Beaver County officials and sold at auction for $116,000 because of an unpaid $6.30 interest fee on the late payment of her school district taxes. A corrupt judge did not insist upon justice for the widow but instead upheld the robbery that benefitted both the county and the purchaser at auction of her home, S.P. Lewis. Lewis offered to sell the widow her home back for $250,000. http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/eileen-battisti/
To see what cops are really like, read this: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/justice-for-arzy/
Whatever you do, never call the cops. However bad you might think the situation is, it will be much worse once the goon thugs arrive: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/candy-middleton/
And do not show any compassion for animals. Showing compassion for animals is proof that you are an animal-rights extremist which lumps you in with terrorists. In Albion, Michigan, extremists who feed a stray cat are fined and locked away for three months. Mary Musselman, an 81-year old Alzheimer sufferer was locked away for 90 days for feeding stray cats on her own property. When you see a starving animal, turn your back and walk away. Your inhumanity will be rewarded but your humanity will be severely punished. http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/albion-michigan-cat-feeding/
Just keep in mind that “we have freedom and democracy” and we are “the exceptional and indispensable people.” Our president told us so. This designation removes you from any responsibility to other humans, much less animals. Don’t lose sight of the fact that Amerikans are so exceptional and indispensable that we have murdered seven entire countries in the new 21st century, and we are just getting started. As it is perfectly acceptable for Amerika to murder countries, how can it possibly matter if a goon thug cop murders you, your pet or your wife or husband or daughter or son?
What is so discouraging is that this article could be hundreds of thousands of pages long. I could sit here writing this article for the rest of my life, adding one incident after another, and not get beyond the tip of the iceberg. The inhumanity of which Americans are capable and indulge in every day must scare Satan himself.
Parents arrested for protesting the assignment of pornographic reading material to 14-year olds by school boards, elderly and ill people imprisoned for feeding starving animals, pets murdered by police who are supposed to protect the citizens but instead mace them, beat them, body slam them, and shoot them and their pets gratuitously for the thrill of committing violence against life are the reason the public sector is in disrepute.
The worst people in the country are in our public institutions. This is why there is so little sympathy for the public sector unions now under attack by the Republicans. Americans look at their county commissions, their city councils, their criminal justice (sic) system, their governors, state legislatures, Congress, and the White House, and all that they see is evil and corruption. There is nothing else there.
Americans who trust the criminal justice (sic) system are completely stupid. A case of mass wrongful conviction that I wrote about years ago finally came to trial last November. Annie Dookham, a Massachusetts state chemist who falsified drug tests, thus sentencing thousands of innocent people to years in prison, destroying their lives and the lives of their families, was sentenced to 3 to 5 years in prison. Dookhan sent thousands of innocents to prison in order to aid prosecutors in attaining high conviction rates and in order to achieve her own rise as a highly productive state employee. The judge noted that Dookham had cost the state millions of dollars in settling wrongful convictions and had shaken to the core the integrity of the criminal justice (sic) system. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2013/11/22/annie-dookhan-former-state-chemist-who-mishandled-drug-evidence-agrees-plead-guilty/lhg1mwd9U3J8eh4tNBS63N/story.html
State officials say that Dookhan’s fake evidence could have tainted 40,000 cases. Ask yourself, what kind of person would destroy so many people in order to advance herself? And progressives think that the public sector is the answer.
You can ask the same question about the New York State Police and the Texas police who dropped little bags of ground up wallboard in cars stopped at random, conducted illegal searches, and arrested the occupants for drugs. Hundreds of innocents were convicted until finally one brave public defender demanded presentation of the alleged drugs and had the evidence tested. It came back: wallboard. All other public defenders had accommodated the conviction scheme and arranged plea bargains for their clients. You can read about these and other atrocities in my book, coauthored with Larry Stratton: The Tyranny of Good Intentions.
It only gets worse:
Psychopaths and bullies are naturally attracted to the police by the privilege of using essentially unaccountable force. The proclivity to violence is heightened by police training. The emphasis is on killing suspects, not on capturing them. CBS Miami reports that 23 goon thugs fired
377 rounds at two men trapped inside a car. http://miami.cbslocal.com/2014/05/06/police-shooting-frenzy-raises-concerns/
On May 8 a goon thug in Hearne, Texas murdered 93-year old Pearlie Golden. The elderly woman was shot five times in her front yard. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/texas-shoots-death-93-year-old-woman-answering-911-complaint-article-1.1783289
Trad climber
Bay Area
May 14, 2014 - 01:51pm PT
you've got 10X as many perceived enemies as anyone else I know.
You're also more gullible than anyone I know.
Recently a GOVT drone nearly caused a collision with a jet liner in Florida, but as we have seen, NO ONE is taking the credit for that drone. There isn't any reputable statement on whose drone it was. Do you think any private person would take the credit for that drone? Do you think the Feds would be so stupid as to have a drone that looked like an F4 flying near regular flight paths?
I don't know where you get your horses**t and I'm not going to go looking for it. Next time you make an idiotic claim, cite a reference to back it up.
Get a grip lad!
Trad climber
Can't get here from there
May 14, 2014 - 02:07pm PT
Call the Cops at Your Peril by Paul Craig Roberts
“Live free or die” is the motto of the state of New Hampshire. I hope the residents are prepared to die, because living free is not what they do. NH is merely a cog within the Amerikan Stasi State, but I am referring to what goes on within NH itself, not the police state existence imposed by Washington. On May 5 attorney William Baer was arrested at a school board meeting at which he went over a 2-minute speaking rule while trying to get some explanation from the Gilford, NH, school board for assigning sexually explicit reading material to his 14-year old daughter’s English class. The evasiveness of the school board angered Mr. Baer, and he spoke out again in support of another parents protests, and was promptly arrested by a goon thug cop.
The school board chairman, Sue Allen, who has no legislative power nevertheless managed to create a law backed by police violence. After all if Bush and Obama can create laws by edict, why not a school board chairman? Under Allen’s edict, if a parent violates the 2-minute rule that Allen imposed, she has the parent arrested. The goon thug cop wasn’t embarrassed to arrest a parent for making a legitimate complaint during the public comment period of a school board meeting.
Remember, we “freedom and democracy” Americans have free speech and protest rights. Actually, don’t remember that, because you no longer have any such rights. These rights are dangerous. They enable terrorists and extremists such as those dangerous people who don’t believe The Government.
This is Amerika today. Mr Baer offered no resistance, but nevertheless was lucky that the goon thug cop did not taser him, pepper spray him, and call for a backup SWAT team to beat him senseless or even murder him.
Last month wedding guests at at the San Luis Hotel in Galveston, Texas, were set upon without reason by 34 crazed goon thug cops. The guests, including the father of the bride and the bride’s brother were brutally beaten and maced along with many guests including 13 who were arrested for asking, “what is going on?” The brother was so badly injured by the goon thugs that he had to be rushed via helicopter to a hospital. The mayhem resulted from an off-duty goon thug witnessing a guest walk outside with an alcoholic beverage, thus violating the city’s “open container” law. Instead of advising the guest of the open container law and recommending that he step back inside, the goon thug called the cops who arrived on the scene in mass and enjoyed themselves by beating up the wedding party.
No charges have been filed against the goon thugs for gratuitously beating up wedding guests. The right of cops to beat and murder the citizens who pay their salaries is now a perk of the job. It is necessary in order to keep us safe from criminals and terrorists, descriptions that are ever expanding.
Don’t expect courts to put any restraint on police and prosecutors. Dave Lindorff and Molly Knefel have given accurate accounts of the frame-up of Cecily McMillan by a corrupt prosecutor and a corrupt goon thug. McMillan was convicted on the false charge of assaulting a police office when the goon thug seized her breasts from behind. The judge, Ronald Zwiebel, enabled the conviction by preventing the defense from showing the evidence. The gullible and very stupid jurors made certain that injustice was perpetrated. Now a young woman who was sexually assaulted faces a seven-year prison sentence for “assaulting” a goon thug. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38424.htm
This is Stasi Amerika today. And it gets worse. In Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, Eileen Battisti, a 53-year old widow, had her $280,000 home seized by Beaver County officials and sold at auction for $116,000 because of an unpaid $6.30 interest fee on the late payment of her school district taxes. A corrupt judge did not insist upon justice for the widow but instead upheld the robbery that benefitted both the county and the purchaser at auction of her home, S.P. Lewis. Lewis offered to sell the widow her home back for $250,000. http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/eileen-battisti/
To see what cops are really like, read this: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/justice-for-arzy/
Whatever you do, never call the cops. However bad you might think the situation is, it will be much worse once the goon thugs arrive: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/candy-middleton/
And do not show any compassion for animals. Showing compassion for animals is proof that you are an animal-rights extremist which lumps you in with terrorists. In Albion, Michigan, extremists who feed a stray cat are fined and locked away for three months. Mary Musselman, an 81-year old Alzheimer sufferer was locked away for 90 days for feeding stray cats on her own property. When you see a starving animal, turn your back and walk away. Your inhumanity will be rewarded but your humanity will be severely punished. http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/albion-michigan-cat-feeding/
Just keep in mind that “we have freedom and democracy” and we are “the exceptional and indispensable people.” Our president told us so. This designation removes you from any responsibility to other humans, much less animals. Don’t lose sight of the fact that Amerikans are so exceptional and indispensable that we have murdered seven entire countries in the new 21st century, and we are just getting started. As it is perfectly acceptable for Amerika to murder countries, how can it possibly matter if a goon thug cop murders you, your pet or your wife or husband or daughter or son?
What is so discouraging is that this article could be hundreds of thousands of pages long. I could sit here writing this article for the rest of my life, adding one incident after another, and not get beyond the tip of the iceberg. The inhumanity of which Americans are capable and indulge in every day must scare Satan himself.
Parents arrested for protesting the assignment of pornographic reading material to 14-year olds by school boards, elderly and ill people imprisoned for feeding starving animals, pets murdered by police who are supposed to protect the citizens but instead mace them, beat them, body slam them, and shoot them and their pets gratuitously for the thrill of committing violence against life are the reason the public sector is in disrepute.
The worst people in the country are in our public institutions. This is why there is so little sympathy for the public sector unions now under attack by the Republicans. Americans look at their county commissions, their city councils, their criminal justice (sic) system, their governors, state legislatures, Congress, and the White House, and all that they see is evil and corruption. There is nothing else there.
Americans who trust the criminal justice (sic) system are completely stupid. A case of mass wrongful conviction that I wrote about years ago finally came to trial last November. Annie Dookham, a Massachusetts state chemist who falsified drug tests, thus sentencing thousands of innocent people to years in prison, destroying their lives and the lives of their families, was sentenced to 3 to 5 years in prison. Dookhan sent thousands of innocents to prison in order to aid prosecutors in attaining high conviction rates and in order to achieve her own rise as a highly productive state employee. The judge noted that Dookham had cost the state millions of dollars in settling wrongful convictions and had shaken to the core the integrity of the criminal justice (sic) system. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2013/11/22/annie-dookhan-former-state-chemist-who-mishandled-drug-evidence-agrees-plead-guilty/lhg1mwd9U3J8eh4tNBS63N/story.html
State officials say that Dookhan’s fake evidence could have tainted 40,000 cases. Ask yourself, what kind of person would destroy so many people in order to advance herself? And progressives think that the public sector is the answer.
You can ask the same question about the New York State Police and the Texas police who dropped little bags of ground up wallboard in cars stopped at random, conducted illegal searches, and arrested the occupants for drugs. Hundreds of innocents were convicted until finally one brave public defender demanded presentation of the alleged drugs and had the evidence tested. It came back: wallboard. All other public defenders had accommodated the conviction scheme and arranged plea bargains for their clients. You can read about these and other atrocities in my book, coauthored with Larry Stratton: The Tyranny of Good Intentions.
It only gets worse:
Psychopaths and bullies are naturally attracted to the police by the privilege of using essentially unaccountable force. The proclivity to violence is heightened by police training. The emphasis is on killing suspects, not on capturing them. CBS Miami reports that 23 goon thugs fired
377 rounds at two men trapped inside a car. http://miami.cbslocal.com/2014/05/06/police-shooting-frenzy-raises-concerns/
On May 8 a goon thug in Hearne, Texas murdered 93-year old Pearlie Golden. The elderly woman was shot five times in her front yard. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/texas-shoots-death-93-year-old-woman-answering-911-complaint-article-1.1783289
A very concise, one sided account of a partial reality.
No sense in producing both sides of a story. Though one or two may be somewhat accurate, it's main attribute is to stir frenzy in those that need hollow stories to feed their hate.
Psychopaths and bullies are naturally attracted to the police by the privilege of using essentially unaccountable force.
Funny how that got in there. Sounds familiar.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 02:18pm PT
Yea just look what happened to Mr. Poopy pants Turd Nugget from wallowing in sh#t.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 02:25pm PT
That and he finally got a real job.
Wonder if he will still collect food stamps and can they be used to by ammo.
You know for hunting food like clay skeets with the BLM logo and Obama's face on them
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 02:43pm PT
Mean while things are breaking down in Bunkerville.
Oh the Humanity!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 14, 2014 - 02:52pm PT
Paul Craig Roberts - now there is a guy who gets it right about seventy five percent of the time and then just can't stop as he turns around and shoots himself the other twenty five. Not the most consistent thinker out there and is always in the employ of folks who don't share his opinions.
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