Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 7, 2018 - 03:38pm PT
Pure hell would be having only two shows available, 24/7: Sean Hannity on Fox and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

Those two are separate, but equal, purveyors of irritating noise.

Fox News apparently does some legitimate reporting, but it gets lost in all the hyper-partisan, bombastic noise coming from the commentators. Fox News stirs turds into the soup, and expects people to swallow it, anyway, because they are too stupid to know the difference.

I don't try to find legitimate news on Fox. I can find it many other places, and I don't need to filter out the barrage of distracting, biased noise. I don't see the point in playing a game of "Where's Waldo?" in order to obtain indisputable and easily confirmed facts and information.


Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jul 7, 2018 - 03:49pm PT
I offer up a CNN list of all the times North Korea agree to suspend or reduce their nuclear weapons & missile program.

In hindsight, it appears North Korea never suspended or reduced either.

But! Trump's been trumpeting that he got it done on his first try! What a guy!

But Wait! As of this weekend, it appears the North Koreans are not agreeing.

The Washington Post:
—Hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hailed his two-day visit to Pyongyang as a “productive” round of “good-faith negotiations,” North Korea on Saturday sharply criticized U.S. negotiators’ attitude during the talks as “regrettable” and “robber-like,” accusing the United States of making unilateral demands to denuclearize.

In a sharp signal that denuclearization negotiations with North Korea will be drawn out and difficult, Pyongyang on Saturday lambasted the U.S. stance as regrettable, gangster-like and cancerous, directly contradicting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s rosy assessment that his two days of talks had been “productive.”

A harsh statement from an unnamed spokesman for the Foreign Ministry was carried on the state-run Korea Central News Agency just hours after Pompeo left Pyongyang Saturday, telling reporters significant progress had been made “in every element” of what he characterized as “good faith negotiations.” Pyongyang crushed that appraisal, saying the United States had betrayed the spirit of the June 12 Singapore summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
“The U.S. side came up only with its unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearization,” the statement said.

Here’s the list of all the other failures with North Korea:

North Korea signs the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) demands that inspectors be given access to two nuclear waste storage sites. In response, North Korea threatens to quit the NPT but eventually opts to continue participating in the treaty.
North Korea and the United States sign an agreement. North Korea pledges to freeze and eventually dismantle its old, graphite-moderated nuclear reactors in exchange for international aid to build two new light-water nuclear reactors.
North Korea tentatively agrees to give up its entire nuclear program, including weapons. In exchange, the United States, China, Japan, Russia and South Korea say they will provide energy assistance to North Korea, as well as promote economic cooperation.
July - After North Korea test fires long range missiles, the UN Security Council passes a resolution demanding that North Korea suspend the program.
October - North Korea claims to have successfully tested its first nuclear weapon. The test prompts the UN Security Council to impose a broad array of sanctions.
February 13 - North Korea agrees to close its main nuclear reactor in exchange for an aid package worth $400 million.
September 30 - At six-party talks in Beijing, North Korea signs an agreement stating it will begin disabling its nuclear weapons facilities.
December 31 - North Korea misses the deadline to disable its weapons facilities.
June 27 - North Korea destroys a water cooling tower at the Yongbyon nuclear facility.
December - Six-party talks are held in Beijing. The talks break down over North Korea's refusal to allow international inspectors unfettered access to suspected nuclear sites.
October 24-25 - US officials meet with a North Korean delegation in Geneva, Switzerland, in an effort to restart the six-party nuclear arms talks that broke down in 2008.
February 29 - The State Department announces that North Korea has agreed to a moratorium on long-range missile launches and nuclear activity at the nation's major nuclear facility in exchange for food aid.

By the way, if you still believe Trump is going to get North Korea to give us their nuclear weapons, I have some prime sagebrush grazing land in Idaho, you might well be interested in.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 7, 2018 - 04:59pm PT
Trump wants to obtain at least 61 visas for immigrant workers at his Mar-A-Lago country club resort in Florida.

Trump wants to import immigrant cooks, waitresses and housekeepers so that he doesn't have to pay reasonable wages.

Trump claims that no Americans are willing to do the work he has for them. But, since 2010, Trump has rejected 95% of the Americans who have applied for those jobs at Mar-A-Lago.

He has filed at least 10 requests for H-2B visas for immigrant workers.

California Representative Devin Nunes derailed the House investigation into Russian meddling. In return for Nunes' loyalty, Trump is bending him double, like a safety pin.

Nunes is a dairyman, and like others nationwide, has been hit hard by Trump's Levitral trade war. Exports of Nunes' products are way down, prices are falling, and profits are disappearing.

The national stockpile of surplus cheese is at its highest level since records began in 1917. Cheese prices, and profits for milk producers, are expected to plummet significantly as the government's buy-back program becomes saturated, and the National Cheese Depository fills to capacity.


Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 7, 2018 - 05:03pm PT
But,The Economy is doing Great.

The Wastelands
Jul 7, 2018 - 05:10pm PT
Its amazing to me that there are people who see CNN as an unbiased news source.

bias means a news network "lies" about current event facts to support their opinions

CNN absolutely does not do that, neither does MSNBC, FOX lies constantly

go to where they keep a close eye on who is lying to the public to verify this

The Wastelands
Jul 7, 2018 - 05:13pm PT

Juan Williams is the token black on Fox News, just to show they are "fair and balanced"

he is an occasional, not a regular contributor

if you really believe CNN, Fox, and MSNBC are the "same" in lying bias then prove it

you cannot, go to

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jul 7, 2018 - 05:52pm PT
Per this article in the conservative publication Business Insider:

As Trump targets trade, a Chinese factory says it's been hired to make flags for Trump's 2020 campaign

Despite pledges to manufacture his campaign materials in the USA, Trump turns to the cheapest source.

He has the personal integrity of a cock-roach.

I can see why the cheap-assed conservatives here admire him.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 7, 2018 - 05:54pm PT
The style of delivery, alone, at Fox News should be a red flag to anybody with a brain. When someone starts raising their voice, it is an indication of desperation. They can't argue their point on its merits, so they'll do the next best thing: intimidate the listener into submission.

When Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro are ranting and raving, looking like they're about to burst an aneurysm, they don't have any valid content to offer. But, that is the point of Fox News: their bombastic delivery is intended as entertainment, not information.

The Fox News commentators are like those TV preachers who swing through the four compass points of emotional extremes within a half-hour broadcast, with a final, exhausted appeal for money. With any luck, the audience itself will be exhausted (and susceptible) just from watching the bizarre performance.

The best way to consume Hannity & Co. is to watch them on another news channel, like CNN, or MSNBC. You get to see the video clip while reading a transcript of whatever crazy things they are saying.

It's always more entertaining when you can read, as well as hear, sheer lunacy being presented as if it were wisdom.

Social climber
Lida Junction
Jul 7, 2018 - 06:02pm PT
I enjoyed how trump talked about himself in the third person at that Montana rally.

However, he doesn't have mental problems. Okie dokie

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 7, 2018 - 06:35pm PT
I was wondering when someone would bring that up ,HS.

Can’t go to NY or Cali, but,they love him in Great Falls,Montana.

North Korea ,not so much.


Trad climber
Jul 7, 2018 - 07:04pm PT
However, he doesn't have mental problems. Okie dokie

LoL...coming from fools who waste EVERY day of their lives here spewing nonsense on this dumb thread.

Brainwashed fools....and the REAL bigot/haters. Look up the definition...ya'll fit right in.

When are you pussies going to go into the real world and confront trump-ster's? Like real men.

The 15-20 of you here lo0zers need to get it together and really do something. YOU can do it!!!

Go f**k with some evil people you don't agree with. They must be Nazi's right?

Until are yuuuuge nut-swinging pussies.

Six more years of this dumb thread haha

BTW.....Do you get to vote legally xcon or are you a felon?


A long way from where I started
Jul 7, 2018 - 07:26pm PT
Posting on these politard threads is probably a waste of time, but...

The above comments about CNN and Fox are truly cringe-worthy, so, speaking as a journalist with commie-pinko-Canadian-socialist leanings, I suggest that those of you who think CNN is in any way a real news source should get back on your meds. Yeah, sure, Fox is not exactly "fair and balanced", but these days it is far more fair and balanced than CNN.


Until recently -- about two or three years ago -- I'd go to CNN as a source for what was going on in the US. Now? It has now become just a bottomless well of "Trump Sucks!" Nearly all of the CNN top stories in the last couple of years have not been news, but opinion pieces. All sharing the same opinion that TRUMP SUCKS.

Sure, Trump does suck. But there is more going on in the world than just Trump sucking. Unfortunately you won't learn about it on CNN.

My work requires me to be immersed in the political/financial/business news worldwide. And there is no shortage of really good journalism out there.

You just won't find any of it on CNN.

Ice climber
Jul 7, 2018 - 07:30pm PT
This post is dedicated to the wailing moron. I know who he is even if you don't.

Did Ike have affairs? Well not as many as Ike Turner, but probably.

Never grabbed any women by the pussy though.

Vote gay - possible in the 1950's ?


A long way from where I started
Jul 7, 2018 - 08:36pm PT
Go to their page right now, plenty of news. Lead story is cave rescue.

Went to both CNN and Fox immediately before posting. Fox had a far more balanced view of what was going in the US and the world.

Which isn't saying much, because neither of them is worth reading. They've both gone far from "news" and way into "entertainment".

Search the world treez, and you'll soon find that Fox and CNN are bottom-of-the-barrel scrapers.

Real news, real journalism, is still alive and well. Just not so much in the US.

Mountain climber
Jul 7, 2018 - 09:25pm PT
bias means a news network "lies" about current event facts to support their opinions
CNN absolutely does not do that, neither does MSNBC, FOX lies constantly

Yikes!! Behold the white noise stare of the new Craig Fry.

Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Jul 7, 2018 - 10:04pm PT
I do try to keep up with the news in America, but with no TV channels, I rely on the internet.

As I see it, Fox is totally biased, I do go to its website now and then and see some videos. Unbelievably biased as far as I can tell. MSN, yes it leans to the left, CNN (I turned down a job with them July 1994, fact I can scan and post the letter of a job offer, but why bother), not that bad.

I do try to visit occasionally things like Breitbart to keep a finger on the pulse. Drudge is and has been a total load of crap since Matt Drudge surfaced. So, perhaps some of you should look elsewhere unless you want crap.

Yes, as I have posted, I am a liberal but I do try to be objective most of the time (unless wine comes into play, hah hah). I am not a snowflake anymore than some Trumpites, I am not butt hurt. I just believe and feel Trump is totally wrong for America. Ship him off to Russia.

As a journalist and writer (and zoologist) working in five countries for nearly 45 years, I am confident when I write that I have always been objective as a reporter. As a columnist, op-ed writer and editorialist, I do let my beliefs known.

But I believe it is safe to say, things are not healthy in America, looking from the outside in. Take that anyway you like.

Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Jul 7, 2018 - 10:13pm PT
I do not necessarily agree Ghost, CNN is not that bad. Fox is far worst when it comes to American political news, as I see it but I could be wrong. Again, I mainly rely on those organizations' websites not their broadcasts. So perhaps I am probably not seeing the "total" picture of their 'editorial' output.

And I have worked on Murdoch publications. I have a few choice words for him.

Trad climber
Jul 8, 2018 - 03:19am PT
More lies? Really?
Juan Williams is a regular cohost on The Five. He's part of the team.
Token black? What about Harris Faulkner?
Back to your previous lie about Fox being 100% right wing, most of their prime time shows have left leaning guests on a fairly regular basis.

I never claimed CNN is as biased as Fox. Derp.

Hey ground chuck- you know who's sinking the ship? The "hooray Socialism, end ICE" Democrats. The midterms are right around the corner.

Trad climber
Jul 8, 2018 - 06:37am PT
those democrats are screwed if they keep saying things 75% of all americans want

Like what?

Are you referring to my "end ICE" comment?

From a recent Harris poll:
A majority of voters want immigration reform (73%) and secure borders (76%). Voters also want stricter enforcement of immigration laws (70%). Voters support prosecuting immigrants who cross the border illegally (53%) and sending these immigrants home (64%). A majority (55%) also stand against so-called “catch and release” policies.

Your Robert Reich piece is laughable.

Meanwhile, all the economy’s gains have gone to the richest ten percent, mostly the top 1 percent.

Apparently, he's not aware of the 600,000 new jobs in the 2nd quarter.


The Good Places
Jul 8, 2018 - 07:16am PT
a majority of rational people support stronger enforcement of anti-emolument law.

does that surfeit of new jobs include those dozens of foreign worker visa jobs at Mar a lago? does that boon of new jobs include mainly throwaway work in dying industries or is it centered in mainstay industries of the future? yes Donnie, I know we need more pudding scrubbers and people to clean the piss off the sheets, but those jobs suuu-uhck
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