Rancher +Militia vs BLM,trouble on the range.(OT)


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Boulder climber
Joshua Tree, CA
May 14, 2014 - 12:13am PT
Furthermore, when a fed Leo is enforcing a state statute is almost always an adopted charge. When a forest service Leo writes a traffic ticket they us a CFR charge that makes it a federal infraction, states have no control over that. Also there is a USC code that adopts all state laws as federal law...

May 14, 2014 - 12:16am PT
No, that doesn't sound like Ron.

There is a Ron imposter (an Anderposter).

Trad climber
Bay Area
May 14, 2014 - 12:19am PT
looks like people aren't reading the whole SacBee story.
The USFS had a written agreement with the Sheriff that they could write citations for State offenses occurring on USFS land. That's the agreement that's been canceled.
The Sheriff is not saying publicly what the citizens' beef is.
Harris said the letter was the first indication he had had of the sheriff's issues with Forest Service law enforcement personnel. These are not rangers, but "uniformed patrol officers with a badge and a gun," he said.

In the forest, they enforce laws regarding fire, timber and other forest products, fish and wildlife, protection of property and disorderly conduct. The federal laws they enforce typically pertain to property crimes and protection of natural resources, while the state and local laws deal with crimes against people, Harris said.
More whackos complaining about the Big Bad Feds?

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 01:03am PT
Nor do we see him doing any of the grand things he claims.
But at least he has you to cup his ball-less sack.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 01:08am PT
You're the one playing Sean Hannity to Rong's Cliven Bundy act.

Trad climber
May 14, 2014 - 01:11am PT
Rons tactic here seems pretty clear. Argue on the internet for armed confrontation with federal officers then sit safely behind a counter selling those that he has convinced the means to go do it. If those people die then justify more gun sales with their martyred bodies as advertising. Why is Ron running off to the shooting range when actual Patriots are fighting the good fight just miles from him in his own state?

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 01:13am PT
Why is Ron running off to the shooting range when actual Patriots are fighting the good fight just miles from him in his own state?
Because clay pigeons don't shoot back.

Having met Ron i can only say i dont think he intends to shoot anyone exception being if his life is iminently threatened.
Tell that to the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

Ron lives in a state of constant delusional hyper-paranoia.
That is in and of it's self dangerous.
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
May 14, 2014 - 08:47am PT
Let me get this right, Ron backs a criminal (Bundy), backs the folks who pointed guns at LEO, has a very negative obsession with our current president/Harry Reid...etc, brags about selling guns and ammo and Johnnyrig feels sorry for him because we are picking on him.


DMT...what are doing up so early?

Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
May 14, 2014 - 09:20am PT
C'mon, ya gotta admit jonny has a point...

Basically, ya wanta go climbing? Great! If i can get the day or an afternon free, love to go. I,ll bring beer or coke and doritos. You like guns, great, maybe we,l pop some targets. You hate guns, no problem, i,l leave em home. If you can avoid calling me scum for o ning them we oughta have a good time n the rock.
Ok bye.
John Duffield

Mountain climber
New York
May 14, 2014 - 09:39am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 09:57am PT
You like Molotov cocktails we can lob some back.

I don't believe I ever called Jrig scum either.
I have called the scum who take arsenals into schools and theaters scum.
Why any responsible legal gun owner would personalize that is beyond me.

I have virulently opposed the posters who in the aftermath of tragedies like Sandy Hook go off on semantic tangents and blanket defenses of guns then converse about what guns and what bullets would have been preferable.
That behavior is scummy.

I don't call someone scum just because they own a gun.
But when a poster is more in sensed about the mis use of the term automatic weapon or assault rifle than they are about 20 slaughtered children then I have a problem with that.

Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
May 14, 2014 - 10:05am PT
Too funny...

The life of an ever-vigilant anti-government armed patriot is hard. And by hard, I mean dull and unproductive. Also, not very profitable. Maybe that's why all those guys hanging out cleaning their guns in Nevada are now begging hard-working Americans to please give them some money.

One enterprising ranch defender needs funds so badly, he's taken to GoFundMe:

To all American Patriots:

I am the Team Leader that took Charlie Delta, the black marine, out to Nevada along with two other volunteers that all did an outstanding job at the Bundy Ranch. I understand most of you have come to know Charlie Delta through his expressed views on Cliven Bundy and the good we are all doing as patriots at the ranch. I am coming to you tonight humbly asking for your help. We may be the front line soldiers facing down an overbearing govt bureaucracy, but we are first off family men and women that have our own homes and jobs and families left behind to take on this endeavor. Therefore we have spent our fortunes for freedom and love of our fellow man and need your help to continue our efforts to keep all Americans free from tyranny. Please if you can spare even a few dollars for food, fuel and supplies to continue the stand against tyranny and an overbearing governtment [sic] please help. Even the smallext amount will help keep up the pressure to return this land to the people. I thank you all sincerely for your contribution.

Christopher E Ferrell

United we stand! Divided we fall!
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
May 14, 2014 - 10:17am PT
"We may be the front line soldiers facing down an overbearing govt bureaucracy, but we are first off family men and women that have our own homes and jobs and families left behind to take on this endeavor."

Scary, they really believe they are at war. Off the wall crazy.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 10:32am PT
Not to mention they "spent their fortunes on freedom.

How many rainy day penny jars and kid's piggy banks was that?

He forgot to mention they were running low on white sheets.

Social climber
Joshua Tree
May 14, 2014 - 10:41am PT
I,ll bring coke and doritos

Should be a good time.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 10:50am PT
And what are my guns for? Well they are for shooting targets, birds, animals- that i enjoy eating- giving me a pure form of protein not injected with this that or the other. They are also for defense of myself, friends, family and anyone else i encounter that may be being threatened with like lethal force or means. I saw the word murderer used upthread by one of the squealers- laughable at best. I have NEVER murdered anyone. But i have shot in self defense and was ruled a justifiable homicide via self defense in the performance of official duties..Thats what my guns are for. That is also why i sell so many, as a great part of this country feels the same way.

I have NEVER murdered anyone. But i have shot in self defense and was ruled a justifiable homicide via self defense in the performance of official duties.

Most excellent. Hey I didn't know Pillsbury took you to court. Go get em killa.

So how will you feel if an LEO in performance of "official duties" spackles the desert with Bundy brains (admittedly a small spackle job) will you concur with a "justifiable homicide" verdict?

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
May 14, 2014 - 10:52am PT
I'll be in Boulder tomorrow and, as usual, there will be a few unfortunate people on street corners asking for spare change.....disenfranchised and desperate like the Bundy clown militia but at least they're not trying to bring down the world's oldest, freely elected, democracy.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 10:54am PT
Or beg for alms at gun point.

Here is an IRONY Ron.
You are adamant about the "illegals" coming here. You insist they should follow the rule of law and procedure But you whole heartedly support the illegal procedure and contempt of the rule of law when it comes to an illegal grazer.
What would you think if the "illegals" came in armed hoards and said "This is OURS!" We don't recognize the US Gubmint"?

Got Hypocrisy? .

and you philo,,,were on of the RUBES that actually bought that yarn,, hook line and sinker.

WTF are you babbling about. What hook line and sinker am I supposed to have bought?
Your ASSumption on my views? idjit

I also see the hypocrisy of groups and or people asking for donations to help their cause. Right here in this very forum i have donated to many an ailing climber. Climbers who for the most DIDNT cover themselves for that "long ride" and circumstance turned on them. But instead of tongue lashing them for the obvious, i accepted their plight, realized circumstance and acted with kindness and cari

How many of those folks were holding the forum hostage at gun point?
John Duffield

Mountain climber
New York
May 14, 2014 - 11:00am PT
So Bundy isn't paying his ranch hands? Prolly no medical or pension either. An abusive employer. Do the union organizers know about this exploitation?

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 14, 2014 - 11:07am PT
No Rong you simpleton I understood your dramatization perfectly.
I just enjoy teasing you about being the big bad scared of a biscuit boi.

I have never found the need to kill a pastry.
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