Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jul 6, 2018 - 07:56pm PT
What makes the visit of the 5 Republican (Pinko) Senators to Russia still more fun, is the day they left, is the day the Senate Intelligence Committee released its report:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Senate Intelligence Committee report released on Tuesday supports three U.S. intelligence agencies’ conclusion that Russia tried to help Donald Trump win the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

“As numerous intelligence and national security officials in the Trump administration have since unanimously re-affirmed, the (Intelligence Community Assessment’s) findings were accurate and on point,” said committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner, a Democrat.

“The Russian effort was extensive and sophisticated, and its goals were to undermine public faith in the democratic process, to hurt Secretary Clinton (Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton) and to help Donald Trump,” Warner said.

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jul 6, 2018 - 07:59pm PT
Xcon! Per your question, which I suspect you know the answer to, U.S. troops invaded (aka occupied) Russia, after Russia surrendered to Germany in WWI.

I read a book on the adventures our troops had in Russia during the Commie revolution. It wasn't a pleasant adventure, but it was a huge adventure.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 6, 2018 - 08:14pm PT
The U.S. paid Russia two cents per acre when we took Alaska.

What did Russia pay Ukraine, when they took Crimea?

Trump said that Crimea belongs to Russia because people in Crimea speak Russian. By that logic, all of the English-speaking nations on earth belong to England.

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Jul 6, 2018 - 08:38pm PT
MAGA. From the New York Times®ion=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region
It used to be a refrain of the Republican faithful that the government shouldn’t be in the business of picking winners and losers where industry and technology are concerned.

As President Trump’s global trade war escalates, with the latest round of tariffs going into effect on Friday, his administration is doing just that. The new wrinkle is that it is no longer clear who is being set up to triumph or fail. Tariffs directed at products from one country — whether that’s steel from Canada and China or cars from Italy — are just as likely to affect American companies and hurt their workers.

That message came through loud and clear in recent days during the public comment period on the administration’s proposed tariffs on imported cars and parts. The global auto industry relies on supply chains that were built on the free movement of parts and goods. Suppliers, dealers and car manufacturers in the United States and other countries are petrified by the damage that the tariffs could do to their businesses.
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Jul 7, 2018 - 09:22am PT

The Granite State.
Jul 7, 2018 - 10:12am PT
That article tries to give bikers who belong to a club some sort of intellectual impetus for being in a club. In my experience, most club members are criminals who like to fight f*#k and make money outside the law. They all have full time jobs doing other things as well. There are a bunch in my town and they suck. Then, there are the enthusiasts. They don’t count, but spike the numbers as to riders per capita.

I get what HST was talking about, but outlaw bikers are few and far between these days. The average Harley rider has plenty of cash to throw around.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 7, 2018 - 10:42am PT
That garish portrait of Trump is by Ralph Steadman.

I agree that some people at Trump rallies behave like outlaws, whether motorcyclists or not. The level of aggressive fanaticism and violence against outsiders mirrors some of the scenes depicted in Hell's Angels.

Thompson's thesis about the genesis of motorcycle outlaws only partially aligns with the rise of Trumpism.

Trump is an IQ-deflating svengali who deceives his followers for his own personal benefit. He has contempt for them, thinks they are stupid, and acts on the basis that they are stupid and gullible. Trump will say whatever he thinks they want to hear, to keep them appeased at the moment. His actions produce results in opposition to what he promises. Trump's focus is on himself, he victimizes those around him, and he discards them when they are no longer useful to him.

Ralph "Sonny" Barger wouldn't have lasted two days as the leader of the Hell's Angels if he had treated the other members of the group with the contempt that Trump has for his followers.

Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Jul 7, 2018 - 11:17am PT
Gene, 10:46 June 22

That video made my day. And since I do not get Faux News, I never really get to see much from it, except perhaps some of these YouTubes and such. Unbelievable how these sycophants who call themselves objective journalists kiss Trump's fat ass.

I read what people say about Faux News, now I believe it.

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jul 7, 2018 - 11:34am PT
Faux News is now the official propaganda ministry for the tRump regime, nothing more. They don’t even try to disguise it any more.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 7, 2018 - 11:48am PT
Ruper Murdoch owns Fox News.

Rupert Murdoch is a publisher of tabloid-trash papers that specialize in sensationalized fiction, often comprising falsified stories about actual people who are prominent in real newspapers. A common tabloid tactic is to present a SHOUTING HEADLINE, as if a loud statement is inherently factual.

The National Enquirer isn't owned by Rupert Murdoch, but it is the tabloid that Americans are most familiar with because it is a grocery store staple.

When Murdoch bought the Fox companies, he applied the tabloid-trash National Enquirer-type business model to Fox News. Fox News presents sensationalized fiction, often comprising falsified stories about actual people who are prominent in real news stories. A common Fox News tactic is to present a SHOUTING PERFORMER, as if a loud statement is inherently factual.

Fox News is to CNN, as The National Enquirer is to The New York Times.

Trump has openly stated his admiration for the National Enquirer and falsely claimed that it has a high standard of journalistic integrity.

The publisher, David Pecker, and Trump are close friends and business associates. Pecker coordinated with Trump's campaign staff during the 2016 campaign to run falsified stories about Hillary Clinton, such as her having serious health problems. The falsified stories were intended to give Trump an advantage in the election.

American Media, the publisher of the National Enquirer, was utilized during the 2016 campaign as the money-conduit when Trump needed to pay off his Playboy Bunny mistress, Karen McDougal, to keep her quiet. American Media paid McDougal as part of a fraudulent contract for McDougal's writing, which was never published.

Trump is now, officially, linked with Fox News through his new communications director, Bill Shine. Shine is a former Fox News executive who was fired over a sex scandal at the network.

Fox News' star cash-cow, Sean Hannity, calls Trump on a regular basis to compare lies and to get their falsified stories aligned.

Previously, Trump was involved in WWE fake wrestling, including being a fake wrestler during the shows. WWE fake wrestling is to actual sports, as Fox News is to factual reporting.

Vince and Linda McMahon are the owners of WWE fake wrestling. Linda McMahon is now Trump's director of the Small Business Administration.

Trump embraces and endorses The National Enquirer, Fox News, and WWE fake wrestling.

So, it is only natural that Trump's political strategy is to present a non-stop series of lies and fiction, and to present an imaginary fake-reality to his supporters as if it were real.

Google "Trump Hannity echo chamber", or "Trump Fox News echo chamber", to find many instances of when Trump and Fox have almost immediately repeated what the other has said. Trump's Twitter record is especially useful, because his early morning tirades are date-stamped, and it is easy to see that he often echoes whatever Fox and Friends had said only a few minutes before.

Similarly, Sean Hannity will echo something that Trump said earlier that day, and then attempt to legitimize it by showing similar echoes from other Fox News performers.

state of being
Jul 7, 2018 - 01:18pm PT
What's your unbiased news source, ATG?

Same one that says Soros funds Antifa?

The Wastelands
Jul 7, 2018 - 01:25pm PT
Well ATG

here is the difference

"Fox News" is the official media arm of the Republican Party

Every session from Hannity to The Five is 100% "right wing biased" personal opinion

and this is the important difference between Fox and CNN - Fox's "opinion" mouth pieces
without fail flat out "lie" and they lie constantly and effortlessly, and you will only very rarely find someone from the political left on their panel shows, they just don't invite them

in fact there are entire web sites dedicated only to pointing and correcting every lie
go to ""

now CNN in addition to reporting regular "verifed" news from feeds such a Reuters also
has panels like Fox but their is almost always a conservative on the panel to fairly present the conservative take

ok, get the difference now? think on it a couple of days...think "lies" and "no lies"

look at it another way, when people on Fox lie they never apologize and correct their lies
that would be admitting they were wrong, someone a conservative virtually never does
because they look at being proven wrong as something to ignore, to deny, to lie again

when people on CNN report a news item incorrectly they immediate apologize and correct the error, and these are minor errors such as a news feed gave the name of a source wrong

get it now?

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jul 7, 2018 - 01:31pm PT
I never rely on just one source. If you do, you are begging to be manipulated.


Ice climber
Jul 7, 2018 - 01:31pm PT
The over analysis of the Hell's angels
Leaves out an awful lot

More like it

At the end of Hell’s Angels, having spent months with the motorcycle guys, Thompson finally gets stomped by them. For some offense he doesn’t understand (and which he probably didn’t commit), Thompson gets punched, bloodied, kicked in the face and in the ribs, spat at and pissed on. He limps off to a hospital in the dead of night, alone and afraid. Only in that moment does Thompson realize that as a journalist (and therefore a member of the elite), he could not possibly be a true friend of the Angels.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 7, 2018 - 01:50pm PT
Fox News hosts (more like, parasites) have stated that all other print, TV and cable news outlets present "fake news". Trump falsely claims that Fox News is a legitimate source of news and information. This is because Fox repeats Trumps lies as if they were the truth, and promotes his imaginary fake-reality.

Fox News alleges that all other news sources (e.g., CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Louisville Courier-Journal, Atlanta Constitution, The London Times, et al) are FAKE NEWS because they all report the same stories with the same facts, which conflict with Fox News' divergent falsehoods.

In other words, Fox News alleges that all other news outlets' stories are falsified, and only Fox News stories are factual and correct.

Insofar as reality is a democratic process, Fox News is the fake news.

Trump wants to destroy democracy, and install himself as a dictator. Part of his plan is to destroy the democracy of reality, and install his fake-reality.

state of being
Jul 7, 2018 - 02:01pm PT
What's your unbiased news source, ATG?

Same one that says Soros funds Antifa?

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jul 7, 2018 - 02:01pm PT
tRump and his propaganda wing have to maintain their alternate reality at all costs. Facts are not their friends.

Jul 7, 2018 - 02:11pm PT
Fox News states that all other news sources (e.g., CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Louisville Courier-Journal, Atlanta Constitution, The London Times, et al) are FAKE NEWS because they all report the same stories with the same facts, which conflict with Fox News' divergent falsehoods.

Doesn't Robert Murdoch own Fox News AND Wall Street Journal. Oh, I know the Wall Street Journal isn't on par with Fox News, but it sounds like you're reaching just because it sounds good... or maybe I just don't get your hyperbole that you must use to make your solid point...

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 7, 2018 - 02:50pm PT
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Murdoch, but continues to maintain a high degree of editorial independence. Murdoch didn't block the WSJ when they broke the Stormy Daniels payoff story, for example. Fox News, especially the commentators, are often at odds with what the Wall Street Journal prints. The Journal's reporting on the Mueller investigation, as another example, has been largely in line with other legitimate news outlets, like CNN and New York Times. The Journal, for instance, doesn't claim that the Mueller investigation is a "witch hunt", the way Fox News does.

Murdoch's schizophrenic behavior, with respect to the Journal, is a survival mechanism for the paper.

Intelligent people, who don't read Murdoch's salacious tabloids, tend to be the Wall Street Journal's customer base. If Murdoch shifted the Journal into a tabloid-trash mode, like Fox News, he would lose that customer base. People who read the Journal are generally business people who are capable of perceiving, assimilating and processing factual information, and who can discern ludicrous nonsense from reality.

Murdoch also owns the Sky News channel in England, which presents reporting that is not as biased as Fox News. That is because Sky News operates under United Kingdom broadcasting rules that require impartial and unbiased news reporting.

Some viewers believe that Sky News is biased, and that Murdoch is pushing the envelope of what is allowed under his UK broadcasting license.

Trad climber
Jul 7, 2018 - 02:53pm PT
"Fox News" is the official media arm of the Republican Party

Every session from Hannity to The Five is 100% "right wing biased" personal opinion

and this is the important difference between Fox and CNN - Fox's "opinion" mouth pieces
without fail flat out "lie" and they lie constantly and effortlessly, and you will only very rarely find someone from the political left on their panel shows, they just don't invite them

Nice pack of lies, Norton.

Juan Williams is a regular on The Five. He's usually offering counterpoint to the other four.

The other evening programs regularly have leftwing guests.

IMO CNN isn't as biased as Fox. But MSNBC is probably more biased, more of an echo chamber than Fox.
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