Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jun 29, 2018 - 08:53pm PT
Yeah...Dunce boy spent too much time camping out with adoring groupies giving him a false sense of importance...rj

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 30, 2018 - 11:32am PT
The Trump Administration is, again, lying to the public in an effort to present a false reality to conceal the disastrous results of Trump's policies.

This time, it's Larry Kudlow, chief economic advisor, who is falsely claiming that the Federal budget deficit is "coming down rapidly".

The truth is that the deficit is going up rapidly because of Trump's tax cut for the rich, coupled with the largest defense budget in U.S. history.

When challenged by the truth, there was no way Kudlow could reconcile his blatant lies with facts and reality, so he spun his own false statements this way: when he said the deficit IS coming down rapidly, what he meant, obviously, is that in the FUTURE it will be coming down rapidly, just as soon as the tax cut works its illogical and impossible magic of increasing Federal tax revenue.

Pants on fire and fourteen Pinocchios for Mr. Kudlow.

Russia is seeking to upend and disrupt Western societies. Putin's plan is to degrade the West, so that Russia, by comparison, doesn't look so bad. Putin wants to drag the rest of the world down to his level.

One way to do that would be to break up the European Union. So, Putin ordered Trump to present French Prime Minister Macron with a "better trade deal", if France would leave the EU. Putin's Monkey Boy did what he was told, and the Monkey Boy will get a banana in Finland.

Putin had more success in breaking Great Britain away from the European Union. British investigators are now discovering that the Brexit election was perverted in the same manner, using the same tactics, as the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. The British are sharing their information with American investigators.

Arron Banks was a major financial contributor to England's Brexit campaign to leave the EU. The Russian ambassador to Britain offered Banks lucrative investments in Russian diamond and gold companies. Banks claims that he was anti-EU long before he had multiple meetings with the Russian ambassador about buying shares in the Kremlin-controlled companies at below-market prices.

Arron Banks' business partner, James Mellon, took advantage of the Kremlin's rewards program for his supporting the Brexit campaign. Mellon is an Isle of Man financier with ties to Russian money, Putin and the Kremlin that go back to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Three weeks after the Brexit vote, Mellon's investment company was allowed to buy a substantial interest in a Russian diamond and gold company, at a steep discount, at a time when the shares were increasing in value.

The Brexit decision to leave the EU has created a tremendous mess for Great Britain. For example, Scotland may split from Great Britain in order to remain within the EU. The entry point at Calais, France, will become a gridlocked, massive parking lot for trucks carrying goods, because British exports to the EU will need to pass through a border checkpoint. Tens of thousands of products, that are now freely traded between Britain and other EU countries, will require new import regulations, tariffs, and other bureaucratic impediments to trade. London's financial markets will lose their current EU business when Britain comes a competing foreign nation. European nationals living and working in England will have to apply for visas, and their taxes will go up; many will leave England, and return to the EU.

Putin - 1
Britain - 0
EU - 0

Putin wanted to reward Banks, as he did Mellon, for helping him drag the West down to his own level. Banks is downplaying his Russian connections because he is now the target of an official investigation. Banks says, "There was no Russian collusion". Investigators believe he was specifically targeted by the Kremlin and offered rewards to push for the break-up of the European Union.

"Mr. Banks, though, said he doubted that the Russians had cultivated him for reasons other than routine trade promotion.

“The idea that things were dangled as some sort of carrots for me to be involved with the Russians is very far-fetched,” he said. “I wonder what the Russians wanted from me?”

Not surprisingly, Banks' connection to Russians, money and the Kremlin put him in Trump Tower just a few days after Trump won the presidency.

On Nov. 12, 2016, Mr. Banks met President-elect Trump in Trump Tower. Upon his return to London, Mr. Banks had another lunch with the Russian ambassador where they discussed the Trump visit.

Robert Mueller and Senate investigators are acquainting themselves with Arron Banks, because his connections to Russian money, the Kremlin and the Trump Administration make him a person of significant interest.

“From what we’ve seen, the parallels between the Russian intervention in Brexit and the Russian intervention in the Trump campaign appear to be extraordinary,” said Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 30, 2018 - 03:07pm PT
Putin's economic sanctions on the United States are not just hurting American businesses. Infrastructure projects, like bridges and roads, are being delayed indefinitely because Putin's tariff on imported steel is making the projects currently unfeasible economically.

The hope is that America will find some way to eliminate the economic sanctions and import tariffs, so that the much-needed projects can go forward.

It is bad for America to be Putin's little bitch.

Someone would have to be CRAZY to intentionally want that.
Bruce Morris

Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Jun 30, 2018 - 04:47pm PT
It is bad for America to be Putin's little bitch.

Someone would have to be CRAZY to intentionally want that.

Or paid off quite handsomely.

Sportbikeville & Yucca brevifolia
Jun 30, 2018 - 04:52pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

The Wastelands
Jun 30, 2018 - 04:59pm PT

Jun 30, 2018 - 05:18pm PT
America to be Putin's little bitch

LOL ... Putin doesn't want nor need you st00pid people to be his bitch.

You're all way too dumb and st00pid.

You been sanctioning everyone else on the planet all these years plus raping everyone's natural resources all over the planet.

Meddling in everyone's affairs all over the world, overthrowing govts, assassinating people, warmongering everywhere, etc etc.

And now you st00pid people cry like little girls.

Yer all self righteous idiots and belong in a nuthouse .....

Sportbikeville & Yucca brevifolia
Jun 30, 2018 - 05:27pm PT
You forgot this part Norton.

It was the end of an incredibly strange case that featured an anonymous plaintiff who had refused almost all requests for interviews, two anonymous corroborating witnesses whom no one in the press had spoken to, and a couple of seriously shady characters — with an anti-Trump agenda and a penchant for drama — who had aggressively shopped the story around to media outlets for over a year.

Those shady characters — a former reality TV producer who calls himself “Al Taylor” and a “Never Trump” conservative activist named Steve Baer — had been mostly unsuccessful in getting the media to bite. There are a few very good reasons for that, which the Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim succinctly summed up: Taylor and Baer have been really sketchy about the whole thing, and since the accuser is anonymous, journalists can’t do anything to verify her claims. The only journalist who has actually interviewed Johnson, Emily Shugerman at Revelist, came away confused and even doubting whether Johnson really exists.

The Wastelands
Jun 30, 2018 - 05:33pm PT

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jun 30, 2018 - 05:43pm PT
Yes,I am self righteous , but, I just got a baddass washing machine,LOL.

Yes, but ,it is

It chews little energy ,perfect for a OGHome.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jun 30, 2018 - 05:50pm PT
Oh and this;


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 30, 2018 - 06:34pm PT
LOL, indeed.

It is the twenty-dollar bill, not the five-dollar bill, that features the White House on the reverse side.

Trumplicans are so impoverished, they don't have any twenty-dollar bills to deface with graffiti (which is a Federal crime, by the way).

Either that, or they don't know that the Lincoln Memorial is a white marble temple, and not the White House.

I think wilbeer's washing machine looks more like Michael Cohens' turbo-diesel document shredder.

BTW, putting paper documents into a washing machine on HOT with Drano instead of Tide is probably as good as it gets, when you're trying to get rid of your hoarded stash of paper evidence when the FBI is battering down your front door. Drano is mostly sodium hydroxide, ("lye"), which is a major pulping agent, and polluting effluent, as used at the Koch brothers' Georgia Pacific paper factories.

Michael Cohen can be forgiven for using a shredder, which is an inferior, easily defeated system for obfuscating hoarded paper evidence. In New York City, washing machines in apartments are rare, and can't be found in offices, or hotel rooms, at all.

There are stories of NYC people sneaking washing machines into condos and co-ops, under penalty of permanent eviction. Apparently, the issue is insufficient plumbing infrastructure in those high-dollar towers with million-dollar views, especially the pre-war buildings.

In a similar manner, Cohen lived in a place, New York City, where this was, apparently, not an option:

Open up a hard drive with tiny Torx screwdrivers, and pull out the magnetic disks, while saving the really nice magnets for the (older) kids to play with. Then, toast the disks, like flat marshmallows, over a propane torch campfire in the garage or basement. Or, do it beneath an underpass, down by the river, in the middle of the night.

Cohen may have been the Taxi King, but he, apparently didn't have a garage and a propane torch ($12.99 with free shipping on Amazon Prime, tiny tank of fuel included).

I've never toasted the magnetic disks from old hard drives when looting them of their magnets. I have only heard of doing this, and it seems logical that toasting them would irreversibly destroy the magnetic domains.

The disks make really nice and shiny "I am a doctor" Halloween costume props. They have a hole in the middle, just like you might see on ER, or Saint Elsewhere.


Jun 30, 2018 - 07:11pm PT
Back to Climbing...


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 30, 2018 - 07:23pm PT

Feel of Dreams: If you build it, they will come.


The stupidest, most ineffectual way to deal with a problem is to just throw money at it.

The most intelligent, effective way to deal with a problem is to put human brain power against it.

Jun 30, 2018 - 08:38pm PT
I think you guys are burning way too much energy with the Trump hate. People can't sustain such high levels of outrageously outrageous outrage for long without crashing. I don't think you'll be able to keep this up for all 8 years of Trump's presidency.

Save some of that energy for when he replaces Ginsberg and then Breyer.

Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jun 30, 2018 - 08:46pm PT

You like the potus?
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Jul 1, 2018 - 10:06am PT


The Granite State.
Jul 1, 2018 - 10:32am PT
Hey Pud, you do know that most of those punk bands whose videos you post are very left leaning liberals, right? Using punk rock to make a point as a conservative is like running diesel through your four stroke. It just doesn’t work, pal.
A Essex

Jul 2, 2018 - 05:21am PT
the Demorats need to learn to be bigger A-holes if they wanna win in November

Civility is so 2012


Jul 2, 2018 - 06:10am PT
Or at least not fall into the diversionary trap of hand-wringing over every restaurateur that 86es a shamelessly lying propaganda minister.
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