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mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 10, 2013 - 04:56pm PT
My father, though, headed directly for Stockton, for by this time my sister Louisa was so terribly sick, he wanted to get her to where there was a doctor as soon as possible. I remember watching the wagons of the others driving off and leaving us to take another direction. But while we all felt sad at parting from our kin and our friends. I can see now that our anxiety over my sister kept us from feeling the separation as deeply as we would have otherwise. It was also the things connected with her illness and death which always remained clearest in my memory of our arrival at Stockton and our stay there. While it was heartbreaking to give her up -- for she was a young lady, and we all loved her so much,-- it did not seem so bad as it would have been had she died on the lonely plains, like that poor woman, or the little Kesterson boy. We could always remember her as being buried in a nice place, in the Stockton cemetery.
When she was gone, we again moved on -- the last lap of our journey -- going from Stockton to Merced County.
On these final three days of our long, tedious journey, we crossed a number of creeks that had no bridges over them, as they do now. One night, we stayed with a friend of my father's at the Merced River. They treated us so nice, and the next morning, the woman fixed up a big lunch for us to take along with us that day, so that we did not have to stop and cook. On the third day, we reached Mariposa Creek, where my brother Henry was living and near where the Savannah schoolhouse is now.
Here my father rented the Fitzhugh house for us to live in, until he bought a place from a man named Vance. From the Vance place -- upon which my father built a house, which is still standing, although it has been moved to a different location near there -- my father and mother moved to White Rock, Mariposa County, and settled on what is now called the "Jim Helm Ranch." And it was here, in 1876, that my father passed away and where my mother also died, almost 10 years later in 1886.
They were always such a happy and devoted couple. I do not ever remember hearing them quarrel. And both of them were always so good and thoughtful with us children. And, looking back I know it was their love and kindness and forethought for us children that made the long trip across the plains one of so little hardship, actually, even in the midst of almost hourly dangers. You children can always feel proud that they are your great-great-grandparents.
by Frances Helm McClure
A very good story here.
Lake McClure on the Merced River is named for this pioneer family, as is Kesterson Wildlife Refuge named for that family who accompanied the McClures.
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Oct 10, 2013 - 10:20pm PT
Missed the last train to Clarksville and the last train to Yuma.
Go Johnny!
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Oct 10, 2013 - 10:55pm PT
Beautiful gravestone markers. Loved the icons and symbols! Back East I used to do gravestone rubbings on interesting old stones....but most historical cemeteries have banned doing rubbings because it is degrading the faces too quickly.
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Oct 10, 2013 - 11:06pm PT
That's a new one on me. Don't even know what rubbings are. I assume it's a transfer of some sort.
How about an image or two?
Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Oct 10, 2013 - 11:12pm PT
Here is a picture borrowed from Google.
You can even buy kits
"Gravestone Rubbing Kit
Everything that you need to make a permanent record of a memorial stone.
Gravestone rubbing is fun. It is possible to collect some beautiful artwork that can be framed and displayed. A carver's skill can be preserved, or an ancestor's stone recorded and appreciated through this craft.
Gravestone Rubbing Kit includes:
two cupcake-shaped waxes (black and blue)
5 sheets of Aqaba brand gravestone rubbing paper (24 x 36 in.)
natural bristle brush
special masking tape
NEW - 60 page instruction book
All of the components of the Gravestone Rubbing Kit are carefully packaged in a heavy duty black artist's tube that is also perfect for storing your completed rubbings.
Gravestone Rubbing Kit......$29.95
(Canadian Dollars)
Check price in your currency "
My favorite one is of Edgar Allen Poe's gravestone but it's off limits now.
Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
Oct 11, 2013 - 11:12am PT
Two Cents for what album I'm listening to.
where it all began, and it don't get mo'better than this...
[Click to View YouTube Video]
edit: so did i win the 2 cents or not. like they say, a penny earned is a penny save. no wait, its a penny saved is a penny earned. not that i'm a penny piincher or anything remotely similar. but i do expect ya to pay up if i got the right "album". i know i got the right song.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 11, 2013 - 12:24pm PT
The narrator chains Fortunato to the wall, then begins to close
Fortunato in the hole by filling in the opening with bricks.
When he has one brick left, he psychologically tortures
Fortunato until he begs for mercy.
The other side of that being the Far Side with a burr-headed
kid pulling wings off flies.
Or maybe like this strung-out bunch of sandhill cranes
flying parallel to BERT CRANE ROAD
near the KESTERTON REFUGE, mentioned yesterday in connection with the poeneers of Catheys Valley.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 11, 2013 - 01:31pm PT
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Oct 11, 2013 - 09:44pm PT
Thanks. Hell (or maybe Heaven) yes.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 12, 2013 - 12:44am PT
My life in hell was going to work at a plant that made steel barrels and threatened to deafen me so they gave out free ear plugs.
Thought about suicide.
Rally depressing failing with a grin.
Pulling six to four and out the door.
Ten long years.
Quite a few beers.
Fifty-five, stay alive.
How many quarts in a drum?
It figures out to four qts/gal times fifty-five = 220 qts.
Two twenty.
Two twenties make forty.
That's not just an odd figure, manner of figuring...
Even I know that.
It used to be forty cents would buy something.
Now I'm sixty-five. It don't buy shite.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 12, 2013 - 01:10am PT
Inspired by Jim Brennan's post on the LeVON Helms Appreciation Thread...
Something for LL LL to practice.
"Is practice fun?", I asked my mus music teacher.
"It is, if you believe in the theory, but I'm no Steinway, just a simple mouse."
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Guranteed. Blues.
Dare I say the cranes were uplifting?
F-Yeah! After the owner of the land, Billy Grissom, told me that they were not geese, as I had assumed, being BLINDER in my "GOOD eYe" now than in my "BAD EyE."
BG was after me on this lonesome stretch on Dan Murphy.
But cheer up, clown.
Doctor Crane is here.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 12, 2013 - 01:34am PT
Quien es mas macho? Fernando of the Llamas or Ricardo Mantelban?Es decir, "Sonríe, estás en supertopo."
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Oct 12, 2013 - 10:08pm PT
Flames related. After my brother's house burned up (or down, depending on how you view it), he rented the house previously occupied by Llamas the Younger out at Point Dume. Long story short, we ended up with his bed. I've wondered from time to time, where he slept thereafter. It was a nice pad, Barbie Streisand lived right down the street. I still have the key to the private beach.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 12, 2013 - 10:12pm PT
But does the key still work?Could this be the end of the Walking Blues?
The beginning of the Driving Into the Sun Blues?Everybody gets the Driving Into the Sun blues. Sunset or sundown.
These were taken this morning, no construction going on at the Highway 140 overpass at the BNSF track heading to Planada. I took advantage of that and am guilty of climbing a Class I route, as well. Shoot me. It's what I climbed today, but it's not worthy to go on that thread.
I liked the guy toking up, but decided to leave his shot out. Tact. And you know how it could go.
Which brings to mind that I forgot to mention why Mr. Billy Grissom was out and about on his HUGE ranch the other night when I was out his way shooting cranes with my camera. It seems one of his cowboys saw my red car near the bank of Bear Creek where Billy had found over 1,000 plants. He phoned Billy on his cell and Billy found me, looking to take down the license number of the Red Roadent.
All I needed to do was to show my camera and he breathed easier. He had rolled up beside me in his Big Huge Pickup. He's the one who took me to where I could shoot the cranes on his land. He was the soul of hospitality.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 13, 2013 - 07:05am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]911: Is this an emergent see?
Bishop STanislaus: Yes, it is, God help us. This gent fell into my see, see? It's along the Vlatava River. Oh, and his name, I believe, is Professor Morris Kowalski, from Prague.
911: Are you in Prague? Across the sea?
Bish STan: Yes.
911: Then ask God to help you, this is Detroit-on-the-St. Lawrence Seaway.
Bish STan: I meant his name is Mitch Ryder. Will that help?
911: In that case, put on a CD of Mitch Ryder, listen to CC Rider, and boogie till the body rises. Can't help ya, Padre.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
This is for the Fish Finder who finds that I make him dizzy!
There's a joke in there about leader line. It's probably knot-funny.
It's true that tie-dyed leaders never catch fish.
Equally true that tie-dyed belayers seldom have to catch the CosmicCragsman.
He's a fish of a different color, swimming in the deep blue at the moment.
Thinking of Dwain, RIGHT NOW!
He's probably sleeping, dreaming of dwainbow-colored parrots.
I, on the other hand, can't sleep no more.
That's what Supertopo's for.
Spinnin' like a Mepps lure.
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Oct 13, 2013 - 11:10pm PT
Le Mousie Si, La Migra No. No?
I was wondering just what Carlos Santana's actual address was there in TJ.
Once I find his address, I'm gonna see if the Streisand beach key fits. It's universal doncha know.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Migra Migra pinche Migra déjame en paz
Migra Migra pinche Migra déjame en paz
Malicia hay en tus ojos desprecio en tu corazón
Malicia hay en tus ojos desprecio en tu corazón
Es hora de reconocer que todos somos una voz
Abraza el concepto venimos de la misma voz
Me necesitas tú a mi más y más que yo a ti
Me necesitas tú a mi más y más que yo a ti
Me necesitas tú a mi más y más que yo a ti
Me necesitas tú a mi más y más que yo a ti
People people let's start together let's do it right
People people let's love one another I know we know how
Me necesitas tú a mi más y más que yo a ti
Me necesitas tú a mi más y más que yo a ti
Me necesitas tú a mi más y más que yo a ti
Me necesitas tú a mi más y más que yo a ti
Migra Migra pinche Migra déjame en paz
People people let's love one another I know we know how
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