Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Ice climber
Jun 25, 2018 - 04:02pm PT
Come join the space patrol


Social climber
Lida Junction
Jun 25, 2018 - 04:50pm PT
There's a talented pool of women running for Congress as Dems. It'll be women voters that tip the tide.

A Texas Democrat has one the best ads — and most effective opponent attacks — you’ll see in 2018
Some of those women are Native American

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jun 25, 2018 - 04:59pm PT
If liberals chase the rat-bastard tRump down the sewer, we are lost. It is what he wants. It is his home turf.

Have to stay focused on a positive alternative to the bigotry and rich white priviledge he represents. He lied his fat ass off when he promised to be the president for all Americans, but we can’t become just an ugly left wing equivalent.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 25, 2018 - 05:03pm PT
I have ordered the Pentagon to begin the process of establishing a sixth branch of the military, which will be called The Space Farce. Space Farce. Think about it. It will exist with the Air Force, as a separate and equal Space Farce.

I have ordered all the Pentagon generals to click their jackboot heels together three times, and say, "There's no place like space!" And, from now on, they will salute me, and each other, by holding the right arm straight, and pointing the fingers up and out towards space.


The Wastelands
Jun 25, 2018 - 05:24pm PT
so, when was it when America was not great?

back when we defeated Germany and liberated Europe? Not great then?

if we are to make America great again then it has to be stated, when was America NOT great?

what era was it that we were ashamed of our soldiers, that when we were not great?

Jun 25, 2018 - 05:25pm PT
Where's Rudy Giuliani? He's been MIA for a week or so. I miss his clown show.

Jun 25, 2018 - 05:35pm PT
Yep .....

There is No place like the empty space in the st00pid politards heads here.

You can fly around forever in that empty space of the politard heads in this thread ......

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 25, 2018 - 05:41pm PT
Rudy Giuliani is obtaining an intensive, post-sanity education from Baghdad Bob.

Giuliani is expected to appear on TV soon, babbling about the Democrats slaughtering themselves on the Capitol steps.

Trump claims that immigrants crossing the border are a serious threat to national safety. The facts don't correlate with Trump's lies about violent crimes committed by immigrants.

But, Trump is using those lies to justify tearing families apart, and intentionally losing young children within a highly dysfunctional bureaucracy. Trump is abusing children to generate chaos and to distract the public from the Mueller investigation.

Meanwhile, a hispanic man who could not swim used his last, dying effort to save a drowning 5-year old child who had fallen into a raging river.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 25, 2018 - 09:49pm PT
But, wittle Twumpypoo wikes big twucks. He wikes to sit in them, and move his arms wike he's dwiving.

Wall Street analysts say that a remarkably accurate predictor of recessions is very close to pointing to one right now.

Vladimir Putin's economic sanctions on U.S. companies will exacerbate the next recession. Trump's supporters in the Midwest are going to be hit the hardest. Companies there are already issuing SEC 10-Q notices, informing investors that Putin's sanctions will severely affect their profitability. Trump's rock-solid base of Rust Belters are already being layed off, and companies are shutting down factories.

In the coming months there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth in Trump-loving red states:

Oh, Lord, oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken us? We voted for Trump, just like you told us to.

And, we have obeyed the government, which was ordained by you, oh mighty Lord. And, we have stood by, supported, and praised and worshiped your son, Donald Trump.

Their lord is the Dark Lord Sordan, who resides and festers deep within the Bowels of Nadir. Sordan has tricked Trump voters into thinking he's God, and they will soon feel his fiery wrath. Trump will not be exempt when Sordan rains down excruciation upon those who worship. Like his devil-spawn son, Sordan has no intention of reciprocating the loyalty that others have shown him.

I'm the example shown in the Wikipedia article on Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Trump's behavior is so Kafkaesque, so Orwellian, and so Caligular, observing it has driven me insane.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jun 26, 2018 - 06:39am PT
Mueller will bring charges against trump , congress will sit on their hands and let the supreme court decided if collusion is legal like gerrymandering and people are corporations...

Gym climber
Jun 26, 2018 - 07:54am PT
Trump's travel ban was just upheld by Supreme Court (reversing the California-based Ninth Circuit/Circus).

The ban seemed pretty discriminatory (and bad policy) to me, but what do I know, if the Supremes say it's OK, we should accept it just like abortion, gay marriage, etc., right?

The Wastelands
Jun 26, 2018 - 08:08am PT
The ban seemed pretty discriminatory (and bad policy) to me

me too, could not agree with you more

but the Supremes decided only that the President has that Constitutional authority

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jun 26, 2018 - 08:16am PT
Wall Street analysts say that a remarkably accurate predictor of recessions is very close to pointing to one right now.

The best predictor of recession is the election of a Republican president.
"The U.S. economy has performed better when the President of the United States is a Democrat rather than a Republican, almost regardless of how one measures performance," according to the report titled "Presidents and the Economy: A Forensic Investigation."
Donald was absolutely right when he told Wolf Blitzer in 2004: “I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.”

That’s right. Trump said out loud the same thing that Hillary Clinton has asserted—and top academics and journalists have confirmed. The same thing I’ve been compiling cold, hard government data on since 1980: By crucial metrics like GDP, job creation, business investment and avoiding recessions, the economy does a lot better with Democrats in the White House than with Republicans. Just one eye-opening example: Nine of the last 10 recessions have been under Republicans.

Jun 26, 2018 - 12:24pm PT
Our Mocker in Chief:


The Wastelands
Jun 26, 2018 - 12:40pm PT

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 26, 2018 - 12:52pm PT
Republicans are hypocritical moral relativists, and opportunistic liars.

Mike Huckabee is right down there, with the worst of them.

Mitt Romney is running for a Utah Senate seat. If he wins today's primary run-off election to become the GOP candidate, he is virtually assured to win in the general election.

Romney was one of Trump's biggest critics during the 2016 election. Now, Mitt "The Weathervane" Romney has resigned himself to the fact that Trump has hijacked the Republican Party, and that it is folly for a GOP candidate to oppose Trump.

Here is Romney's master plan for dealing with Trump:

"I have and will continue to speak out when the president says or does something which is divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions. I do not make this a daily commentary; I express contrary views only when I believe it is a matter of substantial significance."

Romney presents himself as an ostensibly competent arbiter of what is a "matter of substantial significance". In other words, Romney can remain silent to avoid angering Trump, and claim that Trump's outrageous behavior is not a matter of substantial significance.

For example, Romney has not spoken out about Trump's border policy of taking children from their parents. At least 81 of the children were offered up for adoption at Betsy DeVos's Bethany Christian Services in Michigan, under the pretext that the infants and toddlers were found "unaccompanied" at the border, as if they had somehow wandered there on their own.

State-sponsored kidnapping of immigrant babies, in the name of placing them with "good Christian" foster parents, is apparently not substantially significant to Romney. Indeed, Romney may believe that it is "God's will" that the children be forcibly taken from their parents, and handed over to "more deserving" Americans who pay a substantially significant fee to Betsy DeVos's Christian Services company.

Or, maybe Romney simply believes that the Bethany company's statement of purpose absolves them of all sins:

Bethany Christian Services is a global nonprofit organization that brings families together and keeps families together.

Romney has resigned himself to being another GOP boot-licker, beholden to Trump.

Romney will likely be a Utah Senator, and he may support Trump if he calls for the privatization of Zion, Indian Canyon and other public lands, so that the Trump real estate-developing machinery can "improve" the areas with golf courses, hotels and other Trump-Knows-Best resort amenities.

Fair enough. I changed the last sentence to provide for the possibility that Romney may grow a spine if he is elected to the Senate.
But, Romney is presently on the hook for not coming out forcefully against Trump's baby-snatching policy.

Grey Matter
Jun 26, 2018 - 01:04pm PT
You don't know yet how good Romney will be as a senator. Pure speculation.
All politics is the art of compromise.
Even the best politicians say misleading things.
At least he's not another died in the wool trump fan.

edit- was that a subconscious slip how I spelled dyed?

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 26, 2018 - 01:39pm PT
Holding funds offshore, awaiting a tax amnesty program, is now a normal part of financial planning. When the funds are repatriated to the U.S., they are taxed at a much lower rate, compared to if they had been legitimately taxed in the first place.

The people with mega-bucks are money addicts. They never have enough.

MEGA = Make Excess Great Again

August West

Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Jun 26, 2018 - 01:41pm PT
Mueller will bring charges against trump , congress will sit on their hands and let the supreme court decided if collusion is legal like gerrymandering and people are corporations...

You may well be right about congress sitting on their hands. Although if Dems win the House, they could bring articles of impeachment.

But I don't see R's in the Senate voting to convict. If they don't, there is nothing for the SC to decide. Impeachment is a political matter not a judicial matter. If congress doesn't act, neither will the SC.

The real question is whether voters will act. I'm not holding my breath on that one either.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 26, 2018 - 02:27pm PT
I thought the deal is mueller cant bring charges against trump because hes the president?

The Trump situation is unprecedented. He is being investigated for crimes that were committed before he was elected, when he was a civilian.

Nixon's crimes were committed while he was in office, which provided him with some cover because he might have claimed that they were committed in the course of his official duties. Nixon's immunity from prosecution while in office might have been the subject of a court ruling, if he had not resigned.

Similarly, Clinton's alleged "high crimes and misdemeanors" that led to his impeachment comprised lying to investigators while he was in office. He was not indicted for lying, probably because the question about an illusory Nixon Immunity had not been definitively settled, in the courts, or otherwise.

But, at least some of Trump's alleged crimes could not possibly be construed as being committed in the course of his official duties, because they were alleged to have been committed before he was elected.

The Supreme Court ruled, in Clinton v. Jones, that a sitting president is not immune to a civil lawsuit brought over actions he committed before he was elected, and were unrelated to his office.

Both Nixon and Clinton were successfully served subpoenas by Federal investigations for crimes committed while in office. Nixon was forced to surrender his notorious Oval Office tapes, and Clinton was compelled to testify before a Grand Jury.

The false claim that a sitting president can't be indicted, even for crimes committed before he was elected, is based on the idea that he is the head of the branch of government that would arrest and prosecute him. The false logic is that, as the head of the Justice Department, he has absolute power over that department, and he has the power absolute power impede or stop any investigation or prosecution. The false logic is that the Justice Department has no practical legal standing against the president, because he completely controls everything the department does.

By a similar logic, it could be argued that, as the head of the Treasury Department, Trump is entitled to take as much gold as he wants from Fort Knox. And, he can declare himself, and his family, perpetually exempt from paying any Federal taxes.

And, as the head of the Department of State, Trump would be able to personally enter into treaties with foreign nations (the Constitution specifically forbids this).

And, as the head of the Department of Defense, Trump would be able to declare war without the approval of Congress (again, unconstitutional).

And, further logic of this type would give Trump, as the head of the Department of the Interior, the absolute right to convert Federally-controlled public lands into his own, private real estate holdings, so that he may develop them, or sell them for a profit.

Trump is the head of the Department of Justice, but he is not immune from being indicted while in office. An independent special prosecutor, who is officially not within the Justice Department, could bring forth a valid indictment. Robert Mueller is an independent special prosecutor.

Trump and his team of lieyers could tie up an indictment for a long time, all the way to the Supreme Court. So, prosecutors may not take the unprecedented, and untested, step of indicting a sitting president. But, if Robert Mueller's investigation shows sufficient criminal activity, he may have no choice, given that GOP Senators would cut their own heads off before convicting Trump of any crime, including treason, money-laundering, secret communications with Vladimir Putin, or permitting his corrupt Cabinet staff to initiate import tariffs to protect their own domestic company holdings.

Trump is a mess, all the way around.

The people who voted for him have done a great disservice to the nation. Those who continue to support him, despite irrefutable evidence of what he has done, and is doing, can be considered co-conspirators, or at best, accessories after the fact.
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