Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jun 23, 2018 - 08:25am PT
Russian bots are still hard at work for tRump on FB. I had a couple of tRump supporter friends looking a little sheepish after posting Russian propaganda.

Three in the last two days with misinformation exonerating tRump for the child separation at the border.

It is pretty easy to spot, and can be verified with minimal research.

Both sides are still getting played by the Russians. I try not repost anything until I verify the source.

Sportbikeville & Yucca brevifolia
Jun 23, 2018 - 10:12am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 23, 2018 - 10:38am PT
Did trump serve?

During the election, Trump claimed to be the world's #1 military guy, because he spent his high school years incarcerated at a military-themed reform school. He received a medal for learning how to fold his own underwear before putting it into a drawer.

Trump claimed that he was almost recruited to play professional baseball, because he was THE BEST while at the reform school. Shortly thereafter, a doctor falsified a document claiming Trump had "bone spurs" that disqualified him from military service.

Trump told Howard Stern that a lifetime of screwing anything on two or four legs, and not getting AIDS, was his "own personal Vietnam".

The Trump Administration is selectively exempting some U.S. companies from paying tariffs on imported aluminum and steel.

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross is deciding, on a case-by-case basis, which companies get the favorable treatment.

Trump claims that he is "fine-tuning" his import tariff policy.

Earlier this year, Trump "fine-tuned" an import policy for Chinese cellphones after Trump's golf resort received a $500 million payment from the Chinese government. Immediately after the payment was announced, Trump cancelled an import ban on Chinese ZTE spyware cellphones that are a threat to national security. Trump promised to reopen the ZTE factory, put the workers back to work, and to Make China Great Again.

Applying for an exemption from tariffs on imported aluminum or steel is a complex, time-consuming process. The decision basically comes down to whether a domestic aluminum or steel company objects to a given application. Wilbur Ross, whose family has large holdings in domestic aluminum and steel companies, has given authority over tariff exemptions to his industry cronies.

“This is the most screwed-up process,” said Mark Mullen, president of Griggs Steel, a steel distributor in the Detroit area. “This is a disservice to our industry and the biggest insult to our intelligence that I have ever seen from the government.”

The primary criterion for granting a tariff exemption is whether or not there is a domestic substitute for an imported material. Price difference is not a valid basis for an exemption, according to Wilbur Ross. In other words, the specific intent of the Trump tariff policy to increase manufacturing costs of American goods made from aluminum and steel.

Vladimir Putin's economic sanctions on American businesses are beginning to show the results that he wants.

The economy is booming, but (Mid Continent Nail Corporation) is not reaping the benefits. Instead, as a result of Mr. Trump’s trade policies, (Mid Continent) may soon be out of business.

Mid Continent, the largest American producer of nails, imports steel from Mexico to make its nails. That steel is now subject to the 25 percent tariffs that Mr. Trump imposed on dozens of countries, forcing Mid Continent to raise its prices by nearly 20 percent.

Orders have plummeted by 50 percent this month as the company tries to compete with cheaper foreign-made nails. Those foreign manufacturers are not facing higher steel costs, giving them an advantage over Mid Continent.

The company, which employs about 500 workers, has already cut 60 jobs - . It could potentially cut 200 more in the coming weeks.

That one example, for a very simple product, shows just how stupid Trump is. Either that, or he is doing Putin's bidding and intentionally sabotaging the U.S. economy. #TraitorTrump

Trump's next move to "fine-tune" his import tariff policy might be to put a 20% tariff on imported nails, so that Mid Continent's nail prices are again competitive. But, that would mean that users of nails will have to raise their prices to compensate for their higher costs.

So, wooden crates made in America will be more expensive than cheaper, imported crates that are made with cheaper nails. Trump will then "fine-tune" his import tariff policy and put a tariff on imported wooden crates.

But, products that are shipped in wooden crates will have higher prices, to compensate for higher production costs. American-made machinery that is shipped in wooden crates will cost more than imported machinery. Trump will "fine-tune" his import tariff policy and put a tariff on imported machinery, to make it as expensive as American machinery.

American companies that use machinery to make various things will have to raise their prices to compensate for their higher operating costs. That will cause the prices of American things to be higher than imported things. Trump will "fine-tune" his import tariff policy and put tariffs on imported things, to make them as expensive as American things. This will raise the cost of living for Americans, and reduce their standard of living.

At the same time, American companies that make things will go out of business, people will be out of work, the American economy will be degraded, and people will be forced into poverty and out of their homes.

Trump's base of support is as stupid as Trump himself. They somehow think Trump can bully other nations into compliance, and there won't be any retaliation. Uneducated, unsophisticated Trump voters believe him to be some sort of magical, or God-like, entity, who can conjure an alternative reality by making absurd statements and acting like the tough guy in high school who is cool because his father bought him a Corvette.

Malcolm Broome, executive director of the Mississippi Peanut Growers Association, said that many of the peanut farmers in his state have been supportive of Mr. Trump’s economic agenda, but that they will be watching carefully to see how he manages the trade negotiations.

“If this can give him some leverage to get a deal made, they’d be all for that,” Mr. Broome said. “If it doesn’t work and he’s miscalculated, then it could be a different story.”

Trump's "leverage" has given those Mississippi morons an EU import tariff on their crops, making Chinese farmers more competitive. Trump is making China great again, which is the "different story" that those idiots didn't see coming when they voted for Trump and his bully-boy bullsh#t.

Like moronic robots, Trump's uneducated base will continue to vote for Republicans because they do whatever Trump tells them to do. When proud, self-sufficient Mississippi peanut farmers go broke because of the EU tariffs, they are confident Trump will tell Congress to bail them out with farm subsidies, which will be paid for by kicking welfare mothers and medicare moochers off the public dole (Mississippians are good Christians who don't believe in socialism).

Trump is an IQ-deflating svengali.

Trump's greatest misconception is that he can run the government the way he ran his construction projects: abuse, then discard, his investors, partners and contractors, because there will always be others that he can abuse and discard later.

When Trump pulled some of his "take it or leave it" art of the deal bullshit with the G6 group, he believed that if they didn't take it, he could simply find a different G6 group that would.

Trump is truly deranged, incompetent and a danger to the nation.
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Jun 23, 2018 - 11:36am PT

in the land of the blind
Jun 23, 2018 - 01:11pm PT

Sportbikeville & Yucca brevifolia

Jun 13, 2018 - 09:09am PT
Trump could cure cancer and you lunatics would criticize him for putting morticians out of work.

Very unlikely.

Also very unlikely is that Trump would start sending immigrants to gas chambers and ovens, but if he did, pud would still criticize us for being upset about it, and for not giving Trump his much deserved adulation for putting low emission technologies into the gas chambers and ovens.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 23, 2018 - 02:18pm PT
The best part of eating at The Red Hen is that the manager drives away crazy Trump people, like Sarah Sanders, so that the diners don't have to do it themselves.

The Red Hen was Yelp-bombed after telling Sanders to leave. The link above will take you to a fake Red Hen webpage. It has so many typos and grammatical errors, it must have come from a Russian bot.

Republicans were aghast - simply aghast! - that a place that sells food would refuse service to someone because of a disagreement in beliefs and behavior.

Sarah Sanders' father, Mike Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor and Republican presidential candidate tweeted:

"Bigotry. On the menu at Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington VA. Or you can ask for the 'Hate Plate,'"
"And appetizers are 'small plates for small minds.'"

Ari Fleischer, who was a press secretary for President George W. Bush, tweeted:

"I guess we're heading into an America with Democrat-only restaurants, which will lead to Republican-only restaurants. Do the fools who threw Sarah out, and the people who cheer them on, really want us to be that kind of country?"

A Republican-only bakery existed first, and a Democrat who wanted a wedding cake was thrown out. The bakery was ruled to be within its rights by the Republican-majority Supreme Court. Republican-only places that sell food are, therefore, totally acceptable to Republicans.

So, why would Republicans now object to a Democrat-only restaurant, a place that sells food?

Because the Republicans want to have their homophobic cake, and eat it, too.

Republicans are hypocritical moral relativists and opportunistic liars:

A Colorado baker who objects to same-sex marriage is a good Republican.

A Virginia restaurant owner who objects to tearing families apart at the border is a bad Democrat.

It is ironic and astonishing that the World's Smartest Guy, and his staff of the Very Best People, are restricted by a shared three-syllable vocabulary, and they completely miss out on big words like REPERCUSSIONS.


The Wastelands
Jun 23, 2018 - 06:26pm PT
Trump supporters expect him to lie and it makes them want to defend him more

: ‘He’s not a perfect guy — he does some stupid stuff’

It bothers me that he doesn’t tell the truth,” said Julie Knight of Washington. “But I guess I kind of expect that

The people interviewed also repeated lies from Fox News and other outlets—especially when it came to defending Trump’s decision to take small children from their parents and lock them in cages along the border.

“Those cages and those families — that was actually filmed during the Obama administration, not the Trump administration,” said Illinois man Clayton Smith.
*Trump supporters believe LIES, because they are ignorant


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 23, 2018 - 06:27pm PT
Denying legal representation and maintaining total secrecy are necessary in the interest of National Security. People would want to kill Trump if they found out what was really going on.

Trump's border debacle could be made into an Eli Roth horror film called:

Abu Ghraib II: Welcome To Summer Camp, Kids.

Except that it's not a film. It's really happening, right now, to real people. And, the Trump Administration is trying to keep everything a secret, so that Trump doesn't look bad. There is very little transparency. Even high-ranking government officials are stonewalled when they attempt to find out what is really going on.

Senators and Congressmen, and at least one local mayor, have been denied access to Trump's concentration camps for children. The official line of BS is that visitors must fill out a form, and then it will take two weeks to process the request. That sounds like ICE, DHS and HHS want two weeks to sanitize the horrific conditions that exist within facilities where children are injected with thorazine, against their will, to incapacitate them, and turn them into compliant zombies.

Similarly, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio say that the Trump Administration never told them that DHS and HHS were secretly bringing kidnapped children to their foster care facilities. Governor Cuomo said that when he asked for the number and location of the traumatized children, so that he could provide the necessary mental health services, DHS and HHS refused to answer his questions.

Journalists are using drones to obtain video images of the detention centers, because there is no other way for them to obtain information on the conditions inside.

The Pentagon is saying that 20,000 immigrant children will be housed on military bases. Entry to military bases is forbidden, except as allowed by a base commander. It would be illegal for journalists to fly drones over a base to view where the children are housed. It may also be illegal for private aircraft to overfly a base to obtain aerial photographs of detention facilities.

The announcement by the Pentagon is part of the Trump Administration's ongoing border policy of secrecy, concealment, denial and deception. Trump's only concern is how the border policy affects his poll numbers, so he wants to hide what he is doing from the public. Like Bush with his CIA interrogation centers, Trump wants to operate in secret, because what he is doing is heinously wrong.

A dozen states have sued Trump over his border policy and his Abu Ghraib concentration camps. Private, for-profit prison camps near the border, where children are being detained, are also being sued. The allegations range from mistreatment to physical abuse to forcibly injecting children with various mixtures of incapacitating medications.

Trump's concentration camps are not as evil as the specialized Nazi death camps, but they are, nonetheless, evil. The children are not being gassed, but they are being forcibly injected with drugs. Trump's concentration camps are inhumane, immoral, and possibly illegal.

Trump is preying upon children to push his unpopular and absurd political agenda.

There is a special place in hell for people who prey upon children.
 Ivankant Trump

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 23, 2018 - 11:32pm PT
Political Darwinism: young Trump staffers are unable to find dates in D.C.

If you don't want any more of a certain type of animal, the first rule is Don't Let Them Mate.

In order to prevent the spread of Trumpism, young people are refusing to date or engage with White House staffers. Like lepers, Trump's minions have been shunned by people their own age. The hope is that, like the polio virus, Trumpites will die off and no longer torment the human race.

Social climber
Lida Junction
Jun 24, 2018 - 09:01am PT

intra dating, is that like inbreeding?

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jun 24, 2018 - 09:31am PT
Dwains not stupid...That's how he talks to his parrots...He's trained one of his smarter parrots to post...Rawk , fukking libtards...

The Wastelands
Jun 24, 2018 - 09:37am PT

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jun 24, 2018 - 09:42am PT
It’s ok, because the dog was a liberal, and I’m sure he found a Bible passage to justify it.

Mountain climber
golden, rollin hills of California
Jun 24, 2018 - 10:20am PT
While Donald Trump works to distract the public, his administration is working to dismantle every aspect of government that benefits the people. Noam Chomsky

[Click to View YouTube Video]

The Good Places
Jun 24, 2018 - 10:36am PT
Cosmic, we just wish you'd respect the sanctity of our heteronormative marriages by not supporting a president proud of snagging on the pussies of women married to other men. I don't want you to die, or even to not vote, I just want you to respect the fact that we deserve to have a president who respects the institution of marriage between a normal-born innie and an outtie.

Totally agree, Clifff, We'll eat cake LOL, and they'll eat dirt, sooner or later though. Sooner, hopefully.

Trad climber
Ontario, Canada
Jun 25, 2018 - 06:49am PT
Anyone need a place to stay?

Trad climber
Tribal Base Camp (Riverkern Annex)
Jun 25, 2018 - 08:54am PT

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 25, 2018 - 12:01pm PT
Here is another result of Vladimir Putin's economic sanctions on American businesses:

Harley-Davidson is moving production out of the United States because of Trump's trade war. The company says they will not raise the prices of their motorcycles in Europe, but will simply make them somewhere else to avoid the EU's retaliatory import tariffs. The EU initiated the import tariffs after Trump called for import tariffs on European steel and aluminum.

At one time, Trump boasted about how his Art of the Deal bullshit would specifically benefit Harley-Davidson. Instead, the company's stock is tanking, there will be employee layoffs, and the company will lose $100 million this year because of the trade war with the EU.

Putin - 2
America - 0

Harley-Davidson is based in Wisconsin, the home state of House Speaker Paul Ryan. The EU is also charging an import tariff on cranberries, of which Wisconsin is a major producer. The EU tariffs on whiskey target Kentucky, the home state of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The EU import tariff on peanut butter targets southern farm states like Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama, all of which support Trump.

The EU tariffs, as well as China's tariffs, are intended to directly target Trump's fan base. The idea is to irritate and distress Trump's supporters, so that they will stop supporting him, and get rid of him because he is wreaking havoc at home and abroad.

Trump says his next move, in counter-retaliation for the EU's retaliatory tariffs, is to put a 25% import tariff on European cars.

Putin - 3
America - 0

Trade wars are easy to win.
 Donald Trump

Trump is calling for an end to due process for immigrants. He wants to simply do with them what he wants, without regard to the Constitution, the law, civil rights, or common human decency. Trump's behavior is becoming more belligerent, erratic and deranged as Mueller closes in on him.

Trump believes that the power and scope of his Executive Orders should be unlimited. He has no idea how the U.S. government functions. The White House staff had to explain to him, as a parent to a petulant child:

"That's a no-no. You can't decree the Constitution null and void. Bad Don-Don. Now, go get ready for your timeout. Investigator Mueller will be here any minute."

Trad climber
Tribal Base Camp (Riverkern Annex)
Jun 25, 2018 - 01:58pm PT
Frost.....does this help? Now, really try to push past that good ol boy "yup yup" tumor within your brain housing group. Don't forget to squeeze off a good grouping for the boys down out the range......because your last round went high and to the RIGHT.


Boulder climber
Jun 25, 2018 - 03:19pm PT
There's a talented pool of women running for Congress as Dems. It'll be women voters that tip the tide.

A Texas Democrat has one the best ads — and most effective opponent attacks — you’ll see in 2018
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