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Trad climber
Apr 7, 2016 - 08:14pm PT
Guys I heard that the DNC was pulling for the candidate who actually wants to lead the DNC can someone confirm this?

Apr 8, 2016 - 03:48am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

the above is one of the few times where i've seen bernie act exceptionally unpresidential and unleader-like.

unfortunately, while i agree with his critique of clinton, by stooping to her level first by exaggerating what she actually said [she did not say he was unqualified rather she refused to answer] and then secondly by framing his criticism towards her as a response to something that is patently mistaken [his own qualifications] he actually ends up unintentionally [and for most i suspect unconsciously] reinforcing to many that he is still on some level an outsider, may still not be to some extent qualified and therefore may not be ready to lead.

strong leaders don't get involved in an "i'm rubber and you are glue" style of rhetoric. and given what bernie is trying to accomplish he has to be near perfect as a leader if he has any hope of actually pulling anything off.

and so while it may seem like a minor slip up and his campaign has always been hanging on by a thread, i suspect that his saying this in the way that he did is going to send out the ripples that cut his last remaining [non-judicial based] thread...

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Apr 8, 2016 - 04:39am PT
You should vote for the candidate that the media wants you to vote for then.

You will never see or hear their gaffs.

You will only hear what they want you to hear,i.e The Daily News OPINION.[have you heard the interview?].

It pains me to hear that someone is "not presidential"when they are speaking the Truth.

Never mind I have not seen ONE Hillary sign or even bumper sticker here in Upstate New York,but ,have seen dozens of Bernies in places I would not expect around me.

The Senator from Vermont has had to fight for everything he has.

Not so much for the former Secretary.

Edit;I mean think about it,Are you Qualified to be the POTUS if you voted for the Iraq War?


Trad climber
Apr 8, 2016 - 05:48am PT
willbeer posted
The Senator from Vermont has had to fight for everything he has.

Not so much for the former Secretary.

Edit;I mean think about it,Are you Qualified to be the POTUS if you voted for the Iraq War?

What kind of drug regimen do you use to maintain this level of delusion?

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Apr 8, 2016 - 06:36am PT
Great answer .
John Duffield

Mountain climber
New York
Apr 8, 2016 - 08:00am PT
Obama, really lowered the bar for qualification. Hadn't even finished a full term as Senator. Both Hillary and Bernie, are much more qualified than either Obama or the two leading Republicans. But the fact is, the only one out there, really "qualified" is Joe Biden. Al Gore perhaps. None of them running.

What a sad state of affairs. Five candidates, all with either low positives or high negatives.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Apr 8, 2016 - 09:17am PT
Hey Bernie Sanders supporters (eg Nutjob), what do you think?

Sanders Over the Edge

Krugman (New York New York New York) lays it out.

Hello New York!


...has had to fight for everything he has. Not so much for the former Secretary.

C'mon, where have you been. She's been fighting - and fighting the good fight - for 20 plus years if not sooner, starting with that "vast right wing conspiracy" - that is worth some notice and kudos.

and, glad to say, those "dishonesty" and "not trustworthy" labels (obviously VRWC labels) don't stick with me not one smidge. No more than Benghazi.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Apr 8, 2016 - 09:30am PT
Man,another NY Times or W Post opinion.......

She does have a lot of sack,if she only did not accept super pac money,she would have more.

Trad climber
Apr 8, 2016 - 09:33am PT
But the fact is, the only one out there, really "qualified" is Joe Biden

Good ole Joe "Double Barrel" Biden. Sigh. Yeah, he's the leader to take us to the next level.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Apr 8, 2016 - 09:34am PT
If Hillary has "sac" then why is she still married to Bill? It couldn't be expediency, could it?
John Duffield

Mountain climber
New York
Apr 8, 2016 - 10:22am PT
He was afraid of Hillary and I bet he kicks himself for chickening out so early, every time he watches the news.

Perhaps, but his Sons death, really rocked his world. Maybe it was all he could do to hang in there and not leave the President in the lurch. I can't imagine.

But then there's Paul Ryan, who appears to be starting to have regrets. Comments, are revealing.

What really bothers me the most about politics these days is this notion of identity politics: that we’re going to win an election by dividing people, rather than inspiring people on our common humanity and our common ideals and our common culture on the things that should unify us. We all want to be prosperous. We all want to be healthy. We want everybody to succeed. We want people to reach their potential in their lives.

"Now, liberals and conservatives are going to disagree with one another on that. No problem. That’s what this is all about.

"So let’s have a battle of ideas. Let’s have a contest of whose ideas are better and why our ideas are better."


Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Apr 8, 2016 - 10:34am PT
Brings me right back to Bernie's question.

Are you qualified to be the POTUS if you voted for the Iraq War?

Call me names and make assumptions about me,

Or just answer a question .

Apr 8, 2016 - 10:42am PT
Are you qualified to be the POTUS if you voted for the Iraq War?


(Although if you look at her record, her approval was contingent on several conditions that she mistakenly believed the Bush administration would honor.)

She said it was a mistake.

Ideally she would not have voted for it.

But the world is far to complex to boil things down to a single vote or a single issue.

Gym climber
Apr 8, 2016 - 11:00am PT
What really bothers me the most about politics these days is this notion of identity politics: that we’re going to win an election by dividing people, rather than inspiring people on our common humanity and our common ideals and our common culture on the things that should unify us. We all want to be prosperous. We all want to be healthy. We want everybody to succeed. We want people to reach their potential in their lives.
    Paul Ryan

Listen to what I say, but don't dare look at what I do.

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Apr 8, 2016 - 12:16pm PT
But the world is far to complex to boil things down to a single vote or a single issue.

True. But she's been on the wrong side of MANY issues, including the banks/corporations that she's perpetually in bed with.

Look at the money-flow differences between Clinton and Sanders, and there is no comparison.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Apr 8, 2016 - 12:20pm PT
I agree MB.

While I may have boiled it down to one thing ,Bernie certainly did not.

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Apr 8, 2016 - 01:19pm PT
Bernie's done. Get over it. Guy's nothing but slogans.

Trad climber
vagabond movin on
Apr 8, 2016 - 03:12pm PT
Bernie's done? Bah. It takes willful blindness (and weapons grade stupidity) to vote for Hillary.

Panama papers stirred the nest.

THE SOUND OF SILENCE: Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Want You to Hear Her Fundraising Plea

Please Recognize Your Privilege If You Can Afford 8 Years of Hillary Clinton and the Status Quo

Get your head out of the sand and google any of the following:

Huffington Post: Clintons Bagged at Least $3.4 Million for 18 Speeches Funded by Keystone Pipeline Banks

New York Times: Clinton Foundation Shook Down a Tiny Tsunami Relief Nonprofit for a $500,000 Speaking Fee

New York Magazine: Clinton Foundation “Strong-Armed” Charity Watchdog Group

International Business Times: Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. Gave Clinton Foundation Donors Weapons Deals

Washington Post: Clintons Hid 1,100 Foreign Donor Names in Violation of Ethics Agreement with Obama Admin.

Vox: At Least 181 Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied Hillary’s State Dept.

BuzzFeed: Two of Hillary Clinton’s Top Donors Were Major Felons

Daily Beast: Clintons’ Charity Scored Millions from Qatar and Donations from Corrupt FIFA Soccer Organization

Associated Press: The Clintons’ Have a Secret “Pass-Through” Company—WJC, LLC

New York Times: Hillary Funneled $10K Monthly Payments to Sidney Blumenthal Through Clinton Foundation

New Yorker: Bill Clinton Scored a $500,000 Speech in Moscow Paid for by a Kremlin-backed Bank

Washington Post: Hillary Clinton’s Brother Sits on the Board of a Mining Co. that Received a Coveted Haitian “Gold Exploitation Permit” that Has Only Twice Been Awarded in 50 Years. Rodham Met the Mining Executive in Charge of the Company at a Clinton Foundation Event.

New York Times: Court Proceedings Reveal Hillary’s Brother Claimed Admits Clinton Foundation and the Clintons Are Key to His Haiti Connections

Wall Street Journal: Clinton Foundation Violated Memorandum of Understanding with the Obama Admin. By Keeping Secret a Foreign Donation of Two Million Shares of Stock from a Foreign Executive with Business Before Hillary’s State Dept.

New York Times: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Claims She Had No Idea Her State Dept. Was Considering Approving the Transfer of 20% of U.S. Uranium to the Russian Govt.—Even as the Clinton Foundation Bagged $145 Million in Donations from Investors in the Deal

Bloomberg: A For-Profit University Put Bill Clinton on Its Payroll and Scored a Jump in Funding from Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. When Clinton Cash Revealed the Scheme, Bill Clinton Quickly Resigned.

New York Times: The Head of the Russian Govt’s Uranium Company Ian Telfer Made Secret Donations Totaling $2.35 Million to the Clinton Foundation—as Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. Approved the Transfer of 20% of All U.S. Uranium to the Russians

Washington Post: Bill and Hillary Clinton Have Made at Least $26 Million in Speaking Fees from Entities Who Are Top Clinton Foundation Donors

Washington Free Beacon: Former Clinton Campaign Operative-Turned-ABC News Host George Stephanopoulos Failed to Disclose His $75,000 Donation and Deep Involvement in the Clinton Foundation Before Launching an Attack Interview Against Clinton Cash Author

CNBC: Clinton Foundation Mega Donor Frank Holmes Claimed He Sold Uranium One Before Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. Approved the Russian Transfer—Despite His Company’s Own SEC Filings Proving Otherwise

Politico: Hillary’s Foundation Accepted $1 Million from Human Rights Violator Morocco for a Lavish Event

Not fond of Fox News (or ANY of the major media stations now) however there's plenty here to think about.

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Apr 8, 2016 - 04:06pm PT
Bernie's not perfect, but he's as close to honest as a candidate for president can be, as I see it, and that's good enough.

Honest is good, but that's definitely not good enough. Bernie is the right man for the wrong job in this case as he'll lose the general.

Trad climber
vagabond movin on
Apr 8, 2016 - 05:16pm PT
Hillary will be more of the same. You comfortable with this?

Don't think for one second that a woman who receives mula from oil will change a thing.
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