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Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
Apr 6, 2016 - 10:50am PT
About time for another insightful video.

Anyone who wants to reduce government corruption, hold companies accountable for paying taxes where they make profits, and have a government that actually reflects the will of the people, should vote for Bernie.

Again and again his record and actions over the years show that he is on the side of regular people. From a few years back:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Edit: for those living under a rock, the recent "Panama Papers" revelations are a big deal, revealing details of large scale systemic money laundering and corruption. A large percentage of the country of Iceland was protesting in the streets forcing its leader to resign. Many of the world's government leaders are implicated. And this is a view into one company of potentially thousands doing the same thing! The scale of the corruption is boggling. Will the Clintons be implicated? Who are the 200 Americans on the present list, and why aren't we getting more immediate media coverage about America? Waiting for full stories with background checks or active suppression by media interests in America?

We are failing as human beings and citizens if we let this pass with complacency as "status quo". If ever you have had a sense of righteous indignation or moral outrage about abuses of power, now is a time to stand up and do something about it.

Do you watch the thief destroying lives and say it's not my problem? It is! We pay for it! Our national debt is our personal tax bill! Details of the crimes against us have been released. Will we press charges?


Trad climber
Apr 6, 2016 - 11:21am PT
Well, we've certainly seen how fewer regulations and less tax revenue has not solved our problems

Again, are you implying that the oil business is free from regulations or tax burdens?

Aside from maybe banking, the oil industry is probably the most heavily regulated industry in the United States. And I'm not up on tax revenue, but if you throw in the spurious gas taxes, I would bet they are at the top of the food chain in terms of tax revenue also.

And yet you want to place more regulations, and a higher tax burden on these companies, which for all intents and purposes reduces their profit potential, and then you get butt hurt when they do everything in their power to skirt those regulations? Or in the case of Ford, leave the country completely?

Like I said, I'm sure it will work THIS time.

Social climber
Where in the hell is Major Kong?
Apr 6, 2016 - 11:34am PT
You know, the whole Ford (and lots of other companies) moving shop to Mexico, well its complicated, no?

Indeed, Dingus. However, on the one hand they drone on and on about how they are the job creators and we need to support them. Then they send the jobs away and have been for over 40 years now.

I prefer the Republican model of Reagan and Bush, where at least they have the integrity to tell you right to your face that they are going to f*#k you over. Clinton was all touchy feely while implementing NAFTA.

Or in the case of Ford, leave the country completely?

Yes, I'm sure all those rules put a real crimp in their $10 billion profit.

Trad climber
Apr 6, 2016 - 11:34am PT
Escopeta: Isn't your argument about the oil industry proof of how bad your argument (or at least your information is)? Let's assume for a moment that you are correct (I doubt you are) and that the oil industry is one of the most regulated and taxed industries in the world. Taxes and regulations are bad and kill industry. The oil industry is one of the most profitable in the world. Square that circle for me.

Social climber
Where in the hell is Major Kong?
Apr 6, 2016 - 11:44am PT
Make no mistake, you can lay the Rise of Walmart and the Destruction of Main Street U.S.A. right at the feet of President and Hillary Mao-Clinton.

Bill Clinton fought for NAFTA in Washington, long and hard. Yet when the striker replacement bill came up, one that would return at least some rights to labor that Reagan had taken away, Clinton suddenly had urgent business in Europe.

While AFL-CIO officials praised the administration's efforts, some pro-union Democratic senators complained that the administration seemed to mount a more vigorous campaign for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which was opposed by organized labor, than it did for the striker bill.

"There wasn't one-tenth of the effort on this that there was on NAFTA," said Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), a leading supporter of the striker bill.

That's when I finally had to give up on the Democrats.

Apr 6, 2016 - 12:05pm PT
here you go Escopeta... can't say i was aware, but just came across this today...

looks like your wish is already a reality:

The U.S. “is effectively the biggest tax haven in the world” —Andrew Penney, Rothschild & Co.

nevada, wyoming, delaware and south dakota are favorite jurisdictions of those looking for shell company locations...

one trust company in delaware is the legal address for 250000 businesses...

Gym climber
Apr 6, 2016 - 02:28pm PT
Again, are you implying that the oil business is free from regulations or tax burdens?

Are you talking to me? If so, then no, I am not implying that the oil business is free from regulations or tax burdens. (Where'd you ever get that idea? And, "Again"?)

And with that, the rest of your post is meaningless.

But please feel free to make more assumptions, and then make arguments based on those assumptions.
It's good entertainment.
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Apr 6, 2016 - 02:59pm PT
The bigger issue of the Panama Papers story is one of official government corruption, rather than one of tax evasion.
Edit: not to say tax evasion isn't a big deal.
The political class wants to talk about tax evasion, because then they don’t have to talk about how corrupt the political class is.

The Panama Papers is such a huge story but not without it's own potential controversy. The ICIJ looks to be a great organization.
Are they protecting anyone?
Just sayin, this story is now out there: Anybody know if it's legit, or a political feint?
Wikileaks is criticizing the failure to release all the data.

Questions are being asked about why Americans don’t seem very prominent among those exposed in the massive Panama Papers leak. And dark suspicions exist that the leaker is Soros-funded and has deliberately shielded certain parties, in an effort aimed at discrediting Russia in particular...
...who might be being protected by the Soros-funded group that is stage managing the leaks?

Edit. List of some individuals here:

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Apr 6, 2016 - 04:36pm PT
If he'd just issue an executive order taking the Federal Reserve out of the picture

Bernie apparently doesn't really know what the fed does...

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Apr 6, 2016 - 05:15pm PT
Bernie apparently doesn't really what the fed does...

That's probably true, sadly.

Other presidents have; JFK, for example, was starting the process of taking our money back.

Gym climber
Small Town with a Big Back Yard
Apr 6, 2016 - 08:36pm PT
General "LOL" to the pundits.

I started this thread as a joke, with ZERO chance of Bernie winning.

I now still think, whatever happens

people have been awakened to their subservience,

and are not generally happy about it

on either side.

Social climber
Where in the hell is Major Kong?
Apr 6, 2016 - 09:35pm PT
Triumph is made in England. Not exactly sure they're interested in making America great.

Social climber
Where in the hell is Major Kong?
Apr 6, 2016 - 09:40pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]


Gym climber
Apr 7, 2016 - 08:53am PT
people have been awakened to their subservience,

Soitenly! [Said a-la Curly of the Three Stooges.]

But who ya gonna call?
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Apr 7, 2016 - 09:05am PT
Trad climber
Fresno CA

Apr 6, 2016 - 10:43am PT
I find it refreshing to read how so many people with left-of-center views have suddenly discovered the biases and distortions of the mainstream media. I think the infantile level of this campaign has the news media as a major cause.


Just more proof John doesn't have very good reading comprehension skills

Everyone left of center has been screaming about the media bias for years

It sure can't be called the liberal media
It should be called the "Corporate Media" because they own it, they control it, and they do everything they can to bias it in favor of their corporate empire, and it mostly favors the right wing perspective of keeping the lies and propaganda front and center so that the authoritarian followers will eat it like candy.

It's all about ratings, and infantile campaign controversy is gold for ratings.

The infantile level of this campaign is a completely Republican manifestation, they encouraged it, and when it got out of control they just threw more wood on the fire.

It's your party John, you vote for it, you are a part of it.
Do you still vote for Republican Congress people, state, local; then you are part of the problem.

The Republicans need to lose hard to be able to dig themselves out of the grave they dug, until then they will just go farther and farther right because that's what their base demands,
They appeal to the lowest common denominated, hate, anger, racism, greed, xenophobia, the bible, guns, anti-abortion, keep women as objects, and a delusion that lower taxes will create wealth.

That is your party now, all of them are in lockstep, especially the Republican Congress. No good will ever come from them, they are the opposition party that wants to oppose all progress. Meaning there will be no recovery, just one fabricated crisis to the next fabricate crisis
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Apr 7, 2016 - 09:31am PT
Craig Fry posted:
It should be called the "Corporate Media" because they own it, they control it, and they do everything they can to bias it in favor of their corporate empire, and it mostly favors the right wing perspective of keeping the lies and propaganda front and center so that the authoritarian followers will eat it like candy

I wouldn't call your post hyperbole except you probably can't tell me when the NY Times, "the paper of record" and most influential in America, last endorsed a republican, or right winger, for president?

BTW. I think John E has excellent reading comprehension skills. His opinions just differ from yours. Different opinions and perspectives are what make this country great ;-)

Apr 7, 2016 - 09:51am PT

while it's not an endorsement for president just yet, the nytimes endorsed hrc for the dem nomination... so one endorsement in just the last few months for a [shadow] republican.

ba dum tsh

Social climber
Apr 7, 2016 - 10:13am PT
I find it interesting that despite all the mainstream (corporate) medias excessive coverage of Trump and bias coverage of Hillary, Bernie leads by 2 pts in NY.
It's very apparent that many Americans have been awoken from their slumber.
Bernie's message is based on a political revolution, not on becoming President...and people are listening.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Apr 7, 2016 - 11:11am PT
Would Hillary be good for the NY Times?

Yes or no

They endorse for the same reasons

How about them endorsing Bernie?
Computer says NOOooooooooooo

Gym climber
Apr 7, 2016 - 11:14am PT
They appeal to the lowest common denominated, hate, anger, racism, greed, xenophobia, the bible, guns, anti-abortion, keep women as objects, and a delusion that lower taxes will create wealth.

So true, so true.

While I'm not convinced that people are "awakening," I do believe that a younger generation, with the aid of social media and the internet, don't listen as much to the MSM, which is so obviously controlled by large corporations. (Even MSNBC, the supposed 'liberal' news show, has a hard time staying left of center.)

The Republican plan: disenfranchise voters by giving them criminal records, keeping them ill-informed, and suppressing the vote. That is the only way that their few numbers can win elections.

It'll be interesting to see the percentage of voter turnout for the general election this year. It's sad news, and somewhat telling, that in WI, Scott Walker's pet judge got in the door.
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