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mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 17, 2013 - 01:32pm PT
Fingerses, check.
Interpretively Artur Schnabel was respected for his profound musical insights and the strengths of his edition of the 32 Beethoven Sonatas.
In his day, most other top pianists admired Artur Schnabel greatly,
but could not resist a bit of teasing on the side.
The classic joke:
"Did you hear that Schnabel was rejected by the Army."
"I hadn't heard--why?"
"No fingers."
They used to say the same thing about the Oakland Arthritics' pitching staff, especially when Rollie rolled out to Sammy Eggo in '76 (independent cuss).
You're welcome to our relief anyday, zBrown.
Jaws and tongue, check.
Just nine days after he got married to his high school sweetheart and the Upland High School team statistician (Jill), on minor league opening day 1967 in Birmingham (with the Birmingham A's), a ball hit Fingers in the face, breaking his cheekbone, jaw, and knocking out some teeth. His jaw was wired shut for five weeks and when he returned he jumped every time the ball was hit; it took him about half the remaining season to get used to being on the mound again.
Mousetache, check.
Hip, a bit sore, but will be fine by Facelift, I'm pretty hopeful.
I fell on choss today, Oh Boy,
I was not wearing the right kind of shoes
And though George just stood and laughed,
Oh how that turned me ooooon...
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 17, 2013 - 02:36pm PT
For those not in the know,
mojo in Flames argot means Watermelon, man.
Therefo', one must assume mass quantities of mojo are present in Ms. Melanie, and you would be correct.
Mojo helps the car go.
When we have mojo we can ride low.
We are driving or we are cargo.
One Dream One Night
We were cruising down the Main Drag,
Like all good car clubs do.
"Hey say there!" rang out from the curb,
Came right out of the blue,
There STood neebee in the flesh
Alive as me or you.
There, too, STood Weej, all tidied up,
"hey we're both feelin' dead this day.
we've run right out of beer and paint
and need some help, otay?"
What could we do? Jeff hit reverb,
He changed the eight-track, too.
And in a second we were back in time:
Nineteen seventy-two!
But when I saw my beard was gray
I thought, "Return when we started from."
So I struck out from old drive-though 4,
Hitching with my thumb.
I got to where you see me now
But I'm not really here.
I'm stuck, poor me, don't know how long
In some far-distant year!
When dreaming dreams in stereo,
We need to be alert.
Time slips away and steals those dreams,
And buries you in dirt.
That said, I hope everything's going O-tay today.
Jaqueline Tey, writer
In 2012, Peter Hitchens wrote that, "Josephine Tey’s clarity of mind, and her loathing of fakes and of propaganda, are like pure, cold spring water in a weary land", and "what she loves above all is to show that things are very often not what they seem to be, that we are too easily fooled, that ready acceptance of conventional wisdom is not just dangerous, but a result of laziness, incuriosity and of a resistance to reason".--Wiki
[Click to View YouTube Video]It is good to be the king, now more than ever, since there are so damned few of them!
But there are down sides to royalty, natch. Too numerous to mention, really.
The negativity of being royal makes for some outstanding DRIVEL. Shakespeare knew. Malory knew.
Mouse knows. This is my contribution to the next Bad Fiction Night at Coffee Bandits.
As If It Weren't Enough To Have a Bent Back: Richard III's Terrible Horrible Stupid Morning
"I lost my damned Orb, Higgins! Did you put it someplace besides the cupboard?"
"No, Sire, it was there the last time I looked."
"Well, let's look again, shall we? Ah! There it is, you lout!"
"Oh, that old thing, our majesty? That's not an orb, that's a be-not. It does resemble an orb, though, doesn't it?"
"Which is it, pin-brain? An orb or be-not? And why call it a be-not or not-be or what you will?"
"You must look at it from the orb's point of view, sire. It must think that it is better to be an orb than a be-not, but especially so when it is nullification of existence that is in question."
"Then you are saying it's better to be an orb than a not-be?"
"Ye-e-es, I suppose so. That is, I think that would be my answer."
"To be an orb or to be a not-be. That's the question?"
"You're the king, sire. These are not my decisions to make."
"God's blood, you sound like Bermingham! He's no spine himself, so he throws more weight on my poor frame, the driveling dolt! Well, I'll take it under advisement and decide later. I believe it's Tey time. I'm getting a bit out of sorts with that nosy woman. Hmmm...To live or not to live..."
"If you'll allow me, our majesty, I can arrange a little something."
"Higgins, if I thought it would have done much good for me, I'd likely have done away with her, long ago. It's very nice of you to offer, though. You will reap reward from me more than you imagine for your loyalty. (Heh-heh.)"
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 17, 2013 - 04:54pm PT
Ain't had but one nibble a half-hour back.
He looked like he was thinkin', "I wonder about the other side of the bridge. There's no action here."
So we told the dude, yep, you best try before it turns darker.
So he tried snagging this brute.Lots of luck involved. Keep trying. You never know.
And that was the day that was.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 17, 2013 - 05:33pm PT
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 17, 2013 - 10:25pm PT
Todd Freaks Again
One of many;
One of us.
Weird old bozos
On this bus.
As always, Robbins is in charge.
The Player/Pasadena Police--Lyell and Whoopsie
1 o' us
1 o" us
1 o' us
1 o' us
1 o' us
1 o' us
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Sep 17, 2013 - 11:03pm PT
Aaah, the good old days. Shoeless Joe got nuthin' on me.
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Sep 17, 2013 - 11:05pm PT
I read the news today, Oh boy - All my life, I been awaitin'
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 18, 2013 - 01:00am PT
Ah, the good old days.
Flies and mud and streets choked with dung.
Wool clothing and frickin' fleas
Back when the West was still wild and awful...
but young.
Hotel Tioga: This five-storey U-shaped building (Ah, MCR) located on the NW corner of Main/N St. was erected in 1928 especially for Yosemite-bound traffic. A well-known Merced landmark, the entire third floor of the north tower is troll and hobbit country.
Both OLM church and Central Presbeterian show in many of my photos taken from the fifth floor of the Tioga, which is no longer new, to say the least.
Our Lady of Mercy was our family'c church, where I played mass and Boomer sang tenor. (I was an acolyte, he was a tenor in the choir.)
I spent one early morning in this bastille talking to the sherrif, who was one of the ushers in the church. Mark Pazin, our current County Sheffif and maybe our future governor, is an usher, as well as a husher-upper.
Excepting the last shot, I photographed these all out of this book from the Merced County Historical Society.
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Sep 18, 2013 - 10:40am PT
gremmie, Gidget, hodad, hang {ten five}, closeout, wipeout, kickout, pearl, stoke, drop in, over the falls, gnarly, line up, clean up, goofy-foot, frontside, backside
illustrating which two inconographic terms (technically four)
equal time*
* I receive no special favors from Kristy, nor Cat
The other "da bull", Ted Turner needs to clean this one up (obligatory drivel - at 1:06 is the opening shot for Hawaii 5-0.)
[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 18, 2013 - 11:14am PT
When people dive their noses under a wave on the paddle out
it's a duck dive to get through the wave. A pearl is diving
the nose of the board underwater while catching the wave thus
ruining your ride.
I always assumed it was "purl" as I never actually bothered
to read Surfing or anything about the sport. All I knew was
Beach Boys and jams and huaraches and woodies and L/R breaks.
And face plant and ice plant.
This def. was the basis of my assumption.
Definition of PURL
1: eddy, swirl
2: to make a soft murmuring sound like that of a purling stream
Long may it wave.
Does it hurt to have consensus on flag display from day to day?
What if we all set our timepieces to our own taste? How'd that
go down, flyers of flags?
A long marriage, a short cruise and a happy outcome to the ladies
on the widow's walks and the ones with lights in their windows.
Long may we drivel.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 18, 2013 - 11:20am PT
I am adding a new wrinkle to my wrepertory. Wiggly shitt.
Still reflective, though, of my quirks and garters.
And for Mr. Pike, who has benefitted from our attention in the past, some heavy balls.
I think I am very much more into dross-fit workouts.
Fritz is into choss-fit workouts.
You know P. Pilate's private advice to the condemned, right?
"If the cross fits, learn to wear it. Now where are the soap and water, boy?"
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 18, 2013 - 04:57pm PT
and chock full o'
An unfortunate glitch, a hole in the shoe, and miscommunication wreaks havoc.Gotcha, 99.6!!
F*#k this drivel. Let's go play "have climb, will travel."
Travel, gravel, drivel.
Marlow, tell us another story?
Pretty please?
With sugar on it?
Footies, here I come.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 18, 2013 - 06:38pm PT
hey look here
y aqui
The neebs posted up on FB:
wow, the actors that we find in these old theatre shows in reference to
and that's the turth!
Like all good n00bs do, she nailed it one more time.
No, the eponymouse ridge is not named for Sgt. Schultz, nor is Mt. Banner named for the actor, to forestall the inevitable questions, thereby saving more bandwidth.
--------- eKat, I'm sorry, so sorry, we are dogs worrying last week's bone, here.
Thanks for your good offices, cheerful demeanor in all ways, and
all the haiku.
cheerful to the last
the lass has the very best
of the greatest hearts
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 18, 2013 - 07:19pm PT
Und now beck to zee cinema.
[Click to View YouTube Video]Danke, frau neebee.
Silent Panic is a swell title for a climbing tale, BTW.
Social climber
Sep 18, 2013 - 11:11pm PT
hey there say, YES! MOUSE... a harpo in a serious role...
on a roll... ;)
he did excellent and it touched my heart... it was 'ahead of its time'...
(so to speak)... i could NOT find the movie clip :(
and then, suddenly just the very day that my childhood friend send me a small token of PRE birthday money, i FOUND IT ONLINE at a old-tv-type dvd place... took the chance to order and it came BEFORE my birthday...
and thus, for my three day open house, when i turned 60:
day one:
friends from the old neighborhood came, about 4...
(not counting my 2 grandkids that spent the night)...
day two: friend of my grandkids mom, very gal that came to this
house when i turned 50, though did not live here, as the grandkids
then, lived here, and i just came over for visiting and babysitting, and
of course, my birthday... (and a new garden friend, came too)
day three:
no one came, but, had some great phone calls, and:
harper marx was here, in THAT FILM, CLIP, and the good lord god,
as well, and we had a nice special time and cry, over
such a simple, yet, powerful show-case about:
one lone man conquering a HUGE mountain wall, and getting
a new friend through it all, as well... :)
thank you DEAR MOUSE... you know how to 'give good sweet flowers'
from many a garden
as to a climbing route title for sure, :O
(i always like the climber handle, ontheedgeandscaredtodeath or
something like that... HIS name, would match the route, in
a good way, :O
say, ontheedge~~~ hope you did not mind me MENTIONING you here, ;)
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 19, 2013 - 01:55am PT
"See your kids and raise you my grandkids."--MFM in the Gambler in the Rambler, part two of a dream in three parts
TR W/0 too much of jibber-jabber. 1 pic, etc.
I feel like playin' Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs' version of Sam Joaquin Blast Furnace Blues. But it's in my own head, not yours.
Hidey-toed Heidi. You should burn to dance.
Liz was so glad to get out. She let me get in her pants@woolybully.com
See ya and a pair of nieces!
Here is where, Fletcher, you better betcher bottom diaper.
The actual Mt. Merced, north, er South Peak, silhouette of the SW arete.
No offense is intended. We'll just lay here.[Click to View YouTube Video]
In Waite.
No Waite-ing.
It's Roy.
The Son of Orb/Pretty Black and White Woman
"Look my way."
"Look at me."
"Good lookin', see here..."
"I am, believe me!"
"There it is."
"Is this where it begins?"
"It might could be where it starts. What's your name?"
The end.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 19, 2013 - 02:05am PT
This is for My Lo-o-o-ove...Mi corazon, Mamma Liz.
Made of....
Can't be sold.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Baby...nice havin' this time together.
Thank you for everything, Jimi.
James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix
(born Johnny Allen Hendrix)
November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970
c u pink
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 19, 2013 - 02:41am PT
I mean takk.
Rebuttal to the doper.
Carlow Marlow.
Mellow fellow.
Marlow's Marley's ghost writer in disguise.More merlot, Marlow.
That is Phil Marlow's bridge.
Two no Trump.
Whoops. Wrong game.
I see your nieces and raise two nieces from my first marriage, their kids and their pets.
Ding Dong.
Who's there?
Jacob who?
Jacob Marlow. Is Dave home?
Turns out, Dave WAS there. But I wasn't.
Jimi was there. And possibly Mama Liz. I won't/can't/both confirm or deny her presence.
Cronkite and Drinkwater are likewise history, so they could not be there.
zBob, Bob Dylan, Billy Bob Thornton, Billy Goat Grrrrough, Bill the Cat,
Bill Ding and his brothersand myself, we couldn't make it. Grampa Bill B. is a no-show fo' sho'.
In short-speak, I was not there.Who knew?These are all from today, er yesterday.
Bill Ding's kids' school set this up.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Sep 19, 2013 - 04:45am PT
Don't go the obvious route and throw up some lame horse joke, don't mention anything, just post the pix and leave, is what I was thinking. But that's a horse of a different color than we like on a manly/family thread.
This was a nice trail I tooken today. Yesterday.
Who, normally a good question.
Bloody mosquitoes. A close encounter with a ssserpent. Teary-eyed romance.
Who else?
Blood Sweat & Tears/House in the Country
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