Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Jun 21, 2018 - 09:26am PT
Yes, thank you.

While it is nice to be able to make a statement now and then by voting outside the mainstream, what we need right now is political muscle to oppose the right wing. The only viable path to get that is through the Democratic Party. There is no other way. We often forget that elections are about deciding who gets political power. No one cares about statements.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Jun 21, 2018 - 09:44am PT

This is why Ivanka becoming first female POTUS instead of HRC would be so very disgusting.


Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jun 21, 2018 - 09:51am PT
"Free college?" Give me damned BREAK. As my dad used to say: Bend over, grab your ears, pull your head out of your a$$, and take a look around.

Guess your dad didn't look at California.

Jun 21, 2018 - 10:16am PT
Happie wrote: “. For FX sake - were she a man, people may not have "liked" him, but they would have clearly recognized "he" was the best choice as a pick, considering where we are in the world right now”

the above is a verrrrry dubious claim:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

[and for those that havent seen this or have forgotten: those are actors with swapped genders who memorized trump and hillary’s exact words and body language and repeated all of it verbatim, as it happened during one of the debates]

all i know is i’m starting to understand why this mueller investigation is so important to the diehard msm narrative swallowing libs: it really is your only current hope.

as it stands right now, if a large enough number of the dem supporters continue to have their heads stuck firmly up their afore mentioned asses, then i look forward to making money betting against the dems once again in a couple more years [thats assuming trump can survive mueller and the dems throw another “high” quality dinosaur type candidate - biden, bernie, maybe hillary again? - into the mix...]

only difference is that if the above plays out, it won’t be the coin flip that it was last time...

Jun 21, 2018 - 12:18pm PT
This is worth watching.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 21, 2018 - 01:21pm PT
Those tweets by Trump supporters show that Trump's malignant disease of the mind is highly contagious among his base. They are the same people, four generations removed, who attacked people at the behest of Adolph Hitler.

Michael Cohen changed lawyer in preparation of flipping on Trump. Then, he publicly called on Trump to pay his legal bills. Then, he tried to sound compassionate about children being taken from their parents at the border.

Cohen is boxed in, and is confused about what he should do.

He is dead meat. His only hope is to become Mueller Meat, to avoid becoming maggot meat in prison.

Trump is so stupid, he allowed Stephen Miller to come up with a deranged border policy that enraged the entire planet. Stephen Miller is Trump's Secretary of Offense, and is Trump's go-to guy for immigration policy. Miller is one of the last holdovers from Trump's original gang of goons.

Here is the logic behind Miller's border policy:

 There is an existing policy for unaccompanied minors who cross the border.

 When parents are arrested and put in jail, their children are taken from them.

 Children who are taken from their parents at the border become "unaccompanied minors".

 The newly-minted unaccompanied minors are put into cages, or shipped cross-country to foster homes.

Miller can be seen on video, while running for high school president, complaining that he has to pick up his own trash, when there are janitors that should do it for him.

Next, Trump will assign Miller to head up his Space Force team. Which is ironic, because the border policy irritated Melania so much, Trump will be subsisting on Astrolube for a long time.


in the land of the blind
Jun 21, 2018 - 02:06pm PT

Mountain climber
The Ocean
Jun 21, 2018 - 02:47pm PT
Melania Trump actually visited the border today wearing a jacket that says in big bold letters across the back

"I really don't care.. do you?"


“It’s a jacket. There was no hidden message,” her spokesperson, Stephanie Grisham, told the Cut in an email when asked for comment. “After today’s important visit to Texas, I hope the media isn’t going to choose to focus on her wardrobe.”


Yep not hidden at all.

Mountain climber
The Ocean
Jun 21, 2018 - 03:04pm PT
College...Good investment in human capitol!!???... ohh..f that..

I want more cruise missiles and fragile advanced fighters to replace the fighters we have that are already superior to the threats we face.

C'mon it's not like we pick fights with anyone we cant shoot with a cargo plane..

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jun 21, 2018 - 03:19pm PT
Yeah , we want generational oligarchy,not cures for disease or the next big idea.

Jun 21, 2018 - 03:45pm PT
Impressive psychoanalysis and psychological diagnosis of me, Tom! Are you a psychiatrist, or do you just play one on the Internet? Me, I really am president of the United States. Sorry about that.

I like the way that when people want me to be lying, they believe I’m lying, and that I’m doing it as some immoral political negotiating strategy.

But when they want me to be telling the truth, they trick themselves into believing that I really do believe the lies I tell in my liar strategy, and I really do believe that I think that that I’m the #1 expert in the world, or that my wall isn’t just a negotiating strategy of asking for more than I expect to get. Chumps. Let’s see them get elected president of the US, or even president of the internet.

Heck when a strategy isn’t working, I stop using it! I thought crying children would work to my political advantage, but now that it doesn’t, I stopped! Let me know when lying stops working for me - I’m sure you’ve convinced yourself that you’ll be able to tell.

Some people invest a lot of time in this game. Ok. Me, I got the presidency out of it. You? It’s not quite as satisfying to do psychiatry on ourselves, at least if we don’t lie to ourselves about it.

But godspeed!, people are good at believing lies. Don’t blame me, I just work here. Or blame me, if that’s how you work.

The Wastelands
Jun 21, 2018 - 04:59pm PT
Obama was a panty waste
the way he sold out the people who elected him
the people who believe he would push policys which matched his rhetoric
rather than backpedal EVERY one of them...

oh my, another well informed and powerful intellect utters vague emotionalism
why one would think a "conservatard" was posting

make your case Xcon, tell us exactly how "President" Obama to you, asswipe,
was a "panty waste" and "sold out"

lots of huckleberries here for you, boo boo


Jun 21, 2018 - 05:07pm PT
You had me at “lawsuit”. I like to stay on top of alleged information.

I think Jesus had some things to say about inherent goodness too.

Obama and my daughter have inherent blackness, but society treats them the way we do, one way or the other, regardless. That kind of inherent thing is just easier to see. But nothing works as well to dispaly our own inherent goodness as calling out other people’s ignorant dipshittery. Or blackness.

Jun 21, 2018 - 05:57pm PT
john hansen

Jun 21, 2018 - 05:57pm PT
You know, if they are worried about keeping track of the children and their
parents they could just tattoo identical numbers on their fore arm's..

OK umm.. I guess that didn't work out so well last time..

And yes I am being sarcastic.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 21, 2018 - 06:02pm PT
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Naughty-No-No" Netanyahu just LOVES Jared Kushner. Kushner led the charge to change the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move that showcased the Trump Administration's clear and present preference for a pro-Israeli policy, to the detriment of any sort of Peace Process. The U.S. pulled out of the United Nations Human Rights Council yesterday, in furtherance of an Israel-first foreign policy.

Jared Kushner is over there, right now, working on the Peace Process. It is entirely possible that his work comprises attempting to seize the Dome of the Rock, the site of a previous temple, from the Muslims. The Trump Administration works in mysterious ways.

In order for Israel and the U.S. to keep up appearances, and not disappoint their supporters, Naughty-No-No's wife has been indicted for defrauding her government out of more than $100,000. The corpulent Sara Netanyahu had the government pay for the most expensive chefs to prepare the most decadent and extravagant foods, typically the reproductive organs of barely extant species.

MEGA = Make Excess Great Again


Jun 21, 2018 - 06:08pm PT
Can't disagree that the Obama administration's lame response to the widespread fraud of the great recession was a colossal mistake... A real head scratcher.

GHW Bush (for the savings and loan crisis) and even Bush junior( for the tech bubble fraud) both seemed far more willing to go after financial industry criminality.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jun 21, 2018 - 06:22pm PT
You know if they are worried about keeping track of the children and their
parents they could just tattoo identical numbers on their forarm's..

OK umm.. I guess that didn't work out so well last time..

And yes I am being sarcastic.

our old friend FATRAD seems to speak highly of the concept of gathering these folks all together in camps, much like he expertly knows the Warsaw Ghetto.

It makes the next step so much easier......
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jun 21, 2018 - 06:28pm PT
Can't disagree that the Obama administration's lame response to the widespread fraud of the great recession was a colossal mistake... A real head scratcher.

GHW Bush (for the savings and loan crisis) and even Bush junior( for the tech bubble fraud) both seemed far more willing to go after financial industry criminality.

I think Obama was highly sensitive to the appearance of using the gov't to attack his opponents, and how that would be seen. Trump has totally blown a hole in that.

Also, it is important to understand his upbringing in Hawaii, where they have a different approach to political disagreements, not found in any other state. It is actually enshrined in the "Aloha Spirit Law", and taken seriously.

"from Chapter 5 of Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes:

§ 5-7.5 "Aloha Spirit". (a) "Aloha Spirit" is the coordination of mind and heart within each person. It brings each person to the self. Each person must think and emote good feelings to others. In the contemplation and presence of the life force, "Aloha", the following unuhi laulā loa may be used:
"Akahai", meaning kindness to be expressed with tenderness;
"Lōkahi", meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony;
"ʻOluʻolu" meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness;
"Haʻahaʻa", meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty;
"Ahonui", meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance.
These are traits of character that express the charm, warmth and sincerity of Hawaii's people. It was the working philosophy of native Hawaiians and was presented as a gift to the people of Hawaiʻi. ''Aloha'' is more than a word of greeting or farewell or a salutation. ''Aloha'' means mutual regard and affection and extends warmth in caring with no obligation in return. "Aloha" is the essence of relationships in which each person is important to every other person for collective existence. ''Aloha'' means to hear what is not said, to see what cannot be seen and to know the unknowable.
(b) In exercising their power on behalf of the people and in fulfillment of their responsibilities, obligations and service to the people, the legislature, governor, lieutenant governor, executive officers of each department, the chief justice, associate justices, and judges of the appellate, circuit, and district courts may contemplate and reside with the life force and give consideration to the "Aloha Spirit". [L 1986, c 202, § 1]

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 21, 2018 - 06:42pm PT
The 2008 financial crisis was developed according to Mafia principles: isolate the ringleaders (i capi) from the mundane, day-to-day operations. The ringleaders avoid communicating, even verbally, so as to not leave an evidence trail that leads to them. Some, like Lehman Brothers' CEO Richard "Dickhead" Fuld, followed the example of Genovese crime family boss Vincent "The Chin" Gigante, and feigned insanity to avoid prosecution.

When the Feds came calling at the Wall Street companies, their ladders to the top topped out at low-level street soldiers, like Fabrice "Fabulous Fab" Tourre. Fabrice's boss, Goldman Sachs capo Lloyd "Left-Eye" Blankfein, denied all knowledge of his own existence before Congress, and was never prosecuted.

Left-Eye Blankfein is planning to retire as capo of the Goldman Sachs crime family at the end of the year. He will join Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bonanno and Meyer "The Brain" Lansky in the rare pantheon of gangsters who were able to retire from their criminal careers intact, walking away with millions.

During the 2008 financial crisis, Henry "Hank" Paulson acted as the Capo di Tutti Capi ("the Leader of all the Leaders") and represented the other capos of the financial crime syndicate in their business with the government. For Paulson's role in obtaining a $700 billion payoff from the government, he was secretly inducted into La Società de Luciano, the highest honor that a mastermind criminal can attain in America. La Società de Luciano was named after Charles "Lucky" Luciano, who first established a coherent organized crime syndicate in the United States.

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