Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Ice climber
Jun 20, 2018 - 06:52pm PT
Trade up from bs and media propaganda to flat out lies and inane tweety storms; such a deal!

It's enough to make my bone spurs hurt.


Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Jun 20, 2018 - 07:09pm PT
When you are in a vacuum you probably don’t see that a good percentage of logical (and illogical) thinkers were just flat out sick of all the BS, and a good percentage of people have wised up to the media propaganda machine.

No, Trump just figured out about half of Americans are either idiots, racists, xenophobes, homophobes or all of the above. That and they will swallow and believe any lie which allowed this pandora's box of bigotry out of the closet. That he could get them to vote against their own self-interest and hand the country over to the most corrupt elements of our political and corporate establishments if he got them feeling like victims and blaming 'those people' for all their problems instead of the people truly responsible for their plight - people like Trump and his appointees.

A long way from where I started
Jun 20, 2018 - 07:15pm PT
Secondly, you assumed HRC would win.

nonsense Moose, you could not possibly know what I thought or assumed

The thought of digging back through all the pre-election politard threads is enough to gag a maggot, so I'm not going to do it. But, just going on memory here, I think Norton was the one who posted -- about a hundred times -- words to the effect of "Of course Hillary will win. There is simply no way Trump can get enough electoral college votes."

So, yeah, you're right that neither Moose, nor anyone else, could know what you "thought or assumed." Maybe you thought all along that Trump would win and you only posted that he couldn't cuz...

...okay, I don't know why you might have done that. The simple explanation is that you thought and assumed that Hillary would win.

All of which isn't really to dump on Norton, but rather to bring up the fairly obvious truth that most of the posters on these threads posit as fact things they desire. Goes for the nuts on both wings. "I want Hillary to win" somehow becomes "Obviously, there is no way Hillary can lose."

Jun 20, 2018 - 07:18pm PT
It was clear after the 2008 elections, the people of the USA were tired of the business as usual. Obama couldn't deliver his promises, so the public was looking for a big change.

Obama was re-elected 4 years after you figured out that the people of the US clearly didn’t want to re-elect the status quo.

I, and many of my friends, recognized both .. Its not really that complicated. Just listen to the people around you.

Yup. Tribal me and those good ‘ole people around me, they know what they’re talking about! Now that the leader of we American tribal me’s is good ‘ole me, and the people around me are white Republicans. Looks like they’re the night’s watch now.

under pressure from angry members of his own party

random fact. I guess all facts are random, unless we can see the connections between them. But lacking sight, belief will serve just fine.

Goes for the nuts on both wings.

Goes for more than just the nuts. But definitely not for me! I just process information using my unbiased perceptions and flawless rationality. That’s just an example of what my unbiased perceptions look like.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jun 20, 2018 - 07:25pm PT
Hear that

Good post Ghost

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jun 20, 2018 - 07:43pm PT
Feel free to point out “things”we are blaming people of and for. I have time.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jun 20, 2018 - 08:03pm PT
Wow, I must live in a vacuum.

Part of that lecture storm I suspect.

Was that a “Karmic reaction”(tm).

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 20, 2018 - 08:17pm PT
Trump, himself, has proven that his earlier statements about his border policy were lies. His staff, such as Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kirstjen Nielsen, were also lying when they falsely claimed that only Congress would be able to stop his border policy of separating children as young as eight months from their parents. Oddly, GOP members of Congress were unwilling to match Trump, lie-for-lie, and repeat his false and demented assertions that the Democrats were somehow responsible for Trump's border policy.

Trump called reporters to the Oval Office to witness his signing an Executive Order that would ostensibly reverse his insane border policy of seizing children from their parents, and shipping them as far away as Wisconsin and New York. The actual mechanism of reversing the border policy was not disclosed, because all Trump wanted was a photo-op and a short term gain in public popularity.

Naturally, Trump was proud to gloat, and claim credit for solving a problem that he, himself, created.

Not surprisingly, for Trump, the title of the Executive Order he signed today is misspelled.

It is difficult to determine if Trump's staff is comically incompetent, or if Trump intentionally misspelled the word to appeal to his core base of uneducated, illiterate, ignorant and impressionable voters. A con man will often mirror and mimic his mark to draw down his defenses, and make him easier to deceive and defraud.


Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
Jun 20, 2018 - 09:04pm PT
Can you even tell us all what a “libtard” is Cosmic?


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 20, 2018 - 09:12pm PT
We are in debt up to our asses.

Don't worry. The tax cut for the rich will eliminate the debt . . . . . .

. . . as soon as Congress passes laws to cut Medicare and Social Security to pay for all those private jets and mega-yachts.

MEGA = Make Excess Great Again

And, stop whining about people who want free stuff from the government. The majority of handouts and unnecessary spending goes to rich people and corporations. Where was your outrage over socialism when the banks got bailed out after their crazy gambling schemes fell apart? Like WVB says, you are brainwashed into thinking the people at the bottom are the problem. WRONG.

Trump just signed a spending bill with the highest defense budget ever. So, either he's padding the pockets of his wealthy supporters, or he's gearing up for World War III. Either way, that spending dwarfs what the poor people in this country receive so that they can just stay alive.

The United States sanctioned Russia for invading and annexing Crimea. Putin would like to sanction the United States, in return. So, he had Trump start a trade war that will result in large hidden taxes (tariffs) on goods coming and going from the United States. Trump's trade war is against countries that we have a trade surplus with, and at a time when the economy is peaking, the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates, and the boom of the past decade is behind us, and a recession is right around the corner.

Putin - 1. United States - 0.

At least Mueller is on the case, and like putting Al Capone in prison for tax evasion, Meuller will be able to get rid of Trump for things other than treason, taking bribes from foreign governments and running the White House like his own for-profit public relations firm.

This Presidency is like a huge tit. We're supposed to affix to it and feed.
 Donald Doosh

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jun 20, 2018 - 09:52pm PT
All this winning is so tiresome...

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 20, 2018 - 10:18pm PT
Southern Methodist University just released a study that says that Washington D.C. has the highest concentration of psychopaths in the nation.

'The presence of psychopaths in District of Columbia is consistent with the conjecture found in Murphy (2016) that psychopaths are likely to be effective in the political sphere," the author writes.

Judging from the past eighteen months, the highest concentration of psychopaths in Washington D.C. would be in the West Wing.

A person has to pass a psychological evaluation test before they can become a park ranger. But, any smooth-talking conman who can con enough people can become president, and not even take a drug test. #TweakerTrump

A lawsuit alleges that immigrant children have been injected with drugs against their will by employees at detention centers.

A Texas company that houses children detained at the border has been repeatedly accused of mistreating children. The current filing appends an ongoing class-action lawsuit against the company, which earns millions of dollars from the Federal government.

The drugs, such as antipsychotic medications, were administered to pacify and incapacitate the children.

The facility should not use these drugs to control behavior. That’s not what antipsychotics should be used for.

That’s like the old Soviet Union used to do.

Putin's Puto, Donald Trump, is once again doing Putin's bidding.

Employees of Shiloh Treatment Center were given wide latitude in administering variable doses of a large number of different drugs.

One child was prescribed 10 different shots and pills, including the antipsychotic drugs Latuda, Geodon and Olanzapine, the Parkinson’s medication Benztropine, the seizure medications Clonazepam and Divalproex, the nerve pain medication and antidepressant Duloxetine, and the cognition enhancer Guanfacine.

It sounds like Trump's White House physician buddy, Ronny "Candy Man" Jackson, has been reassigned to the child detention centers near the Mexican border. And his job is to put the children into drug-induced comas to reduce the company's need to pay for expensive supervision.

Last Fall, Ivanka Trump told the Associated Press:

"There's a special place in hell for people who prey on children. I've yet to see a valid explanation and I have no reason to doubt the victims' accounts."

Ivanka's father exploited, abused and tormented children for political purposes, trying to coerce Democrats into voting for his border wall. Trump repeatedly lied about it, and tried to blame it all on the Democrats. The only reason Trump changed his border policy was the bad press, with audio and video of the tormented children, made him look bad.

Why isn't Ivanka condemning her father to that special place in hell?

It's because she is a chip off the old blockhead: a hypocritical moral relativist, a glib and superficially charming sociopath, a greedy narcissist, and an opportunistic liar.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 21, 2018 - 01:21am PT
Trump Aces The Hare Psychopathy Checklist.

I believe this checklist appeared here earlier, but I came across it again, and it now seems even more appropriate to demonstrate that Donald Trump is a malignant psychopath.

 They have sadistic motives and intents

A psychopath motivates others through fear, rather than respect, and they intend to destroy rather than correct.

Trump continually abuses and ridicules people, as on Twitter. A key element of his presidential campaign was to viciously attack the character and/or appearance of others. At his rallies, he called for people to physically attack anyone who didn't support him. Trump's border policy for splitting up families was sadistic. His cancellation of the Paris Accords, the Pacific Rim agreement and the Iranian nuclear deal were destructive, not corrective moves. Trump has professed admiration for Vladimir Putin, Rodrigo Duterte, and Kim Jong-Un, all of whom are notoriously sadistic despots that regularly kill political enemies and detractors, often with bizarre methods, such as exotic poisons, wild dogs or cannons.

 They're glib and constantly turn on the superficial charm

Psychopaths are masters at presenting themselves well.

Trump is obsessed with his image. He will say whatever he thinks his current audience wants to hear. He will spin fabricated stories of complete lies, with superficial charm, to beguile and bewitch an audience. He makes nonsensical, or even dangerous, statements, and then claims that he was joking.

 They have a grandiose estimation of self

Trump is the king of grandiose estimation of self. Even if he has absolutely no experience in a particular field, such as the military, he declares himself to be the #1 expert in the world. He has made grandiose and delusional claims about his mastery of nuclear weapons, international negotiations and trade agreements. "I, alone, can fix it" is how he boasted about being able to address the nation's problems.

 They're a pathological liar

Unlike normal people, psychopaths don't care if their lies are found out, because they can just lie again to cover up their previous lies.

Trump's lying is so common, it has become his normal mode of communication. He will lie about anything, even if there is no benefit to anyone. Trump's lying is so pervasive, anything he says must be considered false until proven true. His lying is so pathological, he commands his staff to reinforce his lies with their own lies.

 They don't think the rules apply to them

Psychopaths are notorious for flaunting societal norms and rules.

Trump has broken so many rules and agreements, he has been the subject of well over 1000 lawsuits. He has been sued on both coasts by communities after he has flaunted local zoning laws. The lobby of Trump Tower is a public space, but Trump removed a public bench to install his MAGA hat kiosks; NYC sued him to put the bench back. Trump Tower has 58 floors, but Trump says the top floor is the 68th. He said he could "shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, and not lose any votes".

As president, he has declared that he is not beholden to the usual rules, like releasing tax returns, or divesting himself from financial conflicts of interest. He stated that, "I have the absolute power to pardon myself", which is a restatement of "The rules don't apply to me."

 They live a parasitic lifestyle

Psychopaths are single-minded: They think only of themselves and what they want to accomplish — like a parasite.

"They're going to live their life and do and say and behave the way they want to behave without any consideration for others," Faas said.

Trump's entire business life has comprised cheating, not paying his contractors, using bankruptcy to escape his debts, and getting other people to fund his projects, from which he parasitizes a portion for himself. He was sued by banquet waitresses at the Trump SoHo tower for stealing their tips. A dishwasher at his Doral golf course had to sue him to be paid his meager wages.

Trump uses the office of the president to enrich himself, such as the $500 million that China invested in his Indonesian golf resort project. He continually violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution, by using his Trump D.C. Hotel to host foreign leaders seeking to curry favor with him. Trump overused his presidential travel privileges so much, flying to Florida almost every weekend, that the Secret Service's entire yearly budget for him was exhausted by September.

 They are cunning and manipulative

Faas likes to say that psychopaths are masters of three things: manipulation, deflection, and deception, all of which help them keep "number one" — themselves — above water.

"They're very apt to accept credit for something when it goes right, but when something goes wrong, they look for a scapegoat to deflect it to and take the blame," he said.

Trump attempts to manipulate the news environment by praising Fox, but calling all others "fake news". He attempts to take credit for anything that makes him look good, regardless of what caused it to happen (e.g. the economy was "great" two days after his inauguration, because of what he did). He is quick to redirect blame to others when things go badly (e.g. he blamed the Democrats for his disastrous border policy of separating families). Trump intentionally attempts to deflect public attention away from his own unsavory behavior (e.g. the Stormy Daniels debacle). He continually deceives his listeners with his non-stop lies.

 They had early behavioral problems

Faas said that adult psychopaths were most likely bullies on the playground.

Trump was a monster as a child. He physically attacked a music teacher when he was ten years old, hitting the man in the face.

Trump's father shipped him off to a military-themed reform school when he was about 14 years old. John Gotti's son was sent to the same reform school, but not at the same time. Trump's New York Military Academy has graduated only a few career military officers. A real military academy, like the Citadel, graduates a large number of career military officers.

The reform school that Trump attended for about four years was a juvenile hall for rich kids. Trump was a juvenile delinquent, and he is now an adult delinquent.

 They don't feel emotions like normal people

Psychopaths can effectively mimic emotional responses, writes Psychology Today's Dr. Scott Bonn. However, they cannot sincerely feel them.

Trump mimics whatever his audience is doing. He mirrors a crowd, and tells them what they want to hear. He lies insincerely about emotional issues, as when he said that "thousands and thousands" of parents of Korean War soldiers begged him to repatriate their sons' remains. Those imaginary people in Trump's false narrative, if alive, would be at well over 100 years old. Trump's border policy of separating children from their parents involved zero compassion or empathy for those affected - Trump used the children as political pawns without any regard for how it affected them.

 Their long-term goals are not realistic

Even though psychopaths struggle to accomplish their own grandiose goals for themselves because they are bad planners, they expect others to rise to the occasion, according to Hare.

"Though the task may be impossible to do, psychopaths justify it because, in their limited view, it's a reasonable goal," Faas said.

Trump's plan for a border wall is one example of this. Others would be the Trump Shuttle, the Trump casinos and numerous failed Trump construction projects. Trump is so bad at attaining goals himself, he has shifted to a business model of licensing his name to others as a marketing gimmick.

Trump's failure to revamp national healthcare is a more recent example. He talked and boasted about how his (unspecified, but "great") plan would provide healthcare for everyone, at a low, low price. NONE of that came to pass.

His travel bans, family separation policy and import tariff policy have been total disasters. All three are in the process of being eliminated after causing considerable anxiety and chaos for the U.S. and other nations.

 They show no remorse or guilt

The psychopathic tendency to not care about the consequences of their actions, no matter how badly they affect others, can be linked to their "remarkable ability to rationalize their behavior," according to Hare.

While their friends and family may be physically or emotionally hurt by the psychopath's actions, he or she will typically just deflect the blame with excuses or flat-out deny it.

Trump stated that he had no need for religious forgiveness, because he never does anything wrong. When he signed the Executive Order reversing his policy of separating children from their parents at the border, he significantly did not admit it was a mistake, or express remorse that he had exploited, abused and tormented thousands of innocent children and their parents. Trump doesn't say, "I'm sorry" - he blames others for his mistakes.

 They have a scary temper

Don't get fooled by the charming veneer. Hare writes in Psychology Today that psychopaths are incredibly short-tempered. The smallest thing can set them off into a rage. Watch out for the person who freaks out about everything in the office — no matter how minor.

Trump's temper is legendary among White House staff. He once yelled at Hope Hicks, because she didn't bring a portable clothing iron onto his airplane. Trump's repeated Twitter Tantrums indicate just how easily he becomes enraged.

 They can't commit

Hare's checklist includes both promiscuous sexual behavior and multiple short-term marital relationships as signs of psychopathy.

Three marriages, and at least as many extra-marital affairs, indicate Trump's level of commitment to his wives. Trump's commitment to business associates is transactional, and he will quickly abandon other people when they no longer serve his purpose. His loyalty to Steve Bannon, for example, disappeared immediately after Bannon's quotes about the White House were published.

 They're often bored

Psychopaths are notoriously impulsive novelty-seeks, and always on the look-out for the next rush.

Trump is so easily bored, aides must specially prepare materials for him that are short, have pictures and diagrams, and Trump's name inserted as frequently as possible to keep him interested. When an aide attempted to describe the Constitution to Trump, a few minutes into the presentation, "his eyes rolled back into his head". Trump doesn't have the patience for details. His attention span is so short, he wants a few quick words on a subject, and then he declares himself the best expert in the world. Trump watches hours and hours of television each day, because it amuses him.

White House aides said that the reason Trump met with Kim Jong-Un was because he was bored.

Mountain climber
The Ocean
Jun 21, 2018 - 03:44am PT

Follow Follow @IvankaTrump
Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border. Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families

Sad on so many levels but the saddest level is that of the abused family member.

It's almost cliche how the abused will thank their abuser when given some small relief from abuse.

Her programming is very strong.


Ice climber
Jun 21, 2018 - 06:49am PT



Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Jun 21, 2018 - 07:34am PT
This is who they are and how they feel.

Social climber
Lida Junction
Jun 21, 2018 - 08:00am PT
Can you even tell us all what a “libtard” is Cosmic?

it's been eleven hours, and he is still trying to figure that out.

rump's kidnapping of babies will likely put some fuel into the Mueller investigation, that along with cohen feeling neglected and ready to chirp like a rat is going to spell trouble to the already doomed presidency, so rump figures it is best to pull the plug on the hostage situation to try and take off some heat. and your golf game is going to take a hit if you are always having to look over your shoulder for snipers while trying to make a putt, i am sure that some of the mothers of the kidnapped babies know people who know people, heck, some of the waiters i used to do after hours tequila sampling with at Fiesta del Mar in mt view ca were connected to Caro Quintero, just ask Jorge, Felimon, Gilberto,

I'm sure MS13 has been paying attention.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Jun 21, 2018 - 08:28am PT
Why I think (fear) Ivanka Trump might be our first female president...

"Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border. Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families. -Ivanka tweet"

No doubt some irony here: Thank you @POTUS...


“Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it.”

Trad climber
Jun 21, 2018 - 09:02am PT
The "Bernie Story" was amplified, just as Trump's was, by RU botnets. As was Jill Stein's.

This much, we know is true.

Yes, it has been shown true.

They were ALL amplified to cause disenfranchisement within this country from Hillary Clinton. For FX sake - were she a man, people may not have "liked" him, but they would have clearly recognized "he" was the best choice as a pick, considering where we are in the world right now. They KNEW it would be easy to sway people who were "unsure a woman could handle the job." And make no mistake - that is absolutely the way a large percentage of people, of all genders, think. Had HRC had a little bit of Sarah Palin sensuality, she might have been "accepted."

"Free college?" Give me damned BREAK. As my dad used to say: Bend over, grab your ears, pull your head out of your a$$, and take a look around.

ALL that is going on right now was in situ during the campaign, and most of us are too unthinking to have recognized it. I said - often - that HRC was the only candidate who could possibly remain on her feet after the dance number coming up. Bernie Sanders, much as I agree with his ideology, could NOT have negotiated the game play coming. And Trump - well, he's handed the ball right over while pretending he actually knows what he's doing and doing it intentionally.

Let's stop this arguing over what "might have been," because - THAT is over and done with.

The Wastelands
Jun 21, 2018 - 09:09am PT
very well stated, happiegrrrl
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