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Trad climber
Mar 29, 2016 - 06:48am PT
Does anyone else get this? agree with this?

Nope, just another in a long line of people who build their world view on what they see on TV rather than what they build with their own hands (or brain).

How someone can claim that the essence of Capitalism is people benefiting from the work of others is confusing.

No wonder you guys want to get rid of all the "labels", I would too if I were you.

Social climber
Mar 29, 2016 - 07:46am PT
Excellent video post TT! Pulling out the Asher Edelman....


Gym climber
Mar 29, 2016 - 08:27am PT
Funny, Sanders is almost completely out of the news these days.

What happened, did he lose all the primaries?

Mar 29, 2016 - 08:36am PT
Escopeta wrote:
In the case of healthcare, the figure is calculated by taking the total overall spending on healthcare (public and private) and dividing it by the number of inhabitants.

Long division, it's that simple.

I already did that calculation but you aren't using the right numerator. I don't blame you.

So what is the supposed right numerator according to you?

Trad climber
Mar 29, 2016 - 08:37am PT
k-man posted
Funny, Sanders is almost completely out of the news these days.

What happened, did he lose all the primaries?

I'm pretty sure the only people who post this are people who don't actually follow the news.

Gym climber
Mar 29, 2016 - 09:10am PT
I watched quite a bit of MSNBC last night, the supposed "progressive" news channel. Most of the talk was about Trump, and his spat with Cruz. Very little Dem coverage in several hours, and I'm talkin' their top three programs. And this was the first day of the weekly programs after Sanders' sweep.

How about the front page of HuffPo (again, the "progressive" online news outlet), very little coverage of Sanders yesterday. But, lots of Trump!

Major newspapers?

Sunday NYT:
(Yeah, you can find out about Sanders' sweep way down in the headlines... But Trump? Right on top.)

Monday NYT:
Sanders gone. Trump is there though!

On and on...

Mar 29, 2016 - 09:25am PT
No other candidate has gotten nearly the coverage that Mr. Trump has received, because of the constant train wrecks and drama he creates. I'm sure Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Ted Cruz have similar complaints: it's not restricted to Bernie Sanders. A few years ago, Mr. Trump boasted, correctly, that as a presidential candidate he would "suck the oxygen out of the room" and generate a lot of free news coverage.

Gym climber
Mar 29, 2016 - 10:06am PT
dirtbag, Sanders swept three states, by 80%, 70%, 70%.

That's real news.

The NYT should have had a BOLD headline about on Sunday. Instead the story is buried.
The "progressive" news channels should be giddy with the story.

The only reason the election will be anywhere close is because the MSM gives the Republican contest all the news, and skims the Democrat contestant's policy debates.

The MSM keeps this race close.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Mar 29, 2016 - 10:08am PT
The gop is in full meltdown and their civil war is the driving story of this election so that's where the media coverage is. Hillary and Sanders by comparison are come si, come sa - either one winning the primary isn't going to change the democratic party. The republican party has already been screwed in the ass fifteen ways to sunday. Trainwrecks sell advertising.

Mar 29, 2016 - 10:18am PT
"The MSM keeps this race close."

Which race?

Honestly, I find the republican race much more interesting, probably because I'd be happy with whichever democratic candidate wins, and the party will embrace whoever emerges.

We've never seen someone like Trump in our lifetime, i.e., a candidate who has completely taken over a political party and has ripped apart the fragile seams holding it together. In addition, the prospect of a Trump presidency is truly horrifying, so it is very important to cover in detail what is going on (although a lot of what is happening is tawdry noise). He's the closest thing we've had to fascism in the presidency.

Most elections I tune the republican primaries out after concluding the leading contenders are horrible, and pay closer attention to the democratic primaries. Not this time. Trump is legitimately big news.

Edit: what healyje says, too.

Trad climber
Mar 29, 2016 - 10:34am PT
k-man posted
dirtbag, Sanders swept three states, by 80%, 70%, 70%.

That's real news.

The NYT should have had a BOLD headline about on Sunday. Instead the story is buried.
The "progressive" news channels should be giddy with the story.

The only reason the election will be anywhere close is because the MSM gives the Republican contest all the news, and skims the Democrat contestant's policy debates.

The MSM keeps this race close.

I learned about it from the New York Times?

You're also grossly overblowing the significance of the wins. That's the real issue. Your guy won by huge landslides in contests that were greatly biased towards him and grossly underrepresent the rest of the electorate and the coming elections. As an example, less than 13% of registered Washington Democrats caucused. There are nearly no caucuses left, just primaries where Sanders has a far lower chance of winning with any significant margin. Despite the Facebook memes, the idea of Sanders winning California by similar margins as any of the caucuses is just absurd and as such the 200+ delegate deficit he's running is a very sizable obstacle.

I'd be more sympathetic to the whining about the media coverage if I wasn't constantly hearing about Sanders from the news media.

Gym climber
Mar 29, 2016 - 12:20pm PT
healyje, dirtbag, HDDJ,


But, it's not just "my guy" that I'm bemoaning about here--it's the amount of coverage given to the Dems in general.

You watch, in the final General Election, the Republicans, no matter how shattered their party is, will win close to half the popular vote (my prediction). Why is that, when as healyje says, the "gop is in full meltdown." Clearly the party is in shambles.

Yeah, the day-to-day train wreck that is the GOP is great TV and a real hoot to watch unfold--every day I am in amazement at the circus.

But, enough. Isn't time to call out these jokes for what they are? When will the MSM get to the point? At least Huffington Post has it partly right, they end every article about Trump with the following:

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

Trad climber
N. Colorado
Mar 29, 2016 - 12:36pm PT
Yep. Ready for Bernie!

Can't wait for all that "free" stuff!

The only problem is I can't figure out what to do when the US becomes Greece...and there's no more free stuff. And the money I've managed to save becomes worthless...

Better vote for Hillary instead!

Oh wait, Hillary promises the same thing, just to become Greece a bit slower...


Trad climber
Mar 29, 2016 - 01:58pm PT
What's so bad with being like Greece? heck, I'd LOVE to get 13 monthly payroll checks a year.

Social climber
Where in the hell is Major Kong?
Mar 29, 2016 - 04:29pm PT
NutAgain! wrote:
I also quibble with Debs' sense of hopelessness and futility for workers to raise themselves out of their predicament.

I think that's not quite accurate, Debs didn't think it was hopeless, why else would he run for president multiple times, once while imprisoned by the federal government for giving a speech critical of WWI?

The proof is in the pudding, some of which you cite in your post. The reason FDR was labeled a "socialist" by the right wing was that parts of the New Deal were lifted from the old Socialist Party platform, such as SS, unemployment insurance, etc.

And besides, if Marx's theory of economics is correct, it's inevitable. The change will come about in the normal course of history.


Trad climber
Leading Edge of North American Plate
Mar 29, 2016 - 04:47pm PT
Thor Halvorssen, a Venezuelan human rights advocate and film producer, seriously schools Trisha Regan, the host of Fox's Intelligence Report. Just listen to the tone and content of her first question and how Mr Halvorssen methodically destroys all her pre-conceived notions about the definition of Socialism. Then Mr Halvorssen drops the bomb...

[Click to View YouTube Video]

The arrogance and ignorance exhibited by most Fox "journalists" is staggering.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Mar 29, 2016 - 05:44pm PT

Gym climber
Small Town with a Big Back Yard
Mar 30, 2016 - 03:23pm PT
Back to the real coverage - Bernie guest appearance on The Young Turks:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Mar 30, 2016 - 05:33pm PT
Worth the 1/2 hour.

Thanks E.

ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Mar 30, 2016 - 09:10pm PT
... or BURNEY?
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