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mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
"Brynhild “B” Grasmoen was known for her model-like good looks as much as her skiing."
"She was California Class A and Class B Champion in 1947, before making the 1948 Winter Olympic team."
Born: January 7, 1929 in Merced, California, United States
Died: December 30, 2000 (Aged 71) in Merced, California, United States
Affiliations: Merced Ski Club
Country: United States
Sport: Alpine Skiing
Vimeo skiing gem from a sherpassing good film editor.
http://vimeo.com/32863936 "2012 CINEMATOGRAPHY AWARD" - Dave Mossop, Mountain Film Festival, Telluride CO
http://vimeo.com/sherpascinema More. It's all I can do. Good night.
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Randisi, meet Lee Dorsey (came out in 1961). I doubt that he ever made it to Yosemite, but I'll check and get back.
Oh, well, I'm, UH!, sittin' here,la la
Waitin' for my ya ya, ah-um, ah-um
A sittin' here la la, waitin' for my ya ya, ah-um, ah-um
It may sound funny but I don't believe she's comin', ah-um, ah-um
Baby hurry, don't make me worry, ah-um, ah-um
Yeah baby hurry, don't make me worry, ah-um, ah-um
You know that I love you, oh, how I love you, ah-um, ah-um
A sittin' here la la waitin' for my ya ya, ah-huh, ah-huh
A sittin' here la la waitin' for my ya ya, ah-um, ah-um
It may sound funny but I don't believe she's coming, ah-um, ah-um
Baby hurry, don't make me worry, ah-um, ah-um
Yeah baby hurry, don't make me worry, ah-um, ah-um
You know how I love you, Oh, how I love you, ah-um, ah-um
A sittin' here la la waitin' for my ya ya, ah-ah, ah-ah
A sittin' here la la waitin' for my ya ya, ah-um, ah-um
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Gypsy Caravan is on it's way - a geopbyte's bark may worse than 1000 bites, but who knows for sure.
la la
la la
la la
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Fly, meet the spider twinz
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
A Pack of Lips, Now
A tribute to the bloods in Nam by Kubrick?
Charlie doing a pout?
Jagger painting it black or jumping a jack?
Tiger drove into the left-hand rough, then the right hand rough. Then, using a long woody object on the horizon as a target, he laid up and, not surprisingly, nearly chipped in...only to lip out with what should have been his final stroke of the round.
Too bad...He'll finish second.
Do I take it out left, shade, or out even more, sun?
Will the crowd love it if I lip out or sink it?
[Click to View YouTube Video]
He's lucky he didn't score a six.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
"Memory Capacity in Old Mice"
Deja vu.
How can you take it, knowing it's just a re-hash of yesterday, a cycle that is endless? You just do what comes to you because it's the way it's always been. Might as well smile and do your thing...
I wish at least that I had more photos of my climbs--I had lots but I lost lots over the years to make this more like a climbing thread.
But I'm not a hot dog like some.
But for a while there I had my thumb.
I dribbled on the driveway,
Shot free throws from the street.
But I never was close to fast,
Nor nimble with my feet.
Fully-equipped, brain cells intact, as well.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Bob Dylan flames in or out, depending how you look at it.
Is that the ghost of electricity we've all heard so much about?
Sport climber
Growing old
"Growing old is a dreary business,
incurable and solitary
like fox-mange.
And the worst thing is that
you never manage to rip in two
the far-stretched navel cord
that binds you to your youth.
Suddenly you catch yourself
bounding barefoot in the grass
and leaping in wild jumps
over childhood's merry brooks of spring,
though you're really sitting on a stone
and supporting your chin on your curved-top cane
and feeling osteoarthritis tear at
old, trudge-heavy feet."
Social climber
hey there say, mouse and all...
sorry not much visits... dial up has 'run me a'round' again...
very hard to get the ol' boat moving now... :(
say--on a better note, GYPSY, i will be starting to paint that neat
tree of yours soon... won't get to finsih it 'til about the new year, i reckon, though, but--will be fun and exciting and it will be yours, then,
after i have enjoyed it, bit by bit, :)
miss you all here...
god bless... happy good supertopo eve, to all!
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oh please oh please oh please
On my bended ostjo-arthritic knees
Fix neebee's internet heebie-jeebies
Just sayin', we be prayin'
I know how you feel, you've said it to me
So 'nuf said
Go ahead
It's your trail
Not mine
Dial-up, saddle up, either way, no big whup.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
How I spent my Smokey Labor Day.
Smoking on the river with my neighbor who told me that the four and a half hours we spent out at "Mike's on the Merced," a private fishing and mellowness club in Merced Falls, is the longest he's spent outside of his apartment in the many years he's lived there.
And he's not kidding.
He's on county aid, every other kind of aid for which he qualifies.
Tonya, Geo LaF's wife and Anita Maria's mom, takes care of him.
It's a feel-good/gut-check kind of story, just down the hall.
Smokey is a cool old boy.
I was glad he was finally up for my spur-of-the-moment suggestion he accompany me. The last time I asked him to truck-em-up, he had to go have a doc look at a lesion on his arm, which turned out to be nastier than you can imagine. Old age is just as Marlow's fine contribution states.
Besides, he had ten bucks for gas.
So as we say in Middle Earth, when appropriate,
And devil take the laggards.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
But wait! There's more!
Part Deux of Labor Day's TR is from Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Brought to you by the Rat Fink and "Richard's Righteous Renderings of Woody Objects" in Planada.
Surprise, surprise, surprise! We're are going to Planada and to Tuttle, not far at all from Merced, as I haven't much gas. Both are on Hwy 140, receiving extra traffic this weekend...and how!
We'll likely hit Friday of this weekend, too, also, and as well--have to see how it goes, follow my nose, go with the flow.
We're getting there, kids. This is a country drive. Slow down and ride low.
Lovin' Spoonful/What a Day for a Daydream
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
I have more photos.
Social climber
hey there say, mouse and zbrown and all...
i had success for a bit, when i got the opera brower and even firefox was doing okay...
now, they want updates and i can't do that, as it all times out...
flash wants an update, and i can't do that...
everything times out, for downloads, so i am back to being slow
and stuck again...
HOWEVER, i can still TYPE!!!! for awhile, as mouse knows, the typing
WOULD NOT TAKE... all the words jumbled together when they 'finally showed' and all my backwards boo-boos, too, and then to fix them, well,
it was going through THAT all over again...
now, even when i click to see links, it all times out and i have to close everything and get the 'whatever' out of the browser's mind that was timing out' OUT and start over and let THAT TRY to work, without timing out...
well, i could take it all into to where i bought it and let them DO all this for me... as they can get on line, but that (i will call and see) may be tooooooooooooooooooo expensive, :(
but--i think i will post here and see if you all can 'teach' me how to find ways to help this not time out, in case there is something that can
be 'reset'... that may help a bit...
or, if someone can 'save update' on a disk and mail them??? then i can get
them on the computer???
i may risk taking opera OUT and trying to newly download, as, by some miracle it actually loaded one night, and on this ol' dial up, :O
took a few hours, but it did not time out, :O
okay, all for now... got stuff to do, :)
thanks so very much, guys!!!!
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