Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Bruce Morris

Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Mar 24, 2018 - 03:49pm PT
Tom said:

So, he told the Playboy bunny that she was just like his daughter, Ivanka.

Wonder what a neo-Freudian revisionist would make of that? Totem & Taboo & Incest and all that other repression rot . . . . ?
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Mar 24, 2018 - 03:54pm PT
My point is that I question the importance of Stormy Daniells having had sex with Trump years ago, or any number of other non-major issues prominent in the news these days. As for anything of importance, let Mueller do his job and we'll see what comes of collusion with the Russkies or obstruction of justice. And the mass shootings must be addressed, but I don't know how - we are not Europe or Australia.

Ditto John, I have never tweeted, never will. As for Facebook, I have an account/page but do not post to it, I do read friends and family posts though. Social media can be a good thing, but it is also liable to significant abuse, not to mention being just one big circle jerk at times, as can forums and the internet itself. I am no luddite or technophobe (I was on the Arpanet back at uni in the mid 1980s), I just do not care much for social media.

In November 1998 I launched a monthly magazine, Irish Communications, one of my first editorials was on the growing abundance of misinformation, disinformation and just plain shite that was accumulating on the net. I am not prescient by any means, but it was clear back then that while the internet was one of the great tools for communications, it was also open to abuse. And then along came a spider.

As far as Trump’s personal life is concerned, I could not care a rat’s assess as long as it does not affect the US, what concerns me is a) the guy is an incompetent buffoon yet he is POTUS who thinks he is a cross between a CEO and a monarch, and not a public servant, b) in my view the policies he is pushing for and enacting are not good for America, and c) who really is controlling him?

And really, who bankrupts a casino they are running? I'd think that would be quite difficult unless there was an ulterior motive for doing so. Or just plain stupidity.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 24, 2018 - 04:12pm PT
It's not Trump's personal life that is being investigated. The hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels and the Playboy bunny are at the center of a criminal investigation. Trump's presidential campaign appears to have illegally benefited from the payoffs, with felony indictments forthcoming.

Prosecutors didn't care about John Edwards' pregnant mistress during the 2008 presidential election. It was his campaign's misuse of funds to conceal the affair that led to his being indicted. Ironically, Edwards' failed defense that his friends had paid the money themselves, solely to protect his family from embarrassment, is now being invoked by Trump's attorney Cohen.

The Stormy Daniels scandal is the least of Trump's problems. The Manafort affair is going to blow up much, much larger. And, there's no telling how far investigations into money laundering through NYC real estate deals will go.

Trump's fealty to Putin is only a sideshow, at this point.

I meant that there is no formal investigation into Trump's personal life, per se. Of course the public is now concerned that Trump is a Trump is a Trump. Unfortunately, for many people, that concern didn't exist in 2016.

"Anybody but Hillary" is sounding more and more like, "Out of the pan, and into the fire".


Ice climber
Mar 24, 2018 - 05:03pm PT
Yes it is. His personal life and lack of character are precisely the important issues under review in addition to his unlawful actions.

Trad climber
Mar 24, 2018 - 06:40pm PT
Someone asked Stormy Daniels what sort of snack people should have while watching her tv interview and she replied:
Tacos and mini corndogs just seems so right...and yet, so wrong. I believe the more traditional choice is popcorn, however.

Can DT just ignore the public believing he has not only small hands, but a mini corndog?

I know it's really crass, but there have got to be some very funny "mini corndog cracks" coming...oops, didn't mean it that way.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Mar 24, 2018 - 07:54pm PT
Happie, you owe those cute lil corndogs an apolgy

I am having a "storm watch" party tomorrow, thinking little smokies in a bun would be a good snack

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Mar 24, 2018 - 08:14pm PT
jon! Re your post:

[quote]I am having a "storm watch" party tomorrow, thinking little smokies in a bun would be a good snack[/quoite]

Stormy party for sure! Even in Idaho!

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 25, 2018 - 07:00pm PT
I am having a "storm watch" party tomorrow

In Oakland, a theater is showing the Stormy Daniels show on the big screen. Tickets are $5.00. B.Y.O.T.A.C.D.


The original story of the Oakland theater screening the 60 Minutes Stormy Daniels interview

has been updated to reflect that

CBS' lawyers threatened to sue the theater.

Stopping people from watching the broadcast at a theater makes no sense.

If people watch the interview at the theater, they will still see the advertisements that CBS shows during the broadcast. Why are they insisting that people, instead, have to stay at home to watch the show? What about some guy in a Walmart, waiting in front of a TV, while his wife tries on the latest spring fashions? Or some guy who puts a keg of beer in his bathtub, and charges his friends $5 for a bottomless red Solo cup?

Some people probably wouldn't watch the show, except at the theater as a cultural event involving other people. I'm not going to sit through the whole show. I'll wait for the juicy clips to show up on YouTube, and not see any commercials at all.

But, if I was in Oakland, I would absolutely pay $5.00 to be in a crowd of jeering hecklers. Some things are just more fun when you do them with other people.


The Good Places
Mar 25, 2018 - 08:18pm PT
someone say babydick?

Ice climber
Mar 25, 2018 - 08:19pm PT
i wonder where Mr. Perez is watching the show.

Maybe he should have claimed bone spurs (yeehah) avoided service, ptsd and drugs.

(CNN)A US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement said.

The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction, despite his service and the PTSD he says it caused.
Perez, 39, was escorted across the US-Mexico border from Texas and handed over to Mexican authorities Friday, ICE said in a statement.
Perez, his family and supporters, who include Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the United States and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 25, 2018 - 08:30pm PT
That is just disgusting and despicable. Even the Ancient Romans had the decency to grant citizenship to those who served in their army.


Social climber
Lida Junction
Mar 25, 2018 - 08:35pm PT
trump makes Bill Clinton look like a choir boy. Why aren't Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers, etc, condemming trump?
Bruce Morris

Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Mar 25, 2018 - 08:53pm PT
trump makes Bill Clinton look like a choir boy.

Bill was just horney. Donald, though, it's becoming more and more obvious, is a well seasoned whore monger with the brutal instincts of a pimp.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 25, 2018 - 09:51pm PT
Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Drumpf, made the family fortune as a whore monger, running brothels and gambling houses in Washington and British Columbia. His specialty was fleecing gold miners. Drumpf's Bavarian citizenship was revoked for evading his military service obligations. And, on at least one occasion, he obtained title to a piece of land belonging to someone else through fraud and deceit.

After he died, it was his wife and son, Fred, who started the real estate company that later became the Trump Organization of today.

Trump's new lawyer, Joseph diGenova has quit after just six days. He was a frequent talking head on Fox News, and regularly said that Mueller's investigation about Russian interference was a conspiracy against Trump.

diGenova said he was quitting because his other clients are being investigated by Mueller, and it would pose a conflict of interest to also represent Trump.

But, it is apparently proper and correct for him to go on Fox News to argue his clients' cases, and insist that the investigation be shut down.

Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Mar 26, 2018 - 11:22am PT
^^^ Tom, I researched the same stuff, from several sources, and apparently it is true. We know Joe Kennedy ran in certain circles (as did grandpa Bush), and apparently so did Herr Drumpf. I suppose, in some way, that is what makes America great.

I always thought it was watching John Wayne in The Big Trail (1930) (saw it last night, I have it on DVD, corny, some "mythology", of course the Savage Indians, but realistic too. My family travelled the same route in 1843, I guess that is why I like it, and Raoul Walsh was a good director).

Researching for an article/treatise I am writing on Mr Trump, I like the bit where Herr Drumpf had his Bavarian citizenship revoked for evading military service, when I read that bit in my research, I thought of Donald and his bone spurs. Like father like son (denying "people of color" accommodation), like grandfather like grandson (cowards)

I was 1A, I did not like or agree with the Vietnam War (I organized sit-ins and a debate with a Green Beret Sergeant in J-High, I have it in the yearbook, but was ready to serve as a medic - enlisted not drafted - but then the draft ended. Or another option was to try and get in the veterinary program at University of Sasksatchewan, hah hah. I was a veterinary aide (1&2 in summer school, 72/73. Canada or Vietnam I was ready for both).

My long-winded point is… I do not like Donald Trump. Never have (years ago) never will. And he is a crap person to boot.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Mar 26, 2018 - 11:32am PT
Tom - there is no conflict in gong on TV and advocating for a client. If it is flaggrant enough a judge will issue a gag order. Dual representation is different, because by representing two parties there might be conflicting interests.

In this case the clients are Sam Clovis and Mark Corallo. Both of them may have information that could hurt Trumps case. By representing those two at the same time they represent Trump they are no going to advocate 100% for a single client.

The White House said that diGenova and wife might still be doing other work for the White House. I doubt it, any representation of Trump at this point would be a conflict, regardless of the subject matter. Sucks for diGenova because he is such an attention whore.

Toensing already was representing other clients involved in Russia investigations, including the president’s former campaign aide Sam Clovis and Mark Corallo, a former spokesman for Trump’s legal team.
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Mar 26, 2018 - 11:39am PT
The way I see it, history will look back at this whole… hmmm… what shall it be called, era?, hiccup? clusterfufck?, and just yawn. History has seen it before.

Yet, there is a lot at steak. I'll take mine rare, no blue actually, like Donald.


Anyway, a long day, a lot done a lot yet a lot to do, but making an ass of myself is not on that list. I have done that all too much on this forum over the years.

For Americas' sake, for the world, let us hope that Trump, as much as I despise him, pulls his head out of his arse, but somehow, I highly doubt it.

Trad climber
Mar 26, 2018 - 11:41am PT
Facebook is being accused of bad, bad, things.

Something tells me that the Cambridge Analytica crowd aren't as stupid as the Trump Bumpkins, when it comes to covering their tracks, but I guess we are going to find out.

The Trump's already cornered the market on "We're not politicians, so it's easy to understand we don't understand the laws, and inadvertently may have broken one or two." They really DID do a good job at branding the campaign as having been run by Ivanka, Eric and Junior, just doing what they could to help dad). Facebook and CA won't be able to play the Idiot Card and have anyone fall for it.
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Mar 26, 2018 - 11:53am PT
Happie, I see it this way.

Zuckerberg and FB will lose Face, but still come out financially smelling like roses, albeit perhaps with some thorns.

I wrote on this forum some months back, close to a year perhaps, about CA and its influence, and I was only picking up on where other people, researchers, had already done the groundwork.

Donad Trump will ride this Storm. His base is too gullible and the Republican hierarchy too beholden, or scared or just plain daft to challenge him.

The Democrats are in disarray, wondering how to tie their shoe laces, and that is a wonder, as some are barefoot stepping on glass.

And all this while America is being made GREAT AGAIN. Pissing off allies, but what are friends for. I feel so proud.

You know of course that the Sun revolves around Donald Trump. That is the universe. Take it or leave it. The solar flares are just his farts.

I'd love to see Monty Python in Trump's White House.

The Wastelands
Mar 26, 2018 - 12:29pm PT
The Democrats are in disarray

Hi Patrick!

I have to respectfully disagree with your above quote

Seems to me the Democrats are not only just fine but winning seats all over the country, including in deep red states

They are putting up not only more emotionally angry and motivated but more diverse candidates

polling shows their strategies are working, with voters preferring Dem control of congress
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