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Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Aug 29, 2018 - 11:07pm PT
Mike Pence's rich donors would like to buy lunch for anybody who can get rid of Trump.

Miss Kentucky, serving up the $2.8 million Kentucky State Grand Champion Ham.

Pence and his Evangelical buddies used to pray for Trump, conning themselves that he would someday fall to his knees and ask Jesus into his heart.

In accordance with Evangelical selective-forgiveness theology, the deeper Trump descended into total madness and complete depravity, the more glorious it would be when he was finally lifted up into The Arms Of The Father. But, new revelations about Trump have been a non-stop barrage of shockingly degenerate tales of pure sordidness. The prayer circle people have redoubled their efforts to cast out the demons, but it's just not working.

Pence the Pious has had just about enough of Trump's unrepentant wickedness. And he's anxious to get his God-promised shot at being the president.

Pence is traveling the country's campaign circuit right now, talking up the president's policies. He's making sure his listeners know that Trump's policies are his policies, too. And, that there will be a seamless transfer of identical-policy power, just as soon as Trump is called up by The Higher Authorities to answer for his sins.

However, Mueller might get the last laugh.

Mueller might issue some surprise indictments against Pence, who was right there, in the thick of the Russian conspiracy during the 2016 election. Even a bumbling stooge to a conspiracy is an indictable co-conspirator.

The Democratic Speaker of the House would then be sworn in as the next President of the United States.

Mitch McConnell thought blocking President Obama's Supreme Court pick was clever. McConnell hasn't even seen clever yet.

Lesson for GOP voters: don't elect a notorious career criminal to be your president. And if you do, pray that your bumbling stooge VP doesn't get mixed up in the felonies and indictments.


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 30, 2018 - 08:51am PT
Devos is out of touch , wreckless , with no background in education and obsessed with dangerous right-wing ideaology destined for failure... Can the biotch...

The Wastelands
Aug 30, 2018 - 10:19am PT
Trump’s personal attorney has pleaded guilty to eight charges. Trump’s campaign manager has been found guilty of eight charges and is preparing to face a second trial. Trump’s long-time accountant is cooperating with prosecutors. The White House attorney is on his way out the door after news that he “cooperated extensively” with the special counsel.

And behind them all, Robert Mueller is quietly filing away the pages of a report that is likely to include not just charges that Trump’s campaign conspired with Russian operatives and that Trump acted to obstruct the investigation, but also an unknown number of charges related to tax evasion and money-laundering.

state of being
Aug 30, 2018 - 12:18pm PT
Trump cancels 2.1% federal worker pay increase.

We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases

Ironic, given the massive, deficit bloating, tax break for the rich.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Aug 30, 2018 - 12:33pm PT
Trump cancels 2.1% federal worker pay increase.

His base will eat this up. Wonder where Judge Jody is on this one?

Trad climber
Aug 30, 2018 - 12:41pm PT
President Donald Trump wants to move ahead with a plan to impose tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports as soon as a public-comment period concludes next week, according to six people familiar with the matter.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Aug 30, 2018 - 02:01pm PT
Trump is a contradiction, within an irrationality, within an incompetence, within a delusion, within a narcissist. Trump is a Russian nesting doll, and he is Putin's boy-toy.

Trump gave a big tax break to the rich, thinking it would increase workers' wages (which didn't happen). Now, Trump is cancelling raises for Federal workers in the interest of reducing the budget deficit, which was substantially increased by his tax cut.

Trump enacted import tariffs, thinking it would make American products more competitive (which didn't happen). Now, Trump is paying out $12 billion in welfare payments to farmers going broke because of his tariff wars.

Trump is a like a drunk guy tacking like a sailboat as he goes up the street, trying to find his house. First, he tries this door. LOCKED! Then, he staggers off in a different direction and tries another door. NOPE! He bounces off a trash can, crashes through a hedge, and tries another door. DOH! He blindly wobbles along on his way, trying, again and again, to get it right.

When I entered "trump news nbc" into the "rigged" Google search engine, this was the top result. No InfoWars or Fox results appeared on the first page.

Trump claims that NBC faked his widely watched interview with Lester Holt in May of 2017. Trump told Holt that he fired FBI Director James Comey because "this Russia thing, with Trump and Russia, is a made-up story".

Robert Mueller is investigating whether Trump attempted to obstruct the Russian investigation that was led by Comey. The Holt interview is prima facie evidence that Trump's intent was to stop the investigation.

Trump wants people to ignore what they see and hear, and supplant it with his denials and lies.

"The (Republican) Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears."
 George Orwell, 1984

Roger Stone, a longtime Trump Whisperer, is a current subject of the Mueller investigation. In true Trumpian fashion, Stone is denying criminal charges against himself, before those charges have even been made.

Like Trump, Roger Stone is fond of nonsensical, self-contradictory and self-refuting statements, like this beauty:

The Mueller team wants to frame me for some nonexistent crime to silence me, and pressure me to testify.

Donald Trump, Paul Manfort and Roger Stone have known each other for about 40 years. Trump hired Manafort and Stone in the early 1990s to politically attack Native American casinos competing with his Atlantic City casinos.

Trump's claims that he first met Paul Manafort in mid-2016, and that he "hardly knows him, at all" are blatant lies.


The ghost of Scooter Libby Past.

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 30, 2018 - 03:33pm PT
The Federal security clearance application of a former CIA officer, who is running for office as a Democrat was leaked to a Republican linked Super Pac. The only persons that would have access to an unredacted security application would be someone in the Trump administration.

This is most likely a shot across the bow of any official that leaves the Federal government to run for office as a Democrat. It's also a felony.


Ice climber
Aug 30, 2018 - 05:41pm PT
Hung over Washington
like air pollution

former Nixon vp lawyer @ about 5:00

Ice climber
Aug 30, 2018 - 05:56pm PT
Did somebody go postal ... er .... what?

US Postal Service takes the blame for releasing Democratic House candidate Abigail Spanberger's sensitive personal data

Aug 30, 2018 - 06:37pm PT
Oh no, in no way does this sound like a man who is desperately hiding something:

Over roughly the past day, President Trump has decried the “totally dishonest” media, with its “fake news” and “fake books.” He has argued that Google is biased against conservatives. And he has accused NBC News of “fudging” the tape of an interview with him that has been available online for more than a year.

The president has even declared there is no chaos in his White House, which he claimed is a “ ‘smooth running machine’ with changing parts,” despite the tumult that emanates almost daily from within its walls.

Trump’s assertions — all on Twitter, some false, some without clear evidence — come just over nine weeks before the midterm elections that could help determine his fate, and they are bound by one unifying theme: All of his perceived opponents are peddling false facts and only Trump can be trusted.

Watching republicans—rank and file, and leaders alike—claim nothing is wrong, everything is fine, is almost comical at this point.

Ice climber
Aug 30, 2018 - 07:04pm PT

Apologies to Mr. Zevon

I'd like to go back to Paris someday and visit the Louvre Museum
Get a good running start and hurl myself at the wall
Going to hurl myself against the wall
'Cause I'd rather feel bad than feel nothing at all
And it ain't that FUNNY at all
Ain't that FUNNY at all

The Wastelands
Aug 30, 2018 - 07:46pm PT
Trump has touted the mindless loyalty of his base, and when he marveled that he would not lose any support if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue, he was not complimenting the discernment of his supporters. He has tried to turn that into a positive — “I love the poorly educated!” — but the association with low socioeconomic strata has grated on him.

Trump is the ultimate snob. He has no sense that working-class people may have equal latent talent that they have been denied the chance to develop. He considers wealthy and successful people a genetic aristocracy, frequently attributing his own success to good gene

Trump has repeatedly boasted about his Ivy League pedigree and that of his relatives, which he believes reflects well on his own genetic stock. He has fixated on the Ivy League pedigree of his Supreme Court appointments, even rejecting the credentials of the lower Ivys as too proletarian.


The Wastelands
Aug 30, 2018 - 07:47pm PT
I always hate — I always hate when they say, well the elite decided not to go to something I’m doing, right, the elite. I said, “Well, I have a lot more money than they do. I have a much better education than they have. I’m smarter than they are. I have many much more beautiful homes than they do. I have a better apartment at the top of Fifth Avenue.”

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Aug 31, 2018 - 02:34am PT

In this world that we live in,

John McCain was a true American hero.

His activity, his motive, his action in the Senate, was incontestably in the furtherance of a Better America.


Mountain climber
Timbers of Fennario
Aug 31, 2018 - 07:00am PT
^^^ Those phuckin basterds

Aug 31, 2018 - 07:53am PT
When is it ok to break democratic norms?

Interesting reading to accompany your morning cup of covfefe.

The Wastelands
Aug 31, 2018 - 09:41am PT

Trump has repeatedly shown that he is a racist who harbors deep animus and hostility towards nonwhites and Muslims. These values and attitudes are shared by his voters and other supporters. As recent research demonstrates, at least 11 million white Americans who possess "white nationalist" beliefs, while many millions more are sympathetic to such politics. Other research suggests that the more Trump's racist behavior is criticized, the more his supporters are likely to defend him.

Trad climber
Clovis, CA
Aug 31, 2018 - 10:00am PT
Breaking News

Washington (CNN) — Washington lobbyist W. Samuel Patten pleaded guilty Friday to acting as an unregistered foreign agent in the United States for Ukrainians from 2014 until 2017.

Patten's case was referred by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to an official with the US Attorney's office.

Tick, tick, tick, how long?

Ice climber
Aug 31, 2018 - 10:53am PT
You know how Trump loves those poll numbers. Just talked about them the other day. Mo pop than Abe Lincoln (but not Abbie Hoffman?).

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appears to be more popular than President Trump, according to a poll released Friday.

In the ABC News/Washington Post poll, 60 percent of voters said they side with Mr. Sessions in his current dispute with the president.

Only 23 percent of voters said they sided with Mr. Trump, according to the poll.

In addition, 64 percent of those surveyed said they oppose Mr. Trump firing Mr. Sessions. Just 19 percent said they would support the move.
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