A Response to Trumpism


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Nov 16, 2016 - 06:32am PT

PH, bring on the personal attacks, if that helps you deal with the many issues and painfully obvious shortcomings your boy trump is grappling with then anything to help you deflect.

He's trolling you.


Nov 16, 2016 - 06:33am PT

Nov 16, 2016 - 06:14am PT
Time to just sit back and enjoy the show. We are a resilient nation and will survive the Pumpkinfuhrer.

And roll up our sleeves and get ready to fight.

Trad climber
Nov 16, 2016 - 06:40am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:06am PT
Time to just sit back and enjoy the show. We are a resilient nation and will survive the Pumpkinfuhrer.

True, any nation that could survive 8 years of the Bushmonkey will likely survive this as well..... Maybe we'll stop supporting murderers like the Saudi "king" overseas. Time will tell.
patrick compton

Trad climber
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:11am PT
I, for one, am glad Bannon is the new minister of mind-control a la Karl Rove

Fianlly, someone will take care of the real problem: the JEWS!

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:20am PT
The U.S. will survive us all. Get over it.

After reading the third edition of Irrational Exuberance I'm not so sure of that!
When a Nobel winner agrees with Werner that we're stoopid maybe Costa Rica merits
a second look?
patrick compton

Trad climber
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:29am PT

Hopefully, Bannon has re-education plans for LDS members like libtard Glenn Beck too


Trad climber
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:33am PT
Hopefully, Trump gets into the White House staff transition process and looks around and says:

"Half you people don't need to get replaced. You're simply here as a .gov sycophant and we can make this work with half the people and half the pomp and circumstance. "

That would set quite a tone.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:36am PT
Pretty telling that a made member of the Washington Elitist Chowder and Marching Losers'
Club thinks he has a say in such an appointment.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:38am PT


Trad climber
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:44am PT
In truth, they all decided that a racist was better than Hillary Clinton. Which speaks volumes about Clinton.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:46am PT
In truth, it also speaks volumes about the racist elements in this country, and all of the people that pretended racism was gone until Obama showed up, which is absolute bullsh#t.

Big Wall climber
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:55am PT
the people that pretended racism was gone until Obama showed up, which is absolute bullsh#t.

the BEER summit didn't help Obama and his hate for the white guy

Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 16, 2016 - 07:59am PT
In truth, they all decided that a racist was better than Hillary Clinton. Which speaks volumes about Clinton.

This speaks more directly to the naivety of the voters than anything else.

patrick compton

Trad climber
Nov 16, 2016 - 08:15am PT
“I’m a Leninist,” Steve Bannon told a writer for The Daily Beast, in early 2014. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

Trad climber
Nov 16, 2016 - 08:16am PT
In truth, it also speaks volumes about the racist elements in this country, and all of the people that pretended racism was gone until Obama showed up, which is absolute bullsh#t.

Isn't it funny how when Obama got elected, he needed white people to vote, and for Trump to get elected, he needed white people to vote and yet somehow "racists" decided the Trump election?


Nov 16, 2016 - 08:16am PT
The voters picked Clinton. She lost because we use the electoral
College to select presidents.

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Nov 16, 2016 - 08:31am PT
By the time they finish counting votes in California Clinton will have a 2 million vote lead.

Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 16, 2016 - 08:35am PT
You're wasting your time, Werner.
They've been socially programmed to believe we actually have a choice.

Some of us even believe we don't need bright shiny tin-foil hats.


Trad climber
Nov 16, 2016 - 08:40am PT
Why are they bothering to finish counting the votes?

Oh right, they have to figure out whether Kalifornians vote to require porn stars to wear condoms.

I forgot how Kali fast-tracks the big issues in that state.
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