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Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 02:19am PT
Let me dig it up, Bruce. It's hard to come by.

And it's not just Bosnians, but Kosovars too.

Here's a tease. http://www.religioustolerance.org/war_koso.htm

But that ignores what started the conflict. It goes much deeper. And let me state at the outset that Serbs were not nice in their dealing with this issue.

Kinda like the Islamic conquer of Southern Europe and the consequential Crusades. Sometimes fire is met with fire. It's not really 'right', but it's retribution and correction of a problem.

Here's the key; https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101125133602AApzN70
**1996: Albanese of the Kosovo create an army for independance, commit some terrorist murders of Serbian politicians, policemen.

This started everything.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 02:38am PT
I'm not talking about 'old history', though it probably started there. It was a direct result of actions by the KLA against Serb politicians and civilians;


**In 1996, an armed organization calling itself the Kosovo Liberation Army or KLA launched an insurgency with guerilla attacks on Serbian security forces and killing and kidnapping civilians. The stated cause for the rebellion was the struggle for human rights.

The KLA was financed by the Albanian diaspora from Western Europe, with funds that may have come from Albanian organized crime organizations involved in drug trafficking. The collapse of the Ponzi schemes in neighboring Albania brought people to streets. Many arms stockpiles were expropriated and weapons from them smuggled over mountainous border to the KLA. The ethnic Serbian Yugoslav security forces stationed in Kosovo would often found themselves besieged in towns they were ordered to held until their replacements arrived at the end of the month. By the Spring of 1998, the KLA controlled one third of the province. Belgrade decided that it had had enough and launched an offensive, deploying army tanks and sending reinforcements (many of them veterans of wars in Croatia and Bosnia).** The offensive was a temporary success and the KLA almost defeated. Many Albanian civilain refugees were forced to find shelter in the forests through the Spring and Summer of 1998. This situation reminded many on the brutal ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. Some observers offered a "wag the dog" explanation in which U.S. President Bill Clinton, then facing impeachment becuase of the Lewinsky scandal, hyped the human rights crisis to divert American attention and win a quick victory in international affairs. Other observers believe that he treated the crisis with the seriousness it deserved, given the horrors of the Bosnian War.


Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 02:50am PT
I'm talking about Bill Clinton's war, WTF are you talking about?

More on Albanian war-crimes; http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/601421-eu-creating-court-for-kosovo-war-crimes/


Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Apr 29, 2014 - 09:24am PT
You boys should be snuggling in a Yugolatvia thread!

This here's the Mullah bookmar thread....HA!

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Apr 29, 2014 - 11:31am PT
Don't lecture me on the rights of a woman, I never mentioned anything of the sort. I never mentioned denying a woman any 'rights'. I was simply arguing that a fetus is more than 'medical waste', that can be burned for fuel like a bad liver or a cancer riddled organ.

I was inclined to give you a pass earlier. Not anymore.

Look, you have not "argued" anything; you've done nothing but spout off with completely unsubstantiated "opinions."

And then when pressed, you punt and say that NO account of the soul even COULD be given. What's pathetic about that position is two-fold:

1) You seem to actually think that this punt makes your "opinion" as good as any other "opinion" out there. But it is NOT the case that "everybody's opinion is valid" (like, just because they hold it), or some crap like that. SOME opinions are flagrantly ridiculous, regardless of that fact that somebody believes them; and yours certainly SEEMS to fit that category. So, you don't get a pass with your punt.

2) A rigorous and plausible account CAN be given, and I even opened the door WIDE for you to offer a non-empirical case. Kant has done it. Nagel has done it. There's even a reasonable theological case that can be made (not by mainstream Christians, however!).

Of course, a reasonable theological case would, to my mind, merely provide some basis for a person to believe in the sacredness of the fetus; but that doesn't make ANY case for legislation! You claim to not be saying anything about legislation, but that's pretty disingenuous, given the nature of this thread.

In short, you have contributed nothing of substance to this discussion, yet you act like you have a valid view. Based on your discussion here, however, you DON'T.

You are unread, untutored, apparently pretty thoughtless on the subject, and nevertheless strongly opinionated. This is the worst possible combination in a civilized society!

(And for all the hand-waving, it's pretty clear that bookie is in the same boat.)

Maybe human life that is destroyed should be treated with some respect.

I absolutely agree, IF we're talking about PERSONS! But you have never even STARTED to make a case that a fetus is a person. And you have never even STARTED to distinguish between "human life" skin cells and "human life" fetuses. You just smuggle your opinion in everywhere, loading even the language of the discussion your way, but without ANY substantiation.

So, yet again, you just HAVE an opinion that you treat as though it is respectable (apparently just because you have it), although you have never bothered to do the hard work of assessing it for credibility or even presentability. You've had an opportunity in this thread to do some introspective assessment. But all you do is give yourself kudos for punting.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 06:48pm PT
It doesn't matter what ethnicity or religion it's all about, the fascist bastards need to be identified and never forgotten. Not all Serbs are bastards obviously but my old neighbour was, despite being a swell guy to hang with. Apparently even the Bhuddists are right now demonstrating that even they can be fascist bastards.

Don't think for a second that I will not ride your ass into the ground on this Bluey. Capitulate or bring forth unchallengeable empirical evidence.

Take no prisoners

The Albanians started the conflict, and yes, the are accused of many war-crimes, including organ harvesting. They are not as innocent as many make the appear. And I'm not denying the viciousness of the Serbs. Let's just not forget what the Albanians had been doing.


Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 07:02pm PT
I was inclined to give you a pass earlier. Not anymore.

Look, you have not "argued" anything; you've done nothing but spout off with completely unsubstantiated "opinions."

And then when pressed, you punt and say that NO account of the soul even COULD be given. What's pathetic about that position is two-fold:

1) You seem to actually think that this punt makes your "opinion" as good as any other "opinion" out there. But it is NOT the case that "everybody's opinion is valid" (like, just because they hold it), or some crap like that. SOME opinions are flagrantly ridiculous, regardless of that fact that somebody believes them; and yours certainly SEEMS to fit that category. So, you don't get a pass with your punt.

2) A rigorous and plausible account CAN be given, and I even opened the door WIDE for you to offer a non-empirical case. Kant has done it. Nagel has done it. There's even a reasonable theological case that can be made (not by mainstream Christians, however!).

Of course, a reasonable theological case would, to my mind, merely provide some basis for a person to believe in the sacredness of the fetus; but that doesn't make ANY case for legislation! You claim to not be saying anything about legislation, but that's pretty disingenuous, given the nature of this thread.

In short, you have contributed nothing of substance to this discussion, yet you act like you have a valid view. Based on your discussion here, however, you DON'T.

You are unread, untutored, apparently pretty thoughtless on the subject, and nevertheless strongly opinionated. This is the worst possible combination in a civilized society!

MB1, I gave my opinions. Lighten up. Someone asked, I gave my opinions. This a forum where many things are discussed, and opinions are offered.

Please take your self-congratulatory arrogance and condescension to a theological forum or somewhere else.

Gym climber
Great White North
Apr 29, 2014 - 07:05pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Trad climber
Apr 29, 2014 - 07:18pm PT
Since this hasn't been addressed, and since the statement has the potential to to provide misinformation to young males who might read it and...rely?...on it as a form of birth control

Isn't your "period time" the only time you can get pregnant? So why not refrain being active at that time, I wonder?

Why wouldn't you expect a "birth control" PILL to effect that timing?

NO! pregnancy occurs around time of ovulation, and ovulation timing can be affected by a number of circumstances, and can be variable month to month. However:
Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or by calculating 12-16 days from the next expected period. Most women ovulate anywhere between Day 11 – Day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of the LMP.

Generally,when a woman is having her period,it is a time of lesser likelihood of becoming pregnant - but it is NOT a certainty. Considering timing of ovulation is a great idea if you are SEEKING to become pregnant, but a really poor way if he hope is to b avoiding pregnancy.

As for abortion -it has been something that has been done for as long as women understood the ramifications of bearing a child. It is NOT a recent development. what IS new.... is that women have access to safe, clean, reliable abortions, and aren't labeled as criminals if they have one.

Outlawing abortion will NOT end abortions; it would only take us back to unsafe, dirty procedures for those who have the capacity to follow through, and forced servitude for those who lack the resources.


Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 07:26pm PT
Nice PSA, Happie!

Outlawing abortion will NOT end abortions; it would only take us back to unsafe, dirty procedures for those who have the capacity to follow through, and forced servitude for those who lack the resources.

Nobody is talking about eliminating abortions. Maybe keeping them to the first trimester, but c'mon.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Apr 29, 2014 - 07:49pm PT
Maybe keeping them to the first trimester, but c'mon.

Think that would actually be acceptable to Mullah bookmar?

And why should we stop there if the zygote has a soul and all?

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 07:53pm PT

Think that would actually be acceptable to Mullah bookmar?

And why should we stop there if the zygote has a soul and all?

My personal opinions are different than what I feel is reasonably legal. I'm generally opposed to all abortions. Generally.

But I think the 1st trimester is plenty of time to make up your mind. And a reasonable compromise...


Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Apr 29, 2014 - 08:01pm PT
MB1, I gave my opinions. Lighten up. Someone asked, I gave my opinions. This a forum where many things are discussed, and opinions are offered.

Yes, and opinions are also shredded.

On this subject, I'm not likely to "lighten up." Unsubstantiated opinions on this subject in particular are profoundly dangerous to this society. Let the religious right get its way on this one, and the floodgates of oppression will open....

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 08:52pm PT
Unsubstantiated opinions on this subject in particular are profoundly dangerous to this society. Let the religious right get its way on this one, and the floodgates of oppression will open....

Look in the mirror, Johnson. I'm the one with unsubstantiated opinions? Nobody is calling for outlawing abortions.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 09:06pm PT
Bluey, think of it this way. If you don't rank opinions by way of quality then why not just spin a bottle to chose one?

No one does that so the fact is is that everyone does in fact rank opinion including yourself. the question is how. There is method available that can predictably make the best choices, and there is also method that is well known and proven to make the worst choices.

I gave you my best opinion at the time with a little bit of thought. I could do more, but what's the point?

One of the worst is to agree with an opinion because the person who holds it expresses themselves with confidence of certainty, so long as it supports your own bias, while providing no credible weighting of evidence which requires consideration of alternatives. That is how Hitler persuaded people - by charisma and lies.

This neither here nor there. It's irrelevant.

If a person can't understand what I'm saying by the time they are a half century old, I doubt they will and quite literally I doubt you ever will. There is something stubbornly belligerent about your position that is only admirable to an authoritarian personality.

You must be right, and I must be wrong because I disagree with you? That's profound!

You obviously care about these things otherwise you wouldn't be so assertive. It is bizarrely perplexing that you would care yet not care why. Regardless the resultant gross error in your decisions is obvious. To place the moral culpability of the Serbs equal to their neighbours with such a flagrant conflation of fact is a prime example of bias corruption.

I can't say anything? You're censoring on Cmac's site?

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Apr 29, 2014 - 09:15pm PT
Thank you, Jim. I truly appreciate that.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 09:59pm PT
Whatever you say, Bruce. I thought I was pretty clear.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 11:05pm PT
How about this: Bookworm has abandoned his own thread, one he has cared for almost singlehandedly for a year or something. Things suddenly get a little challenging and his silence is deafening.

Is that a yes I can, a no I can't or is it a no I won't ?

Your 'approved' answers don't fit the question at hand that you posed.

It is weird that he is gone, but maybe he's doing something. Climbing, or hiking, or something?

Let's sit it out B4 we pass judgment.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 11:11pm PT
Explaining yourself is a form of respect. Refusal to explain is the opposite.

This is disingenuous bullshit whining. "Oh, bluey doesn't answer me the way I thought".

You and MadBolter1 think I have to succumb to your whims. I don't! In fact, I can even tell you to go f*#k yourselves. But I didn't. I tried to engage and offer my thoughts.

I'm not opposed to discussion. But let's be real.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 11:38pm PT
Bruce, we've drug this thing over the coals enough. If you need more answers, I'll offer my best. I'm open to discussion.
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