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Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Mar 23, 2016 - 08:53am PT
The party who calls itself "the Democrats" are actually less democratic than the party that doesn't.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Mar 23, 2016 - 04:44pm PT
The republican strategists motto for the past sixty years: 'There's a sucker born every minute'.

By no coincidence, Barnum was also a republican CT state legislator for two years.

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Mar 23, 2016 - 06:39pm PT
Utah is ready for Bernie

Social climber
Mar 23, 2016 - 06:53pm PT
Utah is ready for Bernie

yes Jaybro, and it also looks ready for Ted Cruz after his win over Trump there, pretty red state

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Mar 23, 2016 - 08:13pm PT
The republican strategists motto for the past sixty years: 'There's a sucker born every minute'.

Yeah, and the Democrats are SO much better, more noble, and with such lofty motivations. Uh huh.

This election is their trial-balloon to see if they really CAN foist off a candidate who most people KNOW is a bold-faced liar and piles of evidence indicate is a flat-out criminal. And they'll do this over the clearly-voiced objections of their own-party people who are voting for Bernie.

If you want to bash the Republican party, there's two suckers born every minute into the Democrat party. Neither party gives as much as a runny, malformed bird dropping about OUR interests. So, don't single out Republicans for special condemnation while the Democrats are floating Hillary over Bernie!

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Mar 23, 2016 - 08:24pm PT
"Piles of evidence" = pile of crap.

Come back to the shallow end of the pool.

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Mar 24, 2016 - 09:41am PT
"Piles of evidence" = pile of crap.

You are as confidence in your perspective as I am in mine. But, of course, from your perspective, only your perspective is correct.

America is DEEPLY divided, and this very exchange reveals a lot of the reasons why. There IS no "unifying" candidate, and Clinton CERTAINLY ain't it!

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Mar 24, 2016 - 09:43am PT
I'm just saying that maybe it's reasonable to give her a fresh look, if's she's the nominee. Colorado is an important state in the general election.

Deeply divided? Sure. And we always will be. Are politicians 100% to blame?
Not in my opinion. Talk radio is huge and looks to divide Americans 24/7. Good for ratings, good for advertisers and book sales. Bad for the country.

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Mar 24, 2016 - 10:43am PT
I'm just saying that maybe it's reasonable to give her a fresh look, if's she's the nominee.

I certainly understand why you would suggest that. But for me, when she popped off with, "Wiped? You mean with a cloth?" that was it for me. This isn't some "contentious policy" she's so flip about. This is multiple felonies she so flip about.

You don't wipe a server in the face of congressional and pending FBI investigations and then joke about it. You treat the situation with due gravity. But a joke was her only possible response, because she couldn't deny it, and it is clear to even her what the implications of such an act are. So, she deflects with a lame joke, and all she can do now is expect that the joke will stick.

It IS a joke for her because she knows that she will not be indicted. She knows that she's above the law. ANYTHING can be cast as "partisan" and thereby discredited. So, it's all a big "partisan joke," with "nothing to see here; move along." But that doesn't work for me about about half of America.

Bernie would actually be a more unifying candidate than anybody remaining on the Republican or Democrat side. I'm not "partisan," and if the Bern gets the nomination, I'll almost certainly vote for him. But if it's Hillary, all bets are off; I will not vote for her under any circumstances. If she ended up the only candidate on the ballot, I'd write in one of our cats. There is simply NO way Hillary gets my vote.

Mar 24, 2016 - 10:47am PT

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Mar 24, 2016 - 10:49am PT
mb, maybe write-in Ralph Nader. That worked well the last time.


Gold Canyon, AZ
Mar 24, 2016 - 10:54am PT
It IS a joke for her because she knows that she will not be indicted. She knows that she's above the law. ANYTHING can be cast as "partisan" and thereby discredited. So, it's all a big "partisan joke," with "nothing to see here; move along." But that doesn't work for me about about half of America.

Bernie would actually be a more unifying candidate than anybody remaining on the Republican or Democrat side. I'm not "partisan," and if the Bern gets the nomination, I'll almost certainly vote for him. But if it's Hillary, all bets are off; I will not vote for her under any circumstances. If she ended up the only candidate on the ballot, I'd write in one of our cats. There is simply NO way Hillary gets my vote.

Stop drinking the Tea Party Kool-Aid.


Trad climber
Mar 24, 2016 - 11:23am PT
madbolter posted
It IS a joke for her because she knows that she will not be indicted. She knows that she's above the law. ANYTHING can be cast as "partisan" and thereby discredited. So, it's all a big "partisan joke," with "nothing to see here; move along." But that doesn't work for me about about half of America.

Are you saying that if you spend 25 years trying to elevate anything that might politically embarrass someone to the level of a capital crime that people will stop believing you? I'm shocked!

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Mar 24, 2016 - 11:34am PT
Just because there's a lot of partisan crap does not mean that every accusation is partisan crap.

And the solution here is SO simple: Let the Democrats put up a candidate without the stink, like Bernie.

Gold Canyon, AZ
Mar 24, 2016 - 11:47am PT
Just because there's a lot of partisan crap does not mean that every accusation is partisan crap.

It's absolutely 100% partisan, politically motivated BS. Hillary is a high-profile target. Republicans have simply thrown every anti-Hillary thing they can think of at the wall--hoping that something would stick. Whitewater, Vince Foster, Stock options, Benghazi, emails--you name it. But NOTHING has ever stuck. You can believe, if you like, that this is because of some vast conspiracy, in which Hillary is "above the law" but a much more simple explanation is that she has done nothing illegal.

Why has some hotshot upcoming Republican prosecutor not sought to make a name for himself by indicting and convicting Hillary of something? I certainly think they would--if they could. I'm convinced the reason is because (in spite of the continuous politically motivated witch hunts) there is nothing there. The only success Republicans have had with their "investigations" is to keep these baseless allegations in the public eye--making some people believe they have substance, when in fact they do not.


Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Mar 24, 2016 - 11:58am PT
she has done nothing illegal

Whatever else she has done or not done, she wiped her private server in the face of congressional and a pending FBI investigation. That is the willful destruction of public records, and it was done in the face of investigations.

Whether you think the congressional investigations (and their related requests for ALL information) were "legitimate" or "partisan," they WERE in compliance with the law. Congress had the right to investigate and to demand records. Hillary destroyed records.

There is no denying that she destroyed records. Nobody is being "partisan" to recognize that she did. It's just a simple fact that she did.

It's a simple fact that she did so in the face of congressional and (what was known at the time to be) a pending FBI investigation.

You DO that, and you've committed felonies. Period. There's nothing "partisan" about it. You do NOT get to willfully destroy records in the face of current and pending investigations and get away with it.

Unless you're Hillary.

There's no Kool-aid or tea-party contribution to the simple facts in my perspective.

Gold Canyon, AZ
Mar 24, 2016 - 12:16pm PT
^^^^ Prosecutors are evidently drawing different conclusions from the facts than you are.


Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Mar 24, 2016 - 01:17pm PT
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.


Trad climber
vagabond movin on
Mar 24, 2016 - 01:19pm PT
"The contest for the heart and soul of the Democratic Party is not yet over.

Stay tuned.... but not to your T.V."

Trad climber
Mar 24, 2016 - 01:22pm PT
I'm just saying that maybe it's reasonable to give her a fresh look, if's she's the nominee

Would you say the same for Trump, if he's the nominee?
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