Rancher +Militia vs BLM,trouble on the range.(OT)


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Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 29, 2014 - 04:20pm PT
added solar installations recently when it was necessary to move tortoises from the solar construction sites, which would explain Reid's current interest.
Bundy's been in violation of a judgement since 1993 when solar installations in the desert were still a pipe dream (too bad they weren't taken seriously).

Reid's current interest has a lot to do with representing Nevada for a very long time and him growing up in the desert hardscrabble dying mining town of Searchlight south and west of Las Vegas. His family were there long before Bundy got his land.
It's not clear that he has any financial interest in Bundy's plight. His son DID but that was the now defunct project. There is a fed investigation. We'll see what it digs up. So far, Sen Reid is clean.

Apr 29, 2014 - 04:57pm PT
It's about a guy who has been sucking the federal teat forever but just doesn't want to pay his bills.

And who apparently loves a microphone.

I don't fault him for either, but a civil rights issue?

Bitch, please.

Now rustle me up some ribeye and STFU already. I'm starvin'.
John M

Apr 29, 2014 - 05:02pm PT
I don't believe that Reid has a financial arrangement. I don't believe that he is that stupid. But he has supported solar energy. I am simply trying to address the entire situation as it appears that its not just about tortoises. He has been very forceful in a situation that could make him look bad to his constituents. He could have dialed back the rhetoric. He came out forcefully, so to me that means that he is trying for something.

Could he be trying to appear strong on support for green issues in order garner support for a run for President? Ron will laugh at that. So will the Chief as they think Reid is a traitor. Its Politics and if Reid is anything, he is a politician. This is just guessing. I haven't followed Reid well enough to have a strong idea. This was just something that occurred to me.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:25pm PT
John M no appology necessary but I appreciate it very much. I truly understand your concerns about the negativity on the forum. For my part I don't start off automatically negative but a person tuning into a single post could get that impression. The context is what gets missed. When you have flogged yourself enough disproving lies over and over snarkiness comes easier.

Your recent posts have been spot on and well said. Thank you for presenting a saner more civil explanation.

Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:27pm PT
Harry Reid on religion
(he was originally agnostic but converted to LDS in college)
I think it is much easier to be a good member of the Church (LDS) and a Democrat than a good member of the Church and a Republican." He went on to say that the Democrats' emphasis on helping others, as opposed to what he considers Republican dogma to the contrary, is the reason he's a Democrat.[77] He delivered a speech at Brigham Young University to about 4,000 students on October 9, 2007, in which he expressed his opinion that Democratic values mirror Mormon values.

in the 2010 election Reid won by 11%. and spent 20% less than the Republican candidate. Since his opposition only beat him in rural districts I'm guessing Bundyville hasn't hurt him much.

Trad climber
Fresno CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:27pm PT
I've stayed out of most of this, but I have to mention the difficulty in repossessing or levying on livestock. I've represented several creditors secured by livestock over the years. All of them violated one of the basic principles in lending: never rely on collateral that eats.

That aside, seizure of livestock is a tricky business. At least Bundy's cattle were beef cattle. Try seizing a milking herd! You need to have brand inspectors, LEO's, transport facilities, and an immediately available dairy with sufficient milking capacity to milk the cattle at their accustomed intervals. It makes simple rustling look like a cakewalk. In any case, any attempt to seize livestock involuntarily almost always requires use of a lot of gendarmerie.

Back to the issue at hand, I find it bizarre that so many conservatives reflexively side with a man who is using public resources for free. I find it equally strange that they would admire those using force to violate a legitimate court order, and attempt to threaten deadly force against law enforcement. In most other contexts, they would say that if you point a gun at an LEO, expect to be shot. I guess they've become so selectively anarchic that they cheer anyone defying authority -- as long as he looks like one of them.

I just don't get it.

John M

Apr 29, 2014 - 05:34pm PT
I guess they've become so selectively anarchic that they cheer anyone defying authority -- as long as he looks like one of them.

thank you John.. thats what a lot of us have been saying for a long time.

I just don't get it.

me neither..

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:36pm PT
I don't get it!
Got it?

Big Wall climber
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:40pm PT
I guess they've become so selectively anarchic

There is a sh1tload of selective thinking going on on both sides of this (LOL) discussion.


Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:41pm PT
Selective or not at least it's thinking.
And don't you me shetload ya potty mouth. :-)

Apr 29, 2014 - 05:42pm PT
No need to seize his livestock!

Just the rib and short loin parts.

Trad climber
Fresno CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:44pm PT
The only real question is when are you republicans going to do something about it?

Wasn't it under Reagan that the BLM started to impose grazing fees?


P.S. Oh, no! I'm getting sucked into the thread!
John M

Apr 29, 2014 - 05:47pm PT
Yes.. Reagan started grazing fees. With a presidential signing order. And at the request of the cattlemen's associations. too much overgrazing was killing everyone.

Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:48pm PT
consider that most Conservatives have distanced themselves from Blunder. Some called him out at the beginning, oddly enough Glenn Beck and finally Hannity and O'Reilly with his racist rant.

Blunder and his fascist "militias" only represent the fringe whackos. I'm betting most of them consider Conservatives to be mainstream sellouts. They might still like Bachmann, Palin and Sanctum Sanitarium.

Unfortunately they are well armed and number about 200,000 nationwide. Well networked now thanks to the intardnet. They are far enough outside "mainstream" politics they have no reason to reflect sanity. They are all about rebellion, armed if necessary. Most are also fringe sect Christians, certainly not Jewish or Muslim. The more publicity they can get the more whacko wannabes will want to join up.
Rather like the Nazis in 1920's Germany.
They've manipulated Blunder to their own advantage. Just like using children and women as shields, all the speaking at Bundyville was by Bundy and his sons. The "militias" just stood and posed for the cameras. Great recruiting project.

Boulder climber
Bishop, CA
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:54pm PT
I guess they've become so selectively anarchic that they cheer anyone defying authority -- as long as he looks like one of them.

Particularly when the POTUS is a black man. This whole affair reeks of latent racism, so it came as no surprise when Cliven went on his recent racial diatribe in front of his battalion of fair skinned followers.

Apr 29, 2014 - 05:56pm PT
Jebus. Seize his assets (accounts, buildings, vehicles), charge the guy with something, (seems like a long menu there), frog march him off to jail, and be done with it already.

Then round up the cattle and start the barbie.

Cheerist. What a shitshow.

Apr 29, 2014 - 05:57pm PT
The Praetorian Guard and the White Mountain Militia?

I'm not sure 'latent' racism is at play here.

But that's not the point. It's illegal to discriminate, but not to be racist.

If the cause was something more profound than "I don't want to pay my bills", I might be more sympathetic.

Trad climber
Apr 29, 2014 - 06:10pm PT
Apparently the armed militias "protecting" Bundy have started doing exactly what you would expect people with guns to do once they feel empowered to act under their own authority: they start acting like they own the joint. Hard not to see a comparison with the right wing militias in Ukraine.


The letter also says militiamen have a presence on state and local roads as well as federal highways. In some areas, according to the letter, militiamen have set up checkpoints where drivers are stopped and asked to provide a proof of residency.

They’ve been seen carrying high-caliber weapons and keep a round-the-clock security detail on Bundy.

Many of the militiamen, attracted by Bundy’s views on state’s rights and public lands, traveled from across the country to support him in his stand against the Bureau of Land Management.

We will protect local rights by denying citizens of their rights!

This can only end poorly.

Apr 29, 2014 - 06:18pm PT
"You're all too serious and should consider climbing more often..."

I'm going tomorrow and I'm taking one of your cows with me.

Did you know they just banned roundups in Europe?

Man, that cracker does have influence.

Apr 29, 2014 - 06:46pm PT
any recommendations for a good rub?
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