Rancher +Militia vs BLM,trouble on the range.(OT)


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Mountain climber
Apr 28, 2014 - 03:15pm PT
"Doctors, dentists and lawyers hang their credentials framed on the friggin wall of their office."

Break for lunch and time for quick response.

Excellent point. As memory serves me correct, all the guides certifications are readily available and hanging in the employers office. Myself and family have been visiting the same physicians and dentist going on 15 years. So I never considered asking them for their certifications. They are all well known in the community. Our family dentist is my brother-in-law and two others attend the same weekly services we do. You are also spot on that all their credentials are hanging in their offices. Never really thought about that. Bad example I suppose.

Talk about conspiracy theories. My word Mr. Elcap. The coincidence factor does impose some suspicion I suppose. I would be scratching my head also. But, rest assured that your theory is just that. It is your option to believe what you wish to. Free country and all.

Mr. Kay asked about gun regulations. At last count, there are well over 400 something local, state and federal laws regulating all firearms in this country. Probably more. I propose we enforce the one's that are currently on the books and not impose more. I assume it is a difficult enough task for all the law enforcement agencies in this country to keep up with the current laws and then have to enforce them all. A tedious and difficult task to say the least. Adding to that already extensive list would only make it more difficult than it already has to be. And far more complex. Don't you think Mr. Kay?

J. Tisdale Jr.
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 28, 2014 - 03:16pm PT
You are still a whack job Ron. Go play with your guns.

Gym climber
Great White North
Apr 28, 2014 - 03:27pm PT
Norton: I am really an old sweaty guy

Apr 28, 2014 - 03:39pm PT
Pertain and its meaning aren't exactly mensa material. If Tissy is the chief then holy schizophrenia! Or good tradecraft

Oh man! Locker you're killing me...more high caliber work
sandstone conglomerate

sharon conglomerate central
Apr 28, 2014 - 07:53pm PT
until now

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Apr 28, 2014 - 08:44pm PT
No wonder Dr. F hates republicans...
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Apr 28, 2014 - 09:11pm PT
is BK just sock puppet for JB or vice versa? I mean, supertopo logic and them both being North American and all…

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:27pm PT
Brennan..I was talking about Doc F. peering out of George Romney's toilet...I would never ever diss a drywaller...Snowballing is legal in Canada...? rj

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:38pm PT
In that case...Drywallers huck..

Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:46pm PT
This is what happens with extremist, anti-government militia members:

Threats made against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) are being investigated by federal law enforcement, Politico reported Monday, citing "people familiar with the matter."

Politico's sources said that threats were made against Reid following his numerous criticisms of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his backers, who he described as "domestic terrorists." Reid's security detail has been increased as a result, the report said.

“We are currently looking into threatening statements made against Sen. Reid as part of an ongoing investigation,” a U.S. Capitol Police spokesperson told the news outlet.

Reid has been one of Bundy's most outspoken critics after the rancher became a conservative hero for facing off with the federal government over grazing fees. In addition to the "domestic terrorists" comment, he called Bundy "a hateful racist" after the rancher's views about black people became public.

Reid has also been the subject of conspiracy theories because of his relationship with a top Bureau of Land Management official. The agency was at the forefront of the Bundy Ranch dispute.

Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:57pm PT
So Ron, are you for or against, the threats being made? Which boob are you referring to the Nevada guy or the Kentucky guy?
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 28, 2014 - 11:10pm PT
Ron..do you have link to the Reid investigation??


Big Wall climber
Apr 29, 2014 - 02:43am PT
Bob D'A, you and philo should run for office

You have some great ideas and a knack for communication

I assume you both have since you're big into civic responsibility
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Apr 29, 2014 - 03:56am PT
No, Ron doesn't have links to an investigation, because he is Rong.

he just hates Reid, because he won the democratic election for office. Rong hates democracy, just like he hates the US.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Apr 29, 2014 - 04:03am PT
Calling them domestic terrorists was asking for it.
Discounting of course the fact that's exactly what they are.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 04:08am PT
Ron I hope you are prepared to be very disappointed. This situation is NOT going to turn out like your wet dream fantasy. Bundy is going to lose, many of his armed mob will be facing serious federal charges and Harry Reid will retain his office. Sorry but that's just the way it's going to go. You have vented your disdane of Harry Reid for as long as I can remember you postings. But you have NEVER produced a single verifiable fact to substantiate your specious claims. And that undermines your credibility.

Another unpleasantry that you are going to have to come to grips with is that the majority of the American public really are in favor of responsible gun control. This is born out in fund raising trends since 2012. It used to be that the NRA outraised and outspent opponents 100 to 1. That made them a powerful lobby and one most politicians feared. Now the tide has turned. Since 2012 the Gun Contro groups have out paced the fund raising of the NRA by tens of millions. And that does not include the 30-50 million Michael Bloomberg has pledge to fight the NRA.

100% of the folks you interact with at the gun shop are in 100% agreement with your view of things but the whole country isn't. So enjoy your buzz, ride your wave and watch out for the reef a commin'. COWabunga dude!

Apr 29, 2014 - 08:32am PT
I.e, the times they ain't a changin'.
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 29, 2014 - 09:21am PT
Will do Braunini....thanks for the advice.

Trad climber
Apr 29, 2014 - 09:39am PT
Ron slandered
The dementia riddled addle minded boob needs to be retired to some place other than Nevada

That dementia riddle addle minded boob outwitted the entire Republican party in the government shutdown and is now trolling the hell out of a bunch of entitled white people in the Nevada desert. I'm not a huge fan of Reid but he has his moments.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 09:56am PT
This one

It's NERF or nuttin'.
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