Rancher +Militia vs BLM,trouble on the range.(OT)


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Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Apr 27, 2014 - 11:37pm PT
Thanks, Philo!

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 11:39pm PT
Chaz I may not always agree with you (actually many times I do) but you are in a whole different class than the bottom feeders I shouldn't have lumped you in with. I really am sorry.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 27, 2014 - 11:44pm PT
Hey Philo, F*#k you.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 11:57pm PT
Aw I love you too Blew.

Apr 28, 2014 - 01:10am PT
I had a work pal named Ed. Hyper liberal…and he loved guns. AK47, sawed off shotguns, 9mms, teflon tipped rounds…he had a healthy collection. They were basically toys. I went shooting with him in some of our local clear cuts. It was a hoot. He was quite safe.

He didn't trust our government - not in the Tea Bagger Koo Koo Klock absolute sense, but in a healthy, skeptical, intelligent sense. His mistrust was based on copious data. He could list specific, historically accurate beefs - and well thought out remedies. He realized our criminal justice system was half bullshit and wasn't just at all. He also had a realistic view of who filled out the ranks of law enforcement. Some good. Some not so good.

This manifested itself in his guns. Hence, the sawed off. It was kind of his own personal 'f*#k you, State statement', but he wisely kept it on the QT.

He would never dream of intimidating anyone by open carrying, however. Why? Because he wasn't a self centered prick. He also wasn't paranoid. Guns, for him, were like M80s for a teenager. They were just good, clean fun - not a device to f*#k with other people with.

The In Your Face gun nuts make the world a worse place. Ed did not. He did not subscribe to the kind of bullshit arguments being foisted these days in support of unrestricted gun rights. He was fine with all that, even if he bent the rules in a few places. He recognized that gun violence was a big issue in this country, and supported appropriate restrictions to mitigate that issue.

Apr 28, 2014 - 01:29am PT
"Big whoop. I'm spooning a Barrett 50 cal. Basically, I could kill a building"

Archer - Season 4, Episode 8


Mountain climber
Apr 28, 2014 - 01:38am PT
"I'm sorry, but I'm suspicious"

No need for either. Unless of course you are sincere on either matter. Being suspicious that you are sorry. Or sorry that you are suspicious.

Mr. Norton, sorry to hear about your recent spinal injury. I sincerely hope that you heal quickly so as to return to your goals in climbing. I am very interested in reading that TR you promised me.

I don't know about being The Chief's "best client". My daughter and I were just two of his many satisfied clients from what I understand. Fact is I would allow anyone of my three children and Wife to be under his care, anytime, anywhere if either ever requested to partake in any of the trips his employer offers.

As far as the guns and ammo discussion here, yup, I got my share. Shotguns, long rifles and handguns. My three children and Wife are well trained and versed in use of all of them. It is one of those activities that allows us some quality family time together other than our hiking and camping adventures. My youngest is the most accurate of us all. I encourage him and my other children to continue with their marksmanship practice as often as they want. Nice to have a certified firearms training center near by with a beautifully run range that we pertain to.

J. Tisdale Jr.

Edit: Which model Barret do you own Mr. TVASH? And what specific brand ammunition are you firing through it? Please do post photos.

Trad climber
Apr 28, 2014 - 02:19am PT
I can see that my presence here will only turn into another target for the negativity that persists. So, with that, I say good bye and good cheers to all of you good hearted souls on this thread.

Thought you were leavin? lol

Fact is I would allow anyone of my three children and Wife to be under his care, anytime, anywhere if either ever requested to partake in any of the trips his employer offers

No one cares.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 28, 2014 - 08:31am PT
JTiss you are more than welcome to start a the Chief appreciation thread.
But this thread isn't it.

Trad climber
Philadelphia, PA
Apr 28, 2014 - 08:45am PT
I just do not understand why the pro gun people are not for more stringent background checks

because they irrationally fear that if background checks are expanded then it follows that someday the guvmint will come to their house and take every one of their guns

No, it's because the gun industry is very rationally aware that universal background checks would immediately cut into that proportion of their sales that are straw purchases. The less immediate reduction in associated crime would also reduce the legitimate self-defense market, therefore the gun industry needs to create an irrational fear to maintain sales.

The gun industry has no commercial interest in reducing gun crime. That's capitalism with a capital "R" for you.



Trad climber
Apr 28, 2014 - 08:47am PT
No, it's because the gun industry is very rationally aware that universal background checks would immediately cut into that proportion of their sales that are straw purchases. The less immediate reduction in associated crime would also reduce the legitimate self-defense market, therefore the gun industry needs to create an irrational fear to maintain sales.

And that irrational fear is that the guvmint will take their guns. Don't disagree with people who you agree with. Interesting that gun ownership has now become a self-perpetuating principle. You have to own guns to protect yourself from the government who wants to take your guns so buy more guns,

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 28, 2014 - 09:36am PT
Elon Musk to file suit against US Gov.**


Musk said it costs four times more to launch ULA's Delta or Atlas rocket vs. a SpaceX Falcon rocket – an agreement he claimed is costing US taxpayers billions of dollars for no reason. "Each launch by ULA costs American taxpayers roughly $400 million per launch. They are insanely expensive. I don't know why they are so expensive." The Falcon 9 lists for about $60 Million per launch, but rises to about $100 million after the certification costs are included, Musk explained.

"So yes the certification does make our Falcon 9 rocket more expensive. But not 400% more expensive."

"Our rockets are 21st century design," said Musk to obtain the most efficiency. He said ULA's designs date back to the 90s and earlier with heritage hardware. To date the Falcon 9 has already been used three times under a $1.6 Billion contract with NASA to launch the private SpaceX Dragon resupply vessel to the International Space Station (ISS) – most recently a week ago during the April 18 blastoff of the SpaceX CRS-3 mission from Cape Canaveral. It is also being used to launch highly expensive communications satellites like SES-8 and Thaicom-6 for private companies to geostationary orbits.

"It just seems odd that if our vehicle is good enough for NASA and supporting a $100 billion space station, and it's good enough for launching NASA science satellites, for launching complex commercial geostationary satellites, then there's no reasonable basis for it not being capable of launching something quite simple like a GPS satellite," said Musk.

"Our only option is to file a protest."

This is how intelligent civilized people redress grievances with the Gov, they follow the rule of law. But the Rightwing will most certainly be opposed to this space cadet furiner tryin to save US money.

Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Apr 28, 2014 - 09:39am PT
"Negroes," Bundy further observed, abort their babies and put their men in prisons. Young black males were in trouble, he said, because they hadn't been taught to pick cotton.

Obviously, there's no defending Bundy's remarks. Pundits and politicians, including most notably Sean Hannity, Sen. Rand Paul and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, quickly distanced themselves from the Bundy comments, though not, curiously, from his objections to the government's authority over grazing lands.

Well, of course they would disavow racist remarks. But they also never should have aligned themselves with someone who not only flouts the law but also has armed himself against government agents, indicating his willingness to protest through violence.

The real issue here is the last sentence. Many Buddy supporters were (and still are because they've taken an Oath) willing to resort to violence against law enforcement officers.

That makes them dangerous and, in my view, deserving of any amount of vitriol they receive here.

Social climber
my abode
Apr 28, 2014 - 09:54am PT
That makes them dangerous and, in my view, deserving of any amount of vitriol they receive here.


Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 28, 2014 - 09:59am PT
That's why the standoff in Bunkerstan is such a ludicrous display of ignorance.
These Oaf Creapers have vowed to kill Federal agents and other American citizens because they don't believe in the rule of law or American citizenship.

I've been involved in many peaceful protests for actual causes. The rule of law and non-violence was always the rule of conduct. Nothing makes a social movement lose credibility faster than resorting to violence or threat of violence. We resorted to peaceful protests and stuck to our (forgive me the pun) guns. Even though the same type of Un-Americans mobbed in Nevadastan now harassed and abused us then. I've been threatened, pushed around, yelled obscenities at and spit on by the oh so polite political right. The Bush goon squad threw my 70+ year old mother in law to the pavement and threatened her with a taser. Her aged husband was put in a choke hold by another political operative of the far right wing. These jack booted jack wads were not in any uniform or official designation they were hired thugs payed to oppress any dissent. My step folks crime? Daring to wear a Greenpeace shirt at a political rally in Colorado Springs. Now with the White House occupied by a Black Man that is supposedly coming to take all our guns implant us with rfid chips and lock us up in FEMA camps the 2nd amendment troglodytes can open carry assault weapons and bullseye shirts to political rallies and were are supposed to be OK with that. The OWS protesters were abused and incited and still maintained a huge population of peaceful protesters in spite of the denigration from the rightwingers. We followed the rule of law and have made change happen in this country many times.

Why can't these pseudo-patriot cowpokers follow the rule of law instead of the "might makes right" mantra that fuels their delusional intentions? After all their Billionaire puppet masters used their influence to pervert and subvert our political process but they did it by following the laws. Of course it was the laws the bought and we paid for but the point is they didn't use threats of armed insurrection to attain their goals. Laws can be changed but not at the point of a gun.

Trad climber
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:21am PT
You are. In fact. Going to die.
John Duffield

Mountain climber
New York
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:32am PT
J. Tisdale Jr.

Welcome to the taco!

So JTiss isn't a Chief avi?

Trad climber
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:45am PT
Not only is Jtiss an unbiased observer, but actual proof that Chuff has a friend outside of this strange little therapy circle.

That's kinda naive, not sure why someone would sign up just to be a character witness for the biggest assh0le on the forum. Unbiased? Really?
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:53am PT
What with this TR crap and how it relates to a discussion like this??

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:57am PT
Ron...stop with the sniping...eh..? rj
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