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Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 29, 2018 - 06:27am PT
No, he's turned his back on Puerto Rico while 2,900, not quite Americans died, oversaw the permanent separation of hundreds of rapist immigrant children from their parents, praised "good people" white nationalists, pulled out of the Fake Paris Accord and cheating NAFTA and he's degrading the deep state FBI, CIA and DOJ. He's doing great...he's making his base proud.

Ice climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 07:58am PT
^Puerto Rico ain't Haiti, right?

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Aug 29, 2018 - 12:01pm PT
He's entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency?

I think he entered it a long time ago.

Trump's Querencia Phase is taking longer than optimists would prefer, but that doesn't mean that Trump is successfully avoiding the inevitable. Trump is running, but he can't hide. And, Trump knows it. He is acting out and mentally dysfunctioning in a predictable manner.

Trump's erratic behavior and narcissistic rage are reactions to what he perceives as existential threats to his delusional self-image: the Best, the Greatest, the Donald; an invincible superman who can do no wrong; an A+ President who can't be impeached because he is doing a great job; a victim of a "rigged" system; someone falsely accused of the crimes he has committed; a target of unfair, selective persecution; a normal guy who is going to prison, even though "everybody else does it, too".

When Trump's delusions about himself are countered by facts, evidence, indictments and convictions, he lashes out at what he perceives to be the real culprits: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Robert Mueller, Bruce Ohr, the FBI, CNN, New York Times, press reporters, Google, Twitter, Facebook and, finally, reality itself.

I have heard tourists in El Capitan Meadow say, "They will never make it to the top."

I have heard Trumplicans say, "They will never catch Donald Trump."


Mueller doesn't have to trump up charges. Trump and his associates have willingly, knowingly and deceitfully engaged in criminal activity.

Trump's real nemesis, right now, is the New York State Attorney General. Trump has no power to obstruct a state investigation into tax fraud at his sham Trump Foundation. And, he has no power to pardon his children if they are convicted in State Court.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
 Lord Acton

Absolute corruption does not equal absolute power.


Gym climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 12:27pm PT
I have heard Trumplicans say, "They will never catch Donald Trump."

Never's a long time, but will Mueller and the gang "trump up" charges against him before his term expires?

If not, he's sort of won, and I wouldn't be surprised if he lives out his golden years in a lovely country without an extradition treaty with the US, cashing those nice pension checks and laughing all the while.

Meanwhile, the markets are at or near record highs, wayyyyy above when he took office, some of us may get to enjoy some "golden years" of our own if things keep up.

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Aug 29, 2018 - 12:49pm PT
Did anyone seriously believe that someone as dirty as tRump wouldn’t evetually get busted? None of his grandstanding economic policies are sustainable. The president has little to no ability to affect long term economic trends. That falls to Congress and the private sector.

Once tRump is exiled to prison or Russia, the economy will be fine. Any violence in the street will be from deranged tRump loyalists fueled by Russia and Right Wing extremists on Faceplant, or some other social media facade, that are duping the disaffected in this country with insane conspiracy theories on an hourly basis.

Aug 29, 2018 - 12:57pm PT
Blah blah, f*#k your stock portfolio bounce.
the Fet

Aug 29, 2018 - 01:14pm PT
will Mueller and the gang "trump up" charges against him before his term expires

By all honest accounts Mueller only seeks justice, any notion that he would trump up charges is a likely smear by Trumpco to blunt any upcoming evidence.

We don't know what Mueller's report will say. Maybe Trumpco just made stupid decisions and we've heard the worst of it (campaign finance violations for paying off affairs) but maybe there is evidence of greater crimes that warrant impeachment. We don't know yet. There has to be enough evidence to turn the majority of Republicans against him so the senate can vote to impeach (a political procedure). I think what we're seeing from Trumpco is a public relations campaign for that upcoming battle.

The economy was up the upswing for a long time during the Obama years. But really market cycles and other factors have more impact than who is the president. Trumpco has kept the upswing going and I would say has not only sustained it but has fueled it farther, the problem though is it's been due to unsustainable things like another tax cut skewed to the wealthy with more national debt that will need to be payed off and cutting regulations that will also mean more cost in the future (e.g. dealing with the costs of climate change).

Whoever is president the market will correct eventually. I'm worried that because the markets hate uncertainty, if there are impeachment proceedings it will kill the market and of course the Republicans will try to blame it on the Dems and vice versa.

I hope you are taking some defensive positions blahblah because I have already see the real estate market cool in lots of areas. Who knows what will happen but I wouldn't recommend counting on continued growth in either securities or real estate.

Trad climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 01:30pm PT
Still funny>

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Aug 29, 2018 - 03:18pm PT
Not the sharpest tool in the shed?

Republican congressional candidate Omar Navarro’s meeting with the FBI about a fake letter he posted to social media about his opponent, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles), has been moved to next week, he said Wednesday.

The FBI had asked to speak with Navarro this week, he said, but the meeting was pushed to next week so his lawyer could be present.

Waters filed a complaint with Capitol Police and the FBI in December after Navarro tweeted the image. The letter, which appeared to be on an altered version of Waters’ official letterhead, falsely claimed the congresswoman wanted to resettle tens of thousands of Somali refugees in her Los Angeles district. It includes her signature and the official House seal.

Misusing a government seal or posing as a government official is a federal crime.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Aug 29, 2018 - 03:18pm PT

Lawyers with portfolios are doing well you say.

Golden Years.

This is Socialist,you know that.

We are literally subsidizing the rich.

Mountain climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 04:22pm PT
Hilarious 15 minute video here :-)

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Aug 29, 2018 - 05:31pm PT
99% of Trump's tax cut went to rich people. Corporations spent $700 billion on stock buy-backs, and not on pay raises. Workers' wages have risen an average of 0.4% in the last 18 months.

Trump's blue-collar supporters have seen little, no, or negative benefit from Trump's tax cut and tariff one-two punch to Middle America.

GOP candidates are keeping their mouths shut about the economy and the tax cut. They don't want to remind their voters that they have been left behind as the GOP's fat cats soar to ever-higher levels of prosperity.

It's pretty hard to sell a prosperity pitch to people who've been wiped out by a trade war, are being laid off, are not getting raises, and are being eaten alive by inflation.

For the 2018 elections, the GOP wants to focus on its core values of racism, intolerance, religion and hypocrisy. Their message of greed and avarice has been temporarily put on ice. They will also be pushing the idea that Western Civilization will abruptly end if Democrats win control of Congress.


Trump was projecting his supporters' propensity for violence when he said the Democrats will become violent if they win control of Congress.

Trump's army of robotic dullards will be the ones who become violent when Trump's day of reckoning arrives.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Aug 29, 2018 - 05:36pm PT
Not to mention the Violence.


Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Aug 29, 2018 - 06:48pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Ice climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 06:51pm PT
Lindsey Graham: White House will be "investigated to death" if Democrats win the House

Vote ''em in

And raise the flag to staff and a half after he perishes

Trump was said to have clashed with McGahn after Trump openly pondered a pardon for Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman whom a jury last week found guilty of financial crimes unrelated to the campaign.

Vanity Fair reported on Monday
Vanity Fair reported on Monday that McGahn refused to participate in the pardoning process and that Trump considered bringing on a new lawyer.

state of being
Aug 29, 2018 - 07:35pm PT
"investigated to death"

The repubs in the justice dept. seem to be doing a good job of that now.

Aug 29, 2018 - 07:37pm PT
Losing McGahn will be a blow.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Aug 29, 2018 - 08:02pm PT
"investigated to death"

Does Lindsay Graham mean "investigated to death" like Whitewater, Benghazi, the E-mail Server, and the Pizza Parlor Pedophilia Plot?

 Over a decade of combined investigation
 No wrongdoing or criminal activity
 Bill Clinton acquitted in Senate
 Bill Clinton's approval rating with the public rose while he was being impeached by a partisan House

Or, does Graham mean "investigated to death" like Watergate?

 Two years of investigation, give or take a month or two
 Factual findings of widespread criminal activity and corruption in the administration
 Factual findings of an official White House communication policy of lies and deceit
 Government DOJ investigators are fired, in a effort by the president to obstruct justice
 Multiple WH officials resign, rather than violate Federal laws in order to protect the president from legal scrutiny
 Multiple convictions and prison sentences for White House staff, associates and co-conspirators
 Nixon's approval rating steeply fell, right up to the day he resigned the presidency
 Nixon resigned before he could be impeached and convicted for obstruction of justice
 Congress passed legislation to prevent it from happening in the future
 Presidential abuse of power resulted in Congress reining in the Executive Office's overly-expanded powers

Or, does Graham mean "investigated to death" like this:

 Two years of investigation, give or take a month or two
 Factual findings of widespread criminal activity and corruption in the administration
 Factual findings of an official White House communication policy of lies and deceit
 Government DOJ investigators are fired, in a effort by the president to obstruct justice
 Multiple WH officials resign, rather than violate Federal laws in order to protect the president from legal scrutiny
 Multiple convictions and prison sentences for White House staff, associates and co-conspirators
 President's approval rating in free fall, right up to the day he suddenly stops Tweeting and disappears
 President runs away and hides before he can be impeached, indicted, convicted and imprisoned for multiple felonies
 Congress passes legislation to prevent THAT THING from happening in the future
 Presidential abuse of power results in Congress reining in the Executive Office's overly-expanded powers


Ice climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 08:09pm PT
I thought he was being literal.

No Heimlick for the
Hamboogie Prez

Jon Beck

Trad climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 10:11pm PT
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