Bruce Jenner Gone


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Social climber
joshua tree
Jun 6, 2015 - 08:29pm PT
Hey GD, I hope you had a productive vacation in Idy!

BlueBlocker, better keep him in check, he's giving Christians a good name

But really, do you even have a clue what it takes to be a "good" Christian?

Maybe start with, what would be your opinion as to what a climber needs to do to give climbing a good name? Does Alex Honnold give Climbing a "good name"?

Social climber
joshua tree
Jun 6, 2015 - 08:51pm PT

You didn't read the part about what the anointed think.

Well maybe I fumbled in understanding what you wrote. Or maybe you fumbled in exercising your meaning? By "the anointed" I assumed you meant CM, so I went back to the start and reread everything. He didn't state any reference to the bible. So without knowing him personally I have no idea where he's comin from in those statements. So my conclusion is that their irrelevant, other than their pertentcy to a positive input.

What's pertenent to the positivity coming from the bible is the actknowledgement of the negativity of the material body and the will of the spirit to overcome through love and forgiveness. That's what the Anointed ones like, Paul and John spoke of!

Sport climber
The Big Wide Open Face
Jun 6, 2015 - 09:00pm PT
After 65 years, Caitlyn Jenner is introducing herself to the world -- first with a 22-page Vanity Fair cover story shot by Annie Leibovitz and then with an eight-part docuseries that will air this July on E!

The series will give viewers a look into Jenner's life as a woman, and though a promo that aired at the NBCU Cable Upfront in May included her youngest daughters and stepdaughters, Jenner revealed to Vanity Fair that her oldest children, from her first two marriages, would not be appearing on the show.

Jenner told the magazine she was initially "terribly disappointed and terribly hurt" by Burt, Casey, Brody and Brandon's decisions to not be involved with the series, but it's something she's come to accept.

Sort of sounds like Jenner is fully expecting "her" (did he get castrated or not - isn't that the deciding factor per gender??) family to pause their life and celebrate her transition for E! channel, one of the tackiest venues on the air, and when they wouldn't do so, and weren't at her disposal, things went south. Despite all the enlightened feel-good acceptance yammering, it's starting to sound a little frayed at the edges (selfish).

That show is gonna be interesting...


Ice climber
Brujň de la Playa y Perrito Ruby
Jun 6, 2015 - 09:07pm PT
I'm gonna regret it in the morning but,

just who is Bruce & Caitlyn Jender's love child?


Social climber
joshua tree
Jun 6, 2015 - 09:22pm PT
Yea Jim I agree with your sentiments about peace : )

Some people, countries, conflate the ability to resolve peace with the dropping of bombs. Like in Yeman, and like this;

Instead of the love, you both feel guilty and weird when you touch your own prick and have judgement on anyone without one...

When all the while it requires love and a discipline of truth ; )

Social climber
joshua tree
Jun 6, 2015 - 09:39pm PT
Yea I know, I'm trying.
But what I do know is the relation I have with jesus. And it is more than in my imagination.
Otherwise I wouldn't care what you said..

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Jun 6, 2015 - 11:55pm PT
Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven.

Exactly which commandment is Jenner supposedly breaking?

Oh, and while you're groping around with that question, as yourself whether or not you are really keeping the fourth, you know, the Sabbath commandment.

If you're like 90+% of Christians, you regard Sunday as the "Christian Sabbath," yet that is nowhere in the Bible. And, since you're all Torah up in the house, read how Sabbathbreakers suffer the death penalty.

I'll tell you what disgusts me FAR more than all of these supposed "sinners" you "fellow" Christians like to publicly condemn. It's YOU hypocrites pounding the Bible to sustain YOUR OWN interpretation of it, cram that interpretation down other's throats, try to LEGISLATE it, and think you are thereby doing "God's work" to turn this society into a theocracy of your OWN making and after YOUR image. And all the while you yourselves don't keep the law that you use as a club with which to beat others.

Honestly, it makes me SICK to have to self-identify as a Christian when surrounded by such vast confusion and distortion.

Klimmer, OWN UP. Are you a law-keeper or a law-breaker? Tell us about the fourth commandment. Meanwhile, why don't you just back off on your public expressions of "knowledge" of a case you really know nothing about?

Trad climber
Jun 7, 2015 - 03:52am PT
I'm in China and the New York Times is blocked here.... so I haven't actually read the article. But per their "headlines" emaiI I received this morning there is an editorial about friction between trans and feminists. Sounds interesting.

Also something about some new 'pro transgender' childrens books. I'll refrain from making a joke here.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 7, 2015 - 04:18am PT
rockermike, here is what "they" are saying about "him."
[Click to View YouTube Video]You got to be free, though.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jun 7, 2015 - 04:25am PT
So I only want to add that
In her twenty twenty interview Lesley stahl? Of the bros? No . .
She gave this quote I will try to retell verbatim,
There is a song that goes
soon we will see a time! where what was once strange seems familiar. . .
I know I know that line from some where!?

Good ' morrow so sirs. ?this is still on top?

I climb and love and live but will he? if he cuts it off what then? Does that change
How you feel about it?

I think in three or four ways on this as a dada, and a twisted son, and as one with some issues ,
And gay nephews, so I come at this from close and far away,
As a dad of a Boy And A girl this stuff is tricky stuff to deal with and I hope to keep it at arms distance for a while longer .

That said , I do not appreciate it as front page or any page news.

The tragedy is that I think he/she needs help and attention that is what it seems to be ;
a cry from a one time great athlete, who got the bug for fame, to his long lost un-appreciating Ex-fans .

Entitled spoiled waste of flesh, think of the true greatest athlete of the year 1976?

Tobin?Barber? Bacharach? Maul? Yanaro? Cgrist ?. .,what to Fukushima, this culture.

Argh auto correct!

Kafka no damn it
Bachar and Kauk! Bridwell, LongThe same years that Genderbender was winning accolades, Gold medals ! all the great climbers, the boys were playing hard and pulling down for keeps.


Madonna, would be a fairer spokesperson,of the trans gender!

Somewhere here on the taco was an amazing tranny shot,
the backlit shape of boobs and c0gk seen thru a lace dress. . ?

Rant over by me

Homo phobia is my first and second rights !

I will say that it is anyone's right
to be who they are . . .
at hart

to thine own self be true.

A climber and a narcissist be true to only me and you. . .

ya got that rite, right, write?

Now I will bet that my intolerance is met by lame critique . . .I fall and fail, here. With Ron Anderson.


El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
Jun 7, 2015 - 05:45am PT
Lame critique.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jun 7, 2015 - 06:00am PT
it reads just like a real punter wrote it.
The thread reached the vaulted # 300!
It now is" with just one double quotation mark,


4 Corners Area
Jun 7, 2015 - 07:12am PT
I have to admit, the way this whole thing is being pushed in the media, makes me wonder if Caitlyn is being used?

From the Blaze article:
“Bruce Jenner Unveils New Self”

“Bruce Jenner Debuts New Identity”

“Bruce Jenner World Premiers New Soul”

We’re talking about a sex change like it’s an Apple product. With this kind of language, we have not only made the self mutable, we’ve also commodified it and turned it into a spectacle that can be sold for profit. This is a bastardization of our humanity on a scale and to a degree that wouldn’t have even crossed the tortured minds of last century’s most prophetic social critics.

Trad climber
Jun 7, 2015 - 07:34am PT
"Whole thing being pushed in the media"..

We have a 24/7 media starved for stories. This is a bit sexier than talking about Carly Fiorina or Lincoln Chafee.

American sports hero realized he's a woman, makes necessary changes. The real story here is the changing views of the majority of Americans who are supportive of Caitlyn. Thank god for the younger generation.

Social climber
So Cal
Jun 7, 2015 - 08:18am PT

American sports hero realized he's a woman, makes necessary changes.

Just like the Canadian dude realized he was "transabled"?


Trad climber
Jun 7, 2015 - 08:30am PT
I can't figure out if that national post transabled article is for real or an onion type joke??? Seriously I don't know.

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Jun 7, 2015 - 08:39am PT
Did Bruce toss the javelin or not..?

Jun 7, 2015 - 09:12am PT
Can a demand for photos be far behind?
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jun 7, 2015 - 09:19am PT
I demand to see the pictures . . .

No pictures ?

Then it did not happen !

that is the way in the Internet age!

Bush laden is alive too!

4 Corners Area
Jun 7, 2015 - 10:10am PT
yes!, by god, intolerance will not be tolerated!!!
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