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Larry Nelson
Social climber
jghedge wrote:
Were they citing your opposition to democracy as a reason for leaving?
I've never been opposed to demcracy. I think everyone in this country is entitled to all the rights summed up in this clip:
Trad climber
What I actually do have faith in is that the insurance companies won't be around long enough to find out. they won't be needed. The MediCare model will be made available to all.
Can you send me what you are smoking?
Trad climber
He is back on the crack again
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Norton wrote:
yes, this is democacy
LOL, yes democracy is messy and every group has a whole Bell Curve of humanity.
As one of my favorite philosophers once said: "Can't we all just get along"?
Trad climber
hedge-do you pay your own bills or rely upon me to pay them?
Trad climber
Agreed insurance is shared risk. But do those that don't pay get covered as my premiums and deductibles shoot through the roof? It is about personal responsibility.
Gold Canyon, AZ
Agreed insurance is shared risk. But do those that don't pay get covered as my premiums and deductibles shoot through the roof? It is about personal responsibility.
You're describing what we currently have--and what the ACA is attempting to fix.
Trad climber
Ok, I'll bow of this after his post. I had an insurance plan that the administration stated I could keep. That plan has been canceled and to renew my under the Affordable health plan, my premiums are up 44%. My deductibles are up around 200%.
Trad climber
Asia, Indonesia, East Java
Well, looks like this law has hit me below the belt too. As an expat, I recieve insurance from my employer. The insurance company is American and all of us on the coverage are Americans, but....
Looks like I either buy personal insurance, or I pay a penalty.
I am a U.S. citizen residing outside of the U.S. on a Global Medical Insurance Plan. Does the individual mandate apply to me?
U.S. citizens who live abroad for a calendar year (or at least 330 days within a 12 month period) are treated as having “minimum essential coverage” for the year (or period) and, therefore, are not required to purchase PPACA coverage. These are individuals who qualify for an exclusion from income under section 911 of the IRS Code. See the IRS foreign earned income exclusion test for further information on this exclusion. They need take no further action to comply with the individual mandate.
Please note that IMG’s Global Medical Insurance Plan does not meet the definition of “minimum essential coverage” under PPACA. GMI is not intended to provide U.S. citizens residing in the U.S. with health insurance. While your GMI plan for worldwide coverage will not be affected by PPACA, you should review the information below to see if you are exempt from the requirements of PPACA or not, and whether you will have to pay a tax penalty or not.
Under PPACA, all U.S. citizens, nationals and resident aliens will be required to purchase minimum essential coverage (PPACA compliant coverage), unless they are exempt. Exempt U.S. citizens include U.S. citizens who reside outside of the U.S. The exemption applies to:
A U.S. citizen who has a tax home (your main place of work or employment, or if you don’t have a main place of work or employment, your main residence) in a foreign country, and has been a bona fide resident of a foreign country or countries for an uninterrupted period that includes an entire taxable year; or is present in a foreign country or countries during at least 330 full days in a twelve month period.
See details under the IRS foreign earned income exclusion test.
Even if a person was required to purchase minimum essential coverage and did not, she/he would only be required to pay a tax penalty for not purchasing PPACA coverage (if she/he files a U.S. tax return). In many cases, this tax is far less than the premiums that a person would pay for obtaining PPACA coverage.
What will my tax be if I am required to have PPACA coverage, but do not purchase it?
Tax Calculations:
Taxes begin in 2014 and rise in years following. In each year, the tax consists of the higher of a dollar amount or a percentage of household income. For a given household, the tax applies to each individual, up to a maximum of three. Following is the schedule of taxes:
2014: The higher of $95 per person (up to 3 people, or $285) OR 1.0% of taxable income.
2015: The higher of $325 per person (up to 3 people, or $975) OR 2.0% of taxable income.
2016: The higher of $695 per person (up to 3 people, or $2,085) OR 2.5% of taxable income.
After 2016: The same as 2016, but adjusted annually for cost-of-living increases.
I am an individual residing outside of my home country and covered under an employer group plan. Does PPACA apply to me?
On March 8, 2013, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Treasury issued a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) announcing that, for expatriate plans, compliance with most PPACA provisions is being delayed until January 1, 2016. The relief from compliance applies for plan years 2014 and 2015 on plans that meet the following definition:
“Insured group health plans with plan years ending on or before December 31, 2015, in which enrollment is limited to individuals residing outside of their home country for at least six months of the plan year and any covered dependents.”
Larry Nelson
Social climber
jghedge wrote:
Yet you object to majority rule on the grounds that it doesn't offer enough compromise.
What would you suggest to allow more compromise and still retain majority rule?
You either don't state my position properly or don't understand definitions the same as I do.
Compromise: It is up to the individuals or groups involved in any issue to freely pursue compromise or not. If a majority refuses to compromise on major legislation and passes it on a pure party line vote, can that majority really be surprised when the opposition uses all means legal to block or overturn said legislation?
One point I'll make is that all major social legislation in this country was passed on a bi-partisan basis. That is why all of those programs are successfully accepted by very wide majorities. Still, the small minorities who disagree with those widely accepted programs are free to protest in any legal way possible.
Majority rule: I believe in majority rule, to the point that 51% vote to pee in the Wheaties of the other 49%. The old "Two foxes and a hen voting on what's for dinner". It seems that you don't know, remember, or conveniently forget, the origin of the Bill of Rights.
I am not stating this is a Bill of Rights issue. My only point is that no compromise was accomplished before passage by simple majority.
Ain't democracy a mess? (you could call it a representative republic, but then the dirty R word is the root).
Seems you just can't always get what you want. (I should write a song about that).
Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
KEEP bellyaching about Obama and nothing is going to change..Try directing your anger where it belongs...The insurance companies and your republicans for not coming up with a plan to make health care affordable...
Charlie D.
Trad climber
Western Slope, Tahoe Sierra
^^^The republicans did come up with a plan and it's now being implemented nationally. They were the conceptual architects of the ACA which first was implemented in Massachusetts.
Trad climber
ACA is a full on train wreck that ran into a school bus of kids at the RR crossing. Unfortunately a bunch of the kids on the bus now have no insurance because their policies have been canceled and now their working class parents could not afford an Obamacare policy.
ACA was a campaign strategy to elect a politician. Just another underfunded and poorly implemented government program. It will fail because the idealistic younger generations ( as well as the working class) will refuse or more likely be unable to pay massive premiums required to subsidize the huge and largely unhealthy boomer generation.
Single payer will not happen in our life time. The healthcare situation will go from bad to worse. Pray for a healthy life and a quick and untimely death as it is the only way anyone that is not "rich" will avoid the clusterf**k we have voted for.
Trad climber
And again, Obama doesn't control the insurance companies,
WTF? This is his plan; should he not be held accountable?
Wade Icey
Trad climber
WTF? This is his plan; should he not be held accountable?
he should get in line behind the pack of treasonous war criminals that proceeded him.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Wade Icey wrote:
he should get in line behind the pack of treasonous war criminals that proceeded him.
Because this thread is about the Iraq War? Or because the buck stops somewhere far from the president or the party that passed the ACA legislation?
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Dave Kos wrote:
Compromise in the world of Larry Nelson
I think I am on the same page as the Oxford dictionary. Maybe write to them to correct their definition.
an agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions:
Where did the republicans agree or settle to what was passed? The way I read the definition of compromise is that both sides agree to a settlement. You must read it differently.
I will also add that I would never sell a $200,000 house for $100,000. I might drop my price depending on market conditions or how desperate I am to sell. I am free to disagree with your price, just as you are free to disagree with mine. The deal, or compromise in your analogy, happens when both sides agree.
I will agree for you to buy my bridge, though you probably unfairly don't want to compromise.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Because this thread is about the Iraq War? Or because the buck stops somewhere far from the president or the party that passed the ACA legislation?
No, Because none of you folks calling for accountability made a sound when lies, treason, torture and the murder of innocents was the mode du jour. Where did the the buck stop then? Who has been held accountable?
Now, however flawed. there is plan afoot to improve the health care of millions and to drag the US forward-Obama must be held accountable.
Trad climber
I am looking forward to the new and slightly more affordable version 2.0........Hillarycare. She might have a chance of making it work lol
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Wade Icey wrote:
Obama must be held accountable
I think history will hold Bush and the congress that voted for the Iraq War accountable.
When it comes to the current president you seem to balk at him being accountable for the down side of ACA. Should we hold him accountable for his success's but "socialize" his mistakes? Wall St sure liked that deal.
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