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Trad climber
Santa Monica, California
Aug 29, 2011 - 01:23pm PT
Riley, that "baby on the pavement" (really tacky by the way) in this case just happens to be the working colleagues, for many decades of many of those first responders. I think they would be considered welcome guests of the families on that front row bench.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 29, 2011 - 01:24pm PT
Jesse Ventura's TV Show Conspiracy Theory by all accounts was an excellent show. I would like to see it return with new episodes. It is the conscience that our country needs in these dire times.
He did a great job with The Pentagon on 9-11-2001. He is a very brave American hero for doing what he is doing. Do not question his patriotism. He's a Patriot True and Blue: Navy SEAL UDT, and the former Governor of Minnesota. He wants to know the truth. And I think ultimately everyone does. Asking the hard questions and dissent is patriotic. It makes our country better. It brings true criminals to justice. It rights wrongs. The World wants us to take care of our own house first.
Conspiracy Theory with Gov. Jesse Ventura- 911 Pentagon Attack (Full Episode)
Because many have adult ADD especially those who love high risk adventure sports such as climbing I'm giving an outline to go with it to help you:
We now know . . .
1. NORAD stand down from the highest levels at The White House, heard on official government transmissions.
2. It was first reported that a missile hit the Pentagon heard on official government transmissions.
3. Norman Mineta's thorough eyewitness testimony of being in The White House Bunker with VP Dick Cheney reconfirming the stand-down order with a USAF personnel.
4. Missile hit the Pentagon.
5. All security camera tapes that recorded whatever hit the Pentagon where confiscated within a short amount of time of the event occurring.
6. The Arab terrorists/patsies didn't have the flight experience. HH couldn't even rent a Cessna. The instructor wouldn't allow it. He had paltry skills and knowledge.
7. Flights simulations within a 757 even with experienced commercial pilots that have 757 experience show the flight of AA flight 77 couldn't be done. At the speeds reported by the Black Box and within the 9-11 Commission Report, the wings would have been ripped off.
8. Donald Rumsfeld on 9-10-2001 announces in a press conference that 2.3 Trillion dollars can not be accounted for in The Pentagon expenditures. Amazingly, the Pentagon finance office tracking all of this is hit dead center on 9-11-2001.
9. Faked phone calls from flight 77. FBI has already admitted in a court of law that Barbara Olsen never made contact with Ted Olsen.
10. Again over 120 knots over the max speed of the operating limits of the 757 would have ripped the wings off of AA Flight 77.
11. Only Pentagon personnel bodies were found at the Pentagon on 9-11-2001. Bodies of passengers of AA Flight 77 were identified at Dover, about 140 miles away.
12. April Gallop, military personnel, Pentagon eye-witness walks out the hole in the Pentagon with her baby. she didn't see anything that indicated a massive jet crash had occurred anywhere at the Pentagon. She is visited at the hospital by military personnel and basically told what she saw and what to say. She is suing the US government and key personnel. She has been harassed and threatened.
13. No real debris at the Pentagon crash-site or "Pentalawn" as can be seen in the earliest video now available. This video is not shown in the MSM.
14. The original hole in the Pentagon is too small for a 757, and the damage is completely inconsistent of a aviation crash-site of a massive jet of that size. However, the damage is consistent with something smaller such as a missile.
15. Again, the phone calls from flight 77 could have easily been faked. They did not occur as reported. The technology is easily available even in 2001.
16. Means, motive, and opportunity . . .
17. AA Flight 77 disappeared from RADAR for 28 minutes.
18. No phone calls from Barbara Olsen to Ted Olsen occurred. 0 minute contact time.
19. The FBI has admitted in court that there where no phone calls from AA Flight 77 that made contact. 0 minutes.
20. It is easy to be duped by fake phone calls. The technology exists and existed in 2001. Morphing a voice to match anyone else's voice is now very easy to do. It's demonstrated just how easy it is to do.
21. The Pentagon hit was an inside job and perfect pretext for War, and a great way to hide and render undiscoverable the missing 2.3 Trillion dollars lost by The Pentagon. What are the odds that the jet would exactly hit dead-center the Pentagon Finance office tracking all the monies? And no-one would talk about on MSM Rumsfeld's 9-10-2001 press conference ever again.
22. Why can't we see all the confiscated and unreleased security camera footage from 9-11-2001?
23. The 9-11 Commission was duped.
Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Aug 29, 2011 - 01:32pm PT
This is from the guy that believes there's a big space-boat on the other side of the moon.....
Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 29, 2011 - 01:33pm PT
Can you guys ever get out of your ad hominem attack rut?
Stick to 9-11 and the facts known.
Watch the show for yourselves. I've held your hand long enough.
He goes to the source, the eye-witnesses brave enough to tell the truth.
Trad climber
Santa Monica, California
Aug 29, 2011 - 01:34pm PT
When I want the facts, I always check with Jesse Ventura!!!
Between Jesse, Glen Beck, and Bill O'Reilly, you've pretty much got the "facts" covered........aaarrrrggghhhh!!!!
Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 29, 2011 - 01:50pm PT
All AA flight 77 passengers are vaporized, yet the Pentagon personnel bodies are all found and accounted for. How come?
"Yes, we found the DNA of the passengers of AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon, please believe us."
"And also please beleive us when we say that Barbara Olsen called her husband Ted Olsen from AA Flight 77 and that she told him the terrorists over came the aircraft with box-cutter knives."
Well, one of those is an outright lie, verified in a US Court of Law by the FBI. Yet, you want me to think everything else about 9-11-2001 and The Pentagon as reported is true?
I laugh.
And then I cry for my country.
Aug 29, 2011 - 01:53pm PT
I laugh.
So are many others.......
Aug 29, 2011 - 02:04pm PT
If the 9/11 Omniscient Insider Perps (OIPs) have the ability to plan, carry out and cover their tracks so thoroughly, they obviously have the skills to control and manipulate information and communication. So why are they allowing the skeptics to post doubts in public? The only answer I can come up with is that the OIPs want the skeptics to disseminate certain preapproved ‘facts.’ It’s brilliant! A false flag wrapped up in a false flag. It keeps us sheeple away from the real truth. This onion has many skins and the OIPs are leading the skeptics onto the wrong path without anyone outside of the conspiracy knowing it. The skeptics are doing the OIPs’ work for them.
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 02:05pm PT
The NIST report on WTC Bld 7 is totally flawed, so says Ron Anderson because he links us to a blog that describes a totally incongruous reason for the building's collapse.
His reason that NIST got it wrong:
imo the MEDIA was as much to blame for any confusion.
Perfect man, just perfect.
Hey, who cares if the 9-11 Commission Report has lies and untruths. We know what happened. We don't need any Gov't reports telling us what occurred, it is So Obvious.
Obvious as a 47-story building in complete free fall.
Aug 29, 2011 - 02:08pm PT
WTC7 took 14+ seconds to collapse. Hardly free fall(about 7 seconds). Truther's like to ignore the east penthouse collapsing into the building, before the facade gave way.
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 02:14pm PT
WTC7 took 14+ seconds to collapse.
I've seen lots of video that include the start of the penthouse collapse.
And I think this claim is another lie.
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 02:15pm PT
But really, who gives a snot about bldng 7?
In other words: k-man, you got me on that argument of yours, so here you can see me running away.
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 02:43pm PT
Wow, take a good look at the film boys.
They show the penthouse collapse at 55 seconds, and then again at 105 seconds. But, in both of these cuts, they immediate stop the footage, not letting you see what happens just after the penthouse collapse.
Why is that important?
Well, because it's a good trick that doesn't let you see the real time of the collapse from these very good camera angles. Instead, they use a real fuzzy view for their countdown sequence.
So OK, let's look at the fuzzy footage where they time the collapse.
First, I believe they start the countdown a second or two before any movement in the tower. But OK, no big deal. But then watch closely during the countdown...Watch especially the smoke.
Do you see what I see?
The video is slowed down during the countdown.
Go ahead, compare the smoke in a real-time video to the smoke you see in the countdown video.
I know, you won't admit it, but that's OK, I don't care.
Suspend your disbelief, then tell my you believe the Official Story. Except for the parts that you don't believe and use annonomous blogs to bolster your story. Ignore facts (like the molten steel and melted iron in Bld 7), and tell me the Gov't got their reporting wrong because they were confused. Which is ok, they're only human. But, you still believe what they told you, even though you admit they were too flustered to get it right.
Whew, now there's some real transparent critical thinking!
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 02:53pm PT
I stand corrected.
I count 12 seconds for the complete collapse, from start to finish.
Yes, this does prove to me that office fires were indeed the cause of this failure.
Trad climber
San Diego
Aug 29, 2011 - 04:24pm PT
All of Klimmer's comments need to be placed in perspective.
This is a man who believes in spaces ships on the moon, aliens visiting earth, and a very strange creation mythology. None of his opinions or statements should be taken seriously if you value intelligent discourse.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 04:27pm PT
It's "Great Googily Moogily".
Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 29, 2011 - 04:52pm PT
All of Klimmer's comments need to be placed in perspective.
This is a man who believes in spaces ships on the moon, aliens visiting earth, and a very strange creation mythology. None of his opinions or statements should be taken seriously if you value intelligent discourse.
Sorry you are soooo far behind.
Catch-up while we still have time.
Prove that there isn't a spaceship on the Moon that Apollo 15, Apollo 17, and maybe Apollo 20 (???), and even the the NASA MLO and the Lunar Japanese remote sensing/imaging camera system Sylene all have taken a plethora of images of that massive ship that can be viewed in 3D stereo. Even at least one NASA Apollo astronaut has confirmed there is a massive spaceship on the backside of the Moon.
You better read Leslie Kean's Book on UFOs. Many countries/governments are disclosing the truth of UFOs. Do I beleive they are Aliens from a distant star or from another galaxy? No. I believe they are intra-terrestials and can move between dimensions. They are pretending to be something they are not. The Good Book says Lucifer can appear as an Angel of Light. In other words, he can appear to be something he is not. Jesus himself said the last days would be like the Days of Noah. Better find out about the Days of Noah. (Hint: falling Angels mating with Earthly women and the entire Earth going to Hell in a Handbasket very fast with unbeleivable evil abounding. Kind of sounds like modern abductions that have been very much documented all over the World, not to mention the abundant evil that abounds.)
Creation mythology: not as you think of it. I believe in Theistic Evolution. Same time line. Same evolution, but with GOD stepping in at times and directing where it goes. You should read The Science of GOD by physicist Gerald Schroeder.
You better be able to accept the founding fathers of modern science for who they were. They were all men of faith, and they did brilliant science to boot.
Try to stay on topic. We are talking about 9-11-2001 on this thread. Stop with the attacks. I can accept you don't think or beleive as I do. I really don't attack you personally. So stop with the childish behavior.
Aug 29, 2011 - 05:04pm PT
Wade is right. I just saw Zappa plays Zappa last night and those were the exact words. Oh, and anyone who thinks a 757 crashed into the pentagon is on glue. Step right up...
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