What is "Mind?"


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Ice climber
Apr 25, 2019 - 08:22pm PT
More things I did not know and presumably some of y'all

Have we overlooked anything?

The spin doctors: Researchers discover surprising quantum effect in hard disk drive material

In technical terms, we discovered a sizable effect from magnetic damping in nanoscale layers of cobalt-iron alloy coated on one side of a magnesium oxide substrate," added Argonne materials scientist Axel Hoffmann, another author of the study. "By controlling the electron spin, magnetic damping dictates the rate of energy dissipation, controlling aspects of the magnetization."

paul roehl

Boulder climber
Apr 25, 2019 - 10:03pm PT
The sea of faith
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl'd
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long. withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.

Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.

M. Arnold

Tony Bird

Northridge, CA
Apr 26, 2019 - 05:34am PT
Thanks, Mike, but for an expert in history you'll have to look elsewhere.

I will mention the scholars I have been reading, however, on the chance that others might recommend related authors. Besides Pagels, there's Bart Ehrman, Joseph Atwill, Barbara Thiering and Robert Eisenman. All have been career academics except for Atwill. I'll never be familiar enough with the material to judge them very well, and they've all come to rather differing conclusions about the big picture, but there are some interesting threads connecting them, particularly the business of James, the perhaps younger brother of Jesus.

Otherwise, good luck to ye. I haven't much fascination with gnosticism, but it's a direction which was drummed out of Western religion which, since that happened, seems to be concerned much more with belief than experience. If it had been different, one might not have to ask, "what is mind?"

Trad climber
Golden, CO
Apr 26, 2019 - 07:32pm PT
In talking with my wife tonight, I realize that I need to move a little bit in my distinction between consciousness and mind. I have essentially been saying that we might as well define mind as human mind and posit it as the difference between us and say mammalian consciousness in general. I realize now that all primates likely have mind as well as cetaceans and presumably other vertebrate lineages. Since cetaceans and primates do not lie along a continuous lineage, this suggests that mind has evolved independently along multiple evolutionary pathways branching off of vertebrates.

Edit: Recognizing oneself in a mirror is as good a definition of mind as any I can think of. Mind is understanding that there is a you.

Ice climber
Apr 26, 2019 - 07:53pm PT
Old silver gorilla mirror


Trad climber
Golden, CO
Apr 26, 2019 - 08:20pm PT
^^^^ Like it! That's mind, baby!

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Apr 26, 2019 - 09:28pm PT

If you're talking to your wife about this stuff, I'd say you're too far gone to save.

Mirrors are an oft-used metaphor in so-called spiritual circles, btw. The Mind has been said to act as a mirror. At first one does what one can to make sure it is clean. Then one let's go of the mirror entirely.

Viola, then there "you" are.

Ice climber
Apr 26, 2019 - 09:49pm PT
Whoa or woe is me

I thought I was behind the third door

The third eye indicated I was

Mountain climber
Colorado & Nepal
Apr 27, 2019 - 12:39pm PT
While the male gorilla posted by zbrown seems to have never figured out his self image, a total of eight animal species so far have been able to recognize themselves in the mirror, including magpies, thus proving as eeyonkee speculated, that evolution has produced intelligence more than once and in more than one way.

Here's an interesting video on Elephant self recognition.


and another one on animals and music


and one of elephants in particular which seems to show a sense of rhythm although there are also many videos of cockatoos bobbing rhythmically to music, especially rock and roll.


This would help explain why the super learning concept of adding music and/or rhythm and bodily movement while memorizing lists, aids in memory retention. The propensity for these existed in mammals and some birds long before humans and human speech came along.


Apr 27, 2019 - 12:55pm PT
Interesting post, Jan. Thanks

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Apr 27, 2019 - 08:59pm PT
Jan: . . . the male gorilla posted by zbrown seems to have never figured out his self image, . . . .

Whoa. Let's quickly give thought to what we mean by "self image."

I don't have to tell you that idea / concept is under great consideration.

EDIT: I'm objecting to the term. I think you really mean something else entirely. It's a really complicated idea.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Apr 28, 2019 - 08:07am PT
It's an interpretation, Mike. Performed automatically by the brain but in different ways in the brains of different species. It could also be called a model. Your brain builds a model, or models, of the world your senses report to it. It can also model itself by the feedback it gets when you interact with the outside world, and it can include sensations from your internal sense receptors, too, the ones that monitor temperature, stomach pH, fluid balance, etc.

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Apr 28, 2019 - 08:11am PT
I know what models are. I'd like to see or hear what the model is.

Apr 28, 2019 - 08:41am PT
What we think of as “would help explain” I think is not necessarily about helping us understand what is actually factually true, but is more about helping us believe “the stuff that we say” is true. A belief that the earth is flat used to “help explain” a lot of stuff. Help explain at its root maybe is more “help us believe the stuff that we need to believe is actually stuff that’s also true”.

If we want to help explain the image that we see of ourself as thinkers and sayers, sure our concepts about consciousness and how much righter and more intelligent we are than other people, and how our fund of knowledge is so much greater than other people’s, probably “helps us explain” it.

But I don’t think that what we’re necessarily doing in our minds is trying to help ourselves understand the truth - I think we’re trying to most effectively survive, in whatever way works the best. But we really don’t like to believe that about ourselves - that’s not the self image that we want to see in the mirror.

We much prefer imagining that my fund of knowledge is greater than yours, maybe because that’s so important to our ability to survive. So we do. And then we admire the reflection of ourselves that we imagine is in the mirror and not just what we prefer to imagine in our minds, the thing we sayers prefer to say, the story that we prefer to tell about ourselves.

Why am I always the one who needs to explain? Prolly like that for all of us. Really I could stop saying any time, but for some reason I don’t. But I could. Really. Have I convinced you that I could not say yet?

Wings would be cool, but this seems to be working for us so far.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Apr 28, 2019 - 10:24am PT
I'd like to see or hear what the model is.

In this case it is "you."

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Apr 28, 2019 - 12:33pm PT
That's the object.

What's the model?

Apr 28, 2019 - 03:54pm PT
Seemed obvious to me what Jan meant. Then I looked it up. Oh, brother!


Mountain climber
Colorado & Nepal
Apr 28, 2019 - 05:23pm PT
I definitely was not referring to the Wikipedia article.

However, I think that self recognition would be a better term. The gold standard of that is to place some kind of mark on man or beast that they can not see unless they look in a mirror. If they reach up to touch it or try to remove it, we know that they have understood that it is themselves they are viewing and can therefore explore it or try to remove it.

On the other hand, it may just be a measure of learning through practice in which case that particular gorilla wasn't very smart. I have in fact seen very poor and deprived villagers in Nepal who had never seen a mirror before want to look at mine and then jump back at the eye staring at them and then glance behind the mirror to see who it belonged to. These were the same villagers who could not recognize images in a photograph because they had never seen one before. Since I was only passing through their villages, I had no chance to see how quickly they could learn when given the chance.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Apr 28, 2019 - 07:53pm PT
That's the object.

What's the model?

I went over that before but it bears repeating:


Apr 28, 2019 - 07:58pm PT
Terrible sterile model made by mental speculators just plain guessing with no life in it at all .....
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