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Apr 27, 2014 - 08:25pm PT
"Having worked with gang members, my understanding of extremists is that pushing their buttons only makes things worse. Empathy is about the only thing that I have found that helps with those who are reachable."
John's got it about right here. I suppose you need to figure out your motivation for posting something - is it to persuade, connect, make friends, find out something, vent, punish...?
We live in a punishment/reward society, and a guy like The Chief certainly filters his online persona through that template, but that has little to do with a human's basic, evolved needs. The results are predictably poor. It's a broad brush approach that lives and breaths on quick assumptions and defensiveness.
William Glasser posits a different approach that recognizes these needs (once survival needs are met, of course) as
1) love/acceptance/belonging
2) fun/learning/competence
3) power/significance/expertise
4) freedom/autonomy
I can be interesting to view someone's posts, as well as our own, with these basic needs in mind when trying to figure out motivation and objective.
The Chief seems to be shooing for # 3 here, albeit ineffectively. Perhaps needs 1, 2, and 4 are already met in other ways, however satisfying it may be to assume otherwise in the midst of that tit for tat.
Me? Good question, but I'm already making friends here, despite a genome that includes a large does of smartass, so 1's in play, as well as 3, of course - there's a lot of experience and expertise available here.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:30pm PT
Guys like Ron and Chuff profess that in their world Might makes Right and Power uber ales.
They respect only the power of armed insurrection and denigrate diplomacy, compromise and the Democratic process. And you want me to give them a reach around ball cupping so their feelings won't get hurt?
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:38pm PT
Jtiss wrote: Nor could I ever imagine sending my rock shoes or mountaineering boots, postage due, to a boot cobbler and expect them to repair them for, FREE. Or do you accept those type orders on a regular basis, Mr. Locker?
Did you pay for his guiding service? I would think Locker give out "free" advice all the time when it comes to climbing shoes.
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:43pm PT
^Philo - Well, I guess you'd have to know them pretty well personally to assess anything like that. People are complicated and they do love to play dress up for an audience.
If you were to 'objectively' survey what people actually care about here, you'd probably find an uncomfortable level of alignment.
I once watched an O'Reilly monologue where he was excoriating liberals for being charity cheapskates (giving a nod to Obama, who is actually pretty generous on that front).
I spent a few minutes researching O'Reilly's own giving. Well, it turns out he's fantastically generous, by any measure. Would anyone here like to guess (without Googling, of course) what his main charity focus is?
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:45pm PT
If you were to 'objectively' survey what people actually care about here, you'd probably find an uncomfortable level of alignment.
Actually Tvash I think it would make a trippy Ven diagram.
Mountain climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:45pm PT
"Did you pay for his guiding service? I would think Locker give out "free" advice all the time when it comes to climbing shoes."
With all due respect to my post, he, Rick, on two occasions, met me at the Alabama Hills on his off time and gave both me and my daughter some free on the rock instructions. For, Free. Now, could I take my damaged shoes or boots to Mr. Locker and have him repair them for the same cost? That was my question which appears to have gone over some heads.
J. Tisdale Jr.
John M
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:46pm PT
Guys like Ron and Chuff profess that in their world Might makes Right and Power uber ales.
They respect only the power of armed insurrection and denigrate diplomacy, compromise and the Democratic process.
you are such a whiney little bitch. wah wahh.. ron and Chief don't respect my efforts at diplomacy. wah wah..
And you want me to give them a reach around ball cupping so their feelings won't get hurt?
that isn't what I meant, and you know it because I have told you multiple times, but whatever. Good luck with your "I'm just fighting the evils of the world with evil" persona. You are going to need it if the wrong person shows up in your life.
And Philo.. here is a piece of advice.. when you want to play nice, don't kick someone immediately after. You asked Chief to post some trip reports. You act like that was big of you, but at the same time you were being a dick. Some day thats going to get your head knocked off.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:48pm PT
I given away thousands of dollars worth of free electrical advise, diagnostics and service.
But it's not about me. And it's not about Lil Chuffer either.
Get it?
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:51pm PT
O'Reilly apparently believes his ideology and ethics are in alignment. There is no doubt he's a supreme as#@&%e - one minute of watching him do this thing with his guests reveals that - plus allegations of sexual harrassment, and...the list is long. BUT - even the worlds largest diameter as#@&%e can dump a mountain of money into a good cause.
What is that cause? Guesses?
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:54pm PT
Hey Locker it's not about you GET IT?
And I charged you triple.
And I got it. lol
Mountain climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:55pm PT
Well my bad for thinking that giving others one's professional time and experience for "Free" was actually something special. But I suppose my attempt in transmitting some positiveness into this thread, was of course rather a long shot to say the least.
I will pass the word along here in San Marcos and down in San Diego that people can now come by your shop there in JTree Mr. Locker, and drop off their shoes or boots and not be charged for your kind expert services. That is by your own admission and hopefully we can hold you to your word. Thank you sir.
J. Tisdale Jr.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:57pm PT
This must be Lil Chuffie in disguise, same faulty logic and misinterpretations.
Apr 27, 2014 - 08:59pm PT
O'Reilly's number one charity cause is homelessness in NYC.
rick sumner
Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Apr 27, 2014 - 09:02pm PT
Yeah Base, RR valley Grant Canyon #6 flowed at 4800bpd for awhile, setting off a mini boom in and around RR valley. I agree the basin, range, volcanic geology is complex and a lot of the oil was cooked in place resulting in those cubes of near asphalt you talked about. There is another producing field in long term operation by small time producers 100-150 miles n.e. of RR valley. I believe Nobles strategy is horizontal drilling and fracking to produce near or in the source rock=Chainman Shale, which can be up to 1500' thick in parts of northern and central Nv. Do you have any preliminary info on their first two Elko county wells in northeast NV.
As far as the range war being waged against cattlemen in the west, particularly Nevada, it's primarily over a very rare commodity in those parts-H2O. The states biggest gold mine,Las Vegas, has a huge thirst and they are acquiring water rights by water ever means necessary.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Apr 27, 2014 - 09:06pm PT
Edit: Scanning through the various profiles of the posters on this and some of the other "OT" threads, many of them, Mr. Norton, have not one single TR to their name
oh my!
well aren't you the clever one to look at "certain" poster's pictures and posting history!
and you picked me out, for special reasons we won't talk about...
because, sh#t head, in your world ya just HAVE to post a TR to have real CRED!
doesn't work like that, special newcomer, now get back to kissing chief's ass and STFU
Mountain climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 09:11pm PT
Thank you Mr. Locker. Will do if I or any my friends ever get up your way. Hopefully some time soon. Unfortunately life and my daily profession down here these days keeps me tied to short half and one day trips to the Santee, Campos and Boulevard boulder areas. Quiet but challenging. The Gorge doesn't suite me all that well.
J. Tisdale Jr.
Mountain climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 09:20pm PT
"because, sh#t head, in your world ya just HAVE to post a TR to have real CRED!"
I beg your pardon Mr. Norton? I was just passing on what Mr.Philo was insisting that others, The Chief in particular, should do. All to redeem themselves of their past posting and self defamation of character. I can see that my presence here will only turn into another target for the negativity that persists. So, with that, I say good bye and good cheers to all of you good hearted souls on this thread.
J. Tisdale Jr.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 09:21pm PT
That was so polite.
Trad climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 09:28pm PT
John M said whats pissing off some folks is that to them it is about a whole lot more then just Bundy. Its about government overreach. They just aren't very good at expressing themselves and many of them have a history of bagging on liberals causes, such as the occupy movement, so that just adds to the noise.
Government overreach sucks. So do rude LEO's who think their sh#t doesn't stink. I'm sure I would agree with a lot of their frustrations if they weren't choosing the most inane possible cause to champion about it. Black people deal with a lot of rude LEOs. If Ron and Co. could learn to just acknowledge racism when it comes up they'd probably find a lot of support from black folks about how the BLM agents were being overly aggressive.
Still doesn't change the simple fact that the BLM is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing and those honkeys screaming trying to play victim are some hypocritical motherf*#kers.
Apr 27, 2014 - 09:30pm PT
It's interesting to note that O'Reilly and his FOX producers do not, at all, get along. FOX attempts to control O'Reilly's message, and O'Reilly basically does whatever he wants. There is continual tension there.
This is from an expose I read by one of The Factor's employees. Very interesting.
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