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Apr 27, 2014 - 03:36pm PT
Not exactly New Yorker material. Pretty tired stuff.
Trad climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 03:37pm PT
Does anyone understand Chief's "hit, run, erase" strategy ??
what's to understand? he's an idiot and a coward.
probably really unhappy too from the looks of it.
Trad climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 03:41pm PT
Ron posted Nevadans are buying guns at a RAPID pace. In Fact the new store in Carson is headed for the #1 position of a LARGE franchise and we will be there within another week. So you B&B crowds should steer clear of this state from now and into the foreseeable future. It is after all, what you fear. things like freedom from oppressive govt actions will NO LONGER BE TOLERATED here. You in B& B can have those with our thanks. Hope you enjoy what you get. For us here in the Great Basin state - we shall be enjoying our strengths. We shall covet our OPEN lands and our first amendment rights areas shall include any where we step breath or fart thank you.
Ironic that your open lands largely belong to the rest of us just as much.
Why is it that in all this conspiracy postulation nobody points out that the gun and ammo manufacturers/retailers seem to be the ones who always come out on top? Doesn't it tickle your conspiracy bone just a little that there is always some obscure threat to "are freedoms" that causes a fear only sated by the purchase of more guns? And yet the gun manufacturers/retailers are never the target of conspiracy lore. Interesting that Ron's quality of life prospects only increase the more fevered the pitch is. Ron rolls in here insisting that this is all a big government takeover for which the only answer is the purchase of guns which he, as luck would have it, has in hot supply. Makes one wonder...
Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 27, 2014 - 03:41pm PT
philo---great cartoons.
So the Right Wing Whackos found a black guy in the "militias". 1 out of over 1000 claimed participants (Newsweek reported 1000 before they had all arrived). How does that compare with the ratio of blacks in the country? Or even in the Intermountain West where blacks are under represented to start with? There's an ugly phrase for that: Token N......
From the first Whacko website I found: The news of the pull out comes as hundreds of Militia from around the country had made their way to the Bundy Ranch. Up to 5,000 more Militia were expected to flood into the area throughout the weekend, causing the BLM to fear a deadly confrontation. So the most aggrieved class of people in this country were represented by one guy.
Proves Bundy's not a racist?
Give Me A Break
Bundy's words prove he is.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 27, 2014 - 04:28pm PT
It might be easy enough to laugh at Bundy except he is the unfortunate face of some equally outlandish and very dangerous people.
Our friend Ron appears to becoming drawn deeper into the web. I hope he's more sane and careful than his latest rant here.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Apr 27, 2014 - 05:15pm PT
who said it was a fracking operation?
and who is telling these lies and half truths?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 05:25pm PT
First it was solar, then it was fracking, what next? a base of operations for "alien abductions" carried out by the government.
Really, think about it, there is no evidence that the government is not abducting citizens and they need somewhere to store them. The most covert way to pull this off is to trigger a massive protest involving a guy you have been battling for over 20 years.
Trad climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 05:38pm PT
It doesn't matter if they plan on building a 3,000 foot carbon spewing statue of Obama burning an aborted fetus using the original constitution for kindling. This guy broke the law. The BLM showed up to enforce the law. Ron' s buddies showed up to obstruct the LEOs. Weird how if a Mexican treks across the desert risking his life to get a job to feed his family the law is somehow sacrosanct but when a white guy rack up $1 million in grazing fees while vocally declaring the government doesn't exist he's a victim of some sort of miscarriage of justice.
Big Wall climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 05:40pm PT
Now this is my kind of campfire
3 sh!tfaced guys stuck on transmit only talking over each other
Mountain climber
Apr 27, 2014 - 05:51pm PT
Long time lurker and first time posting here on Supertopo. I have no opinion what so ever on the subject at hand. As I have been following this particular totally insane silly political based thread for laughs, I do need to clear the air of the facts in regards to Rick “The Chief” Poedtke. He is a valid, highly trained, well experienced and one of the most balanced “Guides” I have yet to hire. I’ve been doing so for well over 16 years now throughout the world on many different type adventure and climbing trips. He came highly recommended by a close friend of mine here in San Marcos that had been led by Rick on a scheduled SMI Whitney trip the previous summer. He has since led both myself and my now 14 year old daughter on two different adventures in the Sierra. The two of us on the Mountaineer's Route on Whitney and myself on the North Ridge of Lone Pine Peak. On both occasions he far surpassed my expectations of how a professional mountain guide should behave and perform throughout the entire trip. He is top notch through and through. I now consider him a friend since those two trips over three years ago. I often call on him for advice on equipment and route beta as well as conditions for rock climbs and peak bagging throughout the eastside of the Sierra. He can be rather opinionated at times. But as a former Navy Officer, I know and understand that comes with the territory of being a career Chief Petty Officer in the fields of endeavor that he pursued. From my former Navy contacts here in the San Diego area which I communicated with prior to hiring him and the company he works for, I found that Rick had an outstanding reputation of being one of the best at what those professional endeavors were.
Whatever he has said or done here on this forum, I personally don’t care. He’s good with me. It is the internet for god’s sake that is full of good time laughs. But as I noted above, when push comes to shove out on them hills, the gent is for real and certainly one of the best guides money can buy and friend anyone could ask for.
Now back to lurking for a good laugh or two. And hopefully soon, some invigorating reading of the few and far between motivational photo filled TR’s that occasionally do appear here of late. Especially those from that young Russian lad, Vitaliy M.
J. Tisdale Jr.
San Marcos, CA
Social climber
the Wastelands
Apr 27, 2014 - 06:21pm PT
I still want Ron or one of his brethren to explain this whole "Agenda 21" stuff. I have a sister in law who is into that kind of stuff. Her emails are a riot.
paging Ron.......
Apr 27, 2014 - 06:32pm PT
Be careful what you wish for, Base.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 27, 2014 - 06:40pm PT
Jtiss, nice post!
But who are you referring to?
Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 27, 2014 - 06:47pm PT
he's referring to Chief.
Nice profile of your friend. From your point of view in the mountains. In this warped and weird intardnet land he may be a different person.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 07:02pm PT
Beware the Lizard people. They are Dick Cheney's armed guard.
NWO2 thinks it's an secret plan to enslave us all.
John M
Apr 27, 2014 - 07:09pm PT
'm not sure why he can't state that himself and in that absence and in the presence of his typical bullshit behavior we unfortunately can only hypothesis that we would never allow one of our own loved ones to climb anything with him.
Bruce. He has stated his qualifications many times, but this place gets so rabid at times it brings out the worst in people. There is something about the internet and posting that intensifies things. Otherwise decent people say really lousy things. Myself included. Some people have little ability to restrain what they say on the internet, whereas face to face they are much different people. We have seen this many times on this forum.
Someone can innocently answer a question about their qualifications and someone else can bag on them for bragging. The amount of bullshit that happens on the internet is sometimes mind boggling.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 27, 2014 - 07:20pm PT
Nor would I like a sharp stick in the eye. Would you?
You are taking a hypothetical study (or is it a studied hypothesis) and turning it into a irrational fear of jack booted brown shirts coming down the street rounding everyone up. It ain't gunna happen and not because of fools like the Burn's Brigands or the Oaf Creapers.
Your like someone who loses sleep because the Sun is going supernova. Eventually but not today.
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