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Trad climber
Feb 13, 2016 - 12:14pm PT
How is it spying when you leave the door open(agreeing to TOS without understanding what you've agreed to), and sometimes even wave the datascrapers in off the street(clicking apps in which you allow the app to scrape not only your own data but that of your "Friends")?
Anyone who believes they can "hide" anything when using internet, unless they understand HOW to evade(and even then), is well, simple-minded in the Age of Data.
Clicked on Clive Bundy's FB page? A signal went somewhere, to someone who wants to know. But a lot of innocent people did/will do that, so a click isn't going to carry that much weight in the algorithm. Friended him of Liked his Page? Well....what, are ya stupid? A bigger blip just coursed through the intraweb veins to...whoever wants to know.
Commented? Well...what dd you say? Words like "Sympathy to the family of (that guy who was killed)" probably go unnoticed, but words like "Vengeance for the death of (that guy) prrrrobably add a little stone in the backpack of the traveler trekking over to whoever wants to know.
Shared Content from the page? The alg probably doesn't care if you joked about the stupidity of it, but maybe it does. Another stone in the backpack.
You saw the post about their crowdfunding for legal costs and clicked through? Probably not a big deal - lots of people rubberneck. But say there hey - you then donated to the legal fund on their crowdfund page? Uhhh...you have someone writing down your name.
So, on it goes, and when some amiable stranger just starts to chat you up at the gym, or the bar, you always go to after work and kinda out of the blue they start trying to bend the subject to talk of antigovernment crap - you know you've been made.
Trad climber
Courtenay, B.C.
Feb 13, 2016 - 02:29pm PT
Escopeta: Could you kindly get a grip on your temper?
How can logic be served when you keep flipping out like that?
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Feb 13, 2016 - 03:17pm PT
Birdwatcher Nita,
So, when someone comes on here and offers an opinion that deviates from the "Libtard Sh#t Show Drum Circle" they get labeled as a troll?
But the One Liner Retards that litter the pages of this and other threads are just keeping the faith? And subsequently aren't worth calling out?
Man, you guys really get thrown for a wobbler when someone comes in and interrupts your socialist progressive leg humping and ball cupping sessions.
Woops, he's activated dick mode again.
Trad climber
Feb 13, 2016 - 03:27pm PT
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Feb 13, 2016 - 03:42pm PT
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Feb 13, 2016 - 04:03pm PT
You should watch when you say something negative about Nita.
She is probably one of the best human beings on this earth.
So what if she/we disagree with your political rants.
You're throwing temper tantrums doesn't move this discussion
to any higher level.
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Feb 13, 2016 - 04:11pm PT
Steve W for the win.
Trad climber
Feb 13, 2016 - 05:00pm PT
Is that what she was doing? Moving the discussion to a higher level? Right.
Social climber
chica de chico, I don't claim to be a daisy.
Feb 13, 2016 - 06:17pm PT
Whoa, i have been gone all day...
Shotgun Bryan, ...
I still agree with Happi's words.. You are the new guy & you came right out of the gate.. trolling people & sneering .
I know there are many other people that are rude here, but everybody, including you can set the tone for a >real conversation.
You have been kind of fair with me and a jackass ...but that old saying comes to mind... "you get respect when you give respect".
I hope you can attend the ~ Yosemite Facelift this fall and meet quite a few of us taco heads..
It's a great event and people tend to be a bit more civil with each other after they meet in person.
ps, I don't claim to be a Daisy, though i can .(-;
Trad climber
Feb 14, 2016 - 05:08am PT
That sounds delightful and worthy. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend.
I will double down on the giving part (again) but absent any rejoinder I suspect I will just go the way of the majority.
Feb 14, 2016 - 07:41am PT
I won't be able to attend.
Wow, he finally said something nice!
state of being
Feb 14, 2016 - 07:53am PT
Trad climber
Seattle, WA
Feb 14, 2016 - 12:02pm PT
From Tweeters (Washington birding mailing list).
Thanks for your concern and support for our beloved Malheur!
With the armed hostage-taking of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, our nation's wildlife refuges have been thrust into the spotlight. This illegal seizure has stripped us of our rights as American citizens to make memories at this wildlife refuge. Such threats to our federal lands need to stop. National wildlife refuges belong to ALL Americans and we want Malheur back. It's apparent that few are aware of the incredible benefits wildlife refuges provide to communities and the local economy.
For every $1 Congress appropriates to run the Refuge System, nearly $5 is returned to local economies in jobs, sales, income and tax revenue. And that's on average. In many areas, wildlife refuges provide an even greater boost to the economy. Malheur is one such economic engine, returning over $7 for every $1 appropriated by Congress. Ironically, in spite of their economic value, our refuges are tragically underfunded and understaffed because of actions by actions of our elected representatives.
National wildlife refuges are special places. These lands consist of the rivers where veterans fly fish to assist in the healing process from PTSD, marshes where a parent takes their child hunting for the first time, open grasslands that become a child's first memory of an outdoor classroom and the lands where ranchers teach their children about the history of responsible land stewardship.
This incident has tragically kept refuge employees from doing their jobs, done damage to refuge grounds and facilities, insulted and distressed the Wadatika Burns Paiute Tribe, caused much emotional stress in the local and national community, and threatened Malheur’s ability to meet the Fish and Wildlife Services mission for Refuges: “working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish and wildlife and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.”
Because of this threat to Malheur, we have had many people wanting to help through donations and membership, as well as hundreds of people offering to volunteer to help get Malheur back to normal. Please stand with Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to show your solidarity with Malheur Refuge and the National Wildlife System.
Here are some options to show your support and help keep refuges free and healthy. Please consider as many as you are willing:
1. Join and or contribute to Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge: http://malheurfriends.org/ Our members receive regular eNews updates about refuge events, news, and volunteer opportunities.
2. Join and or contribute to the National Wildlife Refuge Association the national nonprofit focused on promoting and protecting the National Wildlife Refuge System: http://refugeassociation.org
3. Join or contribute to your local Refuge Friends Groups, where they occur. The Refuge Association has links to Friends Affiliates at: http://refugeassociation.org/friends-commu…/friends-groups/… ; you can also contact your local refuge’s to ask how you can help. You can find your local refuges here:
4. Write your senators and congressmen and urge them to support increased funding and staffing for the National Wildlife Refuge System. Sign up with the National Wildlife Refuge Association for Action Alerts:http://refugeassociation.org/action. Ask your legislators at all levels to support keeping public lands public for all Americans to enjoy.
5. Volunteer: Check out malheurfriends.org page for scheduled volunteer work parties and other opportunities. If you can’t come to Malheur, please offer to help at a local refuge.
6. Take your family, your children and grandchildren, your friends and neighbors and their children, to a refuge so they can learn and enjoy the great outdoors. Work to get kids outdoors, out in nature, so they connect and learn to build a future generation of supporters of nature and wild places.
Thanks to all of you for your support of National Wildlife Refuges!
Gary Ivey, President
Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Feb 14, 2016 - 12:55pm PT
Great stuff Darwin.
Banquo, yes, but what does the double down on giving part mean??
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 14, 2016 - 02:17pm PT
Catching up with this thread after a road trip that included some skiing in Lavoy Finiicums back yard (Brianhead). I am now an expert on all things Utah, just ask Essy
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Feb 15, 2016 - 01:54pm PT
Trad climber
Feb 17, 2016 - 09:17am PT
It seems strangely poetic that they think the occupiers booby trapped things on the compound with the one and only combustible substance found on the refuge: The flammable liquid they use for setting the frequent controlled burns in the area. Apparently they use a lot of the stuff around there. Go figure.
state of being
Feb 17, 2016 - 10:49am PT
Esco's kinda gullible.
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