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Clint Cummins

Trad climber
SF Bay area, CA
Jun 3, 2009 - 03:31am PT

Thanks for the obscurity report. I hope you survived the poison oak OK. It sounds like the place needs a topo before it can attract some traffic. Too bad that climb inside the Ninja Flake is not as advertised - it sounded interesting.
Sean Jones

Jun 4, 2009 - 01:03am PT
Thanks for the report Bill. Sorry it didn't turn out so good for you up there.

A note for anyone ever going to do my routes......by all means come in from the top.

You get down there pretty easy and fast then get to climb your way back to the car. No big deal.

Coming in from the bottom is a long steep epic mess taht at the end of the climbing...you'de have to reverse.

Still for anyone going to the actual Oreo Cliff...the bottom's better for sure.


Jun 4, 2009 - 11:00pm PT
Thanks Sean... I'm sending you an email. That cliff above RF looks incredible... I was up on Silent Line a month or two ago and drooling over it at the top.

Anyway... would love to get a topo of the routes around Bridalveil Falls too. Probably too hot now in the sun, but the weather's been so weird lately in the Sierra it could be good. I think I saw you guys up there the day before you left and that route looked incredible!! Was that "Mama"??

Sean Jones

Jun 7, 2009 - 10:39pm PT

Sent you an email w/ the topos....did you get them ? And yes, the route to the right of Bridalviel was Mama. I'll get you a topo of this as well. In the shade all morning so could be done before the sun ever gets there.

Sir loin of leisure...

Trad climber
Jun 7, 2009 - 10:39pm PT
I've been there..
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