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Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 23, 2005 - 03:32pm PT
As it was posted, my name and phone number is posted. As for the real story, what I'm going after is what happened AFTER the crash. When we complete the book, what we can tell about, we will. We aren't out to trash anyone's reputation, real or imagined.
If you have something you'd like to contribute, you are welcomed to call me or email me. Names or nameless, either way works for me.
Ben Rumsen
Social climber
No Name City ( and it sure ain't pretty )
May 23, 2005 - 03:33pm PT
I think I smoked some of that in the Valley back in '77 - I vagely remember piles of wet pot in somebodys tent in C4................
Trad climber
Fort Mill, SC
May 23, 2005 - 05:10pm PT
Yeah, Rock Jocks, Wall Rats and Hang Dogs! I had more fun reading that book. A must read for anyone with a passion for climbing Yosemite. 2nd only to Camp 4 IMO.
Good luck on your book! Let us all know when publishing becomes a reality.
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 23, 2005 - 05:47pm PT
I understand that someone made a short supply of tee shirts after the crash. Is there anyone around with a photo of one...uh..without the face just to help those that don't want to be identified.
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 24, 2005 - 12:34am PT
Kofi Donny Annan
yea. there was some bad ju-ju associated with the whole thing (first and formost, the passengers in the aircraft)
Well a couple of tid bits of information.
There were no passengers other than the pilot and the copilot.
The plane was a Lockheed Loadstar
It was traveling from the South to the North
Trad climber
May 24, 2005 - 11:19am PT
Chainsaw wrote that a book on this subject will "enrage law enforcement who will now view climbers as criminals." What rock have you been under for ever, the Rangers hate climbers and its been that way for decades. Besides why should you or anyone have a say about wife of this pilot to write a book, ever hear of the 1st amendment. Seems like this guy Rick has said he doesn't want to expose any sensitive info regarding names
Also your drool about destroying peoples reputations is a canard that is worth a laugh or two. Climbing heros??? Oh come on, go climb for yourself and forget the hero's you regard as special, they could care less about you. The empty threat that "we the climbing community will hold you responsible." Oh yeah? I was at the lake in '77 and have been climbing in the valley for over thirty years and I encourage Rick and the wife of this pilot to publish a book. The climbing "community" is full of small groups of disconnected people with many different ideas and goals. There hasn't been a "community" for at least twenty years.
Trad climber
Otto, NC
May 24, 2005 - 12:11pm PT
Climbers smoked marijuana???
I am shocked,
to hear this.
Trad climber
May 24, 2005 - 12:16pm PT
Most of the time during that era smoking would take the edge off the acid just enough so leading was sane. Then after a few 800's it was steady as she goes mate.
Oh yeah...f*#k the police!!!!!!!!
Trad climber
May 24, 2005 - 12:32pm PT
Not to harp on chainsaw or others that don't want to hear the real history of a great time in Yosemite and elsewhere along with filling in the holes in this story people have been interested for decades, but this wasn't the crime of the century and it's the folks that benefitted from hiking for dollars are in no risk of loosing face or homes, businesses, or the freedom they may enjoy now. History told in full and as accurate as possible is one of the fruits of our freedom we should all cherish. Censored history is so mundane, this story has many exiting, insightful things that will blow some minds.
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 24, 2005 - 12:48pm PT
Ballaroama, thanks for the support
Social climber
California Valley, California
May 24, 2005 - 03:13pm PT
Anyone who has ever loitered in the Valley long enough knows the story of J.L. & the 'dope plane' legend of Yosemite. There is a lot more slander & mudslinging going on various threads on this site, than what Rick could ever put in that book of his. And more power to you Rick (or Licky!), for doing more than most and actually doing something than just talking about it.
Oh, and Ballaroama-so eloquent, and to the point. You rock! Give these heathens the slap of reality!
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 24, 2005 - 03:22pm PT
Chainsaw, you didn't get your nic from ice carving did you?
Just saying? Let me know
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 24, 2005 - 06:15pm PT
I just spoke with the pilot's wife. She said I can publish her name to make the conversation easier. Its Pam.
Pam and I agree that in the book we'll be telling as much as possible about the events that led up to the date of the crash as well as what went on afterward from her perspective. As I've been hearing, no one has yet to be able to talk about where the plane was coming from or going to. That will all be told. It'll open many eyes.
As I relate some of the recent stories to Pam, she is actually saying, "This is getting to be fun." I'm glad she can have this kind of feeling after all of this time.
Keep 'em coming. If you know people and want to tell them what we're doing, please pass on my name, phone number or email addy.
Trad climber
May 25, 2005 - 10:14am PT
One funny tidbit from the lake during the frenzy. One guy was really new to the back-country having never set foot into the mountains in summer let alone winter, he didn't have a clue about how dangerous the ice was covering the lake. It was a week or so after it got really busy and he didn't know that many holes had already been cut and re-froze. He fell through the ice and was rescued by a Canadian that all at ST have heard of. Of course he didn't learn and fell through a couple times only to be rescued by myself and this famous valley climber that went on to write books that many here have read (not largo).
One more thing of interest is why there seems to be no FAA incident report for this crash. Did some of the LE that hauled their own loads before the general public found out cover-up this incident to cover their take ?? Did the DEA-FBI-NPSLE cover-up some of their shady activity?? Wouldn't be the first time we've heard of such stuff.
And just to set things straight, Jack Dorn wasn't murdered, he fell off the YFT to his death in an accident unrelated to the plane and the little black book. Jack was a really good guy and I miss him as much as I miss Yabo.
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 25, 2005 - 02:50pm PT
Ballorama...now THATS the kind of stuff we're looking for.
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 25, 2005 - 05:56pm PT
I will, thanks.
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 25, 2005 - 06:44pm PT
We have decided to not use anyone's real name in this book. It will be more comfortable for everyone and easier to keep track of.
can't say
Social climber
Pasadena CA
May 25, 2005 - 06:57pm PT
You need to make sure you get an earful of the bad juju that has happened to many of the participants after the fact.
people dying
serious injuries
major rip offs
So..who did end up with the Black Book???
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 25, 2005 - 07:10pm PT
I'm working on finding out about the black book as well what was in it. Not to keep it secret, I just don't have access to all of the facts right now. Stay tuned
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 25, 2005 - 07:41pm PT
Ok, here's the inside stuff on the "Black Book"
It was recovered but it was deemed illegible by the Feds.
What did it contain? Names, addresses, dates, money owed, money paid. All encrypted (remember, not too many people running around with high end laptops back in the mid-70's. Many wanted the book, but the Feds ended up with it.
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