I just was almost electrocuted...


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Jun 23, 2008 - 01:43am PT
we were up on matthes crest on saturday, brandon assuming we werein same storm. ended up retreating and downclimbing etc.
felt like there were bees in my helmet and cams shuddering.
hail etc and i was struggling with the cold, wind, hail.

any suggestions besides getting the F*#$ out of there asap, about such a situation? I backed off of the gear for a second, crouched, muttered some self-supportive words and promised myself they were not bees in my helmet.

stuff will happen and suggestions for future words of wisdom are wise. sounds liek a phd project..any willing research candidates?!

Trad climber
boulder, co.
Jun 23, 2008 - 09:05am PT
A smart practice is to pull your rope past your ear while coiling it. Listen to how much static electricity it puts off while doing this. The louder the static the greater the danger. Obviously this works much better with fuzzy slightly used ropes than it does with new slippery ropes. If your rope is crackling think about getting lower quickly!

Trad climber
Jun 23, 2008 - 11:06am PT
i'm no fan of electrickery, i got the sh#t zapped out of me by an electric fence at lumpy ridge the other day.


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